Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 162 Riding on a dragon to swim in the long river, the scaly frogs are aliens [Please subscri



Inside the Zhou Family Mountain Gate, all the Zhou Family cultivators who were unaware of this saw a scene that shocked them greatly.

I saw a green dragon with a length of more than ten feet rising in the wind, soaring and dancing over the Pagoda Peak, making bursts of dragon roars.

The previous gathering of storms and visions all appeared because of it.

At this moment, under the influence of the dragon's power released from the blue dragon, all the monster beasts in the Zhou Family Beast Garden trembled and fell to the ground, not daring to make any sound.

Many monks of the Zhou family are fighting against each other, and God takes it.

At this moment, the only ones who can still maintain the ability to think are, apart from the elders in the foundation building stage, there are only a handful of Zhou family monks in the late stage of Qi refining.

"Winds and clouds gathered together, and the dragon was born. Is this the clan leader's azure cloud python that turned into a dragon successfully?"

Zhou Jiacheng, who had failed to build the foundation before, was also one of the few sober people. He looked at the blue dragon in the sky with a shocked expression, and soon thought of its origin.

"Third-level dragon! This may be the most powerful spiritual pet cultivated by the monks of my Zhou family since the founding of the clan!"

Zhou Daoquan also looked at the blue dragon in the sky with twinkling eyes, his eyes full of shock and envy.

The Zhou family has produced several Golden Core monks in the past, but none of the spiritual pets of those Golden Core monks have been able to cultivate to the fourth level.

The third-level dragon is undoubtedly the king among the monsters of the same level, and few other monsters can match it.

It is actually not wrong to say that Zhou Daoyi's green dragon is the most powerful spiritual pet cultivated by the Zhou family since the founding of the clan.

Because as long as it is given time to continue to grow, it will definitely be able to bear this name.

"As expected of the powerful dragon clan, they are so powerful just after they have successfully transformed and evolved!"

On the top of the pagoda, Zhou Mingde looked at the soaring blue dragon in the sky, with a look of wonder in his eyes.

Just judging from the momentum, he felt that even if he went up with the Vulcan Jackal, he might not be the opponent of this blue dragon.

I guess this will be the case!

From now on, the most powerful person in the Zhou family will become the clan leader, Zhou Daoyi!

"Okay Qingqing, put away your pressure, this is not a place for you to have fun!"

Suddenly, a dull voice sounded from the top of the pagoda peak, and Zhou Daoyi's figure also rose into the sky, appearing beside the blue dragon.

After hearing his words, the green dragon let out a long roar and immediately flew into the spirit beast bag on his waist.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of many Zhou family monks, they immediately had no doubts about the origin of the blue dragon.

Then a sense of ecstasy suddenly surged from the hearts of these Zhou family monks, and their faces showed a look of joy from the bottom of their hearts.

As members of the spiritual beast Zhou family, they are certainly no strangers to the power of dragons.

A third-level dragon can not only provide strong combat support to the Zhou family, but can also continuously produce various dragon-blooded spiritual objects and even dragon-seed monsters for the family.

At that time, those who will benefit will be the entire Zhou family, and all their Zhou family monks!

"Today's matter must be kept absolutely confidential!"

"If I find out who is dishonest and leaks the news, I will definitely punish him severely!"

On the pagoda peak, the stern warning of Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde resounded through the gate of the Zhou family.

"Yes, we will obey the Supreme Elder's decree!"

Immediately, all the Zhou family monks bowed in the direction of Pagoda Peak and responded solemnly.

Although some of them don't understand why this matter should be kept secret, they all know that since even Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde has personally issued a confidentiality decree on this matter, it is best to keep their mouths shut and not violate the prohibition.

Not long after, the Zhou family's mountain-protecting formation, which had been briefly activated, returned to peace again.

The mountain gate of the Zhou family reopened again in the eyes of the casual cultivators who had not dispersed outside.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, what happened to your family before? Why did you suddenly drive us out in such a hurry?"

"Yes, yes, we all saw your family's mountain defense formation activated just now. Is there a strongman invading the Zhou family?"

Outside the reopened gate of Zhou Family Mountain, the casual cultivators who had not dispersed yet looked at the Zhou Family cultivators who appeared with questions on their faces and inquired about the situation.

However, they discovered that even though the Zhou family monks they saw looked good, they were in a good mood.

But in response to their inquiries and inquiries, they all responded with the word "no comment."

This deliberate concealment made their curiosity even more intense, and they all tried their best to get closer and pry out.

But this is destined to have no result.

I just received the warning from the family's supreme elder. No matter how loud-mouthed I am, I don't dare to forget it right now.

How dare you reveal the slightest bit of inside information.

And within a few days, news about the sudden appearance of the Zhou family in Jiufeng Ridge began to spread in a small area.

However, because the Zhou family acted decisively and quickly at that time, no one could guess the truth based only on the few words of the casual cultivators present.

After all, the transformation of the Azure Cloud Python into a green dragon is so amazing that most people would not even dare to think about it.

At this time, the three core senior executives of the Zhou family gathered together in Zhou Mingde's cave to discuss the next important matters.

"Now that the Qingyun Python has successfully transformed into a dragon, Dao Yi, do you have any plans regarding the construction site of the dragon's lair?"

In the cave, Zhou Mingde looked at Zhou Daoyi who looked happy in front of him, and first asked an important matter.

"This junior hasn't thought about it yet!"

Zhou Daoyi shook his head slightly, saying that he had not considered this matter yet.

Then he continued: "But judging from the situation inside the family's mountain gate, I'm afraid it's difficult to build this dragon's lair in the family!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Chun suddenly said: "Regarding this matter, this junior has a good suggestion."

"Oh, what do you think of Zhengchunyou?"

Zhou Mingde turned his gaze to Zhou Chun, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

He had previously had many doubts about whether Zhou Chun could take on the important role of the head of the Zhou family.

Coupled with what happened to Zhou Zhengkang, he always had a grudge in his heart.

Therefore, my previous sense of Zhou Chun was not as good as Zhou Daoyi's.

But as Zhou Chun was promoted to the deputy patriarch of the family, he took full charge of family affairs.

In just a few years, the Zhou family's population and wealth growth have been significantly stronger than before.

Moreover, the dedication and enthusiasm of the tribesmen can also be clearly seen to improve.

These facts in front of him made him no longer look at people through colored glasses, and he thought Zhou Chun was not doing a good enough job against his will.

Zhou Chun's previous speeches on many important matters related to the safety of the family made him even more impressed.

So now his sense of Zhou Chun has changed greatly. Every time the descendant of this family speaks, he will have a bit of expectation, expecting him to bring him more surprises.

At this moment, under the expectant gazes of Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Chun said slowly: "This junior believes that the pool where the family collected the poisonous stickleback mucus is very suitable for building the dragon's nest. The complex underground river below not only contains Rich food resources can also provide a well-hidden activity area for the green dragon!"

"Oh, is it the underground river where you got the relics of the monks from the Hualong Sect?"

Zhou Mingde's expression changed, and he immediately understood where Zhou Chun was talking about.

"Exactly there."

Zhou Chun nodded and confirmed his words.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde immediately nodded slightly and said: "In that case, Dao Yi, if you have time later, take Qingjiao and Zhengchun to explore there. If it is really suitable, our Zhou family can build a villa there." Come and cover up the existence of the dragon's lair!"

Obviously he also knew that there was no place suitable for building a dragon's nest inside the Jiufeng Ridge Mountain Gate of the Zhou family.

"Junior knows."

Zhou Daoyi responded, then looked at Zhou Chun.

He said slowly: "Zhengchun, I'm afraid that your transfer to the cultivation method will have to be delayed for a while, at least until the Supreme Elder comes back from completing the matter before we can start."

"It doesn't matter. It's taken several years to get here anyway, so it won't take more than a few months."

Zhou Chun shook his head and said he didn't care.

"That's it for the time being. Daoquan will also talk to him and tell him not to rush out for a long journey right away. We can wait until the dust settles on that big thing!"

"Calculating the time, I guess more detailed news will come from Lin Hongyu soon."

After Zhou Mingde finished speaking, he asked Zhou Chun and others to go back first.

A few days later, Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoyi left the Zhou family together and headed to the location of the underground river.

The two of them flew all the way and soon arrived at the waterhole.

"Is this here? It doesn't look very impressive from the outside!"

Beside the pool, Zhou Daoyi looked at the small mountain pool in front of him and couldn't help but show surprise when he recalled the magnificent underground river scene that Zhou Chun had once described.

"Clan leader, please go down with me and take a look and you will find out."

Zhou Chun didn't explain much, just smiled and asked him to go down with him for a look.

"Okay, let's go down and have a look."

After Zhou Daoyi finished speaking, he jumped into the pool with Zhou Chun and dived towards the underground river.

After entering the underground river and seeing the fast-flowing underground river, Zhou Daoyi also showed a look of surprise.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time this junior has come here after successfully building the foundation. How about taking advantage of you, the patriarch, and letting your green dragon lead us to explore the end point of this underground river?"

Zhou Chun looked at Zhou Daoyi with bright eyes and expressed his inner calculation.

He had experienced the feeling of flying on azure cloud python more than ten years ago, but he had never experienced riding a dragon before!

As for the third-level green dragon, obviously not everyone can ride it.

"You kid, I knew you insisted on bringing me here in person, and your purpose was not simple!"

Zhou Daoyi couldn't help but glare at Zhou Chun, already seeing through his intentions.

But he still didn't refuse his proposal. He immediately reached out and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released the green dragon.

When the green dragon came out, he saw that it was actually in the river, and his eyes showed joy.

When he learned that this trip was to help him find a place to build a dragon's lair, he became even more happy.

To be honest, after being promoted to the third level, he no longer had any interest in staying in a small place like Zhoujiajiu Fengling.

Living in that kind of place, it would feel very restricted, and it would be more comfortable than sleeping in a spirit animal bag.

Only the vast world of the outside world can allow it to release itself to its fullest.

Immediately, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun fell on the green dragon together, and then were carried downstream by it to the end of this underground river.

The dragon is originally the overlord of the water. The speed of the green dragon swimming in the river is no slower than flying in the air, and it is much more energy-saving.

The monsters living in this underground river cannot threaten its existence at all.

Therefore, it carried Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun down the river, covering thousands of miles in less than a day!

This result was something Zhou Daoyi and his wife had not expected in advance.

Neither of them expected that this underground river would be so long and its end point would be so far away.

Finally, when Qingjiao led the two of them out of the underground river and entered a vast swamp, looking at the stars in the sky, they both felt relieved.

"Phew, we're finally out. Traveling underground for thousands of miles is really uncomfortable!"

Above the breezy water, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun breathed the fresh air and looked at each other, feeling relieved.

“I don’t know which Daze this is, it’s probably not in Lanzhou anymore!”

Zhou Chun looked at the wide water below and began to recall the famous Daze in Jingguo Prefecture.

After Zhou Daoyi heard what he said, he immediately said aloud: "There are several great swamps in Yunzhou and Lianzhou, maybe they are in these two states!"

After saying that, he cast a spell and looked around, then pointed in a certain direction and said: "That's the land over there. Let's go there first and have a look. Maybe we can find someone to find out the news."

Zhou Chun certainly had no objection to this.

So Zhou Daoyi put away the green dragon, and the two of them flew towards the land together.

After flying close to each other, the two of them suddenly discovered that there were some wooden houses, stone castles and other buildings of different styles on the edge of the land, but there was no trace of fire in them.

Therefore, neither of them discovered these buildings before.

But when the two of them approached those buildings, their expressions suddenly changed after their spiritual consciousness swept over them.

"It has a human body with frog claws, a green face and a long tongue, and fish scales on its belly and back. All humans lay eggs. Their sound is like a frog's croaking. Their tribe is spread all along the Yuanze River. They are called the Scaled Frog Clan..."

Zhou Chun murmured to himself and suddenly recited a passage from a certain classic.

The so-called "scaled frogs" he called were the alien creatures living in the buildings on the shore.

That's right, the creatures living in those wooden and stone buildings were not the human fishermen they originally thought, but alien races like the "Scaleed Frog Tribe"!

"So this is Long Yuan Ze?"

Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoyi looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

First update today!

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