Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 163 Dilemma [Please subscribe]

Long Yuanze!

The end point of the underground river in Lanzhou is Long Yuanze!

This discovery immediately shocked Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems normal.

As the largest swamp in the surrounding countries, Longyuanze is the end point of the water systems of various countries.

The amount of water in that underground river is so large that if its end point were not a large swamp like Longyuanze, even if it could accommodate such a huge amount of water, it would have been discovered long ago.

But in this case, both Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun hesitated whether to let the green dragon build its nest there.

After all, Long Yuanze is the headquarters of the Jiaolong clan!

There are even fifth-level dragons in this vast Longyuanze!

If the green dragon builds its nest there, even though it is still thousands of miles away from Long Yuanze, there is no guarantee that it will not be discovered by the dragon clan of Long Yuanze in the future.

By that time, Qingjiao will probably be abducted by the dragon clan!

You must know that contracts such as the "Soul Controlling Blood Formation" are not irrevocable.

In fact, given that Qingjiao is now stronger than Zhou Daoyi, it can break free from the constraints of the contract on its own, although it will cost it a lot.

But as a spiritual pet hatched and raised by Zhou Daoyi from a snake egg, after so many years of getting along, it has long regarded Zhou Daoyi as its closest person.

What's more, it was able to turn into a dragon successfully, thanks to Zhou Daoyi's help.

So even though it now has that ability, it still has never thought about breaking away from the contract and leaving Zhou Daoyi.

However, if other dragons appear, fan the flames in front of it, or force it to the dragon clan's headquarters deep in Longyuan Ze.

Then everything will be hard to say!

And just when both of them were shocked and distressed by this discovery, the alien sentries of the scaled frogs by the river finally discovered the two human monks approaching in the night sky.

Guaguagua! !

Suddenly, there was a loud and harsh sound of frogs, just like the pond on that summer night.

I saw scaled frog aliens rushing out of the building with eight-figure steps, carrying weapons such as knives, forks, axes, and spears made from animal bones, stones, and wood.

Then they communicated through the croaking of frogs and looked up at the two human monks in the sky.

They obviously have the ability of night vision. Even in the dark night, their sight cannot be blocked, and they can clearly see the appearance of the two human monks.

And they seemed to hate and fear the existence of this kind of appearance. They screamed and waved weapons to demonstrate towards the two of them, but they did not dare to actually attack, even if they threw a stone symbolically.

Zhou Chun was also quite amused when he saw this.

My mind couldn't help but think of the records about these alien races in the classics.

The so-called alien races refer to intelligent races other than the human race.

That's right, the intelligent races in this world of immortal cultivation are not only the human race, but also many other intelligent alien races.

It's just that the human race is still the best in terms of wisdom and the most powerful.

And like various alien races, although they also have intelligence far higher than ordinary beasts, their strength is uneven.

Although some powerful alien races are not as powerful as the human race, they should not be underestimated. They occupy large areas of territory alone in some wilderness areas that have not been opened up by the human race, and claim to be kings.

Weak types of aliens, such as the scaled frog aliens that Zhou Chun saw now, can only rely on their talents to be good at water and struggle to survive in places like Long Yuanze where humans have never touched.

Their living conditions and situations they face are quite similar to those primitive and semi-primitive tribes in Zhou Chun’s previous life!

Many of these weak alien races are beings who are wantonly oppressed and enslaved by immortal cultivators.

Just like this alien race of scaled frogs, because they are good at diving and can collect rare treasures under deep water, some monks will tame and enslave them to hunt for treasures for themselves.

Of course, most of the time, the immortal cultivators would directly break into the tribe of scaled frogs and plunder the treasures they had accumulated over the years.

"There are also warlocks who have the power of magic among the alien tribe of scaled frogs. I wonder where the warlocks in this tribe are now?"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, and immediately released his spiritual consciousness to detect.

In this world, even ordinary beasts have the opportunity to transform into monsters and seek enlightenment, and other intelligent alien races can naturally do the same.

Among the scaled frog aliens, sometimes there are beings with the qualifications to practice. They can also become warlocks and master the ability to cast spells by practicing the methods exclusive to the scaled frogs.

Without the existence of these warlocks, the scaled frog alien race might have been completely wiped out long ago, even if their reproductive capabilities were more powerful than the human race.

At this time, under the detection of Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness, he quickly discovered three alien scaly frogs with mana in their bodies in a stone castle.

Judging from the aura, of these three scaled frog aliens, one is equivalent to a seventh-level monk in the human Qi refining stage, one is equivalent to a fifth-level monk in the Qi refining stage, and the third is only equivalent to a fourth-level monk in the Qi refining stage.

The three scaled frog aliens obviously understood the power of the two human monks in the air outside. They had been hiding in the stone castle and did not dare to go out, and their whole bodies were trembling.

What disappointed Zhou Chun was that although there were some elixirs and ores containing spiritual power in the stone castle, they were not precious and not worth plundering.

"Don't think about it. Judging from the appearance of these scaled frog aliens, they have obviously experienced plunder by other immortal cultivators. Maybe it was the people from Hualong Sect who did it."

Seemingly noticing Zhou Chun's little moves and understanding his inner thoughts, Zhou Daoyi couldn't help but shook his head and signaled him not to think too much.

Then he whispered: "This is not a place to stay for a long time. Let's go back first."

After discovering that the place he was in turned out to be the extremely dangerous Long Yuanze, Zhou Daoyi completely gave up the idea of ​​exploring around.

Now I just want to return to my family quickly and stay away from this dangerous place.

Although Zhou Chun was very curious about alien creatures like the scaled frog alien race, he wanted to observe and study more of this alien creature.

But I also know that now is not a good time.

I can only regret that Zhou Daoyi returned to the place where they came out, and asked Qingjiao to take him back to the family through the underground waterway.

After going upstream for another day, Qingjiao took Zhou Daoyi and the two of them back to the original pool.

When he left the pool, Zhou Chun could clearly feel the reluctance shown when the green dragon returned to Zhou Daoyi's spirit beast bag.

Obviously, the experience of swimming in the underground river made it feel very comfortable after it had just successfully transformed into a dragon.

Soon after, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun returned to the family, and then went to see the Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde to explain this wonderful journey underground.

"The end of the underground river actually leads directly to Longyuan Ze!"

"This is really shocking!"

In the cave, after Zhou Mingde listened to Zhou Daoyi's oral description of the journey to the underground river, he was shocked on the spot and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Until now, there were only three ways to get to Longyuanze: the river, the land, and the sky.

No one thought that there was a fourth way to Long Yuanze!

Moreover, this fourth road is more hidden, faster, and safer than the previous three roads.

When Zhou Mingde thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh: "What a pity! It's a pity that our Zhou family's strength is still too poor!"

"Otherwise, if we master such an underground secret passage that leads directly to Long Yuan Ze, as long as we can develop 12% of the rich spiritual resources in Long Yuan Ze, we can create a powerful force!"

Just look at the Hualong Sect to see how rich Long Yuanze is.

In the Hualong Sect more than 800 years ago, it can be said that 90% of the masters were wiped out, and most of the savings were taken away and divided up.

But just over eight hundred years later, Hualong Sect, backed by Long Yuanze, once again accumulated a huge fortune and had the power to challenge the entire Jingguo.

Therefore, Zhou Mingde's sigh is absolutely true.

Unfortunately, as he lamented, the Zhou family was still too weak and had not developed Long Yuanze's strength at all.

It doesn't even need the dragon clan in Long Yuanze to take action. Just the other powerful monsters living in it are enough to destroy the small Zhou family many times.

"Although Long Yuanze's resources cannot be developed for the time being, the discovery of this secret passage can be regarded as providing an escape route for the family."

"If the family really encounters the crisis of annihilation in the future, at least it can quickly get away from Jingguo through this channel!"

When Zhou Daoyi said this, he suddenly frowned.

Because he suddenly discovered that if this move was to be effective, the dragon's lair could only be built there.

Only by letting the third-order dragon guard this important waterway can we ensure that it is not discovered by outsiders.

Moreover, by building a nest there, the green dragon can also integrate the monsters in the underground river and turn them into a force that the Zhou family can use.

"What do you think, Dao Yi? Do you think the green dragon's lair is suitable to be built there?"

Zhou Mingde looked at Zhou Daoyi and asked about the construction of the dragon's lair.

Zhou Daoyi heard this and said in a deep voice: "I think it is not impossible to build the dragon's lair there, but in that case, it is best for me to live in seclusion there in the future, so as to ensure that nothing big happens!"

"Retreat in seclusion there?"

Zhou Mingde was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Isn't this appropriate? The cultivation environment there should not be as good as the family's."

"The environment is not as good as the family's, but if there are no juniors there to take charge at any time, the juniors are worried that Qingqing will enter Longyuanze alone, and the consequences will be unpredictable!"

Zhou Daoyi shook his head helplessly and expressed his concerns.

"Then don't make a decision in a hurry, and then look around the mountain gate to see if you can find a place more suitable for building a dragon's lair."

Zhou Mingde waved his hand, but still did not come to a conclusion easily.

Zhou Daoyi will also attack Zifu in the future. If he goes to such a remote place to practice in seclusion at this time, he doesn't know how much time will be wasted.

Even if it was not a last resort, Zhou Mingde still didn't want him to leave the family.

So in the next more than two months, Zhou Daoyi took Qingjiao around the Zhou family's mountain gate, looking for a suitable place.

But even Biyanze, which is thousands of miles away from Zhou's family, is not as suitable as the underground river in Qingjiao's eyes.

This also made Zhou Daoyi even more worried.

He knew in his heart that what Qingjiao really missed was probably not the underground river, but Long Yuanze, which he had visited before.

I think that since Long Yuanze can become the headquarters of the Jiaolong clan, there must be something that attracts the Jiaolong clan.

Since Qingjiao had been there and seen the vastness there, he naturally looked down upon ordinary water.

But in this case, Zhou Daoyi didn't dare to let it build a nest there.

He didn't want the third-level dragon that he had cultivated with so much hard work and huge cost to end up running away with someone else.

Such a blow would hurt him more than killing him.

And just when Zhou Daoyi was worried about how to appease and convince the green dragon to let it build its nest elsewhere, Lin Hongyu from the Hualong Sect finally received the latest information.

"The news has been confirmed. In half a month's time, the target will go to the family where he was born to attend the celebration alone. When he leaves the family, it is the best time to take action!"

In the cave, Zhou Mingde held the message and a map from Lin Hongyu, and handed them to Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun for review.

The two unfolded the map and saw that the location of the target's birth family was about 1,780 miles away from the Yunzhou border. In the middle was a dangerous wilderness, where there were still many human gathering places established by the Hualong Sect. .

"It's too far. According to the description on this map, even if the operation is successful, it will be a big problem to return to Jingguo safely!"

"There must be Golden Core Stage monks secretly stationed in the border area on the Hualong Sect's side, and they will definitely personally intercept and kill us!"

Zhou Daoyi shook his head, his face filled with worry expressing his inner worries.

"So the underground passage you discovered last time can be put to use this time."

As Zhou Mingde spoke, he pointed to a certain place on the map and said: "Look, you guys, this is Long Yuan Ze, which is less than five hundred miles away from the target's birth family. I can get there in one breath!"

"And even if the enemy gets the news at that time, they will definitely deploy heavy troops in the area near Yunzhou. By the time they come to their senses, we will have already entered Longyuan Ze."

Having said this, he looked up at Zhou Chun and Zhou Chun with a solemn expression and said, "So now we have to find out how far the exit of the underground river that flows into Long Yuanze is from the place on this map!"

Second update

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