Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 171 Special Ore Zhao Deyan’s Shock [Please subscribe]


Zhou Chun's eyes narrowed, and he immediately decided to take advantage of the situation and do this big deal.

The Zhao family in Cangzhou is a famous mining boss in Cangzhou and is extremely rich.

There is absolutely no need to worry that they won’t be able to pay.

Today he, Zhou Chun, will eat a big dog and have a fat year!

So with a thought, he asked Bai Bai to bite and drag the unconscious mutated gold-eating rat king out. He first formed a snake formation to trap it to prevent it from suddenly waking up and escaping.

Then he let Baibai sit on the spot and used it as a thunder and lightning fort, pouring down thunder and lightning to kill the gold-eating rats.

On Zhou Chun's side, even the rock turtles were released to join the battle.

They have one master and two servants, and they are frantically harvesting and killing the lives of gold-eating rats.

Poisonous smoke, electric shock, fire, piercing the heart...

Various inhumane ways of death were performed on the gold-eating rats.

In order to rescue the rat king, the poor gold-eating rats did not see through the sinister intentions of these executioners.

In the end, Zhou Chun himself and the Silver Lightning Python ran out of mana, and had to use the golden spike weapon to kill the mutated gold-eating rat king, thus scaring away the remaining rats.

The mutated gold-eating rat king must die!

Without seeing its body, the Zhao family would definitely not feel at ease and would not pay the Earth Spirit Stone Milk as a reward.

This kind of scourge that is extremely harmful to the mineral veins must be eliminated.

And there is no hope of being able to tame the king of a large monster beast like this.

So Zhou Chun had no intention of keeping it alive from the beginning.

At this time, he killed the rat king and dispersed the rat swarm. While Zhou Chun continued to take the [Rejuvenation Pill] to restore his mana, he began to count the number of dead gold-eating rats at the scene.

Not counting those unlucky rats that had no bones left, there were probably more than 3,760 gold-eating rat corpses left at the scene as evidence.

This doesn't even count the babies in the rat's nest.

Of course, the Zhao family would probably not be willing to give spirit coins to the corpse of the cub.

No matter how rich Mr. Zhao is, he doesn't spend it like this!

Zhou Chun is not greedy, as long as the corpses of other gold-eating rats can be paid truthfully, he will be satisfied.

Hiss (hungry)

Just when Zhou Chun was estimating how many spirit coins he could earn this time, the silver lightning python suddenly cried out that he was hungry.

"Go and eat as much as you want!"

Zhou Chun smiled slightly and signaled that he could eat as much as he wanted.


Bai Bai, who received Zhou Chun's approval, immediately rushed out with a happy neigh.

Naturally, it looked down upon the burnt and electric-dried carcasses of gold-eating rats, so it directly followed the complex rat tunnels in the rat nest, and guided by its sense of smell, it got into the stone cave where the cubs were, one by one. ate happily.

Based on the size of this nest of gold-eating rats, the number of babies in the rat nest is probably hundreds or even thousands, which is enough for it to eat.

But Zhou Chun released his spiritual consciousness at this time and searched for the gold-eating rat's storage room.

Ordinary rats have the habit of collecting winter food, and gold-eating rats naturally also have the habit of collecting food.

They dug a large storage room inside the rat nest to store food and the excavated spiritual gold ore.

Zhou Chun naturally didn't care about the food, but the spiritual gold ore was valuable.

In fact, this was also an important reason why he followed.

If you don't come down in person, even if you discover the storage rooms where the spiritual gold ore is stored, you won't get any benefits at all.

Just like when he helped Hu Changyou destroy the group of gold-eating rats before, he could only capture the rat king.

After switching to "Jin Ding Xuan Gong", Zhou Chun was also quite sensitive to gold energy, so he quickly found the storage room where spiritual gold ore was stored.

As he expected, this storage room contained a lot of spiritual gold ore, most of which were produced from the Zhao family's glorious gold iron ore vein.

He checked the quantity and found that he might not be able to hold the spiritual minerals in just one storage bag.

Fortunately, he was prepared for this and had two empty storage bags hidden on his body.

At this time, he unceremoniously expanded the entrance to the storage room and packed all the spiritual gold ores inside into storage bags.

The two empty storage bags were almost full before Zhou Chun emptied the storage room.

After loading so many ores, the storage bag is heavy and full of solid feeling.

However, Zhou Chun did not end the search for the rat nest, and released his spiritual consciousness to slowly explore the stone rooms inside, looking for the "palace" of the mutated gold-eating rat king.

After careful detection, Zhou Chun immediately found a stone chamber whose interior space was much larger than ordinary stone chambers.

As expected, there are also a lot of spiritual gold ores piled in this stone room, and the quality is much better than the ores Zhou Chun packed from the storage room before.

However, it was not easy to get to that stone room. Zhou Chun could only recover his mana first.

After he recovered a lot of mana, he took out his magic weapon and started digging.

With the ready-made rat path as a guide, Zhou Chun dug out a passage more than ten feet deep that led directly to the stone chamber in almost half an hour.

"Hey, these are..."

Zhou Chun, who had dug up the nest of the mutated gold-eating rat king, was slightly stunned at this moment, astonished by a new discovery.

It turned out that in addition to Yaojin iron ore and other spiritual gold ores, he also discovered another extremely special thing at this time.

That thing looks somewhat similar to Yaojin iron ore, but it also contains rich Wutu spiritual power.

Zhou Chun didn't even know the origin of this kind of thing!

But at this time, he remembered the Earth Escape Technique that the Mutated Gold-Eating Rat King had used before. It was the iconic Earth Escape Technique.

"Could it be that the Mutated Gold-eating Rat King ate this kind of ore and successfully mutated his bloodline and advanced to the second level?"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed with color, and he made a bold guess.

As far as he knew, for low-level monsters such as gold-eating rats with poor bloodline, if they want to advance to the second or even third level, they can basically only rely on bloodline mutation.

The Zhou family has been taming monsters for more than a thousand years. In the history of the family, there are also people who have established a deep relationship with their spiritual pets. Later, when they succeeded in building a foundation, they tried every means to find various rare spiritual objects to purify the blood of spiritual pets with poor bloodlines. I hope he can advance to the second level with this.

But except for a few demonic beasts with mutated bloodlines that succeeded occasionally, the rest of the demonic beasts failed without exception.

Therefore, the Zhou family came to the conclusion.

If the blood in the body is not mixed with the blood of other powerful monsters, it will be difficult for ordinary low-level monsters to break the shackles of blood and advance to a higher level.

At present, the only solution is bloodline mutation!

However, bloodline mutation cannot be reproduced at all. Even if it is the same kind of monster and uses the same spiritual object, if one mutates successfully, the other may not mutate successfully.

So mutation is purely an act of luck.

Fortunately, most low-level monsters may be more or less mixed with the blood of some intermediate monsters or even high-level monsters.

Therefore, as long as these monsters take certain spiritual objects to stimulate the bloodlines of higher-level monsters in their bodies, they will have the opportunity to stimulate the growth of those originally weak bloodlines and complete the resonance and sublimation with the main bloodline.

Just like Zhou Chun's spiritual pet, the Rock Turtle, its bloodline is mixed with the bloodline of the intermediate monster, the Earth Turtle, and even the bloodline of the high-level monster, the Mountain Turtle.

As long as Zhou Chun finds earth spirit stone milk, five-turn earth spirit mushrooms and other spiritual objects that contain pure earth spiritual power and lets him take them, he will have a chance to stimulate the awakening of those blood vessels and help the rock earth turtle complete its evolution.

But the species of gold-eating rats is a species of monster beasts with relatively stable bloodlines, and their bodies rarely contain the bloodline of other monster beasts.

Generally, this kind of monster beast population with relatively stable bloodline has some notable characteristics, that is, they reproduce quickly, their lifespan is not very long, and they must be led by a king.

Therefore, if they want to break the shackles of bloodline individually, they can only rely on bloodline mutation.

But Zhou Chun was not sure whether it was what he had guessed, so he could only carefully collect the special ore.

Their number is neither too much nor too little, about thirty or fifty kilograms.

After collecting all the spiritual gold ore from the mutated gold-eating rat king's lair, Zhou Chuncai reunited with Baibai, the silver lightning python who had returned from eating, and let him lead him back the way he came.

"Come out, come out!"

On the ground, when the white head of the silver lightning python stretched out of the hole first, there was an exclamation on the ground.

When Zhou Chunye came out, he saw the Zhao family monk who had brought him here before, looking at him with surprise on his face.

But Zhao Deyan is no longer here at this time.

"How's it going? Fellow Daoist Zhou, have you succeeded?"

As soon as Zhou Chung got up from the ground and stood firm, the Zhao family monk looked at him expectantly and asked about the result.

After hearing the sound, he smiled faintly, reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out the body of the mutated gold-eating rat king on the spot.

As soon as he saw the corpse of this golden giant rat, which was obviously much larger than the ordinary gold-eating rat, and the aura remaining on its body, the Zhao family monk's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted in surprise: "It is indeed a mutated gold-eating rat. The corpse of the Rat King!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he hurriedly bowed his hands to Zhou Chun and said: "Thank you, fellow Taoist Zhou, for helping me eradicate this beast from the Zhao family. I will go and report your contribution to the elders."

Seeing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but said: "Fellow Daoist Zhao, it's best to ask Senior Zhao to bring a few more low-level monks and some storage bags, because there are still many gold-eating rat corpses in the rat nest that need to be cleaned up."

The monks from the Zhao family who heard his words had not yet realized the profound meaning of his words.

He just agreed: "No problem, Zhao will tell the truth to the elders."

Then he hurriedly flew back to report the news.

At this time, Zhou Chun did not put away the body of the silver lightning python and the mutated gold-eating rat king on the ground. He just changed his clothes to get rid of the stench of rat droppings on his body and waited on the spot.

After waiting like this for less than half an hour, Zhao Deyan came over with the Zhao family monk and three Qi Refining Stage monks.

As soon as Zhao Deyan landed, Zhou Chun took two steps forward and saluted: "I have met Senior Zhao. Fortunately, this junior has lived up to his command and has successfully completed the senior's commission."

Hearing his words, Zhao Deyan couldn't help but look at the mutated gold-eating rat king's corpse on the ground.

Then he nodded with great satisfaction and said, "Very good. Fellow Daoist Zhou is indeed a capable person. I am worthy of Fellow Daoist Hu's high regard and repeated invitations!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a sealed jade altar, and handed it to Zhou Chun.

"This contains the Earth Spirit Stone Milk that Fellow Daoist Zhou wants. Fellow Daoist can verify its authenticity now."

"That junior is presumptuous."

Zhou Chun responded and immediately opened the lid of the jade altar and inspected it.

Inside the small jade jar, I saw a jar of mud-yellow lotion, which smelled of a strange fragrance.

He stretched out his fingers to dip a few drops from it and put it into his mouth to taste it. He immediately nodded and said, "Yes, it is indeed Earth Spirit Stone Milk, and the quality is excellent."

"As long as Fellow Daoist Zhou is satisfied."

Zhao Deyan smiled slightly, then looked at the mutated gold-eating rat king's corpse on the ground and said, "Does Fellow Daoist Zhou want this mutated gold-eating rat king's body? If not, Zhao can offer a thousand spiritual coins. Acquire it.”

"This beast is a mutated monster. It is of some research value to my family. If I want to take it back for research, I can only apologize to Senior Zhao."

When Zhou Chun said this, he immediately bowed his hand and apologized.

Seeing this, Zhao Deyan couldn't help but shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, Zhao just said it casually. Since Fellow Daoist Zhou is of use to him, just keep it."

As he spoke, he looked at the entrance of the rat hole again, and continued: "Fellow Daoist Zhou said that there are a large number of gold-eating rat corpses down there that need to be collected. I wonder how many there are?"

"There must be about three to four thousand of them!"

Zhou Chun replied in a low voice, his voice was very small.

"What? How many did you say?"

Zhao Deyan's eyes narrowed and he looked at Zhou Chun.

Seeing him like this, Zhou Chun also lowered his head with a guilty conscience, and continued to whisper: "According to this junior's own estimation, there should be more than 3,700, only more, not less."

"Three to four thousand gold-eating rat corpses, Zhou Daoyou is really good at it, good at it!!"

Zhao Deyan twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at Zhou Chun with strange eyes. At this moment, he had thoughts of murder and silence.

He had already understood Zhou Chun's meaning when he heard the Zhao monk relay Zhou Chun's words.

But he didn't expect that in addition to killing the mutated gold-eating rat king, Zhou Chun also prepared such a big "surprise" for himself.

Based on the calculation of three spirit coins for one gold-eating rat corpse, there are more than 3,700 gold-eating rat corpses, which is a bounty of more than 11,000 spirit coins!

Of course it's not that the Zhao family can't come up with the money.

But such a sum of money only resulted in a pile of gold-eating rat carcasses of little use, which was undoubtedly a big loss!

How could Zhou Chun fail to understand the meaning of the words "good skills" in Zhao Deyan's words?

At that moment, he could only reply in a low voice: "Ashamed, ashamed. I originally wanted to wipe out all the rats, but I was not strong enough and ended up losing thousands of them!"

"How many thousands more escaped?"

Zhao Deyan was also stunned when he heard this.

Then the thought of killing people and silencing them disappeared.

He already understood what Zhou Chun meant.

Although the rat infestation has been eliminated now, those gold-eating rats that escaped may not cause new rat infestations in the future.

At that time, in order to get rid of the rat infestation as quickly as possible at the minimum cost, the Zhao family might have to find Zhou Chun again to kill the rats.

This alone is not worth embarrassing Zhou Chun for this little money now.

Not to mention Zhou Chun's family is not a small family.

So he quickly clapped his hands to Zhou Chun and said, "Good kill, good kill! Don't worry, fellow Daoist Zhou, as long as there is a corpse as proof, we will reward you with three spirit coins for each gold-eating rat corpse." We do what we say!"

After saying that, he ordered the three Qi Refining Stage monks who had been brought over: "Now take the storage bags and go down to collect the corpses, and move out all the gold-eating rat corpses inside."

Upon hearing his words, the three Qi Refining Stage monks quickly responded in unison.

And Zhou Chun also said at the right time: "Juniors let their spiritual pets help them lead the way and protect the law."

Then they asked the three of them to imitate their own method of getting down into the hole, and were dragged down by the silver lightning python in vain.

Recommend a friend's new book "Beast Control: I Can See the Evolutionary Plan". This is a world where human beings control extraordinary lives and are constantly evolving.

Animals, plants, elves, machines, even mountains, rivers, everything can give birth to life and continue to evolve.

However, evolution is extremely difficult.

While others were still working hard to find ways to evolve their pet beasts, various tailor-made evolution plans had already appeared in front of Han Chen's eyes.

[Race Name]: Little Civet

[Racial Level]: Low

[Evolution Plan 1]: Feed 100ML fire attribute energy liquid every day for twenty days, master the move "Fire Bullet", and supplement it with sunflowers and fire attribute energy crystals at noon to evolve into a medium race "Flame Cat".

[Evolution Plan 2]: Feed with high nutrients every day, exercise your body, master the move "Giant Power" can evolve into a medium-race 'big civet'.

[Evolution Plan 3]: Baptize it with the Holy Crystal for fifteen days, and then swallow it... to evolve into a higher race 'Holy Spirit Cat'.

[Evolution Plan 4...]

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