Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 172 Making a lot of money! The evolution plan of the rock turtle【Please subscribe】

There were nearly four thousand carcasses of gold-eating rats. Even if many of them died due to electric shock and their size had shrunk a lot, it would not be an easy task to transport them all.

Three Qi Refining Stage monks went down, came up, and went down again. It took two trips back and forth to transport all the corpses up.

Fortunately, there were silver lightning pythons dragging them up and down. Otherwise, if they had to rely on themselves, everyone would probably fall down from exhaustion.

In the end, after a unified count on the ground, a total of 3,937 gold-eating rat carcasses were brought up, which was more than Zhou Chun estimated.

This was because the body of the gold-eating rat he had killed on the way down was also collected later.

"Let's just say it's 3,900, and the rest will be considered as the hard work of these three fellow Taoists."

Zhou Chun waved his hand and wiped away the change very proudly.

Zhao Deyan, who was watching this kind of generous behavior, twitched his eyes slightly and cursed in his heart.

He asked just now.

Originally, the three monks in the Qi Refining Stage wanted to keep some corpses of gold-eating rats down there.

Unexpectedly, if they didn't collect the corpses, the Silver Lightning Python would not take them up. Not only would they not take them up, but they would also block the way up to prevent them from coming up.

It’s so bullying!

This really makes the Zhao family look like wealthy locals!

At this time, he also said with a dark face: "Three thousand nine hundred gold-eating rat corpses are equivalent to eleven thousand seven hundred spiritual coins. Such a large amount of spiritual coins cannot be taken out by Zhao now, and he has to return them." The family has to withdraw the money, and Fellow Daoist Zhou may have to wait for two days."

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately nodded and said: "I understand, I understand, this junior can still afford to wait at this time."

"so be it!"

Zhao Deyan tossed his sleeves and left immediately.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun was satisfied and returned to the Zhao family mining camp to rest.

Two days later, Zhao Deyan found him and threw several sacks in front of him.

"These bags contain 11,700 spiritual coins. Fellow Daoist Zhou, please count them."

One spirit coin weighs almost half a pound, and more than 10,000 spirit coins alone weigh more than 500 kilograms.

If it were a mortal, he wouldn't be able to take away even if he were given so many spiritual coins.

Zhou Chun was not polite to Zhao Deyan at this time, and seriously counted them one by one with his spiritual consciousness.

After finally confirming that it was correct, he nodded with a smile on his face and said, "Yes, the number is completely correct. Thank you, Senior Zhao."

After speaking, he bowed his hand to Zhao Deyan to express his gratitude.

However, Zhao Deyan waved his hand and said: "Since the number matches, fellow Taoist Zhou should quickly collect his things and go home. Otherwise, if he stays for a long time, once the news is leaked, he will inevitably be targeted by the bad guys!"

"This is what this junior thinks."

Zhou Chun responded, saluted again and said, "Then I won't bother Senior Zhao anymore, so I'll take my leave."

"Goodbye Zhou Dao, let's go."

Zhao Deyan said and watched Zhou Chun leave the camp.

In fact, in general, although Zhou Chun caused a lot of blood to the Zhao family this time.

But compared to the threat of the mutant gold-eating rat king to the Yaojin iron veins, this loss is completely within their tolerance.

After all, the net profit brought to the Zhao family by this Yaojin iron ore vein is tens of thousands of spiritual coins in a year.

Now that Zhou Chun has eliminated the mutant gold-eating rat king and the large number of gold-eating rats he gathered, he will not have to worry about the mine being threatened by rats for at least ten years.

From now on, as long as the Zhao family invests more money in controlling rat infestations, they may not encounter rat infestations again until the Yaojin iron ore veins are exhausted.

Therefore, it is impossible to say that Zhao Deyan has any hatred for Zhou Chun.

A mere 10,000 spirit coins is a huge amount of money for a monk in the foundation building stage, but it is not that meaningful to a monk in the purple mansion stage.

Therefore, Zhou Chun's journey back was smooth, and he did not encounter anyone sent by the Zhao family to attack him.

Just as he thought, a Jindan family still needs this face.

After returning to Jiufeng Ridge safely and smoothly, Zhou Chun breathed a sigh of relief and smiled broadly.

This trip to Cangzhou was undoubtedly a huge profit for him!

Not to mention the Earth Spirit Stone Milk, which was difficult to buy easily even with spirit coins, the more than 10,000 spirit coins collected from the Zhao family alone was a huge sum of money.

With such a huge sum of money at his side, if he encounters something that makes him excited in the future, he will no longer have to worry about not having enough money.

"It's true that small money depends on hard work, and big money depends on fate!"

"For ordinary foundation-building monks, if they work hard for a year, it would be good if they could earn more than a thousand spirit coins. If they can save half of it after expenses, it would be considered great."

“If you want to make big money, you still have to be lucky!”

Zhou Chun couldn't help but express his feelings, feeling filled with emotion.

However, luck also needs to be supported by strength, and you have to be hard-working.

If you are not strong enough, even if the opportunity comes, you may not be able to seize it.

Therefore, as an immortal cultivator, it is the most important thing to improve your cultivation strength at any time.

After returning to the family in this way, Zhou Chun handed back the useless Vulcan Jackal and talked about his experience in Cangzhou.

As he spoke, when he talked about the unexpected discovery he made after killing the mutated gold-eating rat king and searching the rat king's lair, he reached out and patted the storage bag and took out two things.

"This is the mutated gold-eating rat king's body and the special ore. I don't know this thing, so I would like to ask the elder to help me take a look."

There were several pieces of golden ore, and the corpse of a giant golden rat covered in golden fur.

Zhou Mingde looked at these two objects and quickly moved his hand to capture a palm-sized piece of ore in his hand.

After holding the ore and looking at it carefully, he nodded thoughtfully and said: "If I read it correctly, this should be the result of the Yaojin Iron Ore's sudden change after absorbing the rich earth element spiritual power. mutated ore.”

"Didn't you say that the location of the rat nest is close to the earth vein node? It is very likely that these mutated ores are formed by the Yaojin iron ore being nourished by the power of the earth vein for a long time at the earth vein node."

Having said this, Zhou Mingde glanced at the corpse of the mutated gold-eating rat king again, and said softly: "The gold-eating rat can originally improve its cultivation strength by swallowing spiritual gold ores. This mutated gold-eating rat king must be After swallowing and digesting a large amount of this mutated ore, my own bloodline mutated, thus breaking the shackles of my bloodline."

When Zhou Chun heard what he said, his expression suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but ask: "The junior rock turtle can also swallow some ores, so can it also swallow the remaining mutated ores?"

When Zhou Mingde heard this, he was slightly startled, then nodded and said: "You can let it swallow a small piece and try it first. If it can really digest it and benefit from it, you can give it a try!"

"Junior understands, thank you, the Supreme Elder, for clearing up the confusion!"

Zhou Chun thanked him and couldn't wait to say goodbye. He returned to his residence and started experimenting.

As soon as he returned to his residence, he called the rock turtle out.

"Here comes the stone, open your mouth."

In the yard, Zhou Chun reached out and touched the rock turtle's head. After it opened its mouth, he directly threw a fist-sized piece of mutated ore into its mouth and let it try to digest it.

After the rock turtle swallowed the ore alive, he asked in a low voice: "How does it feel? Can it be digested?"

The rock turtle immediately nodded slightly and answered through spiritual contact.

It can be digested, but the digestion rate is very slow.

"It doesn't matter if you take it slow. You need to digest this ore first to see the effect. Don't eat the Earth Spirit Stone Milk yet."

Zhou Chun patted the spiritual pet's head and let it lie down in the yard to digest slowly. Then he entered the room and disposed of the mutated gold-eating rat king's body.

He said he wanted to study the corpse, which was naturally false.

How this mutated gold-eating rat king mutated is basically very clear, and there is nothing to study.

Zhou Chun was mainly interested in the mutated gold-eating rat king's fur.

Because this mutated gold-eating rat king was stunned first and then crucified, except for the rear buttocks which had been scratched and damaged by "Flying Dragon Snatcher" before, the appearance of its fur was very complete.

Such complete fur is very suitable for making robes.

Zhou Chun planned to peel off this rat skin and ask someone to make him a rat skin coat!

I saw him doing it himself and quickly peeling off a complete rat skin.

After a little cleaning, the peeled off rat skin looks like a work of art, beautiful and dazzling.

After Zhou Chun held it up and looked at it, he put it into the storage bag with satisfaction.

Then he knocked out the large gold teeth of the mutated gold-eating rat king. These are also very good materials for refining weapons. Maybe they can be refined into buttons for robes.

Zhou Chun rewarded the remaining flesh and bones to the silver lightning python Baibai. After all, it had a role to play!

After distributing the harvest in this way, Zhou Chun handed over the harvested spiritual gold ore to the family and exchanged it for the family's good deeds.

After collecting more than 10,000 spiritual coins from the Zhao family, he did not take much notice of the benefits that these spiritual gold ores could exchange for.

After that, Zhou Chun's life pattern returned to the way it was before going to Cangzhou. Apart from practicing and handling family affairs every day, he practiced secret techniques.

Now Zhou Chun spends his free time after daily practice practicing a secret technique recorded in the outer chapter of "Jin Ding Xuan Gong".

This secret technique is called "Flowing Golden Rainbow", and it is an extremely unique secret technique.

What's unique about it is that it can be used to attack and defend, as well as to escape.

Once this technique is practiced, a group of special spiritual power can be cultivated and condensed in the Dantian. When used, it can be transformed into a golden rainbow light to attack the enemy's defense and escape.

It is used for attacks, it can crack the ground and open mountains, and is extremely sharp.

Used as a defense, it is indestructible to water and fire.

Used for escaping, it can be wrapped around the body and carry people away at extremely fast speeds, several times faster than air-control flying.

This powerful and versatile secret technique can only be successfully practiced by monks like Zhou Chun with extremely high quality of magic power.

If it were an ordinary foundation-building cultivator, even if he had the secret cultivation method, he would not have the training conditions.

But it is also extremely difficult to practice this technique.

Zhou Chun has been practicing for a month, but he hasn't found any clues and his progress is very slow.

Fortunately, his strength is not weak now, so he is not too anxious about it, and his mentality is very stable.

Almost three months after returning from Cangzhou, the rock turtle finally digested the mutated ore it swallowed.

"You said you feel like your bloodline is more active? Are you sure you're not wrong?"

In the yard, Zhou Chun looked at the rock turtle with a surprised expression, and was surprised and delighted by its response.

Originally, I just wanted to give it a try, but I didn't expect that the mutated ore would actually have an effect on the rock turtle.

This made him have a little more fantasy.

Since the gold-eating rat has swallowed the mutated ore, it can mutate into the mutated gold-eating rat king.

Can the rock-earth turtle also have bloodline mutations due to this?

Obviously, compared with normal breakthrough evolution, bloodline mutation evolution is more powerful.

Generally, the upper limit of the potential of monsters after bloodline mutation will be increased, and there is still the possibility of continuing to mutate for a second time or even a third time in the future.

At the same time, this mutation will also make the monster beast's strength much stronger after its evolutionary breakthrough than its normal breakthrough and evolution.

If the rock turtle can really evolve through bloodline mutation, then its future achievement potential may not be much worse than the silver lightning python.

Thinking of this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but look at the rock turtle with bright eyes and said: "Stone, how about we take a gamble?"

"I'll feed you all the remaining mutated ores and earth spirit stone milk at once, and then bury you in the earth veins under Jiufeng Ridge, and you can sleep peacefully there using the turtle breath method!"

That’s it!

Zhou Chun quickly found the Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde and expressed his thoughts.

After hearing his idea, Zhou Mingde also felt that he could give it a try.

So the two of them found Zhou Chongshan, the formation master in the family, and he led them to find the earth vein node under Jiufeng Ridge, and then buried the rock-earth turtle that had swallowed dozens of kilograms of ore and earth spirit stone milk in it. .

After the rock turtle, which looked like a stone and had no breath left, was completely buried in the soil, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but sigh to Zhou Chun: "If we can really succeed this time, then what will happen to you, Zhengchun?" The future potential of rock turtles is limitless, and maybe it can open up a new route for the family to cultivate monsters like rock turtles!"

"I hope it will succeed!"

Zhou Chun sighed softly, things were coming to an end, but he was no longer as confident as before.

In the following time, Zhou Chun also continued to practice secret techniques at home while waiting for good news from Rock Turtle.

After more than five months of practice, Zhou Chun has almost touched the threshold of the "Flowing Golden Rainbow" secret technique, and feels that it won't be long before he can initially successfully practice this secret technique.

But before Zhou Chun could master the secret technique of "Flowing Golden Rainbow", he had to go out again.

It turned out that the Zhou family got the news that an underground auction was about to be held in Donglingfang City over Lingzhou, and Foundation Establishment Pills might leak out.

Now the third elder of the Zhou family, Zhou Daoquan, is not in the family, and the second elder Zhou Chongshan cannot move lightly. Only the patriarchs Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun are suitable for such cross-state transactions.

But Zhou Daoyi's green dragon was inconvenient to take out for a walk, lest its existence be exposed after a battle.

So Zhou Chun could only take Vulcan Jackal to Lingzhou.

"Donnglingfang City? I wonder if we can find an opportunity to fish out Master Jiang this time!"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed as he took over the task, and he couldn't help but think of the loss he suffered a few years ago.

Tired! Since it was released, I have been updating 8,000 words every day with high intensity. I haven’t had a day off, and I feel that the state is not good! But there is no other way. This book is really forced to a dead end. It must produce results, so I can only grit my teeth and persevere. I will update it twice a day with 8,000 words, and I will definitely do it!

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