Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 274 There is something strange, a three-purple mansion [please subscribe]

People feel refreshed when happy events occur.

Every happy event that happened in the Zhou family made Zhou Chun, the patriarch, feel mentally happy.

The smiles he has shown in the past few years are much more than before.

In such a good mood, he almost forgot about another troubling matter.

Until that happened again.

On this day, Zhou Chun, who returned to his residence to rest, was suddenly invited to the room by Su Yuzhen.

In the room, Su Yuzhen made Zhou Chun a cup of tea, then looked at him and said, "Counting the time, it has been two years since Yuzhen came to Zhou's family. I wonder if Zhou Chun is ready now? "

be prepared?

Zhou Chun was stunned at first, and then quickly understood what Su Yuzhen was talking about.

To be honest, if Su Yuzhen hadn't mentioned it now, he might have forgotten about it.

And maybe it was the effect of time, but when he recalled this incident, he no longer felt very conflicted in his heart.

Probably because of the two years of getting along, he discovered that he actually didn't dislike Su Yuzhen at all!

Time is indeed a good medicine in many cases.

Things that people care about for a certain period of time, but when they are mentioned after a while, people no longer feel that caring.

Anyway, after Zhou Chun took a sip of tea, he nodded to Su Yuzhen calmly and said, "There is no problem with Zhou here. Miss Su, when do you want to start?"

"After seven days, Brother Zhou, you can find someone to take over the family affairs in the past few days. You may also have to practice in seclusion for a month or two."

Su Yuzhen looked at Zhou Chun and whispered the specific start time.

"Zhou understands."

Zhou Chun responded, drank the remaining tea in the cup, stood up and left the room.

The seven days passed quickly.

On this day, after Zhou Chun arranged everything, he returned to his yard, activated the formation and put up a sign for retreat.

In the room, Su Yuzhen was also ready.

When Zhou Chun walked into the room with a slightly complicated mood, he saw that Su Yuzhen had taken off her clothes and was lying on the bed, her eyes closed tightly as if she was asleep.

Seeing this scene, his breathing couldn't help but stagnate.

Then he gritted his teeth and strode towards the bed.

When it comes to sexual intercourse, Su Yuzhen is undoubtedly a real novice, completely stuck in some theories.

But when she really entered the state under Zhou Chun's guidance and development, she immediately took the initiative.

This is because the "Su Nu Xuan Gong" she practices is equivalent to a dual cultivation method.

In the process of dual cultivation, she also instinctively operated this technique and took the initiative in dual cultivation.

During the entire process of dual cultivation, she was like a bottomless pit, constantly absorbing Zhou Chun's magic power.

It is strange to say that Zhou Chun's overbearing and powerful golden soup magic power was extremely difficult for even him to bear at the beginning.

However, after this kind of mana was absorbed by Su Yuzhen, it was easily accommodated by her, and she was never harmed in the slightest.

And these mana circulated in her body, and after returning to Zhou Chun's body, it turned out to be more pure and restrained.

This discovery surprised Zhou Chun, and he completely put down his worries.

In the next three months, Zhou Chun and Su Yuzhen practiced double cultivation more than ten times.

In this dual cultivation process, both of them benefited a lot.

Needless to say, Su Yuzhen, as the leading party in the process of dual cultivation, has raised her own magic power to the limit of the late stage of foundation building after receiving the magic power of Zhou Chun's pure gold.

After Zhou Chun obtained her Yuan Yin power through dual cultivation, her cultivation level also improved slightly. The effect of three months of cultivation was almost as good as three years.

On this day, the two of them finished their double cultivation again. After each had finished meditating, Su Yuzhen took the initiative to say goodbye.

She raised her hand to lift her loose hair. After tying up her loose long hair, she bowed to Zhou Chun and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist Zhou, for your help these days. Now that I have completed my work, I want to go back first." The family is trying to open up the Zi Mansion."

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun couldn't help but be stunned.

Then he looked at the female cultivator in front of him, who had had double cultivation with him more than ten times, and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but no sound came out.

In the end, he just sighed softly: "Then I wish Miss Su that she will get her wish and be successful!"

After saying that, he stood up and left the room.

Not long after, the sound of Su Yuzhen leaving the yard reached Zhou Chun's ears in the master bedroom.

He stood in front of the window and looked at the departing figure, his mind filled with images of the two of them being entangled in the past three months.

Somehow, he clearly had no feelings for Su Yuzhen.

But when the two of them were alone in a room, he couldn't help but want to have something happen with each other.

"Some are weird, some are weird!"

Zhou Chun calmed down and felt that this matter was very strange. He might have fallen into the trap unknowingly.

But no matter how he checked himself, he found nothing abnormal.

And every time he practiced dual cultivation, although he was a little intoxicated in the enjoyment, his vigilance was never completely eliminated. If Su Yuzhen had used any method on him at that time, he would not have noticed it at all.

Zhou Chun is still very confident in his own consciousness and will.

So after thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, so he temporarily suppressed the weird thoughts and returned his life to normal.

Not long after, another member of the Zhou family collected 5,000 points of family merit and successfully exchanged a Foundation Establishment Pill from Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun is still familiar with this clan member. It is Zhou Jiafei, the monk of the "family" generation who once led him back to the Zhou family.

Zhou Jiafei was already over sixty at this time. In order to collect the 5,000 points of good family merit, he begged his grandfather and grandmother everywhere, and even took concubines and gave birth to six or seven children.

At this time, after switching from Zhou Chun's hand to the Foundation Establishment Pill, he didn't wait for a moment and quickly entered the retreat room on the Pagoda Peak to retreat.

However, I don't know if this too eager mood harmed him.

More than three months later, after failing to build the foundation, he walked out of the closed room with a look of despair on his face.

Zhou Jiafei is not the first person in the Zhou family to take the Foundation Building Pill but fail to build the Foundation.

But he was the first person to borrow money to exchange for foundation-building pills and failed to build the foundation.

This failure not only means that he has almost no chance to successfully build the foundation in this life, but also that he will have to work hard to repay his debts in the years to come.

The path of spiritual practice is like this. Many times it is one step to heaven and one step to hell.

Only those who have been successful can go a long way on this path.

Zhou Jiafei's failure soon became a negative example to warn others, causing those Zhou family monks who desperately wanted to borrow good deeds to exchange for foundation-building pills to calmly think about the consequences of failure.

If you fail, you will never be able to turn around for the rest of your life!

Not long after Zhou Jiafei's foundation building failed, Zhou Chun's third spiritual pet, the Golden-winged Tiger, also reached the stage of advancement.

The Golden-winged Tiger itself is an intermediate-level monster, and there are no constraints on breaking through from the first level to the second level.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun had accumulated enough, he gave it the 700-year-old golden ginseng he bought earlier to help it advance.

It may be that the medicinal power of Golden Ginseng is too strong, or it may be that the accumulation of Golden Winged Tiger itself is strong enough.

After taking golden ginseng, it successfully advanced to become a second-level low-grade monster in less than four months.

After advancing to become a second-level monster, the golden-winged tiger's powerful talent can truly be revealed.

At this time, the golden-winged tiger was more than four feet long from head to tail, with a wingspan of more than two feet. Its size suddenly exceeded that of the golden-armored rock turtle, and it became Zhou Chun's number one spiritual pet.

Of course, it is not only the size that has skyrocketed, but also the strength of the Golden Winged Tiger.

As a natural mutant with both gold and wind attributes, after being promoted to a second-level monster, the Golden-winged Tiger mastered the most second-level spells among Zhou Chun's three spiritual pets.

Among them, the second-level wind spells include "Storm Tearing Bullet", "Hurricane Barrier", "Wind Wings", and "Chrysant Wind", and the second-level golden spells include "Armor-breaking Golden Light", "Armor-breaking Golden Needle", and "Golden Light". Roaring Bullets”.

With these seven second-level spells, not long after the Golden Winged Tiger broke through, its strength caught up with the Golden-Armored Rock Turtle, which had broken through almost ten years before it.

In a one-on-one battle, he defeated the King Kong Monkey who was called by Zhou Chun to be his sparring partner.

This kind of performance also made the master Zhou Chun very happy, and he lamented that the beating he received in Hualong Sect was not in vain.

And one person controls three pets by himself, and controls three second-level monsters with foundation building cultivation. Therefore, Zhou Chun became the first person in the Zhou family in 500 years.

In the past five hundred years, he was the only one in the Zhou family to achieve this.

At this time, not counting the two family elders, Zhou Chun was already the best in the Zhou family in terms of raising animals.

Good things come in pairs. Just the second month after the Golden Winged Tiger broke through the second level, Zhou Daoquan, who had been in seclusion for several years, also successfully came out of seclusion!

With the help of two spiritual objects, [Xuan Xin Zi Huan Dan] and [Ghost Face Soul Mushroom], Zhou Daoquan also successfully opened up the Zi Mansion and became the third Zi Mansion monk in the Zhou family.

A three-purple mansion, the Zhou family finally regained its former image as a golden elixir family!

"Congratulations to Third Elder for opening the Zifu Cave, there is hope for the golden elixir!"

On Feishifeng, Zhou Chun came after receiving the news and saw Zhou Daoquan who had reached the Zifu stage with his own eyes. He immediately expressed his congratulations with joy.

He and Third Elder Zhou Daoquan also have a close relationship. It was with the help of Third Elder Zhou Daoquan that he was able to obtain such an excellent spiritual pet as the Silver Lightning Python.

Later, in order for him to successfully transfer to the "Golden Cauldron Xuan Gong", Third Elder Zhou Daoquan also accompanied and escorted him on many trips.

So now that Zhou Daoquan had successfully opened up the Zifu, Zhou Chun was sincerely happy for him, even from a personal perspective.

Facing Zhou Chun's congratulations, Zhou Daoquan, while being happy, waved his hands and said: "The patriarch's words are serious. If I can open up the Zifu in this life, I will fulfill my wish. As for the matter of forming pills, I have never dared to think about it." !”

Zhou Daoyi once told Zhou Chun that even if they were monks from a cultivating family, they would be successful if they could open the Purple Mansion in this life.

As for the golden elixir stage, many times they only dare to think about it, and no one thinks it can be done.

Although Zhou Daoquan had successfully opened the Zifu at this time, he still didn't dare to think about forming pills.

Of course, Zhou Chun was just saying auspicious words at this time, not that he really believed that Zhou Daoquan had the talent for golden elixir.

Seeing Zhou Daoquan say this, he changed the subject with a smile.

Next, each of the Zhou family elders who came after hearing the news expressed their congratulations to Zhou Daoquan. Finally, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi, the two supreme elders of the Zhou family, also came.

After such congratulations, Zhou Mingde also made a suggestion on the spot: "The success of Daoquan in opening up the Purple Mansion is the most worthy of celebration for our Zhou family in recent years. We should hold a Purple Mansion celebration specifically for it and invite everyone. All the guests came to congratulate me and enhance the prestige of my Zhou family!"

"What the Supreme Elder said is absolutely true. Such a happy event should be announced to all parties to enhance the family's reputation."

Zhou Chun nodded repeatedly and was the first to respond to Zhou Mingde's suggestion.

For a family that cultivates immortals, the Zifu period monks are the top existences. There is no way to celebrate the addition of such a pillar-level person in the family.

However, Zhou Daoquan himself declined: "This is not appropriate. When brother Dao Yi successfully opened up the Zi Mansion, the family did not hold a Zi Mansion celebration for him, so how could he do this for me!"

In terms of age, Zhou Daoquan is more than ten years older than Zhou Daoyi, making him the second-highest person in the Zhou family.

Now that both of them are at the Zifu stage, he feels very calm when he calls him "brother", and there is no need for any psychological burden.

After Zhou Daoyi heard what he said, he smiled lightly, waved his hand and said, "Brother Daoquan clan, you don't have to be like this. My younger brother was in a special situation and had no choice."

After saying that, his face straightened up, he looked at Zhou Daoquan with a stern face and said: "What's more, this Zifu celebration is nominally to celebrate the Daoquan brothers, but in fact it is to promote the reputation of my Zhou family, but it must be done. !”

"What Dao Yi said makes sense, Dao Quan, please stop being polite and let this be settled!"

Zhou Mingde also spoke up again and made a decision in a deep voice.

After hearing what they said, Zhou Daoquan couldn't hold on any longer and could only agree.

At this time, Zhou Mingde raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist again, and took out something.

It was a white monster egg with dark red patterns.

"This blood flame dragon python egg was obtained on the previous battlefield. Since Daoquan you have successfully opened the Zi Mansion, I will leave this object to you to cultivate."

Zhou Mingde said as he handed the monster egg in his hand to Zhou Daoquan.

In fact, when he returned to his family and learned that Zhou Daoquan's spiritual pet, the earth-armored bear, had died, Zhou Mingde had thought about hatching the monster egg for Zhou Daoquan.

However, considering that Zhou Daoquan was already old and was preparing to attack the Zi Mansion, Zhou Mingde held back a hand.

After all, if Zhou Daoquan failed to attack Zifu, he would probably only have thirty or forty years of life. In this case, it would be a waste to hatch the blood flame dragon python eggs.

Now that Zhou Daoquan has lived up to expectations and successfully opened up the Purple Mansion, it is only fitting that this Blood Flame Dragon Python egg be hatched and cultivated by him.

Zhou Daoquan didn't know this in his heart.

At this time, he saw that the intermediate monster egg that he had been dreaming about appeared in front of him, and he was surprised and happy in his heart.

He couldn't help but murmured: "Is this really for me?"

"Other than you, Dao Quan, there is no one in the family who is more suitable to cultivate it."

Zhou Mingde said with a smile on his face, and put the monster egg into Zhou Daoquan's hand.

This time, when faced with what he really liked and cared about, Zhou Daoquan was no longer polite.

He held the monster egg with both hands, nodded vigorously and said, "Please rest assured, Supreme Elder, I will definitely cultivate it with care."

There are some lags, and I don’t know how to connect the subsequent plot. There is a buffer transition period between the planned follow-up plot and the current writing point. I didn’t know how to transition to it, so it was very difficult to write! There is only one update left today!

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