Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 275 The Traitors【Please subscribe】

The Zhou family has added a new Zifu monk.

When the news of Zhou Daoquan's success in opening the Zi Mansion spread, as the Zhou family sent out invitations, some people were happy and some were sad.

Families that have a close relationship with the Zhou family, such as the Wang family of Hongyao Valley and the Sun family of Jinfengling, although they are also very envious, are mostly happy anyway.

After all, the Zhou family has always been upright in doing things. The stronger the Zhou family is, the more secure their allied families will feel.

However, those families who did not have much friendship with the Zhou family, or even had enmity with them, were extremely sad and even regretful when they learned about this incident.

If I had known that the potential of the Zhou family was so amazing, they would have to be on good terms and never become enemies!

But the reason why providing help in times of need is precious is because there are very few people who can do this kind of thing.

Now the Zhou family has come out of the predicament and ushered in spring.

At this time, thinking about making friends with the Zhou family is just the icing on the cake at most.

Even so, many forces decided to prepare heavy gifts to add flowers to the Zhou family's grand event.

The icing on the cake may not necessarily make people remember it, but it will at least leave an impression.

If anything comes to the Zhou family in the future, this can be considered a friendship.

And if you can't even do this icing on the cake, then you will have nothing to ask for in the future.

On the day when the celebration began, the Zhou family's mountain gate was filled with lanterns and colorful ribbons. Festive red ribbons fluttered from tree to tree, making them very eye-catching.

The Zhou family has not been so lively for a long time.

In order to make all the clan members lively and happy together, Zhou Chun even used the family's public property to distribute twenty spiritual coins as red envelopes to each clan member.

In this way, the ordinary Zhou family monks were not unhappy because they had gained a fortune in vain because of Zhou Daoquan's Zifu celebration.

While carrying out the celebration tasks arranged by the family, everyone's face was filled with smiles.

When Wang Zhixiong came to the Zhou family on behalf of the Wang family of Hongyao Valley, he looked at the smiles on the faces of the Zhou family monks greeting the guests inside and outside the mountain gate, and he was secretly envious in his heart.

He had not seen this kind of smile from the heart for a long time on the faces of his clan members.

Ever since the Battle of the Southern Expedition lost several foundation-building elders and dozens of clan members in the beast tide, none of the remaining members of the Wang family had ever had a good laugh.

Although in the past few years, thanks to the help of the foundation-building pills exchanged for war achievements, the Wang family has successfully built two people's foundations, except for the two people who have successfully built the foundations, it is difficult for the rest of the Wang family to be truly happy.

Wang Zhixiong originally thought that only the treatment of time could make those tribesmen forget the pain and get out of the haze.

But now it seems that there are other ways.

"Wang Zhixiong, the head of the Wang Family of Hongyao Valley, would like to present a spiritual ginseng on behalf of the Wang family to congratulate Elder Zhou Daoquan on the opening of the Purple Mansion Cave and his long life."

On the pagoda peak, Wang Zhixiong saluted Zhou Daoquan with a respectful expression and offered a congratulatory gift.

"Fellow Daoist Wang is so polite. The Wang family and my Zhou family share weal and woe. If you, Daoist Wang, come over to support me, you are giving Zhou face, so why give such a heavy gift!"

After Zhou Daoquan opened the gift box and took a look, he was slightly startled and hurriedly stood up and returned the gift with his hand.

It turns out that the spiritual ginseng sent by Wang Zhixiong is not ordinary. It is a very rare six-hundred-year-old red blood ginseng.

This red-blooded ginseng is a powerful elixir. The six-hundred-year-old red-blooded ginseng can greatly replenish vitality when taken raw. It is an excellent healing medicine.

To be honest, given the relationship between the Wang family and the Zhou family, Wang Zhixiong really doesn't need to pay such a heavy courtesy.

However, the gift was given, and Zhou Daoquan certainly had no reason to return it, so in the end he could only accept it with a smile.

And Wang Zhixiong is naturally not the first person to give such a generous gift.

For this Purple Mansion celebration, the Zhou family sent invitations to most of the immortal cultivating families in Lanzhou, and even the Su family in Jiangzhou sent invitations specifically.

With invitations being distributed so widely, many forces who received invitations from the Zhou family for the first time also prepared a heavy gift.

So when the final celebration began, Zhou Chun counted and found that there were a total of seventeen immortal families who came to the Zhou family to attend the Zifu celebration today.

And he remembered that the total number of invitations sent out was twenty-one.

In other words, only four companies did not send personnel to the scene.

Zhou Chun also silently remembered the four families that did not send anyone.

This just confirms the saying that those who give gifts may not be remembered by the host family, but those who do not give gifts will definitely be remembered.

When the time was almost up, Zhou Chun walked up to the stage, raised his hands to the guests and tribesmen who were already seated, and began to take the lead in delivering a speech: "Dear guests, fellow tribesmen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the birth of Elder Zhou. Zhou Daoquan's cultivation has improved greatly, and the Zifu Cave has been opened."

"Elder Zhou Daoquan is a meritorious elder of my Zhou family. He has made outstanding contributions to the family many times. He is a noble man and is willing to support the younger generations. He has always won the admiration and gratitude of the younger monks like us."

"Today is a day of great joy for Elder Zhou Daoquan, and it is also a day of great joy for my Zhou family. As the head of the Zhou family, Zhengchun represents myself and the family here. I wish Elder Daoquan good luck and good fortune."

After saying that, he bowed to Zhou Daoquan, who was sitting upright, and gave a congratulatory speech.

With him taking the lead, the other guests also took turns to stand up and congratulate Zhou Daoquan, and it was quite lively for a while.

After completing such a set of necessary ritual procedures, everyone let go of their scruples, started drinking and eating, and truly enjoyed the celebration.

Many immortal cultivators usually practice alone, and many of their daily meals are replaced by Bigu Pills, so there are not many opportunities to eat and drink together.

Therefore, when participating in the celebration, everyone will no longer restrain themselves too much, and will take advantage of this rare opportunity to release themselves and reward themselves.

After a lot of eating and drinking, the celebration came to an end with the guests and hosts enjoying themselves.

But for the Zhou family, the end of the celebration is only the beginning of the family's take-off.

With a Three Purple Mansion, the Zhou family's potential to take off has been clearly demonstrated.

Anyone who pays attention to the Zhou family knows that as long as the Zhou family does not encounter any major setbacks, it will definitely take off all the way.

And seeing that the Zhou family is getting better and better, beyond imagination, some people are also thinking about it.

On this day, Zhou Jiahe, the elder of the Zhou family, suddenly approached Zhou Chun and said that he wanted to take him to meet someone.

Out of trust in this family elder, Zhou Chun didn't ask any questions and soon left the family gate with him and went to a small town a hundred miles away where the mortals of the Zhou family lived together.

In a courtyard in this small town, Zhou Chun met another foundation-building monk.

She was an old woman with a mid-stage foundation-building cultivation. She had silver hair on her head and fishtail-like wrinkles on her face. She looked very old.

After Zhou Chun saw the old woman, he was also confused and didn't understand why Zhou Jiahe brought him to see this person.

Unexpectedly, after seeing him, the old woman just looked at him briefly and sighed softly: "Hey, it is true that being young is good. Decades have passed, and Xiao Chun'er is still not much different from what he was back then. He is still so young. Handsome!"

From what she said, it was obvious that she knew Zhou Chun.

But Zhou Chun looked at the old woman and really couldn't remember when he had seen her.

So he could only look at Zhou Jiahe aside and asked: "Thirteenth Aunt, this is..."

Hearing his words, Zhou Jiahe was slightly startled, and then he did not rush to answer him. Instead, he hurriedly explained to the embarrassed old woman with her hot face and cold buttocks: "Don't be surprised, Aunt Yu. When we separated, we were He is still young and has not seen you many times."

With that, he sent a message to Zhou Chun and said, "This is Aunt Zhou Yu. She ages so quickly because she used a forbidden technique that depletes life span."

Aunt Zhou Yu?

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed with surprise, and he instantly remembered the old woman's origin.

It turned out that this silver-haired old woman was also a member of the Zhou family, but when the Zhou family split up, she went to Spirit Beast Villa with her Taoist companion.

In terms of generation, this silver-haired old woman is also from Zhou Daoyi's generation, and is several years older than Zhou Daoquan.

Thinking of this, Zhou Chunye probably had an idea of ​​the silver-haired old woman's intention of inviting him here to meet through Zhou Jiahe.

I saw him immediately bowing his hands towards the silver-haired old woman and saying: "It turns out to be my great-aunt. It was my junior who was disrespectful just now. I would like to apologize to my great-aunt."

When the silver-haired old woman saw this, her embarrassment finally eased, and she immediately replied with a smile: "Xiao Chun'er is too polite. As the saying goes, the person who doesn't know is not guilty. We haven't seen each other for decades. It's normal that you can't remember it for a moment."

"Thank you for your understanding, my aunt. But if my aunt wants to see the younger generation, why not go inside the Zhou family's mountain gate? If the elders know that my aunt is coming, they will definitely be happy to come out to meet my aunt!"

Zhou Chun looked at the silver-haired old woman in front of him and said knowingly.

Hearing his words, the smile on the silver-haired old woman's face suddenly froze, and her expression became very unnatural.

She couldn't help but look at Zhou Jiahe, but she saw that Zhou Jiahe had lowered his head slightly and was avoiding her gaze.

Obviously, helping her invite Zhou Chun out was the limit of what Zhou Jiahe could do.

This made her sigh in her heart.

Once upon a time, she was the closest elder to Zhou Jiahe, but now she has not been in contact with her for decades. The girl who always followed her and called her aunt was already trying to avoid her.

But sighing, she also knew that today was different from the past, and she no longer had the capital to take advantage of her elders.

If we continue to hold on to our elders, I'm afraid this last bit of affection will fade away.

So after she adjusted her mentality a little, she looked at Zhou Chun and said slowly: "Xiao Chun'er is a smart child, otherwise Dao Yi and the others wouldn't have chosen you to be the patriarch of the Zhou family. Why did I invite you here? When we meet, I think you already know what’s going on.”

"Yes, it seems now that we did something wrong when we separated. Senior Yu's idea was too wishful thinking and there is no possibility of it being realized!"

"Now that Senior Yu is in seclusion to recuperate, the power of Spirit Beast Villa has fallen into the hands of people like Xiao Lingyan. We old members of the Zhou family have been deliberately cut off in all aspects of their expenses. Anyone who dissatisfied with them has been suppressed and targeted. Every day is getting worse. , life is miserable!"

When she said this, her face turned bitter. She couldn't help but smile bitterly and mocked herself: "I know, now that I'm talking about this, Xiao Chun'er, I'm afraid not only won't you have any sympathy after hearing this, but you'll also laugh at us for deserved it and laugh at us for bringing it upon ourselves." !”

"Of course, we are living like this now because we have brought it upon ourselves and we cannot blame anyone else!"

"But no matter what, monks such as Lao Shen and other Zhou family members also have the blood of the Zhou family in their bodies, and they have never forgotten their origins or the ancestors of the Zhou family!"

At this point, her face suddenly became solemn, she looked at Zhou Chun solemnly and said in a deep voice: "I and others are willing to spend the rest of their lives making up for the mistakes made in the past, but the things belonging to my Zhou family must not be ruined or destroyed by outsiders. !”

"Xiao Chun'er, since you are now the head of the Zhou family, you have the responsibility and obligation to protect the things left by our ancestors to our descendants, and prevent the treasures left by our ancestors to our descendants from falling into the hands of outsiders and being destroyed wantonly by them! "

At the end of the sentence, the silver-haired old woman's words were loud and clear, with a feeling of righteous indignation.

Obviously, for these former monks of the Zhou family, it feels very uncomfortable to see the treasures that once belonged to the Zhou family being taken over by outsiders, but they are not allowed to use them.

But now they no longer have the strength to recapture those things on their own, so they can only come here to ask for help from the Zhou family in Jiufeng Ridge, hoping that the Zhou family can help them regain those things.

But just like the silver-haired old woman laughed at herself before, their situation today is all their own fault.

History will remember everything. All the monks of the Zhou family in Jiufengling will never forget their betrayal of the Zhou family.

Zhou Chun will not forget it either.

So even though what she said was very sensational, Zhou Chun was not moved at all at this time.

He just looked at her with a calm expression and said: "Auntie, you may have misunderstood something. This junior is the patriarch of the Zhou family, yes, but he is only the patriarch of the Zhou family in Jiufengling. Regarding the matter of Spirit Beast Villa, you should go to Yu Senior, or go to Zhou Zhenkun, there is no reason to come to junior!"

Unexpectedly, his words seemed to have touched something, causing the silver-haired old woman to curse angrily: "Zhou Zhenkun has forgotten his ancestors. He has been with that bitch Xiao Lingyan for a long time. Now he bullies us the most. We all can't wait to see him." Eat his flesh and drink his blood!”

After scolding her like this, she may have realized that it was of no use at all, so the silver-haired old woman quickly regained her senses.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun with a sincere face and said, "It is true that we did something wrong in the past, but now we have realized the mistake and want to do something for the family to make up for the past mistakes. Xiao Chun'er, please help Help, help us plead with Uncle Mingde, Dao Yi and Dao Quan, and ask them to give us a chance to change our ways!"

Already suffering from the sequelae of COVID-19 recovery, lethargy! Now I have to sleep twelve hours a day to feel refreshed, and it’s hard to concentrate when I sit in front of the computer. It’s really frustrating! I can’t do two updates today, so I’ll write another half chapter and I’ll definitely update twice tomorrow!

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