Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 276 Black sheep, tit for tat [Please subscribe]

One-sided words cannot be trusted. This is something Zhou Chun understood very well in his previous life.

You can never simply choose to believe everything anyone says.

Otherwise, you will easily be influenced by his words and lose your ability to think and judge.

So when Zhou Yu, the former elder of the Zhou family, came to him to confess and plead, he didn't just pretend to be so, he really believed him.

In the end, no matter what Zhou Yu said, he only agreed to help her convey her intention to Zhou Mingde and other three family Zifu monks.

After finally getting rid of Zhou Yu's entanglement, Zhou Chun and Zhou Jiahe returned to the family mountain gate.

As soon as the two returned to the family, Zhou Jiahe, who had rarely spoken, quickly apologized to Zhou Chun.

"I'm also very sorry for what happened today, Aunt Thirteen. Aunt Yu was indeed very kind to me in the past. This time she begged me personally and asked me to invite Zhengchun out to meet her. I really couldn't help it. But this kindness can only help her once!"

In fact, even if she didn't say it, Zhou Chun would have guessed this was the reason.

There was nothing he could do except for the debt of gratitude. As long as Zhou Jiahe was not stupid, he would know how taboo it was for him, as the elder of the Zhou family, to secretly contact Zhou Yu, a betrayer of the Zhou family.

So when faced with her apology, Zhou Chun quickly chose to forgive.

He nodded slightly and said: "Thirteenth Aunt, I can understand your difficulties. Let's end the matter this time. You'd better not interact with those people privately in the future to avoid any bad misunderstandings!"

"Thank you, Zhengchun, for your understanding. Don't worry. This time I have repaid her kindness. If she comes to me again in the future, I will just pretend that I have never met her and will never help her again!"

Zhou Jiahe's face relaxed, and he immediately made a solemn guarantee in front of Zhou Chun.

After obtaining Zhou Jiahe's guarantee, Zhou Chun went to see Zhou Mingde and relayed what Zhou Yu said to the elder.

He knew in his heart that he and Zhou Yu had no friendship at all, and the other party would definitely not really expect to get any help from him.

The people Zhou Yu really counts on are Zhou Mingde and other three monks from the Zhou family's Zifu.

However, after listening to Zhou Chun's story, Zhou Mingde looked at him directly and said, "What do you think of this matter?"

"It's hard for me to say, junior. After all, I'm not familiar with the situation at Spirit Beast Villa, nor are I familiar with those who stay at Spirit Beast Villa. It's really hard to say anything."

Zhou Chun shook his head and did not express any opinion.

Seeing that he was unwilling to express his opinion, Zhou Mingde couldn't force him.

He immediately nodded and said: "I know, I will discuss this matter with Dao Yi and the others to see what they think."

After speaking, he told Zhou Chun: "There is no need to let more clan members know about Zhou Yu's matter, so as not to cause unnecessary troubles. Zhengchun, please arrange for someone to inquire about the news at Spirit Beast Villa. Look what’s going on over there now.”

"Yes, this junior understands."

Zhou Chun responded and then retreated to do some work.

It is actually not difficult to find out the news about Spirit Beast Villa.

Even without going through the mouths of the Zhou family monks who stayed at Spirit Beast Villa, Zhou Chun had other ways to get information.

He himself went to the Li family in person, nominally to establish friendship between the two families, but in reality, he was trying to find out information about Spirit Beast Villa from the Li family.

According to the news Zhou Chun learned, Spirit Beast Villa, like the Zhou family, entrusted the Li family with the alchemy aspect.

The Zhou family is now a Sanzi Mansion, and the atmosphere is very different. Zhou Chun, the patriarch, comes to visit in person. Naturally, the Li family cannot deal with him with some lies.

After such inquiring, Zhou Chun learned a lot of useful information.

Things turned out just as he had worried at the beginning. What Zhou Yu told him at that time was indeed only one-sided.

It is true that the current situation at Spirit Beast Villa is not good, but before Yu Jinghua went into retreat to heal his injuries, he also made a lot of arrangements to prevent any big trouble from happening so soon.

The reason why Zhou Yu and other Zhou family monks were suppressed and ostracized, in the eyes of ordinary outsiders, was entirely their own fault.

They have obviously become monks of the sect, but they still hold on to the same old ideas as when they were in the Sanjue Sect, and want to be the masters of the sect and ride on the heads of other monks with other surnames.

And the reason why they think this way is very simple. Many things in Spirit Beast Villa are now taken from the Zhou family. As the Zhou family who stayed in Spirit Beast Villa, they should have the right to manage and prioritize those things.

But to be fair, since Spirit Beast Villa now operates in a formal sect mode, Zhou Yu and his group's thoughts and practices are undoubtedly contrary to the sect.

In particular, the largest number of people in Spirit Beast Villa are those monks with foreign surnames, and those monks with foreign surnames have an absolute advantage in terms of strength.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Yu and others, who are clearly at a disadvantage, still want to occupy more resources. How can these monks with foreign surnames be convinced?

So naturally, in the eyes of monks with other surnames such as Zhou Yu, the old and young of the Zhou family were squeezed out and suppressed, and deprived of many benefits.

It may be that Zhou Yu and others have gone too far before, or it may be that they themselves do not want to get involved in this kind of dispute. Zhou Zhenkun, a monk from the Purple Palace period of the Zhou family who was supposed to stand up for Zhou Yu and others, did not. He has no intention of standing up for them at all.

Zhou Zhenkun himself was the person with the highest cultivation level in the Zhou family before the family was divided, with a cultivation level in the middle stage of Zifu.

It's just that this person and Yu Jinghua have a master-disciple relationship, and his loyalty to the Zhou family is not as firm as Zhou Mingde's. When the family was separated, this person chose to stay in Spirit Beast Villa.

It was also because of this person's leadership that Zhou family monks such as Zhou Yu could stay at Spirit Beast Villa with peace of mind.

Now seeing that Zhou Zhenkun, who he and others regard as his support, is unwilling to come forward, and is unwilling to have many of the resources he originally controlled being taken away by others, he sees that the Zhou family in Jiufeng Ridge is becoming more and more prosperous day by day.

Zhou Yu and others then set their sights on the Zhou family in Jiufeng Ridge, hoping that the Zhou family would help them regain their interests.

After learning this, Zhou Chun immediately shook his head and no longer had any sympathy for Zhou Yu and others.

These people are really a bunch of idiots, the real black sheep.

Fortunately, the current Zhou family has not found such a person, otherwise the prosperous situation of the Zhou family will be greatly eclipsed by this kind of person.

Soon Zhou Chun returned to the family and informed Zhou Mingde of the situation he learned from the Li family.

Originally, Zhou Mingde was still discussing with Zhou Daoyi whether to take this opportunity to bring Zhou Yu and others back to the Zhou family. After hearing the information brought back by Zhou Chun, the two of them immediately gave up on bringing these people back to the Zhou family. Home idea.

"Don't worry about them. Since they chose to stay there in the first place, they have to bear the consequences. Only when they were bullied did they remember that we are a family. What were we doing!"

Zhou Mingde said with a look of disgust and ended the discussion on this topic.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun quickly asked someone to tell Zhou Mingde and his family's decision to Zhou Yu, so that they would not take any chances.

Zhou Chun originally felt that this matter should end here.

Now that they know that the Zhou family can't help, Zhou Yu and others should have the sense not to come over and trouble the Zhou family.

But the reality was very different from what he thought.

Zhou Yu, who was rejected by him, actually teamed up with two other Zhou family foundation-building monks to seize some of the important resources of Spirit Beast Villa and betrayed the sect.

Then there was no telling what these three people had done before, which made Zhou Zhenkun, Xiao Lingyan and others suspect that the Zhou family in Jiufengling had instigated them to do this, and that the Zhou family had hidden them.

Several Zifu period monks from Spirit Beast Villa came to the outside of Jiufeng Ridge for this reason, hoping that the Zhou family would give them an explanation.

Such behavior naturally made Zhou Mingde, who had taken the blame for some reason, very angry.

"Zhou Zhenkun, I'm warning you, this is the gate of the Zhou family, not a place where you can run wild!"

"Don't say today that my Zhou family didn't take in those traitors. Even if we did, what could you do?"

"Do you really think that the Zhou family now is still the Zhou family thirty years ago?"

In Jiufeng Ridge, outside the gate of Zhou Family Mountain, Zhou Mingde glared angrily at the three Zifu monks from Spirit Beast Villa outside, and his words were full of anger.

Hedong in thirty years, Hexi in thirty years.

The Zhou family is no longer the weak Zhou family it was thirty years ago.

Spirit Beast Villa is much weaker than it was thirty years ago.

Nowadays, there is a Sanzi Mansion in the Zhou family, and there is also a third-level mid-level Vulcan Jackal and a third-level low-level green dragon. In terms of strength on paper, it is already stronger than the Spirit Beast Villa without the Golden Core Stage monks. .

Naturally, Zhou Mingde would not bear the humiliation and coddle the people opposite him like he did thirty years ago.

At this time, as Zhou Mingde's words fell, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Daoquan, two monks from the Zhou family's Zifu, each released their own momentum.

The three Zhou family Zifu monks glared at the three evil guests outside, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Zhenkun, Xiao Lingyan and other three monks from the Purple Mansion of Spirit Beast Villa also frowned, and some didn't know how to end it.

Based on their understanding of Zhou Mingde, they almost believed that Zhou Yu and others were not in the Zhou family at this time.

But now that they have all their battles laid out, they are already riding a tiger.

If you leave in despair without doing anything, you will not only lose face, but it will also easily damage the morale of the monks in the sect.

Therefore, after frowning and thinking for a long time, Zhou Zhenkun still said to Zhou Mingde in a deep voice: "Brother Wende, after all, we were once a family. I don't want to fight with you unless I have to!"

"But the black jade toad stolen by Zhou Yu and Zhou Tong is indeed a valuable treasure of our sect and must be recovered, otherwise we will not be able to explain it to Master Yu!"

"Brother Wende, if you know their whereabouts, please tell us. I will thank you very much."

Listening to what he meant, it was obvious that he still suspected that the defection of Zhou Yu and others had something to do with the Zhou family.

Zhou Mingde was shocked and angry after hearing this.

At that moment, he couldn't help shouting angrily: "You don't need to use Yu Jinghua to pressure others. Even if Yu Jinghua comes here in person today, I will give the same answer!"

At this point, he even raised his hand and pointed angrily at Zhou Zhenkun and shouted: "Also, ever since I brought people to Jiufeng Ridge to establish the Zhou family, we have no longer any relationship. You'd better stop trying to get involved. relation!"

Such unceremonious words made Zhou Zhenkun's face completely darken, and his heart boiled with anger.

He couldn't help glaring at Zhou Mingde angrily and shouted: "Zhou Wende, don't be disrespectful, you really think we are afraid of you!"

"I'll say it again, if you hand over the whereabouts of those traitors, there's still room for maneuver. Otherwise, don't blame me for ignoring Master Yu's instructions and teaching you a lesson!"

It seemed to echo his words.

After he finished speaking, Xiao Lingyan and Wu Jingting, two monks from the Purple Mansion of Spirit Beast Villa, also became energetic and prepared for battle.

"Okay, you said this yourself, then let me see what you are capable of and see how you teach me a lesson!"

Zhou Mingde laughed angrily, and immediately reached out and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, releasing the Vulcan Jackal.

At the same time, Zhou Daoyi quickly called out his spiritual pet Qingqing.

Vulcan Jackal and Green Dragon Qingqing are now the two brightest cards of the Zhou family.

Therefore, when Zhou Zhenkun and the others saw this scene, they did not show any surprise.

"Zhou Wende, don't think that you are the only one who has the ability to cultivate a third-level monster."

A sneer flashed across Zhou Zhenkun's face, and he immediately reached out and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, releasing the spirit pet inside.

It was a huge silver-white giant rhinoceros monster. The aura exuding from the giant rhinoceros monster was clearly a third-level low-grade one.

"Oh, your Silverhorn Rhinoceros also broke through?"

Zhou Mingde looked at the silver-white giant rhinoceros monster with surprise in his eyes.

Then he seemed to have thought of something, and nodded thoughtfully: "I understand, your Silver Horned Rhinoceros was able to successfully break through, probably because you took the inner elixir of the third-level monster!"

The most common and effective way for intermediate monsters to break through high-level monsters is to swallow the inner elixir of third-level monsters with the same attributes.

However, the inner elixir of a third-level monster is very rare and difficult to find. It is not easy for even a golden elixir stage monk to obtain an inner elixir with specific attributes.

Moreover, this method of swallowing the inner elixir to achieve breakthrough is not absolutely safe and reliable, and the probability of failure is greater than the probability of success.

If it fails, the monster itself will also be at risk of exploding and dying.

However, Zhou Zhenkun and his silver-horned rhinoceros seemed to have good luck. Not only did they successfully obtain an inner elixir with corresponding attributes, but they also allowed the silver-horned rhinoceros to successfully evolve.

Now Zhou Zhenkun himself is in the middle stage of Zifu, and he also owns a third-level low-grade monster, the Silver-horned Rhinoceros.

In terms of personal strength, he is obviously not afraid of Zhou Mingde, who possesses the third-level mid-level Vulcan Jackal.

But what about Qingjiao Qingqing?

How should they deal with the combination of Zhou Daoyi and Qingjiao Qingqing?

While Zhou Mingde was still thinking about this matter, Zhou Zhenkun had already taken a preemptive strike.

Chapter 1, go cook now, and write Chapter 2 after eating

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