Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 277: Good luck with talents [Please subscribe]

Zhou Zhenkun's reliance was quickly exposed.

When he brought his spiritual pet Silver Horned Rhinoceros to hand over Zhou Mingde's master and servant, Xiao Lingyan also reached out and took off the spirit beast bag at her waist and released another monster.

It was a blue-black giant spider, the aura it exuded was even better than that of the Vulcan Jackal, and it turned out to be a third-level mid-level monster.

Both Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi were familiar with this spider demon.

Because it is the spiritual pet of Yu Jinghua, a monk in the golden elixir stage, named "Wind Demon Spider".

The Wind Demon Spider has a ferocious temperament, powerful strength, and very strange magical powers.

In terms of strength alone, it is no match for the third-level low-grade green dragon.

However, its weird spider silk magical power makes it difficult for Qingjiao to fully unleash its full strength.

Xiao Lingyan cooperated with it and actually blocked Zhou Daoyi's master and servant without losing the slightest advantage.

In this case, when Qingjiao Qingqing was unable to make contributions, the Zhou family had lost its biggest support, and the battle situation suddenly became extremely anxious.

This result was something that no one in the Zhou family had expected before the battle, and it also made Zhou Chun and others watching the battle agitated.

"Looking at this formation, they are obviously well-prepared. The Supreme Elder and others have been fooled by them in rushing to fight."

Beside Zhou Chun, elder Zhou Jiapeng expressed his opinion with a worried expression.

This view is undoubtedly very pertinent, and Zhou Chun also agrees with it in his heart.

But he said calmly: "It doesn't matter, the Supreme Elders and the others are all experienced in many battles. What we can see, they must also be able to see, and I believe they will have ways to deal with it. "

Although he said this, Zhou Chun himself was also anxious.

He is not worried about what will happen to Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi. Both of them have had many experiences fighting against monks of the same level, and they both have third-level monster beast spiritual pets, so their safety is guaranteed.

He was worried that something would happen to Zhou Daoquan.

After all, Zhou Daoquan had just opened the Zifu not long ago. Although he had also refined third-level magic weapons, he was obviously still a little immature compared to his opponent Wu Jingting.

In this level of fighting, Zhou Daoquan's spiritual pet could not provide him with any help at all, and he did not even dare to release Zhu Yanhe to join the battle.

Obviously, Zhou Chun's worries are justified.

After Zhou Daoquan and Wu Jingting fought for almost a quarter of an hour, they fell into a disadvantage due to lack of means.

He could almost only rely on a few third-level magic weapons to fight Wu Jingting, and there was no other way to threaten Wu Jingting.

Wu Jingting has been opening the Zifu for decades, and he has already practiced several secret techniques to the point where he can use them in battles with monks of the same level.

At this time, he used his secret attack, and Zhou Daoquan was directly at a disadvantage.

"Activate the mountain protection formation, let me help the Supreme Elder!"

Seeing Zhou Daoquan's side becoming more and more dangerous as the battle progressed, Zhou Chun finally couldn't bear it any longer.

He gave the order, and several Zhou family elders immediately stood on the formation, and together with him activated the Zhou family's mountain-protecting formation "Five Directions Miluo Formation".

After the formation was activated, Zhou Chun, who took the main position, controlled the power of the formation through the secret of the formation to help Zhou Daoquan.

Five-color lights were seen surging above the Zhou family's mountain gate, and a thick five-color light beam struck Wu Jingting.

This attack, which gathered the power of the Zhou family's mountain-protecting formation, made even the late-stage cultivators of the Zifu dare not face its edge, let alone Wu Jingting, an early-stage cultivator of the Zifu.

He was so frightened that he hurriedly dodged the blow, and then quickly retreated away from the Zhou family's mountain gate.

Zhou Zhenkun and Xiao Lingyan were shocked when they saw this, and they all followed away from the Zhou family's mountain gate, not daring to fight Zhou Mingde and the others near the mountain gate again.

After retreating far enough, Xiao Lingyan pointed at Zhou Mingde and shouted: "Zhou Wende, what do you mean? Do you want to start a complete war with my Spirit Beast Villa?"

Hearing her words, Zhou Mingde also said in a cold and unceremonious voice: "If your Spirit Beast Villa wants to start a complete war with my Zhou family, my Zhou family will naturally not sit back and wait for death, but I'm afraid you, Xiao Lingyan, don't have the ability to do so in this matter. It’s up to you to do the job!”

Zhou Daoyi also sneered and said: "Spiritual Beast Villa has great abilities. If you have the ability, just stay here and see if the Zhou family is afraid of you!"

This attitude of the two also made the three Zifu monks of Spirit Beast Villa feel frightened and angry, and found themselves in a dilemma.

The situation is actually very clear. With the strength of the three of them, if they fight alone outside, they can still suppress the Zhou family.

But it's not certain that they can pose any threat to the Zhou family.

What's more, as Zhou Mingde said, completely going to war with the Zhou family is not something they have the right to decide.

Fighting against the Zhou family like this is the limit of what they can do.

Finally, after glaring at several members of the Zhou family, Zhou Zhenkun said angrily: "This matter is not over yet. You all know how important the Black Jade Toad is. If Master Yu does not recover this thing before leaving seclusion, by then, Let’s see how you explain it to Master Yu!”

After saying this, he took Xiao Lingyan and left in despair.

Seeing this scene, the monks of the Zhou family inside the Zhou family's mountain gate couldn't help but cheer.

The elders of the Zhou family, such as Zhou Jiarui, Zhou Jiahe and others, were even more excited and on the verge of tears.

Only those who have experienced it know how embarrassed the Zhou family was when they moved to Jiufeng Ridge.

Only they know how much Zhou Zhenkun and others who stayed at Spirit Beast Villa looked down upon them and ridiculed them.

Now, only thirty years have passed, and those who did not think highly of them and ridiculed them have become disgraced in front of them and can only leave in despair.

Only those who have experienced it personally can understand this feeling of elation and elation after all the hardships have been achieved!

Although Zhou Chun also participated in the reconstruction of the Zhou family, he had never personally experienced what Zhou Jiarui and others had experienced, so he didn't have so many emotions at this time.

After he waited for Zhou Mingde and others to come back, he asked in a low voice: "Tai Shang Elder, what should we do next?"

"Looking, we must find Zhou Yu and the others, we must not let them take the Black Jade Toad to another place!"

Zhou Mingde gave instructions in a gloomy voice.

Everyone present knew that both of them were fooled by Zhou Yu and others today.

If Zhou Yu and others hadn't sent the wrong signal to Zhou Zhenkun and others, Zhou Zhenkun and others would never have been so reckless as to attack Jiufeng Ridge.

The previous battle could have been avoided.

But even if both parties knew this at the time, for the sake of their own face, they could only act like they didn't know.

Now that the fight has been fought, they will naturally not forget the culprit and will not let him go unpunished.

Moreover, the Black Jade Toad is indeed too important. Whether it is Zhou Zhenkun and others at Spirit Beast Villa, or Zhou Mingde, they will never allow Zhou Yu and others to ruin it.

"I'm afraid they have a premeditated plan. I'm afraid no one may be in Lanzhou at this time. It's not easy to find them!"

Zhou Chun sighed and had no hope for Zhou Mingde's instructions.

The monks in the foundation-building stage had a premeditated escape and could easily escape from a state or even Jingguo.

Spirit Beast Villa failed to catch Zhou Yu and the others at the beginning, and it would be extremely difficult to find them later.

"Whether you can find it or not, just do your best!"

Zhou Daoyi reached out and patted Zhou Chun's shoulder, comforting him softly.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun could only cheer up and mobilize all the connections in the Zhou family to look for Zhou Yu and others who had fled to unknown places.

But as he said, after missing the best time, the chance of finding a few foundation-building monks who were planning to escape was really slim.

Both the Zhou family and Spirit Beast Villa initiated their relationship and sent a large number of manpower to search, but they had been searching for more than half a month without any results.

In the end, the Zhou family had no choice but to give up the search.

At this time, seeing that no one could be found, Zhou Zhenkun and others could only risk angering Yu Jinghua by waking Yu Jinghua out of seclusion and clarifying the situation.

The result was obvious. Yu Jinghua, who learned about the loss of the Black Jade Toad, was also very angry. He immediately severely punished several relevant personnel for poor supervision, and then personally went to the Zhou family in Jiufengling.

However, in this matter, the Zhou family had indeed never conspired with Zhou Yu. After Yu Jinghua couldn't find anything out from Zhou Mingde, he had no choice but to return to Spirit Beast Villa.

But the fact that Zhou Yu and others took away the Black Jade Toad still affected the Zhou family.

Zhou Zhenkun and others at Spirit Beast Villa seemed to believe that the Zhou family had contributed to the defection of Zhou Yu and others, and began to explicitly target the Zhou family in many places.

At this time, Yu Jinghua's attitude towards the Zhou family was no longer as friendly as before, and he directly lived in seclusion behind the scenes, conniving at the behavior of Zhou Zhenkun and others.

Regarding this situation, the Zhou family can only brace themselves to deal with it, and cannot weaken their own momentum.

On this day, Zhou Chung had just approved the request of the two tribesmen to travel, and suddenly saw fifth brother Zhou Zhengxun rushing into the Zhongping Hall with a happy face.

"Fifth brother, didn't you take someone out to test the spiritual root qualifications of the newborns of those secular tribesmen? What makes you so happy? Could it be that you have discovered some good seeds!"

Zhou Chun greeted Zhou Zhengxun who came in with a smile on his face, and asked his purpose of coming with a smile.

Unexpectedly, when Zhou Zhengxun heard what he said, he raised his thumb with great joy and said: "Clan leader, you are really amazing, you can guess right!"

"That's right, we have found a good seedling, and a good seedling with high-grade spiritual root qualifications!"

Qualifications for high-grade spiritual roots?

Zhou Chun was stunned for a moment, then looked overjoyed.

Dangzhi waved to Zhou Zhengxun repeatedly and said, "Don't worry, fifth brother, please be more detailed and speak slowly."

Seeing this, Zhou Zhengxun quickly explained the relevant situation in detail.

It turned out that today he took people to the Zhou family's secular tribe's settlement to test the spiritual root qualifications of children born in the past three years. As a result, he only tested less than 200 children, and a high-grade spiritual root qualification was tested in one boy.

After discovering this, Zhou Zhengxun jumped up excitedly on the spot, and then hurried back to the family to report the news to Zhou Chun in person.

After listening to Zhou Zhengxun's narration, Zhou Chun couldn't help but nodded and said: "I understand the situation. I will go there with Fifth Brother in person."

Then he took Zhou Zhengxun out of the mountain gate and rode the Golden Winged Tiger directly to the scene.

At this time, because the high-grade spiritual root qualifications were tested, many mortals of the Zhou family gathered at the spirit testing site to watch the excitement.

When Zhou Chun and Zhou Zhengxun arrived at the scene, they saw that several streets around the spirit detection site were crowded with people, probably tens of thousands of people.

The arrival of the Golden-winged Tiger made all the mortals of the Zhou family exclaim and shout.

Seeing this, several monks from the Zhou family who had been left behind by Zhou Zhengxun shouted loudly: "It's me, the head of the Zhou family, who has arrived. Why don't you quickly make room for the spiritual pet of the patriarch to land!"

When they heard that the person on the back of the golden-winged tiger was actually the head of the Zhou family, the mortals of the Zhou family were all frightened.

Immediately, an open space with a diameter of more than ten feet was squeezed out for the Golden Winged Tiger to land. The mortals of the Zhou family who were present knelt down on the ground and saluted Zhou Chunxing.

"My clan members don't need to be too polite. We are all one family. We can avoid these common etiquette if we can."

Zhou Chun stood on the tiger's back with a smile on his face and waved to the ordinary people, indicating that there was no need to be polite.

Then, under the guidance of Zhou Zhengxun, he met the boy with high-grade spiritual root qualifications.

The boy should be less than three years old, and he is white and fat.

Since he had no cultivation base, Zhou Chun focused his consciousness on him and easily discovered that he had spiritual roots, and his spiritual roots must be good.

Zhou Chun then personally re-examined him and confirmed that he had the qualifications for a top-grade spiritual root, and that his spiritual root attributes were wood, earth, and fire.

After confirming that it was correct, Zhou Chun happily held the boy in his arms, and then asked softly: "What is the original name of this child?"

Hearing his words, Zhou Zhengxun couldn't help but look at the couple standing aside. They were the boy's biological father and mother.

The couple had never seen such a big shot like Zhou Chun. At this time, facing Zhou Zhengxun's gaze, the man quickly pulled his wife to kneel on the ground, and said in an excited and trembling tone: "Zhou Muchian, if you return to the clan leader, my son, he Called Zhou Muchian!"

Mu Xian, Qiu Xian, Meng Xian, these names are also common names used by mortals in various cultivating families to name their offspring.

As ordinary members of a family that cultivates immortality, these mortals all hope that there will be an immortal cultivator among their descendants.

However, this kind of name is somewhat inappropriate for immortal cultivators.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun listened to the man's words, he immediately waved his hands and said: "Then he will no longer admire immortals, because he will be an immortal from now on!"

After speaking, he just pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "Well, from now on, let's call him Xinyan, Zhou Xinyan!"

When the man on the ground heard this, he kowtowed very sensibly and said thanks: "Yes, thank you to the patriarch for giving me the name. From now on, my name will be Zhou Xinyan!"

Seeing that he was so knowledgeable, Zhou Chun nodded with satisfaction and said softly: "Your child has extraordinary qualifications and will definitely do something in the future. If you agree, I will take him back to the family gate today. When he grows up and becomes sensible, let him return home to be with you and others!"

When the man heard this, he was suddenly happy and worried. The woman beside him couldn't help but tightly grasped the corner of his clothes, with a look of reluctance in her eyes.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun didn't rush him and just waited quietly for the man's decision.

The man did not dare to make him wait any longer. He just hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and held the wrist of the woman beside him, and respectfully replied: "Chief, it is my child's blessing that you can take a fancy to my child." , of course the villain has no reason to disagree."

The second update is here!

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