Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 278 Love disaster comes, three years of ups and downs [Please subscribe]

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Another clan member with high-grade spiritual root qualifications appeared in the Zhou family.

Zhou Chun did not hide this happy event, and it soon spread throughout the family.

After Zhou Mingde and others learned about this, they all came out to visit the little guy who was renamed Zhou Xinyan by Zhou Chun.

Even for a large clan like the Zhou family that cultivates immortality, members with high-grade spiritual root qualifications are rare. It is rare to find two or three people in a hundred years.

According to the rules of the Zhou family, as soon as a clan member with this qualification begins to embark on the path of cultivating immortality, he will become the core clan member of the family and enjoy various preferential treatment.

They don't even have to worry about the Foundation Establishment Pill, because monks with high-grade spiritual root qualifications will definitely become the family's "Foundation Establishment Seed" and gain priority in using the Foundation Establishment Pill.

No matter which world it is, it is the same. The more people who are not short of money and things, the easier it is to get those things. The more people who are short of money and things, the harder it is to get these things.

Some people think this is unfair, but there is no such thing as fairness in the world.

The reason why a family prefers resources to clan members with high-grade spiritual root qualifications is because of the certainty that the resources invested in this clan member will enable the family to obtain more benefits in the future.

On the other hand, if resources are given to a tribesman with low-grade spiritual root qualifications, it is likely to be a waste of water.

This is just like why people are often willing to lend money to the rich, but no one is willing to lend money to the poor.

Of course, little Zhou Xinyan is still young now. Even if the future is promising, there is no need to pay too much attention at the moment and let it grow naturally.

Thanks to the super fertility subsidy measures implemented by Zhou Chun, the monks of the Zhou family are now very willing to have children. Every year, the monks of the Zhou family alone can give birth to hundreds of children, among whom are those with spiritual qualifications. Generally more than 10%.

The chance of the offspring born from the union of immortal cultivators and immortal cultivators, or the union of immortal cultivators and mortals, to have spiritual root qualifications is much greater than the offspring born from the union of mortals and mortals.

This is why Zhou Chun wants to do everything possible to encourage Zhou family monks to have offspring.

According to the current population reproduction rate of the Zhou family, in less than thirty years, the number of members of the Zhou family who can practice cultivation will be close to 300. By then, the replacement of the family will be completed.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye it is another two years.

In the past two years, the Zhou family has still maintained a momentum of rapid development. Every year, some members of the clan have improved in cultivation, and the family's monk population and various industries have grown simultaneously.

On this day, Zhou Chun suddenly received a message from the Su family in Jiangzhou, saying that the ancestor of the Su family summoned him to visit the Su family's mountain gate.

When he received this summons, he was also slightly stunned.

Because of Su Yuzhen, the Su family and the Zhou family also started some cooperation.

The Jiangzhou Su family itself is quite accomplished in making talismans, and the ancestor of the Su family can even make third-level talismans.

The monsters tamed by the Zhou family can steadily provide various spiritual blood, beards, and hair for the talisman-making monks to make blood ink and talisman pens.

As a result, the Zhou family was able to purchase large quantities of talismans produced by the Su family at relatively favorable prices.

At the same time, the Zhou family's monster eggs and monster cubs were also sold to the Su family, adding a lot of overseas sales revenue to the Zhou family.

However, Zhou Chun and Su Yuzhen have never really become Taoist couples, and this kind of cooperation is still superficial.

At this time, he suddenly received a summons from the ancestor of the Su family. After Zhou Chun was stunned, he thought of the female cultivator with whom he had had many dual cultivation experiences.

"Calculating the time, Su Yuzhen's attack on the Zifu period should have results. Could it be that she has successfully opened up the Zifu period?"

He murmured to himself and could only go to the cave on the top of the mountain to report the matter to Zhou Mingde.

This is just a formality. The summons of the Golden Core Stage monk must not be refused.

Soon Zhou Chun handed over the family affairs to the fourth elder Zhou Jiarui, and rode the Golden Winged Tiger alone to the Su family in Jiangzhou.

After evolving into a second-level monster, the Golden Winged Tiger's physical strength and mana have been greatly improved.

Now it is flying with Zhou Chun, and it can travel three thousand miles a day just by relying on physical strength. If it uses all its magic power to fly, it is not difficult to travel seven or eight thousand miles a day.

This is much better than Zhou Daoquan's Zhu Yanhe.

Zhou Chun flew on a tiger and arrived at the Su family in Jiangzhou in only one day. Then he was allowed to go directly to meet the Su family ancestor.

Sure enough, when Zhou Chun saw the ancestor of the Su family again, the other party immediately revealed the purpose of calling him here this time.

"I called you here this time because Yuzhen has successfully opened up the Zifu, and the love disaster is also expected to come."

Inside the cave, the ancestor of the Su family waited for Zhou Chun and his entourage to pay homage, then solemnly explained why he came to see him.

Because Zhou Chun was already prepared for this, there was no surprise at this time.

He just said respectfully: "Ancestor, please tell me frankly what this junior should do to help Miss Su."

Unexpectedly, after hearing what he said, the ancestor of the Su family shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know what you should do, ancestor. This love disaster is not as tangible and avoidable as other disasters."

After saying that, his face condensed slightly, and he looked at him solemnly and warned: "There is just one thing, ancestor, I want to warn you, no matter what Yuzhen promised you or gave you when the love disaster broke out, Treasures should not be taken seriously and should not be kept privately!"

"Besides, before Yuzhen comes out of the love tribulation, you'd better not leave the Su family and leave my sight, ancestor."

Is this going to put him under house arrest in the Su family?

Zhou Chun's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help but protest: "Ancestor, your request is a bit too much. After all, I am the patriarch of the Zhou family. If you allow me to stay in the Su family for a long time, what should I do with the clan affairs of the Zhou family?"

"Boy, don't take yourself too seriously. The Zhou family won't be able to move without you!"

The ancestor of the Su family glanced at Zhou Chun with an unhappy expression, and said in a deep voice: "And helping Yuzhen overcome the love crisis, this is what you should do. Don't forget what you promised to the ancestor!"


Zhou Chun wanted to say something more, but was stopped by the cold look from the ancestor of the Su family.

Obviously, there is no use in reasoning with the Golden Core monks.

A monk in the golden elixir stage won't talk to a monk in the foundation building stage, so what's the point of him cultivating for hundreds of years to successfully form an elixir?

The more powerful a high-level monk is, the more he lives his life.

The truth only exists in their hearts, and the words they speak are the truth!

The only thing that can convince a golden elixir stage monk is fists, and only power that is equal to or exceeds his.

Zhou Chun was also because the Zhou family did not have a Golden Core monk, otherwise he might have realized this a long time ago, and he would not have foolishly tried to refuse the Su family ancestor's offer to become a Taoist couple with Su Yuzhen.

In short, after being taught another lesson by the ancestor of the Su family, he was allowed to see Su Yuzhen.

The place where he and Su Yuzhen met this time was Su Yuzhen's own residence inside the Su family mountain gate.

As the most favored descendant of the ancestor of the Su family, Su Yuzhen lives inside the mountain gate of the Su family, so the location is naturally very good.

Not only is it located in a place with the strongest aura, but the surrounding scenery is also very beautiful. There is no second residence for Su family monks within a few miles.

Su Yuzhen was temporarily sealed by the ancestor of the Su family due to a love disaster.

When Zhou Chun walked into her bedroom, the ancestor of the Su family untied the seal on her body and revived her.

As soon as she woke up on the bed, she saw Zhou Chun wearing a light golden brocade dress beside the bed.

She saw a look of extreme joy in her eyes at that time. She hurriedly stood up from the bed and threw herself into Zhou Chun's arms. She said in a sweet voice: "Master Zhou, you are finally here. I will go find you after I open the Zi Mansion. I asked you to celebrate with me, but my ancestor refused to let you go, and even banned me. I am really anxious to death!"

With that enthusiastic look, it was as if Zhou Chunzhen was the lover she had admired and loved for a long time, and now they were reunited after a long absence.

Zhou Chun was also a little strange.

Originally, he was still in a complicated mood, thinking about how to "complete the task" as soon as possible and help Su Yuzhen overcome the love crisis and return to the family.

As soon as Su Yuzhen threw herself into his arms, he was pulled by the special aura on her body, and he naturally hugged the beauty in his arms tightly, unwilling to let go.

However, his consciousness was still very clear and he could tell that something was wrong with Su Yuzhen's words.

Although he and Su Yuzhen had had the experience of dual cultivation more than once, the other party had never called him "Zhou Lang", and he had never been as enthusiastic as now.

The previous relationship between the two could be said to be only sex, without love.

And according to his understanding, Su Yuzhen is not the kind of carefree woman. Even if she really falls in love with someone, given her personality, she will most likely not be as enthusiastic as she is now.

"So is this the scary thing about love tribulation? It can directly distort and change a person's personality and thoughts, making people risk their lives for love, and only love is in their eyes!"

Zhou Chun suddenly understood why the ancestor of the Su family had said those words to him before.

Looking at Su Yuzhen's deep love for him now, it couldn't be easier if he wanted to do something with Su Yuzhen's help.

After getting along with Su Yuzhen, Zhou Chun felt this even more deeply.

Su Yuzhen, who was in love, almost regarded him as the most important person, and was able to respond to his requests.

If the ancestor of the Su family hadn't been watching, Zhou Chun could have easily abducted this new Zifu monk to the Zhou family and made her obey all his orders.

But something happened immediately, which made Zhou Chun feel that this love affair was not that simple.

On this day, Su Yuzhen heard that he was a little bored, so he took him out of his residence and went to play inside the Su family's mountain gate.

Although the ancestor of the Su family did not allow Zhou Chun to leave the Su family before Su Yu's true love disaster dissipated, he could still go to everywhere inside the Su family's mountain gate.

Zhou Chun followed Su Yuzhen to a mountain peak inside the Su Family Mountain Gate. While admiring the beautiful scenery, he happened to meet another group of monks.

It was two young men from the Su family who were visiting the beautiful scenery inside the family mountain gate with a few friends. They were all monks in the Qi refining stage.

After the two sides happened to meet on the mountain, the two young men from the Su family also recognized Su Yuzhen and hurriedly came forward to greet him.

Up to this point, Su Yuzhen behaved quite normally, but she said that Zhou Chun was her Taoist companion, which surprised the two Su family youths.

Later, because of Zhou Chun's suggestion, several people started talking about the beautiful scenery of the Su family.

During the conversation, Zhou Chun also gave some guidance to several juniors on how to practice.

After learning that Zhou Chun was proficient in the art of controlling beasts, one of the female cultivators quickly asked Zhou Chun for advice on how to control beasts. It turned out that her family had also tamed many monsters.

Zhou Chun didn't mind revealing some non-secret things, so he patiently gave the female cultivator some pointers.

The female cultivator was very grateful for Zhou Chun's advice, so she gave Zhou Chun a jar of fruit wine she brewed as a gift.

Unexpectedly, this somehow touched Su Yuzhen, making her think that the female cultivator had fallen in love with Zhou Chun and wanted to compete with her as a Taoist companion.

As a result, she, a dignified cultivator of the Purple Mansion Stage, got angry and cursed at a female cultivator of the Qi Refining Stage without caring about any face at all. However, everyone present was stunned by the scolding.

Zhou Chun was stunned for a while, and then he dragged Su Yuzhen away.

After this incident, he finally realized the power of Qing Jie.

If Su Yuzhen is like this, she can only follow the arrangement made by the ancestor of the Su family and let the person she loves accompany her to spend time slowly in a semi-enclosed place until her love disaster dissipates.

But how to make Su Yu's true love escape, even the ancestor of the Su family doesn't know.

Because only female cultivators can practice "Plain Girl Mysterious Skill", very few people in the Su family have practiced it. Su Yuzhen was even the first Su family cultivator to reach the Zifu stage.

If it weren't for the records about the love catastrophe left by the predecessors, I'm afraid the Su family wouldn't have known that this technique would lead to such a catastrophe after the Zi Mansion was opened.

Therefore, the ancestor of the Su family could only ask Zhou Chun to calm down and accompany Su Yuzhen slowly, stabilize Su Yuzhen's emotions, and observe Su Yuzhen's situation more to find a way to eliminate the disaster.

With no other choice, Zhou Chun could only patiently accompany Su Yuzhen as the ancestor of the Su family said, and live a two-person world in the name of cultivation.

After staying in the Su family for almost half a year, the ancestor of the Su family suddenly found a way through continuous observation.

After a conversation with Zhou Chun, he pretended to be angry, sealed the cultivation levels of Su Yuzhen and Zhou Chun, drove them out of the Su Family Mountain Gate, and threw them into the mortal world.

After that, Zhou Chun and Su Yuzhen embarked on the road of finding a way to restore their cultivation as mortals.

After wasting nearly three years in the mortal world, suffering all kinds of hardships, and suffering a lot, Su Yuzhen finally realized the truth one day when Zhou Chun fell off a cliff and passed out, and solved the mystery of love. barrier.

"Ask what is love in this world? Just teach us how to make love between life and death!"

At the foot of the cliff, Su Yuzhen looked at Zhou Chun who was bleeding from his forehead and unconscious on the ground, and sighed with emotion on his face.

In her mind, all the experiences she had experienced as a mortal over the past three years emerged. The ups and downs, the ups and downs, all made her remember it deeply and unforgettably.

She looked at the young man on the ground who had been with her for more than three years, and she couldn't help but feel a hint of gratitude in her eyes.

Although she knew that Zhou Chun might not care about her gratitude, maybe he just wanted to complete the task this morning.

But those experiences cannot be faked, and she believed that Zhou Chun would never be completely unmoved by those experiences.

"I don't know where love started, but it goes deeper and deeper. It has been ups and downs in the world for three years, and there are thousands of love entanglements. What are you thinking about now, Mr. Zhou?"

The female cultivator in a coarse cloth dress looked at the unconscious young man in front of her, a trace of expectation and a trace of anxiety could not help but appear in her eyes.

I had a narcolepsy attack. I only got out of bed in the afternoon and slept for three hours. When I woke up, it was snowing and freezing. It’s the first update today!

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