Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 279 The dust has settled and the family has changed [Please subscribe]

When Zhou Chun woke up, he was already inside the Su family mountain gate.

In fact, he has always known that the Su family has arranged for special people to follow and protect them in the dark to prevent them from actually encountering life-threatening danger.

It's just that if Su Yuzhen doesn't break through the barrier of love and calamity, those people won't show up.

And when Su Yuzhen broke through the mystery of love and calamity, he naturally figured this out, directly called out the people who were secretly following and protecting him, and took them back to the Su family's mountain gate.

So after Zhou Chun woke up, the seal on his body had been broken by the ancestor of the Su family, and he regained his magic power.

At this moment, he felt that the mana in his body was no longer restricted, and he understood what was happening without the need for anyone else to explain.

Then he swept his consciousness and found Su Yuzhen waiting outside.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, are you awake? Can you come out and talk for a while?"

After noticing Zhou Chun's consciousness, Su Yuzhen quickly spoke up to invite him.

Hearing her calm words, Zhou Chun immediately confirmed his speculation.

Dangzhi responded in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Su, please wait a moment."

After saying that, he stood up and tidied up his appearance, and carefully thought about a few questions. After he had the answers in his mind, he strode out of the room.

When he got outside, he saw Su Yuzhen, who had recovered his Zifuqi cultivation and returned to his usual clothes, sitting in the living room waiting for him.

Seeing him come out at this time, Su Yuzhen immediately said politely: "How is Zhou Daoyou's recovery? Is there anything you need my help with?"

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Su, for your concern. Zhou is no longer seriously injured, so there is no need for Fellow Daoist to worry."

Zhou Chun waved his hand and responded politely.

This kind of polite tone with unfamiliar tone made both of them fall silent for a moment.

After all, in the past three years, the two of them were still close companions who worked hand in hand in times of trouble.

It suddenly becomes so polite and distant that everyone will feel weird and find it difficult to adapt.

But the words that need to be said still have to be said.

After Zhou Chun was silent for a while, he spoke first: "Now that Fellow Daoist Su is out of trouble, Zhou's mission can be considered completed. It has been three or four years since he left home, and there must be a lot of things piled up at home that need Zhou to go back and deal with." .”

After hearing his words, Su Yuzhen's eyes suddenly moved slightly, as if he had heard something.

Then he quickly nodded his head and said: "I understand what Fellow Daoist Zhou means. I will explain it to the ancestor and ask him to let Fellow Daoist go home."

"Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Su."

Zhou Chun cupped his hands and thanked him profusely.

Then the two fell into wordless silence again.

After being silent for an unknown amount of time, Su Yuzhen chose to speak first.

She saluted Zhou Chunfu with a grateful face and said: "Anyway, I have to thank fellow Taoist Zhou for his company and care in the past three years. If it weren't for fellow Taoist, I don't know how long it would have taken for me to sink." Confused, restored to sanity.”

When Zhou Chun heard this, he replied politely: "Fellow Daoist Su said something serious. Being able to break through the confusion is mainly due to fellow Taoist's own ability. Zhou is just providing a little assistance."

Hearing his answer, Su Yuzhen couldn't help but shook her head slightly, looked at him with a sincere face and said, "You're welcome, fellow Taoist Zhou, I am not a person who doesn't care about grudges. I will always remember your help to me." In my heart, never forgotten.”

"Of course I have no other meaning in saying this. I just want to tell Fellow Daoist Zhou that no matter what Fellow Daoist Zhou thinks, in the future, whenever you need my help, you can come to Su's house and let me know. If I can help, I will definitely not Will refuse."

Having said that, without waiting for Zhou Chun to say anything else, she stood up and walked out the door.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, please wait here for a moment. I will go to see my ancestor to explain the situation."

Looking at Su Yuzhen's leaving figure, Zhou Chun clenched his fingers with a complex expression.

Until now, he actually didn't know how he felt about Su Yuzhen.

If he likes her, he doesn't have that strong feeling of liking her, or that kind of strong heartbeat.

But he no longer rejects the other party, nor does he reject the presence of such a person beside him.

At the same time, he has realized that there must be something wrong with Su Yuzhen's practice. He can't help but want to be intimate with her when he is around her. It must be because of her practice.

But for some reason, Zhou Chun had no intention of becoming a Taoist couple with Su Yuzhen.

In other words, the idea was not strong and he had no intention of doing so.

Human emotions are so strange. Many times, the best and most suitable solution may not be what people like.

What others see as a match made in heaven may not be what the person involved thinks of it.

Others may think the client's actions are pretentious, but the client may have another idea in mind.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many things in the world that look ridiculous but are real.

Zhou Chun is a good hand on the battlefield and in handling family affairs. He can be said to be brave and resourceful.

But when it comes to matters between men and women, he does not perform as well as ordinary people.

He himself didn't realize that subconsciously, he was actually a little afraid of these things, and subconsciously he didn't want to get involved with these things.

Su Yuzhen's efficiency is very high.

Zhou Chun didn't wait long before the ancestor of the Su family summoned him again for a talk.

"Boy, what are you thinking in your head? You and Yuzhen have done everything they should do. In the past three years, what you have experienced is also what many mortal couples and monks and Taoists have experienced. You may not be able to experience it in your lifetime.”

"We have already reached this point, but you still have no intention of becoming a Taoist couple with Yuzhen. Ancestor, I also want to know, what exactly do you think?"

"Tell me, ancestor, what is the reason that makes you so repulsive about becoming a Taoist couple with Yuzhen!"

In the cave, the ancestor of the Su family waited for Zhou Chun to finish his salute, then looked at him with a strange expression and began to question him.

Originally, the ancestor of the Su family thought that he was very accurate in judging people and had already seen through Zhou Chun's temperament.

But now this result made him feel very uncomfortable, and it was difficult to accept the fact that he had made a mistake.

Facing the question from the ancestor of the Su family, Zhou Chun didn't know how to answer for a while.

If Su Yuzhen came to ask this, he might have other words to deal with.

But when asked by the ancestor of the Su family, those words were difficult to deal with.

After being silent for a long time, he whispered: "It's hard for me to answer this question from our ancestors. If I really want to give a reason, maybe it's due to fate!"

"That's bullshit!"

"Ancestor, I think you just don't know what's good and what's good, and your eyesight is shallow!"

The ancestor of the Su family looked at Zhou Chun angrily and shouted angrily: "If Yu Zhen hadn't begged for mercy, ancestor, I would have let you know how serious the consequences of contempt for me would be!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and threw a jade bottle into Zhou Chun's hand.

"Take your things and get out of Su's house immediately, ancestor, I don't want to see you again!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun didn't say much. After bowing, he left directly.

After Zhou Chun left, the ancestor of the Su family waved his sleeve and released Su Yuzhen, whose whereabouts had been covered by him.

At this time, Su Yuzhen's face was also a little gloomy. It was obvious that Zhou Chun's words just now had a certain impact on her.

She didn't really take the matter that seriously.

Seeing this, the ancestor of the Su family couldn't help but shook his head and said: "You heard what the boy said, Yu Zhen. Now that your love crisis has been eliminated, there will no longer be any obstacles before you form the elixir. From now on, you can feel at ease in the family." Practice!”

"Yes, my grandson will obey my ancestor's instructions."

Su Yuzhen responded in a low voice and didn't want to say anything more at the moment.

On the other side, after Zhou Chun left the Su family mountain gate, he also headed straight for the family.

On the way, he checked the jade bottle given to him by the ancestor of the Su family. It contained five light golden elixirs, which were the rewards promised by the ancestor of the Su family when he sealed his cultivation.

The elixir is called Jinyang Dan. It is a elixir suitable for monks who build the foundation of Jinxing Kung Fu. The efficacy of the elixir is better than that of various spiritual cultivation elixirs that Zhou Chun had taken before.

Even if he is currently in the middle stage of foundation building, taking one pill is worth nearly two years of hard work, and five pills is ten years.

With these five elixirs in hand, Zhou Chun's cultivation growth rate will not slow down due to the previous three years of sealing, but will grow faster.

Moreover, three years of mundane experience has indeed sharpened his personal Taoist will, allowing him to gain a lot in terms of spiritual will.

At this time, after hurriedly returning to the family, they saw Zhou Chun, who had returned to the family after more than three years. Zhou Jiarui, who had helped him handle family affairs for three years, also looked at him with surprise and let out a sigh of relief. : "Thank God, Masazumi, you are finally back!"

"Yeah, I'm finally back!"

Zhou Chun sighed, feeling extremely emotional.

Then he looked at Zhou Jiarui and asked, "During the three years since I was away, nothing major happened to the family, right?"

"Nothing major happened. It's just that the various affairs were mixed up, which gave me a headache to deal with. It's really hard to know how difficult it is for you, Zhengchun, to be the leader of this clan without experiencing it yourself!"

Zhou Jiarui raised his hand and knocked on his head, saying with emotion as if he had a headache.

Zhou Chun just smiled when he heard what he said.

As the family's power grew and the number of monks increased, the head of the Zhou family did have more and more things to do.

It would indeed be difficult for someone like him who already had in-depth experience in many matters to suddenly take over the responsibilities of the clan leader.

For many things that have not been dealt with, we can only look through the past files and deal with them according to the previous handling methods.

At this time, he looked at Zhou Jiarui and said, "Uncle Eleven has really worked hard these past few years. Since this junior has come back, Uncle Eleven should have a good rest."

"I've been waiting for this day. I'm just waiting for this day!"

Zhou Jiarui's face immediately showed a smile of joy, and he handed the token representing the identity of the clan leader directly to Zhou Chun, and he handed it over neatly.

After getting back the patriarch's token, Zhou Chun went to see Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi and explained a little about his experience in the Su family.

Knowing that Zhou Chun still did not plan to become a Taoist couple with Su Yuzhen, Zhou Mingde also complained a lot.

But now that the matter was over, he couldn't say anything more, so he could only sigh and shake his head to dismiss the matter.

After coming out of the cave on the top of the mountain, Zhou Chun began to look through the files to understand what had happened to the Zhou family in the past three or four years.

More than three years have passed, and the Zhou family has experienced considerable growth in both population and supplies.

In particular, just in the past three years, when several Zhou family juniors were traveling in the pioneer stronghold, they discovered a demon nest of earth-armored spiders, which helped the Zhou family add a new species with high economic value. A monster of value.

As a low-level monster, the Earth Armor Spider is not very powerful.

However, because this kind of monster is good at digging holes and only lives in dark underground caves, it is usually difficult to see it.

Before the spider silk in the earth armor spider silk sac is spit out, it is a very good material for weaving robes and flags.

There were exactly six unhatched spider eggs in the earth-armored spider demon nest discovered by several Zhou family juniors. Now these spider eggs have been hatched in the Zhou family, forming a small population.

In addition to the new economical monsters such as the earth armor spider, the red-eyed dragon vulture and dragon-clawed monitor lizard brought back by the Zhou family have also begun to lay eggs. The Zhou family finally formed these two dragon-born monsters. localization.

Up to now, the various monster beasts in the Zhou Family Beast Garden can contribute tens of thousands of spirit coins to the family every year, and industrialization has been initially achieved.

In addition, the xuanjing stone mine that the Zhou family participated in the cooperative development has also entered a stage of high output, and now it can provide the Zhou family with raw xuanjing stone ore worth nearly 20,000 spiritual coins every year.

But these are not the things that make Zhou Chun happiest.

What makes him most happy is the cultivation of talents in the Zhou family.

Under the family's training regardless of the cost, Zhou Xindie has successfully mastered the arrangement of five formations. She can be called a true formation master. Her talent in formations has been tested in practice. Maybe in the future He is really expected to succeed the late second elder Zhou Chongshan.

Another junior monk, Zhou Xintie, who also has considerable talent in refining weapons, has also been able to refine finished first-order low-grade magical weapons that are actually for sale. The future is also worth looking forward to.

But the one who made the fastest progress was Zhou Xinlan, who was learning alchemy skills.

Because of the guidance of Zhou Zhengyuan, an alchemist, and his own good talent, Zhou Xinlan has become better and better at alchemy skills year by year, and is now able to refine low-level elixirs such as Beast Spirit Pills on his own.

These young talents are far more important to the family than a mine or a monster species.

When they grow up in the future, the value they create for the family is far beyond what a mine or a monster species can compare to.

Zhou Chun now only hopes that nothing will happen to the world of immortal cultivation in Lanzhou in the future, and that the Zhou family can be given more time to develop quietly.

As long as there is another twenty or thirty years of development, the overall strength of the Zhou family will definitely be more than twice as strong as it is now!

Today’s first update, now I’m writing the second update. I can’t guarantee whether there will be two updates today. Don’t stay up late waiting, it’s cold and go to bed early!

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