Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 280 Shocked to hear about the insect disaster [Please subscribe]

The north wind blows and the autumn breeze is cool.

Soon it will be autumn again.

This is the fortieth autumn since Zhou Chun came to this world, and it is also the fortieth year that the Zhou family has taken root in Jiufeng Ridge.

Yes, unknowingly, the Zhou family has been in Jingguo for forty years.

Zhou Chun also stayed in this world for forty years.

Forty years have passed, Zhou Chun has changed a lot, and so has the Zhou family.

In the past forty years, many elders Zhou Chun was familiar with have passed away due to various reasons, and many younger generations have grown up under his eyes.

He lost some elders and gained more younger ones.

The latest statistics show that the current population of the Zhou family has reached 247, which is hundreds more than the number of Zhou family members 40 years ago.

At the same time, the Zhou family now only has more than 97,000 spiritual coins in stock in their accounts.

Some people are rich, and the Zhou family is so arrogant now!

Of course, Zhou Chun himself has changed even more.

Forty years have passed, and he, who was only at the sixth level of Qi Refining stage, is now at the middle stage of Foundation Building.

And he is only 61 years old this year, and it is very likely that he will break through to the late stage of foundation building before he is 80 years old.

If he succeeds, it may not be difficult for him to open the Purple Mansion before he is a hundred years old.

So the person who really has a promising future in the Zhou family is actually him.

Autumn is the harvest season.

Many pregnant female beasts in the Zhou Family Animal Park have given birth to offspring during this season, so that their offspring can survive the winter before the winter snow arrives.

Zhou Chun also ordered people to collect various materials for exchange, preparing to go to Longyuan Zebank to conduct a trade with the scaled frog aliens led by Lu Ran before the winter snow arrived.

Now, as the Hualong Sect has completely shrunk and returned to the main altar, the scaled frog alien tribe by Longyuan Ze has also ushered in a period of rapid development.

The trade with the Zhou family allowed the scaled frog aliens who surrendered to Lu Ran to obtain a large number of high-quality weapons. They all benefited greatly from this in conquering other tribes and obtaining food. The number of tribe members is also increasing year by year. many.

The Zhou family has also benefited greatly from the large number of water treasures obtained from the scaled frog aliens.

The only fly in the ointment is that these water treasures have to be picked up by Qinglian Temple, and the price is not high.

On this day, after all the materials for exchange were prepared, Zhou Chun personally took the things with Zhou Daoquan and went to Longyuan Ze.

Baibai, the silver lightning python, is now capable of traveling between the two places. If it travels downstream, it only takes one day to take Zhou Chun to Longyuan Ze.

Because this is not the first time the two parties have traded, the relevant procedures went very quickly.

After Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoquan arrived at Longyuanze, they quickly contacted Lu Ran, and then handed the things they brought to the other party, and then obtained the corresponding amount of water treasures from the other party based on the approximate value of the goods.

In fact, in this kind of trade, the truly valuable things are those things that Lu Ran needs.

Spiritual tea, spiritual wine, spiritual incense, all kinds of things that high-level immortal cultivators enjoy, are all things that Lu Ran has long-term reservations for.

Now when it comes to enjoyment, he enjoys it more than any monk in the Golden Core Stage.

In order to buy him some new varieties that had never been used before, the Zhou family even asked someone or sent people to Fengguo and Chengguo to buy them.

But for the Zhou family, they are not afraid of Lu Ran enjoying it, but they are afraid that Lu Ran will not enjoy it.

If Lu Ran is bent on strengthening the scaled frog alien race through this kind of trade, then the Zhou family may have to think twice before proceeding and treat this kind of trade with caution.

But now, no matter what kind of spiritual tea or spiritual wine Lu Ran wants, the Zhou family will try their best to get it for him, as long as he can afford an exchange of equal value.

After the trade ended, Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoquan took the harvested water treasures upstream from the underground river and returned to Lanzhou in two days.

After that, according to the rules, Zhou Chun directly sent the things to Qinglian Temple for selection.

The Taoist responsible for selecting rare treasures from the waters at Qinglian Temple is a monk from the Zifu period. He has extensive knowledge and has a strong ability to appreciate various rare treasures from the waters.

There were many rare treasures in the water that even Lu Ran and the Zhou family didn't know the names and uses of. He was able to tell them about them, but the Zhou family also learned a lot of new knowledge in the process.

After letting the Taoist priests of Qinglian Temple select the rare water treasures as usual, Zhou Chun prepared to leave and return to his family with the remaining water treasures and spiritual coins.

Unexpectedly, before they left the Qinglian Temple Gate, they were suddenly stopped and said to be summoned by the temple owner Qingweizi.

Ever since he suffered a big loss from the ancestor of the Su family, Zhou Chun no longer dared to show any slights to these Golden Core monks.

Knowing that it was Qing Weizi who had summoned him, he hurriedly turned around and went to the head's hall to meet him.

"Junior Zhou Zhengchun, greet the senior Guanzhu."

In the head hall, after Zhou Chun saw Qing Weizi sitting upright, he immediately leaned over and bowed respectfully.

Seeing this, Qingweizi couldn't help but waved the whisk in her hand and said: "Young friend Zhou, there is no need to be more polite. I called you here today because I learned that you are behind our door, and I happen to want to ask you about something."

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun suddenly looked frightened and saluted quickly: "Senior's words are serious. How can I be so virtuous and capable as this junior? How dare I be worthy of my senior's advice? Seniors only have a useful place for juniors, so just give me orders. "

"I know that your Zhou family is good at the art of controlling beasts and has made unique achievements in the art of controlling animals. I wonder if you have any research on the art of expelling insects?"

Qingweizi narrowed her eyes and asked softly.

When Zhou Chun heard the words, he didn't think about it carefully, and immediately replied respectfully: "Master Guanzhu clearly knows that the art of controlling beasts and the art of expelling insects do have something in common, but my Zhou family is not familiar with the art of expelling insects. For The understanding of various monsters and insects is limited to the records in the monster illustrations."

He didn't know why Qingweizi asked about the art of repelling insects, but his intuition told him that it was best not to say too much about this kind of thing.

But Qingweizi didn't seem to want to let him pass easily.

After listening to Zhou Chun's answer, Qingweizi's eyes flickered, then she suddenly waved her sleeve and handed something to Zhou Chun.

"Then take a look at this thing. Do you recognize this kind of monster insect?"

Zhou Chun looked intently and saw that the thing Qingweizi handed to him was an earth-yellow monster insect corpse the size of a fist.

This strange insect looks a bit like an ant and somewhat similar to a mole cricket, with sharp mouthparts and a pair of claws.

This is the first time Zhou Chun has seen such a strange monster insect.

He took the corpse of the monster insect in his hand, looked it up and down carefully, then shook his head at Qingweizi and said: "Senior Guanzhu clearly knows that this kind of monster insect is not known to me. There is no such monster insect in the family's illustrated book of monster insects." Information on this kind of demonic insect has been collected.”

I thought that after answering like this, this matter would be over.

But what Zhou Chun didn't expect was that after listening to his words, Qingweizi talked about the origin of the demonic insect in his hand.

"You don't know this kind of monster insect, and I don't know this kind of monster insect, but now this kind of monster insect has gathered in swarms and overrun the Yang Kingdom. Now half of the Yang Kingdom has been destroyed by this insect plague, and countless people and monks have suffered this kind of tragedy. Devoured by demonic insects!”

"It is estimated that the number of these monster insects in Yang Kingdom now reaches hundreds of millions, and their population has become so large that even the Nascent Soul stage monks cannot eliminate them!"

"Now that Yang Kingdom is unable to contain the insect plague, we can only send people everywhere to ask for help and collect good pest control strategies. At the same time, we have also issued humanitarian distress orders to all factions in the surrounding countries, requesting all countries to send people to Yang Kingdom to help fight against the insect plague!"

Are even the Nascent Soul Stage monks helpless?

Zhou Chun's expression changed. He looked at the corpse of the demon insect in his hand and suddenly felt that it was very hot.

Only then did he know why Qingweizi suddenly called him over to ask about the art of deworming.

If what Qingweizi said was not an exaggeration, then this matter was really terrible.

Regarding the power of insect plagues, Zhou Chun had seen many records in ancient books.

According to records in the classics, the largest insect plague in this world was the "soul-eating locust plague" that occurred ten thousand years ago.

At that time, a demonic insect called the "Spirit-Eating Demonic Locust" suddenly appeared. This insect was born with the ability to devour all spiritual evolutions, and its reproduction rate was very fast.

Because this kind of monster insect only appeared in a certain alien territory at first, it failed to attract the attention of the human race's immortal world. By the time this kind of monster insect became common, it was already very difficult to control.

At that time, a powerful alien race was almost wiped out by this kind of demonic insect. Later, all human countries also suffered heavy losses due to the invasion of this kind of demonic insect. More than a dozen monks in the Nascent Soul stage died!

Later, it was said that a certain sixth-level alien strongman used a shocking magical power to forcibly kill the most powerful insect king and many fifth-level and fourth-level monster insects in the insect swarm, and then gathered the power of the human race and several major alien races to forcibly kill This pest plague was extinguished.

Since then, all the demonic insects evolved from the locusts have been wiped out by the human race and various alien races, and any signs of it will be extinguished.

That kind of "soul-eating demon locust" was completely exterminated!

In addition to this "soul-eating locust plague", there have been many smaller insect plagues in the history of the world of immortality in the past, and those insect plagues worthy of being recorded in the classics would take away countless lives every time they broke out.

There is no doubt that the insect plague that broke out in Yang Country at this time has now begun to have signs that can be recorded in the classics.

"Senior Temple Master, can you tell me about the abilities of this demonic insect? What is it capable of? Even those with great supernatural powers at the Nascent Soul Stage can hardly extinguish it!"

Zhou Chun couldn't help asking Qingweizi about the information about the demonic insect in his hand, and he took this matter very seriously.

"According to people from the Yang Kingdom, this kind of monster insect has extremely strong growth adaptability. When they are just born, they are just ordinary mortal insects, and their size is only a little bigger than ordinary ants. But as long as they have enough food, they can grow within a month. It can grow as big as the monster insect in your hand."

"They are born with the ability to burrow into the ground. After evolving for the first time, they will evolve wings and have the ability to fly. At the same time, their teeth are extremely sharp and can bite through flying swords of the same level. Their claws also have extremely strong cutting capabilities. Many It will also evolve the ability to spit venom."

"The most noteworthy thing about this kind of monster is that as long as they devour a spiritual object of a certain attribute before their first mutation and evolution, they can awaken to master the magical power of that attribute and continue to evolve at an extremely fast speed. "

"The most frightening thing is that when they advance to become second-level monsters, there is a high probability that these monsters will evolve a second attribute power, making them even more powerful and difficult to destroy!"

"At present, there has even been an insect king in the Yang Kingdom that is equivalent to the monks in the early stage of Yuanying. With the blessing of the power of the insect swarm, even the monks in the late stage of Yuanying cannot kill it personally!"

Qingweizi didn't hide any secrets at all, and quickly told Zhou Chun the truth about the information she knew from the envoy from Yang Kingdom.

And just by listening to his narration, Zhou Chun could feel the horror of it.

It grows and evolves quickly, can burrow into the ground and fly into the sky, reproduces very quickly, and has a strong mutation ability!

When these abilities are integrated into a monster insect, it is very terrifying.

Dang even couldn't help but said: "According to what the senior Guanzhu said, the power of the insect disaster is already so huge that ordinary disaster-fighting methods are no longer effective. Even if we can find a way to restrain those ordinary monster insects, it will still be difficult to deal with them." Get rid of those high-level monster insects!"

But after hearing what he said, Qingweizi shook her head slightly and said: "You are wrong. If you can find a way to eliminate ordinary monster insects, you can fundamentally prevent the monster insect population from continuing to expand, and then prevent more monster insects. Evolve into a high-level monster insect."

"As long as the number of high-level demonic insects cannot continue to grow and the size of the insect swarm is continuously eliminated and reduced, it will not be difficult to eliminate the insect plague!"

At this point, Qingweizi finally revealed her true intention of summoning Zhou Chun.

"Since the Yang Kingdom has issued a humanitarian request for help, for the sake of the overall interests of the human race, our sect, the Yuelun Sect, and the Yanyang Sect will definitely send people to the Yang Kingdom to help eliminate the disaster."

"Since your family, Little Friend Zhou, is proficient in the art of controlling beasts and has research on monsters and insects, you might as well send a few people to accompany our monks to Yang Country."

"If the Zhou family can really play a big role in eliminating the insect plague, the seniors of the Yang Kingdom will definitely be richly rewarded afterwards!"

But it turned out that he wanted the Zhou family to send people to join the queue to support the Yang Kingdom, and wanted to use the Zhou family's knowledge of beast control to try to find a way to eliminate the insect plague.

I have to say that Qingweizi made this plan very well.

As the immortal cultivating family under Qinglian Temple, if the Zhou family really made a big contribution in eliminating insect plagues, then the benefits gained by Qinglian Temple would definitely be much greater than that of the Zhou family.

And even if the Zhou family made no contribution, Qinglian Temple would not suffer any loss.

Fortunately, Qingweizi's tone was not harsh, but rather a discussion tone, which made Zhou Chun feel more at ease.

Immediately and respectfully replied: "I understand what senior Guanzhu means, junior. When I return to the family, I will talk to the elders about this matter and see what the elders mean."

First update today, there will be another update tonight!

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