Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 281 Heading to Yang Country, the insect plague is fierce [Please subscribe]

After leaving Qinglian Temple in a hurry, Zhou Chun quickly returned to the family gate with his heart full of worries.

When he arrived at the family, he immediately informed Zhou Mingde, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Daoquan about the insect plague in Yangguo that Qingweizi told him.

Then several people started discussing the matter.

"There are still two countries between Yangguo and Jingguo. Even if the insect plague really spreads, it is unlikely to spread to Jingguo, so the family does not need to worry about the threat of insect plague."

When Zhou Mingde opened his mouth, he first talked about the threat of the insect plague and determined that the Zhou family could not be threatened by this insect plague.

Several other people basically agreed with his statement.

Then Zhou Daoyi quickly expressed his opinion and said: "Insect disasters often occur only once in a thousand years. If safety can be guaranteed, it would not be a bad idea for the family to send a few people over to study it. Even if they cannot develop any useful methods against insect disasters, they can still open up the field." To broaden our horizons and learn more about insect plagues.”

Hearing his words, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but said: "This is indeed the truth, but since we have gone to Yang Country and faced with the overwhelming monster insects, who can guarantee safety? If we are surrounded by a large group of monster insects, Jin Even the alchemy monks may not be able to escape unscathed!"

"This is easy to handle. Even if we send people to Yang Country, we don't need to be commanded by anyone. We must have the right to move freely. In this way, as long as we don't go deep into the insect-infested area, we can basically eliminate the danger of being surrounded by monster insects. !”

It was Zhou Daoquan who said this. The angle he found was very strange, and he allayed Zhou Mingde's worries with one word, which made several people couldn't help but marvel.

"Dao Quan is right. If we really want to send people to Yang Country, we must do this and take the initiative in our own hands!"

Zhou Mingde nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Zhou Daoquan's statement.

When Zhou Chun heard what they said, he also expressed his opinion: "Although the master Qingweizi did not directly issue a decree, since he mentioned this matter, we should also take care of his old man's welfare. To save face, send a few people out, even if it’s just for show!”

"Then Masazumi, who do you think we should send?"

Zhou Daoyi looked at Zhou Chun and asked softly.

"In the opinion of this junior, Uncle Fourteen must bring it with him. He has made great achievements in the field of poisons. He has also made slight improvements in the family's deworming prescriptions. In this regard, the family can be said to be unparalleled in skills. People can reach it.”

"One of the other three Supreme Elders must also go, otherwise it will take an unknown amount of time just to travel back and forth."

"If possible, this junior would also like to go there in person to open his eyes."

Facing the gazes of the three Supreme Elders, Zhou Chun expressed his opinions in a calm tone.

Hearing his words, Zhou Daoyi immediately frowned and said, "Zhengchun, there is no need for you to go. Not to mention the danger of going to Yang Country, it is difficult for the family to function without you."

"You are wrong. In the past few years, the junior has consciously trained several deputies to help handle family affairs, and has re-edited the manual for handling common affairs. Now, no matter who takes over the junior's responsibilities, at least the daily operations of the family will not be disrupted. problem appear."

Zhou Chun shook his head slightly and softly rejected Zhou Daoyi's opinion.

He has been working hard to reform and optimize the institutional structure of the Zhou family. Over the years, he has optimized and adjusted the personnel structure in some aspects many times over the years.

He has now expanded the number of mortal scribes in Zhongping Hall to twenty-four, who can work in two shifts.

At the same time, three new family monks were added as assistants to the patriarch to assist the patriarch in handling various family affairs.

Now, after several years of training by him, the three assistants to the clan leader have become fully proficient in handling all daily affairs of the family, and can help him save a lot of energy.

Many times, Zhou Chun can even think of himself as a stamper, as long as he is responsible for stamping the organized documents and announcements.

And the Patriarch's Manual he compiled was an artifact he prepared for those who would act as agents for his Patriarch's affairs in the future.

This manual clearly states the methods and standards for handling most family affairs. Anyone who encounters an incident can basically do nothing wrong as long as they follow what is recorded in the manual.

So even if he leaves the family again for several years as he did before, the family elders who act as the clan leader's affairs no longer need to deal with various family affairs as laboriously as before.

After listening to Zhou Chun's words, before Zhou Daoyi said anything, Zhou Mingde spoke up again: "It's okay to let him go out for a walk to gain some knowledge. Besides, with me following him, there is no need to worry about him being able to Something happened."

"Do you want to go in person?"

Zhou Daoyi was slightly startled, not expecting him to say this.

Zhou Mingde waved his hands slightly and said: "It is most appropriate for me to go. Dao Yiqin is now more important to the family than me, and is more suitable to sit in the family. As for Daoquan, after all, the time to open the Zifu is still short, and it requires more potential." Xiu improves strength."

"If you, the Supreme Elder, go in person, then this trip will be safe."

Zhou Chun had a smile on his face and immediately expressed his agreement.

Seeing this, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Daoquan could not say anything more and could only agree.

After some further deliberation, and after soliciting Zhou Jiawei's own opinions, the Zhou family decided on the candidate to go to Yangguo.

The team will be led by Zhou Mingde, accompanied by four people: Zhou Chun, Zhou Jiapeng, Zhou Jiawei and Zhou Zhengqing.

Zhou Zhengqing is the junior member of the "Zheng" generation of the Zhou family. He is only twenty-seven years old this year and has only reached the sixth level of Qi Refining. His father is a monk of the "Jia" generation of the Zhou family.

He is the successor Zhou Jiawei trained for him, and he is also Zhou Jiawei's right-hand man.

After the team members were confirmed, they immediately set off to Qinglian Temple Gate, preparing to take a ride from Qinglian Temple to Yangguo.

Qingweizi did not object to the Zhou family's independent actions, and agreed with the Zhou family's plan to take a ride on Qinglian Guan.

This time, in response to the "humanitarian distress order" issued by Yangguo, Qinglian Temple also sent a luxurious team to assist.

The team was led by two Golden Core Stage monks and included six Zifu Stage monks and thirty-six Foundation Establishment Stage monks.

What surprised Zhou Chun was that Liu Shiyun was among the thirty-six people.

It is said that ever since he realized that Liu Shiyun was interested in him and began to actively downplay contact with him, the contact between the two has become less and less.

Especially after Liu Qingshan found out about Su Yuzhen living in his compound, Liu Shiyun never wrote to him individually again.

However, Liu Shiyun still accepted the spiritual honey, spiritual tea and other items sent by Zhou Chun. She didn't have to do it if she didn't have a true friend.

When setting off at this time, the two met again. After Zhou Chun hesitated for a while, he took the initiative to say hello to him.

But facing his greeting, Liu Shiyun responded very coldly.

After such a hot face was pressed against a cold butt, Zhou Chun was too sensible to say anything more.

Their group was led by two Jindan monks. After flying for almost two days, they finally arrived at the border of Yang Kingdom.

The region where Yangguo is located is somewhat unique. One-third of the country is covered with snow-capped mountains and plateaus. There are many mountains and few plains within the country, and its population is far inferior to that of Jingguo.

However, Yangguo's strength in the world of immortality is much stronger than that of Jingguo.

This is mainly because there are many spiritual mountains and spiritual lands in Yang Kingdom, and the spiritual mineral resources are also abundant.

These rich resources naturally attracted many powerful immortal cultivators to establish mountain gates there.

Before this insect disaster, Yang State was also one of the most powerful countries in the nearby countries. When recruiting disciples, some of its domestic sects would even recruit disciples to neighboring countries.

However, this sudden outbreak of insect plague caused great damage to the immortal cultivation world of Yang Kingdom. Many small and medium-sized forces were directly destroyed by the insect plague. Even some large forces suffered heavy losses and even the Shanmen garrison was abandoned.

Now the essence of Yangguo's immortal world is concentrated on the snow-capped mountain plateau.

It is said that the ice and snow environment made the low-level monster insects in the insect plague unsuitable, so this territory was temporarily saved.

But as a result, the attack direction of the insect plague began to shift towards the countries surrounding Yang State.

Nowadays, the people who want to eliminate the insect plague the most are the neighboring countries of Yang Kingdom.

After Zhou Chun and others followed the people from Qinglianguan to the border of Yangguo, they separated from them first.

For the five members of the Zhou family, it is undoubtedly a dangerous thing to directly enter Yang Country, which has been overrun by insects.

Now they just want to stay in Yang Abroad first, collect as much information about the insect plague as possible, and get some live low-level monster insects for research.

The place where the five members of the Zhou family settled was Dayun State, located southeast of Yang State. This country was weak and not as good as Jing State.

At this time, in order to protect the national border, various sects and families in the Dayun Kingdom sent most of their troops to camp in the border areas, and constantly sent people across the border to eliminate the demonic insects in the Yang Kingdom.

Before finding a way to eliminate demonic insects on a large scale, the immortal cultivators can only use this most primitive method to weaken the power of the insect plague.

Although this method is primitive, it is actually effective.

Thanks to the culling of a large number of immortal cultivators day and night, the expansion momentum of some insect plagues was slightly curbed, preventing them from rushing out of Yang Country so quickly.

Otherwise, once the insect plague is allowed to spread in all directions in various countries, it may become a catastrophe of the level of "soul-eating locusts".

At this time, after the five members of the Zhou family separated from the Qinglianguan group, they headed to the nearby Dayun Guofang City to search for people.

At this time, all the forces in the Dayun Kingdom were unprecedentedly united, and all markets and strongholds were conditionally open to monks who were willing to eliminate the demonic insects free of charge.

As long as you hand in the corpse of a first-level low-grade monster insect, you can practice for free for two hours.

Moreover, this kind of free practice time can be accumulated and superimposed, that is, even if the insect plague is eliminated in the future, the practice time accumulated through this method can continue to be used.

It is precisely because of this that even though they knew that the insect plague was severe, most of the casual cultivators from Dayun Kingdom still stayed to defend the country and worked hard to eliminate the demonic insects in Yang Kingdom.

After learning that the five members of the Zhou family came all the way from Jingguo to Dayun State for assistance, the guarding monks in Fang City were very enthusiastic about them. Not only did they help contact a place for them to rest, they were also willing to provide them with free services. Provide information on insect infestations.

This was an unexpected surprise for the five members of the Zhou family, and it also made them feel the influence of the insect plague even more.

Through conversations with the monks from the Dayun Kingdom, Zhou Chun and the others quickly learned a lot of news that Qingweizi had never mentioned.

For example, before everyone from the Zhou family arrived, monks from Yang Kingdom, Dayun Kingdom and other countries also summoned a large number of alchemists and poison-using monks to develop poisons against monsters and insects.

At the beginning, it was true that many useful poisons were developed.

However, everyone soon discovered that because the insect swarm was too large, it was simply difficult to find enough poison raw materials to eliminate the insect swarm on a large scale.

Moreover, the demonic insects in the insect disaster are also extremely adaptable. After a poison kills a large number of demonic insects, the surviving demonic insects will develop resistance, and this resistance will be passed on to the next generation of demonic insects.

In this way, if a sufficient number of monster insects cannot be poisoned at one time, it will be difficult for the same poison to be effective on the insect swarm later.

As for the kind of poison that can kill a sufficient number of demonic insects, no one has been able to develop it yet.

The currently recognized best methods for exterminating pests are fire and freezing.

In the current Yang Kingdom, any place that can be burned has been set on fire by the immortal cultivators. Firstly, they burned the low-level demonic insects and some of their eggs, and secondly, they reduced the food available to the insect swarms.

Freezing is because monsters are generally afraid of the cold, so they use ice-walking spells to attack monsters. Except for some monsters that have mutated into ice attributes, they are all prone to critical damage from ice-walking spells.

"Hearing is worse than seeing. Tomorrow I and Zhengchun will go to Yang Kingdom to get in touch with the insect swarms and catch some live insects for study. Jiapeng and you will continue to inquire and collect information about the insect plague in this city."

In the room, after Zhou Mingde had a general understanding of the insect plague in Yangguo, he summoned Zhou Chun and four others to make arrangements.

Naturally, several people had no objections to his arrangement.

So on the second day, Zhou Chunbian and Zhou Mingde set off for Yangguo.

Because they were dealing with demonic insects this time, the two of them didn't care whether they were low-key or high-profile, they just did whatever was convenient.

The two of them rode Zhou Chun's golden-winged tiger directly to Yang Kingdom, and arrived at Yang Kingdom at noon.

At this time, there is a clear boundary between the territories of Yangguo and Dayunguo, that is, the country that was burnt to scorched earth is Yangguo, and the place with green water and green mountains is Dayunguo.

About fifty or sixty miles into the burnt-to-scorched-earth territory of Yang Kingdom, Zhou Chun and his two men had already discovered the figures of monster insects foraging on the ground through their spiritual consciousness.

Although the fire burned the vegetation, it also killed many birds and animals. There are now many corpses of these birds and animals on the land of Yang Kingdom.

And those monster insects will naturally not let go of this free food.

After seeing those demonic insects at this time, Zhou Chun wanted to test their quality.

But Zhou Mingde held him back.

"Don't rush to do it yet. See if you can follow these monster insects to find their nest. It would be great if you can catch a few second-order monster insects."

After hearing this, Zhou Chun had no choice but to stop and put away the golden-winged tiger. Together with Zhou Mingde, he restrained his aura and secretly observed and tracked the foraging monster insects.

After a period of time passed like this, when it was getting dark, the two finally followed the foraging monster insect and found its nest.

Second update!

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