Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 282 Human-Insect War【Please subscribe】

The nests of demonic insects are located deep underground, similar to rat nests.

However, the structure of the demon insect nest is much more complex than that of the rat nest.

Just like an upside-down beehive underground, it is divided into countless small cells, in which the larvae hatch and are born, and the adults also have a separate nest room as a habitat.

At the same time, there is a water diversion ditch excavated at the bottom of the nest, which can guide the water infiltrated from above into other areas to avoid being flooded.

Such a special structure makes it difficult for the demon insect nest to be destroyed.

As long as food is supplied, the larvae inside can grow extremely well without worrying about external threats.

The monster insect nest that Zhou Chun and the others discovered was not very large, and there were not even second-order monster insects inside.

It looks like this should be a newly built nest.

According to the information they had previously inquired about, this kind of monster insect has now multiplied in various parts of the Yang Kingdom, and in order to cope with the food crisis, many large groups of monster insects have had to separate their nests.

This can be regarded as a strategy of the human monks.

By implementing scorched-earth tactics to curb the insect swarm's access to food, and then encircling it from all sides, the insect swarm was trapped within Yangguo's territory so that it could not escape.

It's just that the insect plague has become a reality. If we concentrate our forces to break through in a certain direction, the human monks may still be unable to intercept it.

At this moment, after Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde observed the situation of the insect nest underground, they went straight to catch the insects.

Zhou Mingde raised his hand and waved, and a red-gold flying sword shot towards the insect nest.

This third-level magic weapon flying sword was so sharp that ordinary rocks could not block its edge. A hole was soon drilled into the ground.

Not long after, Feijian arrived at the insect nest and shuttled directly inside the insect nest, messing up the insect nest.

This angered the demonic insects, and soon one after another they rushed down the hole to the ground and pounced on Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde.

If it were a monster, he would definitely not have the courage to take action against a Zifu Stage monk and a Foundation Establishment Stage monk at this time.

But the monsters have a fierce temperament and don't know what fear is. They will only attack any enemy that provokes them.

Although there were no second-order monster insects, hundreds of first-order monster insects led thousands of ordinary monster insects to attack together, and the momentum was quite impressive.

As the information said above, most of those first-order monster insects have mastered related spell abilities.

Most of the demonic insects attacking Zhou Chun and the others have fire attributes. After they fly close to the enemy, they can spit out a high-temperature venom that burns and corrodes the target.

Not to mention flesh and blood such as humans and monsters, even ordinary first-level magic weapons will be corroded and have a gap if they are hit by the high-temperature venom.

In addition, these monster insects can hug each other to form an insect array to improve the overall defense capability, and even transfer their meager mana to a certain monster insect to forcibly increase the strength of that monster insect.

Therefore, even if there are only hundreds of first-order monster insects, once they form an array and launch an offensive, they still have the strength to threaten ordinary monks in the foundation building stage.

However, the enemies they encountered this time were not something they could deal with with this little trick.

After briefly testing the power of the insect swarm, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde killed most of the demonic insects, and then used special magic weapons prepared in advance to kill more than twenty living first-order demonic insects and hundreds of them. Ordinary monster insects were put inside and brought back to Fangshi.

After returning to Fangshi, the two handed all the captured monster insects to Zhou Jiawei, who began to conduct experiments.

In the next few days, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde will still go to Yang Kingdom from time to time to try to see if they can capture the second-order monster insects.

However, it turned out that their idea was not feasible at all.

Those second-level monsters have violent personalities. Once they are trapped and find that there is no way to escape, they will charge desperately until they die of exhaustion.

And Zhou Chun and the others have not yet found an effective way to avoid this happening.

At the same time, there was little progress in Zhou Jiawei's experiments.

Although a few days were not long, it was enough for him to test all the low-cost poisons he had brought, but the results were very bad.

The vitality of demon insects is very tenacious. It is almost impossible for any of the low-cost poisons brought by Zhou Jiawei to kill them, and even few can make them lose half of their lives.

"Uncle Fourteenth, I think your research direction needs to change and focus on the study of poisonous smoke. Considering the scale of the insect disaster, only large-scale poisonous smoke incineration can achieve the effect of eliminating the disaster!"

"If we can develop poisonous smoke that kills ordinary monster insects, even if it requires the use of some rare materials, it will be worthwhile."

"After all, the materials that are difficult for our Zhou family to collect may not be so difficult to obtain compared to the Yang Kingdom factions and other countries!"

In the room, Zhou Chun whispered his opinion after asking Zhou Jiawei about the current status of poison development.

However, after Zhou Jiawei listened to his words, he sighed helplessly: "Why didn't I know that poisonous smoke is the best way to kill insects!"

"However, compared to poisonous water and medicinal powder, poisonous smoke is inherently less toxic, and the body structures of monsters and insects are different from those of us humans and ordinary beasts. Poisonous smoke that is useful to us humans and ordinary beasts is not effective for them. Maybe it’s not very effective.”

"So it is really difficult to develop poisonous smoke that is useful for monster insects. It cannot be done in a short time!"

As an expert in poisoning, Zhou Jiawei must know better than Zhou Chun how to use poison to kill a target.

He also understands the complexity and difficulty of poison configuration better than Zhou Chun.

After listening to him tell the inside story at this time, Zhou Chun also knew that his thoughts were a bit simple, so he didn't say anything more, just encouraged him a few words and left.

A few days passed like this, and a piece of news suddenly spread in the city where Zhou Chun and others were located.

It is said that all the various factions that have received the "humanitarian rescue order" from Yang State have sent reinforcements to Yang State.

Due to the food crisis, the insect swarms in Yang Kingdom also showed signs of intensive migration.

Therefore, reinforcements from various countries and monks from Yang Kingdom, Dayun Kingdom and other countries prepared to concentrate their forces to intercept the migrating insect swarms and fight a head-on battle with the insect swarms.

"It is said that the migration direction of the insect swarm is Rongguo. Now hundreds of thousands of monks have gathered on the border between Rongguo and Yangguo, blocking most of the border areas between the two countries. There are also Nascent Soul Stage monks monitoring them at any time. The movement trajectory of the insect swarm ensures that you will not be attacked by the insect swarm!"

In Fang City, Zhou Jiapeng spoke vividly about the relevant information he had found out, and his face was slightly excited.

An army of hundreds of thousands of immortal cultivators is indeed a very shocking force!

Even in the original war between Jingguo and Hualong Cult, the war to resist the beast tide, the actual number of participants was only tens of thousands.

But now the number of immortal cultivators gathered in Rongguo is hundreds of thousands, and among them are masters from various sects from various countries.

Just thinking about such scenes is enough to shock ordinary monks.

But Zhou Mingde had seen big scenes after all, and was not shocked by Zhou Jiapeng's words at this time.

After thinking calmly for a while, he said in a deep voice: "We were actually forced into a head-on battle with the insect swarm. It seems that the harm of this insect plague is even greater than we expected!"

"Whether we win or lose in this kind of head-on battle, the number of fallen monks will definitely not be small, and it is impossible for the insect swarm to be completely wiped out due to a rout!"

At this point, he continued: "Perhaps the purpose of this frontal battle is to try again to see if the insect king can be eliminated. If the insect king can be eliminated, even if the insect swarm will not be completely wiped out, It can also greatly curb the scale of the insect disaster!"

An insect swarm that forms an insect plague level must have an insect king.

Once the insect king is killed, the first task of the insect swarm is to elect a new insect king.

At this time, in order to compete for the throne of the Insect King, the high-level demon insects in the insect swarm will fight and devour each other crazily. The demon insects below will also divide into groups in large numbers because of the loss of the leadership of the Insect King, and even kill each other.

This chaos will continue until the new insect king takes the throne and reintegrates the insect swarm.

Therefore, if you do not think of a way to completely eliminate the insect swarm, killing the insect king first to curb the expansion of the insect swarm is also a feasible strategy to delay the attack.

"This junior also agrees with what you said, Supreme Elder. The purpose of this frontal battle is probably to kill the Insect King."

Zhou Chun nodded, agreed with Zhou Mingde's statement, and then said: "Next, let's just wait for the news and wait for changes to occur!"

According to what he meant, he had no idea of ​​participating in a war that would be recorded in the classics.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction and said: "Yes, let's do this. We just need to wait for the news with peace of mind."

The Zhou family's judgment was not wrong.

The sniper battle on the border between Rongguo and Yangguo soon started.

Because there are Nascent Soul stage monks monitoring the insect swarm, the direction of movement of the main force of the insect swarm cannot be concealed from anyone at all.

Moreover, in order to take care of those low-level monster insects, the insect swarm will not move too fast.

This gave the human side sufficient time and space to move the 100,000-strong army directly in front of the main force of the insect swarm.

Above the already scorched Yang Kingdom, demonic insects that covered the sky gathered into a continuous cloud of insects, moving forward in a mighty way for dozens of miles.

The sound of their wings beating when they fly is as deafening as thunder, and the sound is extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, the land of Yang Kingdom below has become a scorched earth, with no people and no birds or animals.

Otherwise, the momentum could scare people to death!

But just when the overwhelming swarm of insects arrived at the border area of ​​Yang Kingdom, which was less than 200 miles away from Rong Kingdom, they encountered an army of hundreds of thousands of ethnic monks who had been waiting for them.

But I saw monks on the ground standing at a distance ranging from ten feet to dozens of feet, and they were also densely packed covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles.

Those Zifu Stage monks and Golden Core Stage monks were suspended in mid-air and turned into an aerial defense line.

When the overwhelming swarm of insects approached dozens of miles away, the golden elixir stage monks and the purple mansion stage monks took action first, using various powerful spells to attack the swarm of insects.

But when a golden elixir-stage monk saw a flag dancing in his hand, red-gold flames burst out from the flag, turning into red-gold firebirds and pounced on the swarm of insects, numbering in the hundreds.

There was also a golden elixir stage monk who rubbed his hands together, and a hurricane tornado that connected the sky and the earth and was more than ten feet in diameter moved horizontally in the air and swept towards the insect swarm.

Set fire, blow wind, spray water...

A variety of powerful magical powers were blasted towards the insect swarm from the air.

Every magical power that falls into the insect swarm will kill tens of thousands of demonic insects, even third-level demonic insects are no exception!

But compared to the huge insect swarm that stretched for dozens of miles, this loss was simply insignificant.

What's more, after encountering a powerful fire attack, the insect swarm responded quickly.

I saw that the huge insect swarm suddenly divided into groups, and the large monster insects among them all flew to the front, and collectively accelerated and rushed forward.

These are second- and third-level monster insects, which have a relatively high degree of evolution. They not only have powerful attack methods, but also have defensive methods.

They form insect arrays and charge forward, connected with each other's magic auras. Even the attack of the Golden Core Stage monks cannot cause much damage to an insect array.

Soon the vanguard of these insect swarms rushed in front of the army of human monks and launched a counterattack.

Some of them collectively spit out fiery red high-temperature venom, which rained down on the monks on the ground like meteors and fire.

Some are immortal cultivators who collectively spit out black and silver-white light blades, like thousands of arrows shooting into the air.

Others spit out green venom and hit the enemy like raindrops.

Perhaps compared to the dazzling variety of magical powers of the immortal cultivators, the attack methods of the insect swarm seem a bit simple.

But no one dares to underestimate their attack power.

Soon some cultivators with lower cultivation levels fell into the insect swarm attack.

At this time, the insect swarm had begun to close up and attack the army of monks blocking the way.

The monks who stood like wooden stakes everywhere on the ground were either sacrificing magic weapons or playing magic talismans, and launched an offensive against the approaching monster insects.

In this war, everyone has a mission, and monks at every level know what they should do.

Those monks in the Qi Refining Stage and Foundation Establishment Stage are trying to disperse the power of the insect swarm as much as possible, and at the same time try to kill the active force of the insect swarm.

The Zifu stage monks and the Golden Core stage monks are responsible for intercepting the main force of the insect swarm and trying their best to divide the insect swarm so that the insect king can mobilize less power.

As for the Nascent Soul Stage monks who have never shown their faces, they are responsible for the most important task, responsible for killing the king of the insect swarm.

Finally, when the overwhelming swarm of insects completely entered the human monks' position and fought in a melee with the intercepting human monks, those Nascent Soul monks finally took action!

However, I saw colorful rays of light suddenly rising in the sky, and torrents of pure and powerful spiritual power surged towards the insect swarm from all directions, crushing and killing millions of demonic insects in an instant!

The Insect King, who was hiding in the center of the swarm, could no longer hide his figure and was forced to reveal his true identity.

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