The new year is coming, I wish you all a happy New Year and a happy new year!

A lot has happened in the past year. In the disaster year of 2022, maybe we will not forget the past ten years!

In a year marked by frequent natural and man-made disasters, several celebrities of the century passed away one after another. Those who had been familiar with each other since childhood all passed away this year.

And ordinary people are undoubtedly more miserable this year!

In fact, I have a lot of emotional things to say in my heart, but I feel there is no need to say them here.

It’s better to keep the novel relatively pure. Let’s only talk about the novel and nothing else!

To be honest, before I wrote one million words, I was looking forward to the changes after one million words.

Because there have been enough preparations before, it is expected that after one million words, I will be able to usher in an explosion, and my writing should also become more and more smooth!

But reality is often the opposite of expectations!

I don’t know if it’s because this disease really affects people’s thinking, or if there’s something wrong with me.

It’s hard to get back to my previous writing state, and I no longer have the spirituality I had before!

I'm in pain!

It should be the time when all the suffering should be over but the result is even more intense pain!

That feeling is much more uncomfortable than when you see the protagonist being suppressed all the time and never getting a chance to vent, absolutely!

Because of the subject matter, writing novels of this type is all about rushing to the back. This is true for the author, and so is the reader.

But now the author has a problem, how terrifying this is!

I want to get back into shape!

I must get back my lost spirituality!

So in January 2023, don’t expect too much from the updates above. Basically, it should only maintain one update per day and 4,000 words.

I will spend more time reading books to recharge, hoping to be able to draw parallels and get myself back in shape.

This is also the common method used by many author friends to face my current situation, and it can even be said to be the only useful method!

When I get back into shape, there will naturally be more updates!

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