Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 283 Battle against the Insect King, the sword is named Feihong [Please subscribe]

The Insect King appears!

It was a huge monster insect with a body length of more than ten feet. It was golden in color, as if it were made of gold.

Purple-black spiritual patterns are imprinted all over his body.

It also has golden wings like cicada wings and a mouth full of serrations.

Compared with those first-order monster insects that are only as big as a fist, this insect king is completely different from them in terms of size alone.

Even the most powerful demonic insect guarding the Insect King is more than ten times different in size from the Insect King.

This is the Insect King, the king of billions of demonic insects.

For a swarm of demonic insects like this, the Insect King is often the product of many mutations.

Their single combat power can be the king among the same level, even the dragons of the same level are no exception.

At the same time, as the king of the insect swarm, the insect king can also receive the power increase of the entire insect swarm, doubling its strength.

At this moment, with the appearance of the Insect King, the insect swarms moved closer to the Insect King as if on stimulants.

Soon a huge insect appeared in the sky.

This huge insect is composed of hundreds of millions of demonic insects. Its body is more than ten miles long and its wingspan is seven or eight miles. It looks like an ancient giant.

And something like this is definitely not just for scaring people.

But seeing the colorful spiritual light on the giant insect flashing, a wave of five colors like a sea wave pushed horizontally towards the human monks' position in front.

Obviously, the insect king is not as smart as ordinary monster insects. He knows that it is difficult for him to directly attack those Nascent Soul monks who have unpredictable methods, so he directly attacks the enemy and saves them.

What it did did was indeed effective.

Of course, all human Yuanying stage monks cannot sit back and watch the Insect King massacre their descendants.

So each piece of extremely powerful spiritual treasures and magic weapons hit the five-color wave, tearing it apart and blasting it apart.

At the same time, a purple-red fire pillar that ran through the sky suddenly broke through the sky and bombarded the giant insect like a divine punishment.

In an instant, the giant insect was punched through its body on the spot, and a hole dozens of feet in diameter suddenly appeared in its body.

Hundreds of thousands of demonic insects were instantly wiped out in this single blow, leaving no trace behind.

But soon the strong surge of five-color spiritual light wiped away the remaining power of the purple-red fire pillar, and the giant insect's body returned to its original shape.

And at this time, the giant insect's second attack was also released.

But suddenly thousands of arrows were fired from the giant insect, and pillars of spiritual energy shining with various colors burst out, like arrows, shooting at the monks on the human position indiscriminately, and the number was densely packed with no less than ten thousand.

Those spiritual power light pillars are not that powerful compared to the Golden Core Stage monks.

But it is definitely not something that the monks in the Zifu stage and the foundation-building stage can resist, let alone the monks in the Qi refining stage.

Compared with the previous five-color wave, the spiritual light beams shooting out from all directions are obviously more difficult to defend.

At this time, more than a dozen Nascent Soul stage monks could only take action individually and try their best to intercept those spiritual light beams.

But together they could only block less than 70% of the spiritual light beam!

As a result, just this wave of attacks by the giant insects killed as many as a thousand monks on the spot, including some Zifu period monks.

"How dare you, evil beast!!"

An angry shout sounded from the sky, but it was a Nascent Soul monk who was angered by the giant insect's behavior.

He activated a fiery red orb to the extreme, and the orb instantly turned into a fire dragon dozens of feet long, flying towards the giant insect with its fangs and claws.

However, compared to the huge body of the giant insect, which is more than ten miles long, the fire dragon, which is only dozens of feet long, is so small!

Even though this fire dragon has the power to burn mountains and seas, it can burn tens of thousands of demonic insects with every attack. Compared to the huge size of the giant insect, it is only a drop in the bucket.

But even so, after seeing the powerful threat posed by giant insects to middle and low-level monks, all the Nascent Soul Stage monks and Golden Core Stage monks did not dare to hold back any more.

All kinds of magic weapons and spells were seen taking turns bombarding the giant insect in the sky, constantly eroding the size of the giant insect like a knife cutting flesh.

For a time, the corpses of demonic insects fell from the sky like raindrops, and more of them were completely destroyed.

But the giant insect changed its tactics at this time.

It no longer vented its power to attack the middle and low-level human monks, but contracted its power and accelerated its movement, as if it was preparing to withstand the attack and break through.

Naturally, the human monks would not let the giant insect get its wish.

More than a dozen Nascent Soul stage monks attacked with all their strength, surrounding the giant insect and attacking continuously. Each attack could kill tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of demonic insects.

Especially the purple-red fire pillar falling from the sky, which will penetrate the giant worm every time and burn a large number of high-level monster worms.

In this way, within less than a hundred miles of flying, the size of the giant insect was drastically reduced by nearly half.

This kind of loss is obviously unacceptable to the insect king.

If it continues like this, when it really flies to the territory of Rongguo, the people under its command will probably not be able to retain even 10% of it.

Then the expected thing happened.

But the huge giant insect suddenly dispersed in a rush, and instantly split into twenty-four smaller giant insects, and then flew away in the direction of Rongguo.

This is the choice the Insect King made out of desperation in order to preserve the vitality of the insect swarm.

This is something that the human monks have long expected.

At that time, more than a dozen human Yuanying stage monks seemed to have been prepared, and half of them immediately chased after a giant insect.

The remaining people surrounded and killed the insect swarm where the insect king was.

And those Golden Core Stage monks, Zifu Stage monks, and Foundation Establishment Stage monks were also following behind several Nascent Soul Stage monks at this moment, chasing and killing the swarm of insects that broke through and escaped.

Not to mention how others chased and killed the fleeing insect swarm, let us say that after the insect king dispersed the insect swarm, it itself also encountered the biggest crisis since its birth.

Without the cover of the huge insect swarm, although the Insect King himself is very powerful, he has lost the majesty he once had when he fought alone against more than a dozen Nascent Soul monks.

The insect swarm it leads is still the largest among the dispersed insect swarms, and it is also the one with the most high-level demonic insects.

But this does not give it the power to fight six or seven Nascent Soul monks alone, let alone one of them who is in the late Nascent Soul stage.

But I saw purple-red fire flashing in the sky, and a purple-red fireball fell from the sky like a meteor, blasting towards the insect swarm where the Insect King was.


A harsh insect chirp resounded through the sky, and then a golden light beam like a spearhead shot straight up through the clouds and collided with the falling fireball.


The violent explosion flashed in the sky, the purple-red fireball exploded in the air, and the flames fell like rain.

Many demonic insects contaminated with flames were directly burned into blue smoke and scattered in the wind.

It can be seen that with the increase in the power of the insect swarm, the insect king is still very powerful, not inferior to the late Nascent Soul monks at all.

But this is an external force after all, and it is not that powerful in itself.

The monster insects that provide it with strength increases are rapidly decreasing every moment.

Once the number of insect swarms drops to a certain number, it will no longer have the power to overwhelm late-stage Nascent Soul monks.

So after resisting the attack of the most powerful human monks, the Insect King led the insect swarm to continue to break through.

However, this hundred-mile journey soon became a road of death.

Under the fierce attack of many Nascent Soul monks, the number of insect swarms dropped rapidly visible to the naked eye, and countless demonic insects gave their lives to protect their king.

Finally, less than thirty miles away from Rongguo, the number of insect swarms had dropped to less than a million.

At this level, even if demonic insects accounted for the vast majority of the remaining insect swarms, it would be difficult to provide the Insect King with the kind of power increase that could rival the late Nascent Soul monks.

After all, the increase is just an increase, not really grafting the power of millions of monster insects onto the Insect King.

If it was the latter, the Insect King's power would have already broken through the sky, and it would not be a problem to instantly kill a sixth-level being with one strike!

It's now!

After discovering that the power of the Insect King had declined to the point where it could no longer sustain the Nascent Soul stage, all the Yuanying stage monks who besieged the Insect King were refreshed and saw the hope of success.

The intensity of their attack suddenly increased by several percent, and they all used their special skills.

All kinds of terrifying spiritual treasures and magic weapons were seen moving through the insect swarm, forcibly tearing the insect swarm apart and scattering them.

The insect king hiding inside was forced to reveal his true form again.

At this moment, the Insect King may have realized the intentions of these human monks. It was shining with golden light and knocked away several spiritual treasures that were blasted towards it.

Then, using itself as the head, it united the remaining high-level demonic insects to form a thousand-foot-long insect spear.

Under the special power of the Insect King, this insect spear turned into a golden spear, exuding an unrivaled sharpness.

The magic weapons of several Nascent Soul Stage monks and envoys bombarded the insect spear, but they were unable to cause enough damage to the insect spear.

However, under the leadership of the Insect King, the insect spear shot towards the territory of Rongguo like an arrow from a string.

After a while, the insect spear arrived in the sky of Rong Land, which was still green mountains and clear waters.

But just when the Insect King was happily preparing to land, a figure suddenly appeared thousands of feet in front of it.

It was a red-haired old man wearing a fiery red robe.

He looked at the insect spear with cold eyes, and with a wave of his sleeve, a purple-red bronze mirror magic weapon appeared in his hand.

But when he saw him holding the bronze mirror magic weapon with both hands, he turned the mirror to the insect spear, and a scorching purple-red fire light shined on the insect spear.


The sharp and piercing chirping of insects resounded across the sky. The insect spears that had not been damaged even under the bombardment of several Nascent Soul stage monks' magic weapons were instantly melted away like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun.

Except for the Insect King, the other demonic insects were unable to withstand the terrifying high-temperature burning and turned into blue smoke on the spot.

Even for the Insect King, the golden insect shell turned golden red like a red-hot iron, being burned by the high temperature.

Then, before the insect king could recover from the high temperature, a blue-white ice light suddenly struck it again.

This is like pouring a bucket of cold water into a pot of molten iron, and it will explode in an instant!

Under the conflict between the two extreme forces of ice and fire, the Insect King's indestructible insect shell couldn't help but burst into pieces.

Golden-red blood spilled into the sky, and the Insect King suffered the most serious trauma since he became the Insect King.

An unprecedented breath of death has appeared on it, and it truly feels the threat of death.

Under the threat of death, the Insect King burst out with a strong will to survive.

As soon as it opened its mouth and spat out, a golden light like a golden thread shot towards the red-haired old man opposite.

The golden light looked inconspicuous, but it made the red-haired old man feel like he was facing a powerful enemy and felt a strong threat.

He opened his mouth and spat out, and a ball of deep purple flame flew out from his mouth, clashing with the golden light in the air.

The result was that he was very shocked. The "Sky-burning Purple Flame" that he spent countless hard work to cultivate could not block the golden light, which was no more than the thickness of a thumb, and was instantly penetrated by it!

Fortunately, he never dared to underestimate his opponent. After spitting out deep purple flames, he also used a black shield spirit treasure.

The square shield seemed to be made from a whole piece of black crystal. After being sacrificed, it emitted a rich black light and protected the red-haired old man in it.

After the golden light laser hit the black light, although it still quickly penetrated the light shield, it was still unable to break the crystal shield itself.

However, the Insect King never thought that this blow could kill a late-stage Nascent Soul monk. After spitting out golden light, it flashed and suddenly fell to the ground.

As the insect king, its earth escape technique has already been superb.

As long as it comes into contact with the earth, it can instantly escape into the depths of the earth, making it impossible for Yuanying stage monks to find its trace.

But this is not the first time that the Nascent Soul stage monks of the human race have fought against it. How could they not be prepared for its proficiency in the art of earth escape!

Just when it was about to land, a silver-white sword light suddenly burst out of the ground and accurately hit its abdomen.

This sword light completely exceeded the Insect King's expectations, and it had no defense at all.

And the power of this sword light is also extremely terrifying!

The Insect King's body was originally difficult to break even with ordinary spiritual treasure flying swords, and its defensive power was even stronger than that of a dragon.

Even though it is now seriously injured due to the previous ice and fire attack, its physical constitution is still there.

But after this silver-white sword light fell on it, its powerful body was instantly pierced and torn like paper. The terrifying sword energy exploded in its body, mincing its internal organs and flesh and blood in an instant. It became countless films.

There is also a sword intent that destroys everything and goes straight towards its soul, trying to destroy it along with its soul and will!


There was a loud roar, and the Insect King's huge body fell heavily to the ground, splashing countless dust.

The Insect King, who was originally able to escape after touching the ground, now has no life left and his soul is gone.

After all, it still couldn't withstand the sword intent that destroyed everything, and its soul was completely destroyed, and it died on the spot!

At this time, a silver-robed man exuding fierce sword intent suddenly appeared above the insect king's body.

He raised his hand and a ray of silver light flew out from the insect king's body and landed in his hand.

It was a silver-white flying sword that was not stained with any blood. The word "Feihong" was faintly engraved on the sword body.

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