Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 284 Great victory, in-depth exploration [Please subscribe]

The name of the sword is "Feihong", and people are named after the sword.

The man in the sky who killed the Insect King was named Feihong Zhenren, a sword cultivator at the peak of his mid-Nascent Soul cultivation.

Although his cultivation was not at the late stage of Yuanying, with the Feihong Sword in his hand and his superb sword control skills, Feihong's attacks were sharper than those of ordinary monks in the late stage of Yuanying.

He himself has fought against several late-stage Nascent Soul monks, and established his status in the world of immortality with his actual combat prowess.

This time around to kill the Insect King, Feihong Zhenren is the real killing move for the human monks.

He had long been ambushed underground by an early Yuanying monk who was proficient in the art of escaping from the earth, following the movement of the Insect King.

Taking action when the Insect King was about to touch the ground was something that had already been planned.

The current results undoubtedly show that the plan is very successful.

In front of the shocking sword that Master Feihong had been preparing for a long time, even a powerful being like the Insect King was killed on the spot without any resistance.

At this moment, looking at the lifeless corpse of the Insect King on the ground, all the Nascent Soul stage monks present showed expressions of great relief, and smiles finally appeared on their faces.

The red-haired old man who had cultivated in the late Nascent Soul suddenly appeared above the Insect King's corpse with a flash of light.

Then he praised Master Feihong with a smile on his face: "Fellow Taoist Feihong is indeed the number one sword of the Tianling. If this insect king can die under the sword of fellow Taoist, it can be regarded as an unjust death!"

Facing the praise from the red-haired old man, Master Feihong replied calmly: "Fellow Taoist Ziyan is ridiculous. There are so many sword-wielding monks in the world of heaven, spirit and earth. How can Feihong dare to be ranked first!"

As he spoke, he glanced at the dead Insect King again and said in a calm tone: "As for this Insect King, it is just an insect. After you, fellow Taoist Zi Yan, cut off its wings, you will no longer have anything to fear. Kill it." What’s the difficulty!”

Such an attitude of not taking credit or being arrogant made the red-haired old man Zi Yan secretly sigh in his heart.

No wonder people can practice the art of sword control to such a superb level.

Those half-baked sword cultivators only know how to shout all day long about how sword cultivators should rather break than bend, have the ambition to be arrogant, and dare to use their swords against any existence.

In fact, I don't understand at all that a truly powerful sword cultivator will only show the qualities they admire when he draws his sword.

In normal times, sword cultivation should be like a long sword sheathed, without showing its edge or claiming fame.

Master Feihong is undoubtedly such a powerful swordsman who has truly understood the true meaning of swordsmanship.

Next, several Nascent Soul Stage monks put away the body of the Insect King, and then continued to hunt down the escaping insect swarms.

Now that the insect king is dead, the insect swarm is leaderless, and it is a good time to pursue the victory and expand the results.

Three days passed quickly like this.

In just three days, more than 50% of the insect plague that ravaged the Yang Kingdom was wiped out. Even the insect king died under the sword of Feihong Zhenren.

Under the leadership of the Nascent Soul Stage monks of the human race led by Master Ziyan and Master Feihong, the various countries of the human race achieved a great victory.

But the war was not over, and neither was the disaster.

Many of the monster insects that survived have already started wreaking havoc in Rongguo.

They crazily devour everything they can eat, whether it is flowers, plants, trees, beasts, minerals, or humans, as long as they are beneficial to their growth, they will not let go.

After they are full, they begin to mate and lay eggs, laying eggs deep underground.

It takes less than a month for those eggs to hatch into larvae.

At the same time, the high-level monsters in the insect swarm are also fighting each other for the throne of the insect king. The loser will become the nourishment for the winner on the road to becoming king.

What happened to Yangguo is being repeated in Rongguo.

In order to avoid the recurrence of the tragedy in Yang Kingdom, the army of monks that had previously intercepted the migrating insect swarms now stayed in Rong Kingdom to exterminate the insect swarms.

They also traveled in groups throughout Rongguo, destroying an insect nest whenever they found one, in order to curb the expansion of the insect swarm.

This may be treating the symptoms rather than the root cause, but it does work, but I don't know how long it can last.

In the market of Dayun Kingdom, when Zhou Chun, Zhou Mingde and others learned about the great victory of Rong Kingdom, they were all sincerely happy for it.

Although they judged that the insect plague could not threaten the Zhou family, thinking about the tragic situation they had witnessed in Yang Kingdom, as humans, they all wanted the insect plague to end as soon as possible.

After being so happy for a while, Zhou Mingde quickly said: "Now the insect king has been killed, high-level demon insects have also died in large numbers, and the main force of the insect swarm has migrated to Rongguo. The number of demonic insects in Yangguo has dropped sharply, and the remaining ones have Most of them are old, weak, sick and disabled.”

"Perhaps this is a good opportunity for us to go deep into the territory of Yang Kingdom and find something to restrain the monsters and insects!"

Zhou Chun understood what he meant.

Just like the saying that wherever the poisonous snake is, there must be an antidote within seven steps.

Wherever those demonic insects have taken over, there may be something to restrain them.

This is the balance of heaven and earth in the terminology of cultivating immortals.

Including the birth of the insect plague, in the eyes of many immortal cultivators, it is also a disaster caused by the will of heaven in order to balance all things in nature.

So he quickly responded: "Yes, it's time to go deep into the territory of Yang Kingdom to explore."

So the two set off immediately and rushed towards Yangguo together.

At this time, there were many monks who had the same plan as the Zhou family.

Yangguo, which has been ravaged by insect plagues, may not have any treasures left.

But because of the raging insect plague in Yangguo, there is no danger at this time.

And if we can really find a way to restrain the monster insects, it will be a huge achievement.

After Zhou Chun and the two entered the territory of Yang Kingdom, they found that everything was as they expected, and the number of monster insects was no longer as dense as before.

They easily found a large abandoned insect nest, which contained only some disabled monster insects and some ordinary adults.

After searching around the insect nest to no avail, the two continued their search in depth.

Not long after, the two Zhou family members found a new insect nest in a mountain range, and there were actually a large number of demonic insects living in it.

"It's strange, why are there so many monster insects living in this insect nest? Don't they encounter a food crisis?"

In the burned-black mountains, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun looked at the monster insects flying around in the mountains looking for food from a distance, and they were very confused.

They had visited many mountains larger than this one before, and the insect nests there had long been empty.

But now, the insect nests in this mountain range do not seem to be suffering from a food crisis. The number of monster insects flying around is no less than thousands at a glance.

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Maybe there is some secret hidden under this mountain range!"

Zhou Chun whispered his opinion.

The ground of the mountain range has been burned into scorched earth. Even if there are some animal carcasses that have not been burned to ashes for the insect swarm to eat, it will definitely not be able to support such a large insect swarm.

But there is still such a large group of monster insects here.

Therefore, Zhou Mingde basically agreed with Zhou Chun's views, and immediately nodded and said: "Zhengchun, you are right, then let's look for it and see if we can find anything unexpected."

Then the two began to search carefully in the mountains.

But before the two of them could find anything, their whereabouts had been discovered by demonic insects and they were attacked by a swarm of insects.

Monster insects are very protective of the insect nest, and they will take the initiative to destroy all foreigners that come close to the insect nest.

Soon Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde were surrounded by hundreds of thousands of monster insects.

There are even many second-order monster insects among these monster insects, and there may even be third-order monster insects!

"Leave these monsters to me to deal with. Just protect yourself, Zhengchun."

In mid-air, Zhou Mingde warned Zhou Chun as if he were facing a formidable enemy, and then released the Vulcan Jackal to launch a fierce attack on the insect swarm.


The loud howl of the wolf resounded across the sky, and the Vulcan Jackal, with its blazing flames, took the lead and rushed into the insect swarm, charging and killing them as if they were in an uninhabited land.

There are too many swarms of insects, so it doesn't need to deliberately target anyone. It just needs to rush towards the place where the monster insects are most densely packed.

Burned by the demonic fire on its body, even a second-level demonic insect would find it difficult to persist for more than ten breaths.

Zhou Mingde also used his magic weapon to attack the insect swarm while carefully protecting Zhou Chun behind him.

But Zhou Chun doesn't have the kind of character that hides behind others. Although the number of insect swarms is large, in his eyes, an insect swarm of this size will not make him helpless.

He raised his hand to pluck several spirit beast bags and released the three spirit pets sitting down.

Then, except for the golden-armored rock turtle who stayed by his side, the silver-electric thunder python Baibai and the golden-winged tiger all cheered up and participated in the counterattack against the insect swarm.


With the roar of a tiger, the Golden Winged Tiger, who was participating in such a battle for the first time, showed off his ambitions.

But as soon as it opened its mouth and spat out, a ball of cyan light blasted towards the insect swarm like a cannonball.

When the cannonball fell into the swarm of insects, it instantly exploded into countless tiny wind blades, strangling the nearby monster insects within ten feet.

In the blink of an eye, no fewer than hundreds of demonic insects were torn apart by the wind blade.

And this is just the first appetizer for Golden Winged Tiger.

It then flapped its wings fiercely, and bluish-white spiritual light emerged from its wings, and soon turned into two bluish-white whirlwinds and swept towards the insect swarm.

When the two whirlwinds collided in the insect swarm, they instantly merged into a blue-white storm that swept across, directly blowing away the limbs and wings of the demonic insects within a hundred feet radius, causing countless deaths and injuries.

This was not enough, and soon the Golden-winged Tiger opened its mouth and roared again, and a ball of golden light wave spread out from its mouth in the shape of a trumpet. In an instant, it shattered all the hundreds of monster insects that were rushing towards it into powder.

It was so ferocious that even Zhou Mingde was shocked when he saw it, astonished by the strength of this big cat.

On the other side, Silver Lightning Python Baibai didn't want his little brother Golden Winged Tiger to monopolize the limelight.

Silver-white thunder and lightning travel around its body, forming a lightning field centered on itself. Any creature that comes within thirty feet of it will automatically be attacked by strong currents.

This is a new spell that it has mastered after breaking through to the second-level mid-level monster, and its name is "Thunder Electric Field".

With this move, Bai Bai, the Silver Lightning Python, just like the Vulcan Jackal, plunged into the swarm of insects.


All that could be heard was the crackling sound like fried beans. Any insect that was thirty feet away from the silver lightning python was like a flying mosquito hitting an electric mosquito swatter, and was instantly electrocuted into a puff of smoke.

Only those powerful second-order monster insects can barely withstand the damage of the lightning field.

But even if these monster insects can survive in the lightning electric field, they will be paralyzed themselves, and they will not be able to escape the subsequent killing of the silver lightning thunder python.

In this way, when it comes to the efficiency of killing enemies, the Silver Lightning Python is not inferior to the Golden Winged Tiger, and is even stronger.

In this way, under the high-efficiency killing of the three-headed monsters and Zhou Mingde, the number of attacking monsters was visibly reduced rapidly.

If they were allowed to continue killing like this, even a million monster insects might not be enough to kill them.

But this kind of monster insect can cause a huge insect plague in the Yang Kingdom, making it impossible for monks from many countries to unite to eliminate it. Naturally, this kind of insect sea tactic is not the only one.

Soon a large, bright yellow demonic insect appeared on the battlefield.

It was four feet long, comparable to a hound, and the aura it exuded made Zhou Chun feel extremely threatened.

There is no doubt that this is a third-order demon insect and the insect king of this insect nest.

Every insect nest has a king. This king is not the king of the race, but just a leader.

But this kind of insect king also has certain things that only insect kings can possess.

At this moment, after the insect king appeared, the remaining demon insects quickly used it as the core to form a giant insect with a body length of more than ten feet.

The aura exuded by the giant insect is very powerful, comparable to that of a third-level high-grade monster.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde and Vulcan Jackal finally cheered up.

But when he saw the Vulcan Jackal opening its mouth wide, he took the lead and spat out a pillar of crimson fire towards the giant insect.

Facing this kind of attack, the giant insect's body was flashing with earth-yellow spiritual light, forming a shield to protect itself inside.

After the crimson fire pillar fell on the earth-yellow shield and exploded, it was difficult to shake the shield at all.

Such a scene made Zhou Mingde's eyes change slightly, showing an extremely solemn look.

Then he did not hesitate to activate several magic weapons and hit the giant insect.

At this time, Zhou Chun took all three spiritual pets back into the spirit beast bag and quickly left Zhou Mingde.

He knew very well that facing such a giant insect composed of an entire insect swarm, his own strength was not enough to pose any threat to it.

On the contrary, his presence may distract Zhou Mingde from giving his all.

So he consciously retreated to a distance, allowing Zhou Mingde to fight the giant insect without any worries.

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