Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 286 Earth Armored Dragon, Cave [Please subscribe]

Let Lin Hongyu come to Yangguo to mine the [Earth Crystal Jade] vein?

When Zhou Mingde heard Zhou Chun's statement, he was also slightly stunned.

Then his eyes lit up and he couldn't help but clapped his hands and shouted: "Wonderful! This is a great plan!"

Because Zhou Daoyi himself strongly opposed it, Zhou Mingde had always deeply regretted that he could not invite Lin Hongyu into the Zhou family.

And he never gave up persuading Zhou Daoyi and Lin Hongyu to become Taoist couples.

But now Zhou Chun's statement made him suddenly realize that perhaps the way to get Lin Hongyu to join the Zhou family was not just to make her and Zhou Daoyi a Taoist couple.

Obviously, compared to becoming a Taoist couple with Zhou Daoyi, the temptation of forming a pill is much greater for Lin Hongyu.

And if you can sit on this [Earth Crystal Jade] mine, then Lin Hongyu's path to forming pills will undoubtedly be much smoother.

For this reason, even joining the Zhou family and becoming the guest elder of the Zhou family is nothing.

"That's it! This matter is settled!"

Without much thought, Zhou Mingde quickly made the decision.

Then he and Zhou Chun conducted a detailed exploration of the reserves of this [Earth Crystal Jade] vein.

After such exploration, the two of them were basically certain that this was a small mineral vein.

Although it is only a small mineral vein, due to the preciousness of [Earth Crystal Jade], the value of the entire mineral vein is not inferior to that of the black crystal stone mine in the wilderness.

In the future, if Lin Hongyu can really hold this mine tightly in her hands, relying on the output of this mine, she will have a chance to launch an impact on the Golden Core Stage.

"Let's do this for now, and we'll talk about the rest after the insect plague is eliminated!"

In the mountains, Zhou Mingde looked at the hole that had been refilled and sealed, and gently clapped his hands and said to Zhou Chun beside him.

Everything should be prioritized.

Now eradicating the insect plague is still the top priority.

If the insect plague is not eradicated, Yang Country will not be considered a safe place, and the mining of the [Tu Yuan Jade] mineral vein will naturally be out of the question.

So after checking the scene and confirming that there were no problems, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde continued to search for something to restrain the monster insects in Yang Kingdom.

In seven days, the Zhou family visited almost all the places in Yang Kingdom that had been plagued by insects.

During this period, I also found some things that had a restraining effect on demonic insects, so I didn't find anything.

But even if they haven't tested it yet, the two of them know that the things they find will not be very useful.

So while the two of them asked Zhou Jiawei to use the things they found to research insecticide poisons, they continued to wander around Yangguo, hoping to make more discoveries.

On this day, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde compared the map of Yang Kingdom obtained from Fangshi and arrived at a rare plain in Yang Kingdom.

It is said that the insect plague broke out from this plain at the beginning. The millions of mortals who originally lived on this plain were eaten up by the swarm of insects in less than half a month. It can be described as appalling. .

Now this plain has been burned to a white ground, and most of the cities that were originally inhabited by mortals are in ruins.

The desolate and dilapidated scene was very heart-wrenching to see.

It is unimaginable how desperate those mortals who died in the insect plague felt before they died!

He watched helplessly as he was being eaten by demonic insects one after another, and watched the people in the city being devoured by the demonic insects as food.

Just thinking about it can make people feel suffocated.

After Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde explored several city ruins, they gave up exploring these ruins.

There was really nothing to explore in those ruins. Everything inside that could be swallowed by the demonic insects had been devoured, not even a single human bone was left.

By abandoning the exploration of the city ruins, the two men's exploration speed increased significantly. In just two days, they explored all over the plain.

Unfortunately, the results were very disappointing. They did not find anything worth mentioning on the plain.

However, just when the two of them returned without success and were about to return to Dayun Country to rest for a while, things suddenly took a turn for the better.

At that time, the two of them were leaving the plain and heading towards the Dayun Kingdom.

As a result, just when he was about to leave the plains, he suddenly heard a roar from a distance.

The two of them turned their heads and looked in the direction where the roar came from, but no aura appeared.

Seeing this situation, the two of them immediately became interested and rushed in that direction.

After flying more than a hundred miles like this, the two finally discovered the source of the roar.

In a remote valley, several cultivators were fighting fiercely around a monster beast that looked like a pangolin.

The monster beast was like a pangolin, with its whole body covered with fine scales, a large curly tail and a long pointed head. It was khaki in color and was as big as a buffalo.

The aura exuding from this monster is also very powerful, and it turns out to be a third-level mid-level monster.

As monks from a beast-controlling family, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde recognized the origin of the monster when they saw it.

It was recognized that it was a very rare high-level monster, an earth-armored dragon.

Demonic beasts like earth armored dragons like to live underground, and their main diet is insects such as bees and ants.

They are proficient in the art of soil escape, and their noses are also very sensitive. They can easily smell the smell of underground beehives and ant nests through thick layers of mud, and then rush in directly for a feast.

And there is another special thing about this beast, that is, it never flies into the air and wades into the water, and will not put itself in danger.

It stands to reason that a monster like the Earth Armored Dragon is unlikely to be surrounded by people on the ground.

But now it is surrounded by people and cannot escape.

Coincidentally, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde knew the monks surrounding the earth-armored dragon. They were Qi country monks Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang who had previously dealt with the insect swarm with them.

At this time, Shen and Ruan also discovered the Zhou family coming over.

When they saw that the visitor turned out to be two people from the Zhou family who had met once before, Shen and Ruan were also slightly startled, a little surprised and surprised.

Then their expressions darkened, and they suddenly became very ugly.

Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde soon found out why their faces were not good-looking.

Because when the two of them were observing the situation in the valley, they easily discovered a collapsed cave through their spiritual consciousness, and after their spiritual consciousness sank into the cave, they found obvious traces of the cave of a human monk.

Obviously, there is a monk's cave hidden deep underground in this valley.

And that earth-armored dragon is probably the guardian beast of the cave.

After discovering this, the two couldn't help but look at each other, and then Zhou Mingde said loudly with a smile on his face: "Fellow Daoist Shen, Fellow Daoist Ruan, do you two need Zhou's help?"

These words were very similar to what Shen Borong said to him some time ago.

After hearing this, Shen Borong's face suddenly darkened and he didn't know how to answer.

Compared to Shen Borong who was in a terrible mood, although Ruan Hongzhuang was a woman, her reaction at this time was stronger.

When she saw Shen Borong's face was dark and silent, she immediately opened her lips and said, "If Fellow Daoist Zhou is willing to help, I and Fellow Daoist Shen will naturally be very grateful."

"Hahaha, fellow Taoist Ruan is so polite, Zhou is here now!"

Zhou Mingde laughed loudly and immediately released the Vulcan Jackal to join the battle.

At this time, Zhou Chun discovered that the reason why the earth-armored dragon could not escape underground was because of the silver-gray bracelet magic weapon on its tail.

That silver-gray bracelet seems to have the ability to interfere with the monster's spellcasting. Whenever the earth-armored dragon tries to escape, the object will bloom with aura to interrupt it.

How could the earth-armored dragon, which had its most powerful ability crippled and whose fighting power was not particularly outstanding among high-level monsters, be the opponent of Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang?

Even if Zhou Mingde does not join, its defeat is almost a foregone conclusion.

At this time, with the addition of Zhou Mingde's master and servant, it was even more difficult to hold on for a moment, and was soon forced to spit out the inner elixir.

As soon as the inner elixir came out, Zhou Mingde and others slowed down their offensive.

In the process of resisting the beast tide, Zhou Mingde had seen with his own eyes the power of the self-destruction of the demonic beast's inner elixir more than once.

Many Zifu period monks were dragged to death by monsters using this trick for various reasons.

So when the earth armored dragon spit out the inner elixir, he not only retreated a certain distance, but also made the Vulcan jackal give up its close attack.

Unexpectedly, the clay dragon spitting out the inner elixir was just a feint.

While Zhou Mingde and others' attention was attracted by the inner elixir, it actually used the gecko tail-cutting method to forcibly cut off its own tail!

After the tail is separated from the body, the silver-gray bracelet magic weapon controlled by Ruan Hongzhuang can no longer restrict the earth armored dragon.

And it soon flashed with yellow light, suddenly escaped into the ground directly under the noses of Zhou Mingde and others, and disappeared from everyone's perception.

"What a beast!!"

Zhou Mingde's face darkened and he couldn't help but curse.

Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang also had gloomy faces and almost gritted their teeth.

Three Zifu period monks were actually played by a beast in front of their faces. This made the three of them not angry.

But fire will return to fire, and once the earth-armored dragon escapes underground, it will return to the sea, and it will be impossible to catch it again.

After the three of them gritted their teeth, they turned their attention to another matter.

I saw Shen Borong's eyes condensed, and suddenly he looked at Zhou Mingde and said: "Fellow Daoist Zhou, we Ming people don't talk secretly. The cave here was discovered by Shen and Daoyou Ruan first, and the earth-armored dragon was also designed by the two of us. Although the one who led it to the ground has not succeeded in killing it, it stands to reason that the cave should belong to Shen and his wife."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Mingde shook his head and said: "Friend Daoist Shen's words are wrong. Since it is an ownerless cave, there is no way to say who should belong to it. It should be the one who sees it!"

"Then according to Fellow Taoist Zhou, how can anyone who meets me share the law?"

Ruan Hongzhuang stared at Zhou Mingde and asked in a deep voice.

In fact, both she and Shen Borong knew that since Zhou Mingde also discovered the cave under the valley, it was impossible to ignore this matter.

In particular, the two of them were not sure of defeating Zhou Mingde. Even if they wanted to use force to drive away the people, they did not have the strength.

But after all, they discovered this cave first. How could they be willing to share the cave equally with Zhou Mingde?

Facing Ruan Hongzhuang's question, Zhou Mingde said without hesitation: "Of course, according to the rules of the world of immortality, whoever contributes more will get more. If everyone's contribution is not much different, then the harvest will be shared equally! "

"But the cave was discovered by the two of us first!"

Shen Borong couldn't help but emphasized, his words full of anger.

"So what? You are not relatives and friends of the original owner of this cave, and you are not even from the Yang Kingdom. So what if you discovered this cave first?"

Zhou Mingde looked at them with a calm face and said calmly: "In a different place, if Zhou discovered this cave first, do the two Taoists dare to swear that they would definitely be willing to stand by and watch?"

These words directly tore apart the politeness on the surface, revealing his ferociousness.

Originally, the two sides met by chance and only had a one-time relationship.

That time when Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang helped deal with the insect swarm, they themselves had bad intentions and were thinking about the treasures underground.

Zhou Mingde was forced to accept their help because of helplessness.

It's just that they were almost unlucky in the end and didn't discover the [Earth Element Crystal Jade] vein hidden underground.

At this time, facing a cave left by a senior monk, Zhou Mingde certainly would not give in just because the two of them had helped him.

Besides, didn't he help the two of them deal with the earth-armored dragon before?

Therefore, after saying the face-breaking words, Zhou Mingde did not look at the ugly faces of Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang, and immediately waved his hands and said: "You two Taoists don't need to talk about big principles, everyone is alive." People have been around for hundreds of years, and those deceptive words are just a waste of breath and have no chance of convincing anyone."

At this point, he warned with deep meaning: "If we continue to fight here, I'm afraid more people will come over. If a senior of the Golden Core stage comes by then, I'm afraid none of us will Not even the slightest benefit comes from it!”

It can be clearly seen that after Zhou Mingde finished speaking, the ugly faces of Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang became even more ugly.

The two of them looked at each other, and after some secret communication, Shen Borong nodded with a gloomy face and said, "Okay, let's follow what Fellow Daoist Zhou said, let's explore the cave together, and everyone will gain according to their abilities!"

"That's right. This was originally an unexpected gain. Earning three points is earned, and earning one point is earned. Earning something is better than earning nothing!"

Zhou Mingde had a faint smile on his face, but on the contrary, he comforted Shen Borong and others.

Regarding his relief, Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang could only laugh in their hearts.

Only they themselves know the pain in their hearts!

At this time, after a sudden change in their expressions, they finally managed to control their emotions and return their expressions to normal.

Then Shen Borong looked at Zhou Mingde and asked, "How does Zhou Daoyou plan to explore the cave?"

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