Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 287 Cave? grave? 【Please subscribe】

Of course, Zhou Mingde does not have the final say on how to explore the cave alone.

Facing Shen Borong's inquiry, he just expressed a few opinions.

After some discussion, the three of them finally reached a consensus.

According to the results of the three people's discussion, the three of them will be responsible for exploring the cave, while Zhou Chun and other three juniors will preside over the formation outside to prevent the valley from being exposed to the sight of other monks.

After the plan was drawn up, Shen Borong took out a set of array disks and set up a magic circle to cover the valley.

The control formation flag of the formation was handed over to Zhou Chun and other three foundation-building monks.

In this way, even if the three of them fall out while exploring the cave, there will still be someone above them to support them.

After everything was ready, Zhou Mingde gave Zhou Chun a few words and then took the Vulcan Jackal and went down to the underground along with Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang.

According to Shen Borong, the earth-armored dragon was indeed the guardian monster of the underground cave.

When he and Ruan Hongzhuang discovered the cave and were about to enter the cave, they alerted the monster and then started a battle.

As for how they discovered this cave buried deep underground, they did not explain it.

At this time, the three of them went all the way down the cave, and after about a hundred feet deep underground, they arrived outside the cave.

This cave hidden deep underground does not seem to have a direct passage to the ground.

In other words, there was once a passage, but it was reburied by the owner.

The tunnel that Zhou Mingde and the others are walking now was actually dug by Shen Borong and the others.

At the end of the tunnel is the cave.

What appeared in front of Zhou Mingde at this time was a stone wall glowing with yellow aura.

"This stone wall is protected by a formation. Shen and Daoist Ruan attacked it for a quarter of an hour, but only slightly changed it. Then they attracted the earth-armored dragon!"

Shen Borong looked at the stone wall in front of him and spoke in a low voice about the results of previous explorations.

After listening to his words, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but his eyes flashed, and he whispered softly: "It can make Daoyou Shen and Daoyou Ruan remain unmoved for a quarter of an hour, and it is also protected by a third-level mid-level monster. This cave mansion is originally The master’s level of cultivation is very exciting!”

Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang were silent when they heard this.

They all know in their hearts that this cave is so secretly hidden and protected by a powerful formation. It is probably the cave of a Golden Core monk.

But before entering the cave, these are just guesses.

Soon Shen Borong said in a deep voice: "Let's do it together. Even if there is no one in charge of the cave of the Jindan monk, the three of us should be able to shake it together!"

"Okay, let's give it a try."

Zhou Mingde nodded, immediately sacrificed the magical weapon, and ordered the Vulcan Jackal to launch an attack together.


Bursts of roaring sounds continued from the ground, and the entire valley trembled.

On the ground, when Zhou Chun and the other two foundation-building monks saw this, their expressions tightened slightly, and they couldn't help but feel a little more worried about their elders.

Time passed little by little, and soon Zhou Mingde and others had been attacking for half an hour.

After the three of them and one demon continued their attack for half an hour, most of the yellow aura on the wall in front of them had been worn away, and it was not far away from completely dissipating.

This visible progress is undoubtedly a great incentive for the three of them.

But just as the three of them maintained their offensive with great expectations, expecting the moment when the stone wall would break, an accident happened.

At that time, the three people and one demon focused their energy on attacking the stone wall. Suddenly, the underground passage they were in collapsed without warning.

In an instant, countless mud and rocks fell down, directly burying the three people and one demon deep underground.

At the same time, Zhou Chun and others on the ground also instantly discovered a sunken ravine on the valley floor.

"No, the tunnel collapsed!"

Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he instantly understood the reason for the gully.

Then he hurried forward, called out the golden-armored rock turtle and started digging trenches to save people.

Seeing this, the juniors of Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang also hurriedly followed forward to dig together in a panic.

But the three of them had just been digging for less than half a quarter of an hour when the valley floor suddenly exploded, and a huge jackal rushed out of it.

There is no doubt that the jackal is the Vulcan Jackal.

And just after the Vulcan Jackal rushed out, Zhou Mingde also appeared on the ground.

Seeing Zhou Mingcheng come out safe and sound, Zhou Chun breathed a sigh of relief and quickly asked with concern: "Tai Shang Elder, are you okay? What happened down there?"

"I'm fine, it's the earth-armored dragon that took action again. This beast collapsed the tunnel while I was waiting to attack the cave formation!"

Zhou Mingde waved his hand and said in a deep voice the reason for the ground collapse.

Hearing his words, before Zhou Chun could say anything, the juniors left by Shen Borong immediately bowed to him and begged: "Senior Zhou, please save my junior master!"

Seeing this, the descendants left by Ruan Hongzhuang also quickly saluted and said: "Senior Zhou, please save my aunt!"

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist, Zhou will help Fellow Daoist Shen and the others right now."

Zhou Mingde said, and immediately started digging together with the Vulcan Jackal.

Not long after, Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang were also rescued.

But unlike Zhou Mingde, who was uninjured, Ruan Hongzhuang, who was attacked by the earth armored dragon, was seriously injured.

"The underground is the home ground of that beast. We are unable to fight against it underground. I'm afraid this matter will have to be discussed in the long run!"

Shen Borong looked at the pale Ruan Hongzhuang and said in a heavy tone.

He was not hurt at all, but Ruan Hongzhuang's injury had made them unable to compete with Zhou Mingde's master and servant.

Under such circumstances, he certainly did not want to continue exploring the cave, lest he discover any benefits and be snatched away by Zhou Mingde's strength.

The results of their previous joint attacks also showed that it would be difficult for any of them to easily enter this cave alone.

Not to mention that there is a third-level mid-level earth-armored dragon peeping from the side, ready to attack anyone who wants to enter the cave at any time.

So he had a certain degree of confidence when he said such words at this time.

"Then according to Fellow Daoist Shen, how should we take a long-term approach?"

Zhou Mingde looked at Shen Borong with slightly narrowed eyes, like a mirror in his heart, he could easily guess what the other person was thinking.

Listening to his neither salty nor bland words, Shen Borong replied naturally: "Naturally, I will wait for fellow Taoist Ruan to recover from his injuries first, and then find a way to kill the earth-armored dragon, or find a way to make it unable to interfere anymore. I’ll wait to enter the cave.”

After Zhou Mingde heard this, he asked in a sharp tone: "But the injury on Ruan Daoyou's body will probably not heal in three to five days. If it takes a long time, who dares to say that this cave will not be discovered by others? "

After speaking, he further pointed out: "Now that the insect plague has not been eliminated, many monks have gone deep into Yang Kingdom to find something that can restrain the monster insects. This place is located near the initial outbreak of the insect plague, so it must be their first choice for exploration!"

The two of them were arguing with each other over this question and answer, and there was already a serious conflict over the route.

But Ruan Hongzhuang listened to the two people's words without saying a word.

She is now seriously injured and knows that her speech is no longer as influential as before.

At the same time, she also knew in her heart that even if she didn't speak, Shen Borong would definitely argue for her.

Without her, Shen Borong alone would not be a match for Zhou Mingde's master and servant.

Based on this alone, Shen Borong will definitely not give up on her.

But she still underestimated Zhou Mingde's determination.

At the end of the dispute, Zhou Mingde also directly said harsh words.

"No need to say more, Fellow Daoist Shen. In short, the cave is right in front of you. It is impossible for Zhou to wait ten days and a half before exploring. If you, Fellow Daoist Shen, are not willing to accompany you, then Zhou will have to explore alone!"

Living in a foreign country, Zhou Mingde knew very well that nothing could be delayed for too long.

If he delays for a long time, he will have no way to seek help and will not have any ability to resist unexpected situations.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to agree to Shen Borong's suggestion to suspend exploration.

Who knows if Shen Borong will immediately ask other relatives and friends to come over and explore the cave after he returns.

Facing Zhou Mingde's harsh words, Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang looked extremely ugly, and they didn't know how to respond.

Although the two of them did not believe that Zhou Mingde could enter the cave alone.

But just as Zhou Mingde was worried about calling people after they returned, they were also worried that Zhou Mingde was deliberately scheming to crowd them out so that he could call people over to monopolize the cave.

After being silent for a period of time like this, Ruan Hongzhuang couldn't help but sigh in her heart when she saw the wavering look in Shen Borong's eyes, and finally spoke out.

"Actually, my injuries are not as serious as Zhou Daoyou imagined, and before I came to Yang Country this time, I also specially asked for a healing elixir as a backup. Now as long as I take the elixir, I can recover most of it in three to five days. The injury will not delay our exploration of the cave!"

After she said this, Shen Borong's face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

He couldn't help but look at her with surprise and said: "Do you really mean what you said, fellow Taoist Ruan? Are you really sure that you will recover within three to five days?"

"Of course it's true."

Ruan Hongzhuang nodded gently and her tone was very affirmative.

When Shen Borong saw this, he immediately turned to Zhou Mingde and said in a deep voice: "You have heard it, Fellow Daoist Zhou. Fellow Daoist Ruan can recover in just three to five days. You shouldn't be able to wait even this little time, right?"

When Zhou Mingde heard this, he couldn't help but look at Ruan Hongzhuang deeply, then nodded and said: "Okay, then it will be limited to five days, and during this period, the three of us must stay in the same room to prevent anyone from breaking the rules and looking for someone else." Get involved in this!"

"no problem."

"I have no objection either."

Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang looked at each other and expressed their agreement.

After saying this, the three of them left the valley with their juniors and went to the nearest monk stronghold to recuperate.

In the next five days, not only Zhou Mingde and three other Zifu period monks were in the same room, supervising each other.

Even Zhou Chun and the three other descendants were in the same room and never left the house.

After five days like this, Ruan Hongzhuang's injuries have indeed recovered by most of the amount, and her complexion is only slightly worse than before she was injured, just a little bit paler.

These changes also made Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun marvel in their hearts, and they were also full of curiosity about the healing pill they took.

But even if Zhou Mingde inquired in person, he did not get an answer from Ruan Hongzhuang, only "no comment."

This hit a wall, and Zhou Mingde couldn't ask any more questions.

During these five days, while Ruan Hongzhuang was concentrating on meditating and healing her injuries, Zhou Mingde and Shen Borong were not idle either. They were both trying hard to think of ways to enter the cave.

By the time the group set out for the valley again, the method had been agreed upon.

After only seeing the place, the three of them still set up a covering formation to prevent anyone from discovering the traces of this place.

Then the three of them, together with Zhou Chun and their three juniors, started digging downwards.

It turns out that the method Zhou Mingde and the others came up with was very simple, that is, dig a deep and large pit directly to the top of the cave.

In this way, if the Earth Armored Dragon wanted to bury them alive like before, it would be unable to do so.

Even after the big hole is dug out, the underground home advantage of Tujiaosaurus will be greatly restricted.

But this is undoubtedly a big project!

After all, the cave is a hundred feet deep underground. To dig such a deep pit would not be easy even for three Zifu stage monks and three Foundation Establishment stage monks.

But for the sake of the treasures that may exist in the cave, the six of them have to keep working no matter how hard and tiring they are.

In the empty valley, six people were divided into three groups and took turns using magic weapons to chop up the soil and stones, and then used magic to take the soil out of the holes and throw it a hundred feet away.

When more than half of the mana is consumed, another group will be rotated to play, and then the Huiyuan Pill will be taken to restore the mana.

One day, two days, three days...

After digging for four days and four nights, and each taking no less than twenty Huiyuan Pills, Zhou Chun and the others finally dug out a large pit that was hundreds of feet deep and thirty feet in diameter.

The bottom of the big pit is exactly the top of the underground cave, and it is also a stone wall glowing with yellow aura.

Looking at the stone wall protected by the yellow aura, Zhou Chun, who saw this scene for the first time, couldn't help but murmured: "This cave is a bit strange. Why is there such a stone wall on the top of the cave? Even for safety reasons, it shouldn't be Let’s make the cave look like a tomb!”

Hearing his words, Zhou Mingde nodded thoughtfully and said, "Maybe this is really a tomb!"

The words of the two people did not avoid others, so Shen Borong quickly said: "It would be better if it was a tomb. The cave of a golden elixir monk, and the tomb of a golden elixir monk, obviously the latter is more valuable. !”

"Fellow Daoist Shen is right. Whether it is a cave or a tomb, we will know after breaking this stone wall!"

Zhou Mingde nodded, and Dang even took the lead in using his magic weapon to attack the stone wall at the bottom of the pit.

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