Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 289: Serial Killing Moves, Bloodshed in the Tomb [Please subscribe]

A soft light rose in the dark corridor.

A "sunstone" floated quietly next to Zhou Mingde, moving with him.

And he glanced from both sides, easily taking in all the murals on the stone walls on both sides of the corridor.

The mural begins at the entrance to the main entrance and tells the story of an ordinary mortal child who cultivated and grew up after being discovered to have spiritual root qualifications.

What surprised and expected Zhou Mingde was that there were many kinds of monsters and monsters on the murals. It seemed that the owner of the tomb was driving these monsters and monsters to fight against the enemy during his lifetime.

From this point of view, the owner of the tomb seems to be proficient in the art of controlling animals and repelling insects.

This information is undoubtedly very exciting for Zhou Mingde.

The Zhou family is famous for its beast-controlling skills. If they can inherit the beast-controlling and insect-repelling skills left by the owner of the tomb, the Zhou family's beast-controlling skills will definitely become more powerful, and at the same time, they can add another beast-controlling skill to the family. The inheritance of insect art.

In particular, this insect repellent technique may have a restraining effect on the insect plague that is currently ravaging Yangguo and Rongguo.

Obviously, Zhou Mingde was not the only one who thought of this.

Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang also realized this when they looked at the murals on both sides of the corridor.

There was also a faint look of expectation in the eyes of the two of them.

However, the corridor does not go straight forward, but has a right-angle turn, so the mural cannot be seen at a glance.

The mural stuck at the corner seems to depict the time when the owner of the tomb was in the later stage of Zifu.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde could only walk slowly towards the turning point despite the layers of protection.

Not long after, Zhou Mingde, who was walking forward, suddenly became nervous and seemed to be sensing something. He hurriedly shook the yellow jade Ruyi magic weapon in his hand and released a rich yellow light to protect himself.

Just when he finished all this, the stone walls on both sides of him suddenly cracked, and red light flew out from them, filling the place where he was in the blink of an eye.

If you look carefully, you will see that the red light is not a magic weapon, but a red flying mosquito the size of a fingernail.

These flying mosquitoes are as red as fire, except for their eyes.

The auras on their bodies don't seem to be strong, and they are comparable to first-order monster insects.

But when Zhou Mingde was submerged and enveloped by them, he quickly discovered how terrifying they were.

I saw those flying mosquitoes surrounding Zhou Mingde, as if red flames were burning on Zhou Mingde's body.

However, the various protections Zhou Mingde had deployed quickly began to decline and disintegrate under their influence.

Yes, draw!

The mouthparts of these red flying mosquitoes are stuck on the shield, sucking the spiritual power of the shield just like mosquitoes sucking blood.

Even if the spiritual energy absorbed by a single flying mosquito is inconspicuous, if tens of thousands of flying mosquitoes absorb it together, even a monk in the Purple Mansion Stage like Zhou Mingde will not be able to bear it.

After discovering this, Zhou Mingde hurriedly asked the Vulcan Jackal to spit out demonic fire and burn the flying mosquitoes.

But what he didn't expect was that the Vulcan Jackal's demonic fire, which could melt even second-level magic weapons, had no effect on those flying mosquitoes!

These flying mosquitoes seemed to have the ability to be immune to being burned by fire. No matter how burned by the demonic fire, they did not feel any discomfort.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Mingde was shocked.

Immediately, he didn't care about losing face, and hurriedly shouted to Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang: "Please help me, two fellow Taoists!"

At this time, Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang did not lose their temper.

They all knew in their hearts that even the treasure hadn't been seen yet, so the cooperation between the three of them still needed to be maintained.

What's more, Zhou Mingde may not really have any other options. He may be using this to test them.

Therefore, when Zhou Mingde called for help, the two of them immediately came to help.

Both of them had seen what the Vulcan Jackal had done before.

At this time, when they took action, the two did not use those fire magic powers, but chose spells with other attributes.

But when Shen Borong pinched the magic formula in his hand, a blue-white water column shot towards the red light.

Ruan Hongzhuang waved her sleeves and offered up a dark green gourd magical weapon. Under the influence of the magic formula, a dark green poisonous mist spurted out from the gourd, rolling towards the flying mosquitoes.

Sure enough, the red flying mosquito was only extremely resistant to fire attacks, but had little resistance to other attacks.

The water column activated by Shen Borong easily washed them to the ground, and then the dark green poisonous mist came in, easily corroding them into poisonous water.

Whether it was the water column or the dark green poisonous mist, the attack power was less than level three, but it had no impact on Zhou Mingde and the Vulcan Jackal.

"Thank you two fellow Taoists for your help."

After getting away, Zhou Mingde immediately bowed his hands to Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang to express his gratitude.

Then he looked at the cracked stone walls on both sides, a look of fear flashing in his eyes.

The situation just now was indeed very dangerous. Fortunately, he was not alone here, otherwise he might have been injured by those flying mosquitoes.

At this time, he looked at the cracked stone wall and saw a small stone chamber inside. There were also two open fire-red sarcophagi stored in the stone chamber. It seemed that those red flying mosquitoes had been dormant in the sarcophagus before.

"I don't know what kind of demonic insects these red flying mosquitoes are, but they can actually stay dormant in this mausoleum for so many years without eating or drinking!"

Shen Borong also saw the situation in the stone room and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Zhou Mingde did not speak.

The Zhou family has inherited the art of controlling beasts. Although he did not recognize the origins of those red flying mosquitoes, he also knew some monster insects that could stay dormant for thousands of years under special circumstances.

The red flying mosquitoes should also be that kind of monster insect, and the fiery red sarcophagus is undoubtedly a special artifact specially prepared for their dormancy.

After looking at the two fiery red sarcophagi for a while, he whispered: "The sarcophagus seems to be made of fire essence source stone. The owner of the tomb is really willing to use such two large pieces of fire essence source stone to build such two sarcophagi." Put your money down!"

The fire essence source stone in his mouth is a stone in the earth's fire magma that has not changed for thousands of years.

This kind of stone has extremely strong fire resistance, and it also contains rich and pure spiritual power of earth fire. When those big forces build underground fire chambers, they will use this stone to fill and seal near the fire outlet. Therefore, The value is also very high.

Hearing his words at this time, Shen Borong also said eagerly: "It seems that these two sarcophagi can still be used. Should we collect them first?"

"There's no rush. We haven't reached the main tomb chamber yet. It's best not to touch these things to avoid triggering any mechanisms."

Zhou Mingde shook his head slightly and rejected Shen Borong's somewhat rash proposal.

Ruan Hongzhuang quickly nodded in agreement and said: "Fellow Daoist Zhou is right, they are just two fire essence stone coffins. Even if they are of some value, they are not worth the risk for us."

After hearing what they both said, Shen Borong had no choice but to give up his idea.

So after taking a short rest, Zhou Mingde continued to explore the road.

This time he walked through the right-angle curve and soon saw the end of the corridor dozens of feet away.

I saw that the end of the corridor was also a thick stone door, with complex and mysterious formation patterns carved on the door.

From a visual inspection, the distance from the turning point to the stone door should be less than fifty feet.

Such a distance would be reached in a blink of an eye if we were to fly.

Even Zhou Mingde can use his magic weapon to attack the stone door now.

But he knew in his heart that things were definitely not that simple.

If we really attack Shimen now, there may be some unforeseen consequences.

Therefore, he pondered for a moment and then decided to walk over slowly one step at a time.

But this time he had just walked less than ten feet when a familiar scene appeared again.

However, the stone walls on both sides of the corridor suddenly cracked, and countless blue-black moths flew out in a swarm and flew toward Zhou Mingde.

Those blue-black moths are huge, like sparrows.

Unlike the red flying ants before, when Zhou Mingde saw these blue-black moths, he recognized their origin at a glance.

If he admits correctly, this is a highly poisonous insect called "Rot Yin Moth". Generally speaking, it is only active in places with strong Yin Qi and corpse Qi.

This kind of poisonous insect possesses strong corpse venom. They can not only spit poisonous smoke to form poisonous mist to attack the enemy, but also self-destruct to injure the enemy.

And now these "Rot Yin Moths" have undoubtedly chosen the fastest effective mode of self-explosion to damage the enemy.

As soon as they got close to Zhou Mingde, they immediately exploded.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Mingde was overwhelmed by the green-black venom formed by the self-explosion of these poisonous insects.

Fortunately, the Vulcan Jackal successfully helped this time.

It sprayed demonic fire from its mouth, burning many "corrupt moths" that had no time to self-destruct into ashes, and even burned the venom that corroded Zhou Mingde's protection into blue smoke.

With the cooperation of master and servant, although he was a little embarrassed, he still withstood this round of attacks.

After all the poisonous moths were wiped out, Zhou Mingde stuffed two Yuan Yuan Pills into his mouth, and then looked at the stone room where the poisonous moths came out.

Like the previous stone chambers, the stone chambers on both sides of the corridor are also equipped with an environment suitable for the dormancy of "rotten yin moths", and coffins made of yin-rich yin wood are used to seal these poisonous moths.

Compared to the Fire Essence Source Stone, which is quite useful to immortal cultivators, this Yin Wood Coffin is of little use, and no one cares about it.

Next, while Zhou Mingde was exploring the road ahead, he was attacked by two kinds of insects one after another. Fortunately, with the help of Vulcan Jackal, Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang, he was able to resolve the danger safely.

Until he arrived at the stone gate at the end of the corridor, he did not encounter any new attacks.

Looking at the stone door at the end of the corridor, Shen Borong also held back his anger inexplicably. He couldn't help but exhale and said: "This tomb owner is really weird. Since he has arranged so many tests, why didn't he give out any information?"

"He is toying with us juniors like this. Aren't you afraid that I will vent my anger on his remains when the time comes to leave?"

At this time, the three of them had already read the murals on both sides of the corridor, so they knew clearly that this was indeed the tomb of a Jindan monk.

But as Shen Borong said, since the tomb has a tomb door and a corridor, it means that the owner of the tomb should be mentally prepared for the tomb to be discovered.

In this case, even if it is to allow the intruder to respect his remains, he should leave some introductory information, at least explain how many tests will follow.

But now, except for the information left in the murals on both sides of the corridor, Zhou Mingde and the others knew nothing about this tomb, and even now they still don't know the name of the tomb owner.

It's no wonder that Shen Borong is a little angry now.

At this time, Zhou Mingde waved his hand and said, "You don't have to be angry, Fellow Daoist Shen. Since we are all here, it doesn't matter whether the tomb owner left a message or not."

Then he said in a deep voice: "Stick to the old rules, let's break this stone door together!"

Naturally, Shen Borong had no objection to his proposal.

So three people and one demon took action at the same time and attacked the stone door fiercely.

But what the three of them didn't expect was that as soon as they attacked the stone gate, the stone walls on both sides of the corridor they had walked through cracked open one after another, and countless pale golden insects flew out.

They were all familiar with that kind of pale golden worm. In the murals they had seen before, the tomb owner had driven this kind of pale golden worm to kill enemies many times. Even after the Golden Core stage, he was still driving this kind of worm.

This zerg is somewhat like a beetle, wearing hard armor and full of sharp teeth.

They are small in size, about the size of a fist held by a three- or four-year-old child, and have extremely fast flying speeds.

The only way this insect attacks seems to be to bite with its sharp teeth.

But don't think that this makes them weak.

Because while they have a single attack method, they also have extremely strong defense capabilities.

Even the demon fire spewed by the Vulcan Jackal cannot burn them to death and melt them in an instant.

And their seemingly small teeth can easily bite through the fur of a third-level monster like the Vulcan Jackal.

At that time, facing the dense attack of tens of thousands of insects, Zhou Mingde and the other three were also caught off guard.

No one thought that the owner of the tomb had left behind such a killer move!

But now they have nowhere to escape even if they want to, because the way out is blocked by those bugs!

There was no other way, the three people and one demon could only use all their means to resist the attack of the insect swarm.

In the end, after a fierce battle, the insect swarm was finally wiped out by three people.

But after this battle, each of the three people suffered serious injuries.

Zhou Mingde himself had more than a dozen pieces of flesh bitten off his body, and two holes appeared on his face.

Shen Borong was even worse. Most of his right arm was bitten off, forcing him to cut off one arm himself!

Ruan Hongzhuang, such a charming and beautiful woman, was covered in blood at this time, and her chest was bitten in several places.

Even the Vulcan Jackal, a third-level mid-level monster with a thick head and thick flesh, was bitten with wounds all over his body and bleeding!

"Damn it! It's so abominable!"

Looking at the insect corpses on the ground, Shen Borong, who had only one arm left, shouted angrily with resentment on his face: "Shen swears that when I enter the main tomb chamber, I will crush that guy's remains into ashes. Only in this way can I eliminate the hatred in my heart!"

"It's too easy for him to crush his bones and raise ashes! I want to soak his remains in feces and make him stink for eternity!"

Ruan Hongzhuang also gritted her teeth and her voice was as shrill as the wail of a ghost.

Zhou Mingde didn't say anything harsh, but his anger was just a little bit more intense than the two of them.

He glanced at the stone gate at the end of the corridor and said in a deep voice: "Everyone go back to heal your injuries first, and we'll talk about the rest later!"

The injuries on their bodies can no longer be recovered by casual treatment, and it is not known whether there are other dangers inside.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, we can only go back to the stronghold to heal and recover, and then come back to continue exploring.

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