Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 290 Xuanyin Jade Coffin, Green-faced Zombie [Please subscribe]

The twists and turns of the exploration of the underground tomb also touched Zhou Chun.

This was the first time he personally participated in the exploration of the ancient tomb.

Although he did not personally go down to the mausoleum, through Zhou Mingde's real-time narration, he was indirectly involved in all the actions.

The various layouts and changes in the underground mausoleum undoubtedly opened his eyes.

Just through Zhou Mingde's narration and looking at the injuries on the three people after they returned, he could imagine the danger involved.

In order to protect his tomb from being dug up and stolen, a Golden Core monk tried his best to devise various killing moves.

And for the sake of the treasures in the tomb, these younger generations can only use tricks to crack them at their own risk.

Only those who have experienced it will understand the dangers involved.

If you say something bad, you will die in the mausoleum and be buried with the owner of the tomb who doesn't even know his name!

But even so, places like the Ancient Xiu Cave Mansion and the Ancient Xiu Tomb are still the favorite adventure places for immortal cultivators.

Because in such places, the gains are often completely proportional to the risks, or even the gains completely exceed the risks.

In the countless years of history of the world of immortality, many immortality cultivators have conquered an ancient cave or tomb because of exploration, and thus received a treasure inheritance that can be used for a lifetime.

For example, the ancestor of the Zhou family who founded the Zhou family also obtained the inheritance of beast control skills by exploring an ancient cave, and got the opportunity to form his own elixir from it.

Another example is the famous Jindan cultivator "Tianjing Sanren" in Jingguo. He also entered an ancient cultivator's tomb when he was cultivating in the Zifu period, and obtained astonishing wealth and treasures from it. Since then, he has soared into the sky. , achieved its current reputation.

With these concrete examples in front of them, how could Zifu monks like Zhou Mingde and others be willing to leave such a tomb of a Jindan monk unexplored.

Even though all of them are injured now, such as Shen Borong who lost an arm, no one is really willing to give up and continue exploring.

For monks like them, as long as they don't lose their lives or suffer injuries like broken arms and legs, it's actually not a big deal.

There is no shortage of elixirs in the world of immortality that can regenerate severed limbs. The price of those spiritual objects may not be cheap, but the monks in the Zifu period can definitely afford it.

At this time, they returned to the ground. After discussion, they decided to let Zhou Chun and the others stay in the valley to maintain the formation and hide the deep pit.

To be on the safe side, Zhou Mingde also kept the Vulcan Jackal to guard him, lest the earth-armored dragon come out and attack Zhou Chun and others.

Then the three of Zhou Mingde went to the nearest stronghold to heal and recover.

And on the second day after Zhou Mingde and the others left, the earth-armored dragon came out again.

It's just that the Vulcan Jackal is sitting there. It was discovered as soon as it appeared and was pushed back.

Then it tried to collapse the soil near the pit in an attempt to fill it up.

However, Zhou Chun and the others worked together to absorb the collapsed soil, and instead used its hands to expand the area of ​​the pit.

After several times of this to no avail, the Earth Armored Dragon also calmed down and stopped causing trouble.

On the other side, Zhou Mingde and the others were probably worried about the long nights and dreams.

After taking care of their injuries and resting for three days, the three of them returned to the underground mausoleum.

It has to be said that the recovery ability of the Zifu period monks is very powerful.

In just three days, most of the flesh and blood that Zhou Mingde and others had bitten by the insect had grown back. Only Shen Borong's broken right arm was limited by the conditions and could not be restored for the time being.

The injuries on the Vulcan Jackal have also healed and will no longer affect the battle.

After communicating with Zhou Chun and his three juniors and understanding what happened in the past three days, Zhou Mingde and his three descended into the underground mausoleum again.

Three days later, the stone wall that the three men penetrated at that time was blocked by the earth-armored dragon.

But without the protection of the formation, the stone blocking the gap could not stop the three Zifu period monks at all.

Without spending much effort, the three of them came to the corridor covered with insect corpses again.

"Let's do it, we must break this stone door today!"

Zhou Mingde let out a low drink and launched the attack first.

Obviously, those pale golden insects last time were the last means of protection in this corridor. This time, the attack by Zhou Mingde and others did not trigger any other reactions.

It's just that the defense of the stone gate is much stronger than everyone expected.

The three of Zhou Mingde and the Vulcan Jackal attacked together. They attacked for nearly four hours and consumed nearly half of their own mana before breaking the stone door!

When the stone door was broken, the scenery inside was no longer obscured and appeared in front of the three people's sight.

I saw that the layout inside the stone gate was like a palace, with domes, columns, pools and other decorations.

In the deepest part of the palace, there is a black jade coffin.

However, Zhou Mingde and others scanned the space inside the stone gate with their eyes and consciousness, but they never discovered the presence of the earth-armored dragon.

And they originally expected that the earth armored dragon would be waiting for their arrival in the main tomb chamber.

"The jade coffin made of Xuanyin Jade, it seems that we have encountered the most difficult thing to deal with!"

Zhou Mingde's eyes fell on the black jade coffin and he said in a low tone.

Xuanyin Jade is a Yin-attributed spiritual object with strong Yin energy. It is a favorite object of monks who raise ghosts and refine corpses.

The ghost jars and corpse coffins refined with this substance have a great nourishing effect on the growth of ghosts and refined corpses.

Normally, no immortal cultivator would place their remains in the Xuanyin Jade Coffin, because that would easily cause their remains to undergo corpse transformation and become a zombie.

But if a cultivator does this, it means that he himself wants to turn his remains into zombies as a final guardian of the tomb.

The meaning of Zhou Mingde's words at this time was obviously that he suspected that the owner of the tomb deliberately used this method to turn into a zombie to protect the tomb.

Both Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang agreed with his statement.

Then Shen Borong said with a gloomy face: "There are no treasures in here. Apparently that guy put everything into storage bags and put them in the coffin!"

"He was at the Golden Core level during his lifetime. If he mutates and becomes a zombie afterwards, even if he does not reach the fourth level, he will probably have the strength of the third level after so many years."

"If he deliberately left some other means to enhance the zombies' combat power, I'm afraid that even if the later monks of Zi Mansion take action, they may not be able to capture them!"

His statement is also based on the worst-case scenario.

However, after Zhou Mingde heard what he said, he said in a deep voice: "Zombies are dead things after all and have no real intelligence. As long as their cultivation level is less than the fourth level, the three of us may not be able to deal with it together. What we need to worry about is that we can't deal with it." When there are zombies, that earth-armored dragon also comes out to cause trouble!"

As soon as these words came out, Ruan Hongzhuang, who had never spoken a word, nodded repeatedly and said: "What Fellow Daoist Zhou said is absolutely true. If the Earth Armored Dragon also cooperates with the zombies, we will have no chance of winning!"

"Then what should we do now? We don't know where the armored dragon is hiding now, and we don't know if there are any zombies in the coffin. Where should we start now?"

Shen Borong frowned and asked in a low voice what his next plan was.

After Zhou Mingde heard this, he immediately replied: "Now let's restore our mana first, and then think about how to deal with the earth-armored dragon and possible zombies!"

This is the safest approach, and naturally no one objects to it.

Immediately, the three of them did not enter the stone door, but retreated directly to the cave hall outside and took the Huiyuan Pill to restore their mana.

After half a day passed like this, the three people, with their mana and spirit restored to perfection, just started discussing the matter of entering the main tomb chamber to retrieve the treasure.

Having reached this point, no one is willing to retreat.

However, the dangers that will be faced when collecting the treasure have to be considered.

"How about calling the three juniors down to help? Although their strength is not very good, the three of them can help a little and draw attention!"

During the discussion, Shen Borong suddenly suggested that he want to call Zhou Chun and other three juniors on the ground to come down to help.

But as soon as he said these words, he was strongly opposed by Zhou Mingde.

"Fellow Daoist Shen, don't mention this again! Those juniors are only in the foundation-building stage, how can they participate in such actions? Isn't this asking them to come and die?"

He didn't know what the relationship was between Shen Borong and that junior, but he would never let Zhou Chun take the risk.

Compared to Zhou Chun's safety, he could even give up on the treasures in the tomb!

Ruan Hongzhuang stood by him again at this time, and immediately said: "I also think this matter is inappropriate. If those juniors get involved, we may have to distract ourselves from taking care of their safety, in vain. Adding to the trouble!”

Obviously she also loves her junior and doesn't want her to take risks.

This proposal was opposed by the two of them, and Shen Borong could no longer insist on it, so he had to think of other ways.

In the end, after much discussion, the three of them could not come up with a good solution.

So Zhou Mingde finally made his decision and decided to open the coffin first to check the quality of the zombies inside.

If the zombies are really strong and they don't have much chance of winning, they can only exit first, prepare things to target the zombies, and then come back.

If the zombies are not as strong as expected, you can try to kill them to get the treasure.

After the plan was drawn up, the three of them no longer hesitated and immediately stepped through the broken stone door and walked into the main tomb chamber inside.

After actually entering the main tomb chamber, the three of them were able to truly see the full view inside.

Although there were no obvious treasures in the tomb, the materials used to build the tomb were not simple.

Whether it is the stones paving the ground or the material of the surrounding stone walls, they are all made of diamondite, and the pillars are all made of earth black stone.

Both materials are famous for their hardness, and their hardness makes it difficult for even second-level flying swords to break through.

At this time, looking at the Xuanyin jade coffin, one could see that the lid and bottom of the coffin were painted with mysterious and complex light golden spiritual patterns. Shen Borong recognized that they were spiritual patterns that could suppress evil.

From this aspect, the owner of the tomb is not extremely bad.

He used the evil-suppressing spirit pattern to suppress the Xuanyin Jade Coffin. Even if a zombie was born inside, it would not leave the mausoleum and go out to harm living beings.

Of course, this may also be his way of protecting himself.

After all, if the zombies really left the mausoleum and harmed living beings, it is likely that his mausoleum would have been discovered and taken advantage of long ago.

"If you want to get the treasure, you have to open the coffin. Opening the coffin will wake up the zombies inside. That guy has planned everything!"

Shen Borong stared at the Xuanyin jade coffin with cold eyes and a very unhappy tone.

Now that he had lost his arm, he was full of resentment towards the remains of the tomb owner in the coffin.

"Get ready. When everyone is ready, let's open the coffin!"

Zhou Mingde ignored Shen Borong's resentment, and after saying something, he started preparing on his own.

When the three of them were ready, Zhou Mingde gave an order, and the Vulcan Jackal quickly pounced on it, knocking over the Xuanyin jade coffin with one palm.


The Xuanyin jade coffin, which flipped several times in mid-air, fell heavily to the ground. The originally tightly closed coffin lid seemed to have become loose due to this.

A strange aura suddenly overflowed from the coffin, and was instantly captured by the consciousness of Zhou Mingde and the others.

"As expected, he turned into a zombie!"

Shen Borong shouted lowly and already took out the magical weapon and hung it above his head.

The contents of the Xuanyin Jade Coffin did not keep them waiting. Soon, with a muffled sound, the lid of the Xuanyin Jade Coffin was suddenly shot from the inside and flew into the air.

Immediately afterwards, a green-faced zombie wearing a blue robe jumped out of the coffin and pounced directly on the nearest Vulcan Jackal.

Although the green-faced zombie was very fast, Zhou Mingde and the others still scanned its entire body instantly through their spiritual consciousness.

As expected, on the slightly bulging chest of the green-faced zombie, there is an exquisite storage bag and a spirit animal bag, which look like high-end goods.

But if you want to get those two bags, you must first defeat and kill the green-faced zombie.

And soon the first confrontation between the green-faced zombie and the Vulcan Jackal made the three people's eyelids twitch.

I saw that the Vulcan Jackal, as a third-level monster, had been warned in advance by its master, so its reaction speed was naturally very fast.

As soon as the green-faced zombie pounced, it quickly raised its flaming wolf claws and slapped its opponent on the shoulder.

This powerful and heavy slap immediately sent the green-faced zombie flying away.

But just like this, a claw that is enough to hurt a third-level monster like the Earth Armored Dragon didn't even scratch the robe on the green-faced zombie!

The green-faced zombie showed no signs of injury, and immediately roared and flew towards the Vulcan Jackal again.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde immediately shouted: "Let's do it together!"

As he spoke, he activated his magic weapon and hit the green-faced zombie.

When Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang saw this scene, they no longer hesitated and immediately attacked the green-faced zombie together.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

But with a flash of yellow light, the figure of the earth-armored dragon suddenly appeared in the main tomb chamber, and directly attacked the three of them.

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