Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 291 Powerful trump cards emerge unexpectedly [Please subscribe]

The appearance of the earth armored dragon was expected.

However, after actually facing the attack of the earth armored dragon and the green-faced zombie at the same time, Zhou Mingde and the other three were still under great pressure.

The Earth Armored Dragon is easy to say. Although it is a third-level mid-level monster, its attack methods are not very strong among monsters of the same level. In fact, it does not pose a great threat to the three of them.

But the green-faced zombie was completely different.

This green-faced zombie is extremely fast, not inferior to a third-level mid-level monster like the Vulcan Jackal. In a place with relatively limited space like the main tomb, its speed advantage is magnified to the limit.

At the same time, its defensive power is very strong. Not only is the robe it wears difficult to be damaged by ordinary magic weapons, but its physical constitution is also stronger than that of the Vulcan Jackal.

If it has any shortcomings, it is its attack methods.

Because it is a zombie bred from a special item such as the Xuanyin Jade Coffin, it has very few attack methods. In addition to attacking at close range, it has two methods: spitting corpse gas, poisonous mist and corpse flames.

But neither the corpse gas poisonous mist nor the corpse flames pose much of a threat to Zhou Mingde and the others.

The attack that really poses the greatest threat is its attack.

Relying on the attack launched by its powerful body, the attack power is comparable to that of a third-level high-grade monster, and the corpse energy lingering on its claws has permeable penetration, and is also accompanied by corpse poison.

A physically powerful third-level mid-level monster like the Vulcan Jackal was quickly suppressed by it in a head-on confrontation, and was even scratched in many places.

Fortunately, the powerful demonic fire of the Vulcan Jackal also has a strong refining effect on corpse poison. Otherwise, if he couldn't eat a few of its claws, the poison would attack his heart.

Generally speaking, there is still some gap between the strength of the green-faced zombie and the late-stage monks of Zifu. It can be regarded as a third-level mid-level monster with powerful combat power.

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Mingde and the others continued to fight against the green-faced zombie and the earth-armored dragon after a few moves.

"Two fellow Taoists, it may be difficult to kill this zombie right away. It's better to think of a way to concentrate on killing the earth-armored dragon first!"

After several battles, Zhou Mingde saw that the attacks of the three people could not achieve much effect on the green-faced zombie, so he decisively sent a message to Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang to express his views.

After listening to his words, Shen Borong quickly nodded and said: "Okay, then Fellow Daoist Zhou will hold off the zombie first, and Fellow Daoist Shen and Ruan will work together to deal with the earth-armored dragon!"

Zhou Mingde couldn't help but frown slightly when he heard this.

He originally wanted Shen Borong to hold off the green-faced zombie first, and then he and Ruan Hongzhuang would kill the earth-armored dragon.

Unexpectedly, Shen Borong took the lead and pushed this drudgery onto him.

For a while, I was a mute eating Coptis chinensis, which was very difficult to describe.

But the situation at the scene obviously didn't allow him to think too much, so after hesitating for a while, for the sake of the overall situation, he gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Zhou did his best!"

As he said that, he tried his best to activate the magic weapon and cooperated with the Vulcan Jackal to deal with the green-faced zombie.

With Zhou Mingde's all-out effort to restrain and block them, the pressure on Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang was instantly reduced.

The two no longer had to worry about the threat from the green-faced zombies, and they immediately rallied their spirits and besieged the earth-armored dragon.

The two of them were also very familiar with this earth-armored dragon. At this time, with the cooperation of each other, they quickly beat it until it whined without any ability to fight back.

But the main tomb chamber is underground after all, and the earth-armored dragon seems to have an access token specially left by the owner of the tomb, so it can enter and exit the tomb freely.

After being brutally beaten by Shen Borong and the two of them and unable to fight back, it relied on its earth-escape skills to play a hide-and-seek game with the two of them. From time to time it would escape into the soil of the stone wall, and then suddenly come out to attack the two of them, or even attack them. Zhou Mingde.

As a result, the three people's plan to kill the earth-armored dragon first was undoubtedly in vain.

"Hey! Let's retreat first. It seems we can't succeed in one step today!"

With a deep sigh in his mouth, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but express his intention to retreat first.

He has always been a person who can take things and let things go. He will not force himself to do something that he knows cannot be done unless absolutely necessary.

Although the treasure was right in front of him and it would be a pity to give up, he didn't want to risk his life.

But just after he said the words of retreat, Shen Borong suddenly said: "Fellow Daoist Zhou, if Shen has a way to kill the earth-armored dragon, can he get priority when distributing the harvest afterwards?"


Zhou Mingde and Ruan Hongzhuang both laid their eyes on Shen Borong, not expecting him to say this.

Facing the gazes of the two men, Shen Borong explained calmly: "You two fellow Taoists don't have to look at Shen like this. If Shen wants to kill the Earth Armored Dragon, he will have to use a precious trump card. , so it’s not too much to give priority to treasures!”

His words sounded reasonable. After all, there should be some compensation for the loss of a treasure that was used as a trump card.

But after all, it involves the relics of a Golden Core monk. Without knowing what kind of treasures are contained in the relics, Shen Borong's request is a bit difficult to accept.

"You can choose first, except for treasures of this level!"

After pondering for a while, Zhou Mingde responded conditionally.

There is no doubt that the most important relic of a Golden Core Stage monk is the magic weapon he used during his lifetime.

A magic weapon, even if it is a magic weapon that other monks cannot fully exert 100% of its power after obtaining it, is still a treasure worth hundreds of thousands of spiritual coins.

Such a treasure cannot be compared to any trump card used by any Zifu period monk.

Therefore, if Shen Borong wanted to get the right to choose the magic weapon, Zhou Mingde would never agree.

Shen Borong obviously understood this in his heart.

Therefore, after listening to Zhou Mingde's words, he immediately responded happily: "No problem, Shen is not that greedy."

After saying that, he turned to Ruan Hongzhuang and asked, "Fellow Daoist Ruan, what do you think?"

Upon hearing this, the beautiful woman in the red dress immediately replied: "If Fellow Daoist Shen can kill the earth-armored dragon, then it is appropriate to give priority to the treasure selection. I have no objection."

"Okay, since both fellow Taoists have agreed, let's see what Shen does!"

With a satisfied smile on his face, Shen Borong reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist and took out a jade box.

And as he opened the jade box, Zhou Mingde and Ruan Hongzhuang finally knew what his trump card was.

I saw a talisman stored in the jade box.

"It seems that there must be something special about that talisman, otherwise it would be difficult for ordinary talismans to kill that earth-armored dragon!"

Zhou Mingde's eyes moved slightly, and he also focused more on Shen Borong.

Just like that, when the earth armored dragon once again jumped out from the stone wall and attacked Ruan Hongzhuang, Shen Borong decisively activated the talisman.

But seeing the yellow light inside the tomb, a khaki bowl-shaped shadow of a magic weapon appeared in mid-air.


Suddenly, a shout burst out from Shen Borong's mouth.

Immediately, a streak of yellow cloud spurted out from the shadow of the bowl-shaped magic weapon, and fell on the earth-armored dragon in the blink of an eye.

Strangely enough, the earth-armored dragon was obviously protected by a circle of yellow aura, but the yellow cloud easily penetrated the yellow aura and fell on it.

After being entangled by the yellow clouds, the Earth Armored Dragon's figure was immediately frozen in mid-air, as if it had been hit by a body-holding spell, unable to move.

In this case, let alone using the earth escape technique to escape, it would be difficult to even move its body.

At this time, Shen Borong pinned the earth-armored dragon in mid-air with his finger, and the bowl-shaped magic weapon turned into a ray of yellow cloud and fell towards his head.


Only a muffled sound was heard, and the earth-armored dragon's head was smashed to pieces by the bowl-shaped magic weapon, and its brains were scattered.

A third-level mid-level monster was killed on the spot without any resistance!

Such a scene also shocked Zhou Mingde and Ruan Hongzhuang.

When the two looked at Shen Borong again, there was already a hint of fear.

Originally, although Shen Borong was in the middle stage of Zifu, his strength was not that outstanding. He was just an ordinary middle stage cultivator in Zifu.

Even Zhou Mingde, who has the God of Fire Jackal, does not regard him as an opponent at all in his heart and feels that he can steadily defeat him.

But now that he had witnessed with his own eyes Shen Borong's two tricks to kill the earth-armored dragon, he was filled with shock and fear.

Obviously, since Shen Borong can kill the Earth Armored Dragon with two moves, it is entirely possible to kill the Vulcan Jackal, which is also a third-level mid-level monster, with two moves!

If the target were to target him, Zhou Mingde, I'm afraid it would still be a matter of two moves!

"Then what level of magic weapon is the talisman made from? Could it be the legendary spiritual treasure!"

Zhou Mingde murmured to himself, feeling very incredible.

He has also used the talisman and seen it many times.

But whether it was the talisman he had used or the talisman he had seen, in terms of power, it was far inferior to the one used by Shen Borong.

In his memory, only the pseudo-magic weapon used by Taoist Mingxia had such powerful power.

But that is a false magic weapon!

Also shocked was Ruan Hongzhuang.

Although she and Shen Borong are from the same country, they actually didn't have much interaction before.

Therefore, she did not expect that Shen Borong actually hid such a powerful trump card.

If I had known this earlier, why would I have discussed it with Zhou Mingde at that time...

Just as she was thinking about this, she suddenly heard Zhou Mingde's flattering words: "Since Fellow Daoist Shen has this method, why not take advantage of the situation and deal with the green-faced zombie together? Then not only can Fellow Daoist Shen choose the treasures first, but also the magic weapon." You can also give it to fellow Taoist!"

It turns out that this guy can be scared too!

She smiled secretly in her heart and couldn't help but look at Shen Borong.

If Shen Borong can really get rid of the green-faced zombies, then she and Zhou Mingde really won't be able to compete with them for the magic weapon left by the golden elixir monk.

After all, neither of them thought they had the ability to take Shen Borong's combo.

But Shen Borong's response made both of them a little stunned.

With a quick wave of his hand, he turned the bowl-shaped shadow of the magic weapon into a talisman and put it into the jade box, then quickly closed the lid and put it away.

Then he shook his head at the two of them and said, "Shen understood the good intentions of the two fellow Taoists, but the power of the talisman is limited and it is really not suitable to use it more. Let's surround and kill the zombie together!"

Is this really the case?

Zhou Mingde and Ruan Hongzhuang's eyes flashed slightly, and they were suspicious of Shen Borong's statement.

Although the power stored in the talisman is indeed limited, using it once will permanently lose part of the power.

But if you can kill the green-faced zombies and get a magic weapon directly, you will still make money no matter what!

However, doubts remain doubts. Since Shen Borong is unwilling to take action one more time, the two of them cannot force him.

Therefore, after a flash of light flashed in Zhou Mingde's eyes, he quickly nodded and responded: "That's good, now that there is no hidden danger of the earth-armored dragon, the three of us can destroy this zombie together."

After all, the green-faced zombie is a monster without intelligence, and it is not as proficient in the life-saving earth escape technique as the earth-armored dragon.

Three Zifu stage monks and a third-level monster besieged it, and slowly grinding it down was enough to kill it.

Time passed slowly, and soon another two hours passed.

At this time, after more than two hours of siege, the green-faced zombies gradually lost their previous fierceness under the siege of Zhou Mingde and others.

If it weren't for the fear of damaging the storage bag and spirit beast bag stored on its chest with excessive force, it would have been seriously injured even if it didn't die.

Looking at the green-faced zombie that was no longer fierce, Zhou Mingde's heart moved, and he suddenly said to Ruan Hongzhuang: "Fellow Daoist Ruan, you and I will work together to restrain this beast, and Daoist Shen will try to behead it!"

Hearing what he said, before Ruan Hongzhuang could say anything, Shen Borong already agreed: "What a good idea. Cutting off the head of a zombie that has not formed a corpse pill will lose most of its strength. It will also make it easier for us to use the storage bag Take out the spirit beast bag first!"

"Since both Taoist friends think it's okay, I'm naturally willing to cooperate!"

Ruan Hongzhuang nodded slightly and agreed with Zhou Mingde's suggestion.

Immediately, she saw the opportunity and took out the silver-gray bracelet magic weapon that once covered the tail of the earth armored dragon, and immediately put it on the left wrist of the green-faced zombie.

The function of this magic weapon itself is to imprison and interfere with the movement of mana in the target's body. After the green-faced zombie's wrist was caught by it, the corpse energy in his body was immediately suppressed.

At the same time, under Zhou Mingde's order, the Vulcan Jackal rushed forward and bit the green-faced zombie's right arm, knocking it to the ground.


The green-faced zombie roared in pain, and immediately opened its fangs and bit the Vulcan Jackal's head.

But at this moment, a flying sword took advantage of the situation and plunged into its mouth, hitting its head back with a huge force.

It's now!

A flash of light flashed in Shen Borong's eyes, and he immediately made a sword gesture with his hand, and a sharp golden sword light struck the green-faced zombie's neck.

The neck is one of the weak points of the green-faced zombie. It is not protected by the blue robe it wears, and it is more fragile than other parts.

Despite this, after Shen Borong's flying sword struck it, it was like a knife cutting through a tree trunk. Although it successfully slashed in, it failed to actually decapitate the sword. Instead, the flying sword got stuck inside.

And just when Shen Borong was about to continue his efforts and continue to use his flying sword to completely cut off the remaining less than one-third of the muscles, an accident happened!

This surprise did not come from the green-faced zombie, but from Zhou Mingde.

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