Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 292 Zhou Mingde’s backstab【Please subscribe】

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, why are you doing this!"

In the tomb room, Ruan Hongzhuang glared at Zhou Mingde with a face full of shock and anger, and her eyes were filled with fear.

She never thought that when she was about to kill the green-faced zombie, Zhou Mingde would suddenly attack Shen Borong who was killing the green-faced zombie.

She didn't expect it, and neither did Shen Borong!

It's not that the two of them really trust Zhou Mingde that much, but because they haven't even seen the treasure now, they can't figure out why Zhou Mingde would take action against them.

After all, until now, it is still not known whether or how many treasures there are in the storage bag on the chest of the green-faced zombie.

In the past, it is true that cultivators who worked hard to pass numerous tests only ended up with an empty storage bag.

It is true that there are some cultivators who are extremely selfish and do not want the treasures they have worked hard to possess for their entire lives to be of benefit to future generations of cultivators. They will destroy all those treasures before they pass away!

In view of this, the two of them never thought that Zhou Mingde would attack them before killing the green-faced zombie.

It is precisely because we have not thought about this situation that we are not prepared for it.

At this moment, Shen Borong, who was unprepared, was hit hard by Zhou Mingde and his life was in danger.

The green-faced zombie was also deliberately indulged by Zhou Mingde and escaped from suppression.

Ruan Hongzhuang looked at this scene, feeling shocked, angry, frightened and frightened.

"Why do Fellow Daoist Ruan pretend to be confused? If Zhou doesn't do this now, I'm afraid that after killing this green-faced zombie, Fellow Daoist Shen will join you in attacking Zhou!"

Zhou Mingde looked at Ruan Hongzhuang calmly, and the words in his mouth made Ruan Hongzhuang's heart sink completely.

She knew in her heart that things were not like that. At least until now, Shen Borong had never said such words to him.

But she knew better that there was no point in explaining this now.

Since Zhou Mingde thought this way and had already taken action, even if he knew he had done something wrong, he would just keep doing it.

The top priority was that she should still find a way to save her own life.

Various thoughts were swirling in her mind, and she quickly sent a message to Shen Borong, who was seriously injured and was about to fall to the ground: "Friend Shen, please help hold him down. As long as I can escape with my life, I will definitely inform the Shen family about your murder, and I will do my best to avenge you!”

When she said these words, her body had already rushed towards the exit of the tomb.

It was obvious that no matter whether Shen Borong was willing to cover for her or not, she did not want to stay in this tomb any longer.

However, Zhou Mingde seemed to have expected that she would do this, and soon used a flame ring weapon to hit her, forcing her to stop and defend herself.

On the other side, Shen Borong did not take action against Zhou Mingde as she said.

Because the green-faced zombie was the first to pounce on Shen Borong after escaping from the suppression of the Vulcan Jackal.

This may be because Shen Borong almost killed it just now, or maybe because Shen Borong was seriously injured and the smell of blood on his body stimulated it.

ah! !

Soon Shen Borong's screams made Ruan Hongzhuang's heart tremble.

She raised her eyes and saw the green-faced zombie piercing Shen Borong's chest with its claws, opening its mouth full of fangs and biting Shen Borong's neck, drinking blood.

Seeing this scene, she couldn't help but shrink her pupils, and couldn't help shouting at Zhou Mingde: "Zhou Mingde, you are playing with fire and burning yourself!"

"Once the green-faced zombie drains fellow Daoist Shen's essence and blood, its injuries will surely recover quickly. You will never be its match by then!"

Blood-sucking healing is the innate ability of all zombies. The more powerful the monk's blood is, the more nourishing it is for the zombies.

Shen Borong is a monk in the middle stage of the Purple Mansion. If the green-faced zombie sucks all the energy out of his body, the injuries on his neck will definitely recover very quickly.

When the time comes, Zhou Mingde and Vulcan Jackal alone will not be the opponent of this green-faced zombie.

Ruan Hongzhuang's intention for saying this at this time was also obvious. She just wanted Zhou Mingde to let her go and the two of them join forces to fight against the enemy.

But to be honest, even she herself didn't have any confidence in this, and she didn't think Zhou Mingde would let her, the insider, go.

But something she didn't expect happened again.

After listening to her words, Zhou Mingde actually nodded and said, "What Fellow Daoist Ruan said makes sense, so if Fellow Daoist is willing to put aside the past grudges, after solving this green-faced zombie, Fellow Daoist he deserves what he deserves." Such a harvest, Zhou will definitely be indispensable for fellow Taoists!"

"Are you telling the truth?"

Ruan Hongzhuang looked at Zhou Mingde with surprise, as if it was hard to believe that Zhou Mingde would really let her go.

Faced with her suspicion, Zhou Mingde also said openly: "Fellow Taoist Ruan is not a threat to Zhou, and he is not harboring evil intentions like Shen Borong. There is no need for Zhou to deceive fellow Taoist about this kind of thing!"

Having said this, he paused slightly and then said: "Of course, if you want Zhou to really feel at ease with fellow Taoist, the descendant of Shen Borong above will have to be left to you, fellow Taoist Ruan, to deal with it later!"

Ruan Hongzhuang certainly understands what the so-called processing means.

It was nothing more than asking her to kill Shen Borong's descendants as a reward, so that she wouldn't have to worry about her revealing what happened in the underground mausoleum later.

In this way, she somewhat believed in Zhou Mingde's words.

She first glanced at the green-faced zombie who was still drinking Shen Borong's blood, and then at the Vulcan jackal that had blocked the exit of the tomb. After her expression changed for a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, Daoyou Zhou's conditions for concubine I have agreed, and I only hope that Zhou Daoyou will truly abide by his promise and never do anything to me again!"

There was nothing she could do.

Judging from Zhou Mingde's appearance, it was obvious that he would not let her go if she didn't agree.

And in this kind of tomb with only one way out, she had no confidence that she could escape from Zhou Mingde's master and servant.

"Ruan Daoyou, don't worry. Zhou always does what he promised!"

Zhou Mingde's expression softened and he immediately stopped attacking Ruan Hongzhuang.

However, in order to prevent Ruan Hongzhuang from playing tricks on him, he still asked Ruan Hongzhuang to stay away from the exit of the tomb and blocked the exit himself.

In this way, unless she stepped on his corpse, Ruan Hongzhuang would have no choice but to cooperate honestly with him to deal with the green-faced zombie.

Seeing that he was so cautious, even if Ruan Hongzhuang had thoughts in her mind, she could only temporarily stop them and had to join forces with him to deal with the green-faced zombies again.

Perhaps it was because Ruan Hongzhuang was already convinced at this time, and Zhou Mingde no longer had any reservations.

But when he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, he took out a third-level magic talisman.

The third-level mid-level magic talisman "Solar Fire Talisman" is a fire talisman that has a strong restraint effect on yin-attributed power.

This talisman is Zhou Mingde's biggest trump card for daring to sneak attack Shen Borong.

With this thing in hand, even if Ruan Hongzhuang doesn't cooperate with him, he is sure to kill the green-faced zombie on his own.

However, without knowing what kind of trump card Ruan Hongzhuang has, it would be best not to do this without forcing her into a desperate situation.

At this time, with a flash of reluctance in his eyes, Zhou Mingde activated the "Sunlight Divine Fire Talisman" in his hand without hesitation.

But a golden fireball suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Mingde, and he immediately hit the green-faced zombie with his hand.

The green-faced zombie seemed to be aware of the power of the golden fireball, and immediately tried to dodge.

But the tomb is so big, where can it hide?

What's more, there are also Vulcan Jackal and Ruan Hongzhuang chasing him.


With a loud explosion, the golden fireball finally hit the green-faced zombie, instantly turning into a raging sea of ​​fire and drowning it.


A shrill roar came from the golden sea of ​​fire, and at the same time, gray-black corpse energy could also be seen emerging.

Under the crisis of life and death, in order to save his life, the green-faced zombie could only desperately summon the corpse energy in his body to resist the burning of the golden flame.

And all this was within Zhou Mingde's expectation.

He did not take advantage of the situation to launch other attacks on the green-faced zombie. He just called the Vulcan Jackal back to his side, and then used the Zhou family's secret beast-controlling technique "Mana Grafting" on this beloved pet.

The effect of the secret technique of "mana grafting", just like its name, can temporarily graft the mana of the cultivator to the monster.

By using this secret technique, Zhou Mingde can graft up to 80% of his own mana to the Vulcan Jackal, greatly enhancing its strength.

However, after mana is grafted to a spiritual pet, his own strength will be greatly reduced due to excessive mana damage.

Therefore, Zhou Mingde would not use this secret skill easily.

But now if he wanted to give the green-faced zombie a fatal blow, he had to take a little risk.

But he saw his palm pressed against the shoulder of the Vulcan Jackal, and his own magic power was continuously poured into his body.

After accepting his magic power, the Vulcan Jackal's aura increased visibly to the naked eye.

This change quickly attracted Ruan Hongzhuang's attention.

She looked at this scene with gleaming eyes, all kinds of thoughts in her mind.

Not long after, the green-faced zombie finally withstood the attack of the "Solar Fire Talisman" and extinguished the golden sea of ​​fire after consuming a large amount of its own corpse energy.

It was at this time that the Vulcan Jackal, blessed by most of Zhou Mingde's mana, pounced in front of the green-faced zombie with a "swish", spitting out red demonic fire and fighting with it.

At this time, the corpse energy in the green-faced zombie's body has been consumed a lot by the "Solar Fire Talisman", and its own strength has dropped to a level comparable to that of a third-order mid-level monster, while the Vulcan Jackal's strength has greatly increased.

In this situation, the Vulcan Jackal successfully suppressed it alone.

"Fellow Daoist Ruan, what are you waiting for? Why don't you cooperate with Zhou to kill this beast!"

Zhou Mingde's slightly weak voice suddenly sounded in the tomb chamber, and his words were full of urgency.

When Ruan Hongzhuang heard what he said, she looked at his obviously paler face, pursed her lips slightly, and then responded in a low voice: "I understand."

Then, as Zhou Mingde said, he tried his best to cooperate with the Vulcan Jackal to launch the final offensive against the green-faced zombies.

Not long after this, there was a sound of "tearing", and the green-faced zombie's amazingly defensive green robe was finally torn open by the Vulcan Jackal's claws.

Immediately afterwards, the Vulcan Jackal's claws hooked out the storage bag and spirit beast bag placed on the chest of the green-faced zombie, and threw them towards Zhou Mingde with all his strength.

Seeing this scene, Ruan Hongzhuang couldn't help clenching her hands into fists.

But in the end, she made no move and watched helplessly as Zhou Mingde took the storage bag and the spirit beast bag into his hands.

Since then, he no longer had any scruples, and under Zhou Mingde's order, the Vulcan Jackal launched a violent offensive against the green-faced zombies.

A demon and a zombie fought wildly in the tomb, and soon the palace-like tomb was seriously damaged, and there were even faint signs of destroying the tomb.

In fact, it is fortunate that the material used to build this tomb is hard and has the power of the formation to stabilize it.

Otherwise, Zhou Mingde and the others would have destroyed this place long ago after a big battle with the green-faced zombies and earth-armored dragons.

Seeing signs of collapse in the tomb, Zhou Mingde suddenly remembered something and shouted loudly to Ruan Hongzhuang: "Fellow Daoist Ruan, quickly put away the body of the Earth Armored Dragon, let's evacuate this place first!"

Hearing his words, Ruan Hongzhuang was slightly startled, and then quickly understood what he meant.

Dang even responded, and hurriedly went over to curl up the body of the earth-ankylosaurus and put it into a storage bag.

Fortunately, the Ankylosaurus itself is not particularly large, and its body is extremely flexible and can be curled into a ball.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult to put the entire body into the storage bag.

Just when Ruan Hongzhuang put away the body of the earth armored dragon, the tomb began to collapse on a small scale.

Seeing this, she was so frightened that she hurriedly followed Zhou Mingde out of the tomb.

And just when she left the tomb and entered the corridor, the Vulcan Jackal suddenly exploded with power and knocked away the green-faced zombie, then grabbed the mummified Shen Borong corpse on the ground and rushed out of the tomb.

As soon as its figure appeared in the corridor, Zhou Mingde and Ruan Hongzhuang's attacks simultaneously bombarded the interface between the tomb and the corridor, intending to completely collapse the tomb and bury the green-faced zombie.

However, the two seemed to have underestimated the strength of the tomb. This blow did not cause much damage to the tomb except for the partial collapse of the corridor.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Mingde immediately shouted: "Let's leave the mausoleum first!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

But the green-faced zombies are not willing to let them go.

Soon the wolf smelled the scent and chased him out of the tomb, chasing him all the way up.

Fortunately, the Vulcan Jackal is big enough, and it can block most of the place, whether it is the corridor or the tomb passage that you first entered.

After it was broken, Zhou Mingde and Ruan Hongzhuang could retreat to the ground along the tomb passage from where they came from without any danger.

After chasing and escaping like this, the two men and the demon successfully escaped from the tomb and returned to the ground.

But at this time, the green-faced zombies also followed and chased them.

"What a sin, you are asking for your own death!"

Zhou Mingde frowned, thinking that he would team up with Ruan Hongzhuang to kill the green-faced zombie completely.

The ground is not as good as the underground. Underground, they are worried about damaging the storage bags on the green-faced zombies and worrying about some chain reactions that may be caused by the collapse of the tomb, so they have to control their power.

But on the ground, they can use any method with confidence. It is not too difficult to kill the now weak green-faced zombie.

But what Zhou Mingde didn't expect was that after Ruan Hongzhuang came out, she immediately rushed towards Zhou Chun who was about to greet them when they saw them coming out.

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