Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 293 The Relics of the Golden Core Stage Monk [Please subscribe]

In the valley.

When he saw Ruan Hongzhuang suddenly pounce on Zhou Chun, Zhou Mingde's face suddenly changed in shock, and he hurriedly reminded Zhou Chun to be careful.

But Ruan Hongzhuang's action was too sudden, and he was less than twenty feet away from Zhou Chun. Almost as soon as his voice came out, he appeared next to Zhou Chun.

In this case, it can be said that it is easy to defeat a monk in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment with the cultivation level of Zifu Stage.

That's what Ruan Hongzhuang thought in her heart.

After she came out, she found Zhou Chun approaching, and then she suddenly thought of a way to capture the hostages.

Previously in the underground mausoleum, due to the situation, she had to agree to Zhou Mingde's proposal and cooperate with him to deal with the green-faced zombies.

But with the example of Shen Borong in front of her, she didn't believe that Zhou Mingde would really share the harvest of this tomb exploration with her.

So when she got to the ground, she looked at Zhou Chun approaching, and the idea of ​​taking Zhou Chun as a hostage instantly came to her mind.

Judging from the fact that Shen Borong's proposal to let three juniors go down to help was sternly rejected by Zhou Mingde, it is clear that Zhou Mingde has an extraordinary concern for Zhou Chun, a junior in his heart.

If Zhou Chun could be captured and used as a hostage, not only would he not have to worry about Zhou Mingde burning the bridge, but he might also be able to make Zhou Mingde spit out some of his gains.

However, she thought well and had a good time to take action, but she never thought about whether she could really capture Zhou Chun.

All the good things she thought about were based on capturing Zhou Chun immediately.

But in fact, she failed when she captured Zhou Chun!

At that time, seeing Ruan Hongzhuang suddenly rushing towards him, Zhou Chun's face changed greatly and he was frightened.

But his reaction was very quick. He immediately opened his mouth and spat out a golden rainbow towards Ruan Hongzhuang, who was rushing towards him. At the same time, he quickly retreated.

Until now, Zhou Chun had not spent much thought on other secret techniques, but only concentrated on practicing the secret technique of "Flowing Golden Rainbow".

After many years of diligent practice, he has cultivated this secret technique to an extremely profound level, and can completely unleash it as he wishes like the "Golden Cauldron Xuanguang".

Moreover, the power of the "Flowing Golden Rainbow" at this time was several times more powerful than when he first started.

And Ruan Hongzhuang decided to capture Zhou Chun because of a flash of inspiration. At that time, she never thought that her Zifu stage cultivation would fail against a mid-stage foundation-building monk.

So when her consciousness sensed the power of the golden rainbow and realized something was wrong, it was too late to change her tactics.

But as soon as the golden rainbow flashed, the shield Ruan Hongzhuang held up was instantly filled with cracks, and her forward movement was forcibly stopped by a strong force.

Although the pause was only for a moment, she soon took action again and shot a fiery red light at Zhou Chun.

But just this moment of pause caused her to completely lose the chance to capture Zhou Chun!

However, under Zhou Mingde's order, Vulcan Jackal immediately rushed to Zhou Chun's side and blocked her attack.

Seeing this, Ruan Hongzhuang felt extremely regretful and at the same time turned around and ran away without hesitation.

It turned out that when she took action, she had already sent a message to inform her juniors, asking them to immediately open a formation channel for herself through the formation flag and leave.

But something happened that made her miscalculate again.

The formation channel opened by her junior suddenly disappeared as soon as it appeared.

And the person who prevented her from escaping was Shen Borong's junior!

Obviously, the formation provided by Shen Borong was not as simple as he said.

In fact, the real control of the formation is still in the hands of his junior.

"Shen Shiming, what did you do?"

Ruan Hongzhuang, who had no way out, could not help but look at the junior Shen Borong with shock and anger.

At this time, facing her angry rebuke, the junior Shen Borong looked at her with the same shock and anger and said, "Junior would like to ask Senior Ruan what do you want to do?"

"Where is this junior's great-uncle? Senior Ruan, what did you mean by attacking fellow Taoist Zhou just now? Why do you want to leave alone now?"

It turned out that he had been warned by Shen Borong a long time ago. As long as Shen Borong did not personally ask him to open the formation, anyone who wanted to open the formation channel to escape must immediately interrupt him.

What's more, even without Shen Borong's advice, Ruan Hongzhuang's actions just now were enough to make him do this.

After all, the green-faced zombie who was chased out showed extraordinary strength at first glance. Ruan Hongzhuang, as a monk in the Zifu period, wanted to escape alone, so of course he did not agree.

But what he never expected was that the great-uncle Shen Borong who confessed to him was already dead!

And what he did just now also blocked Ruan Hongzhuang's way of survival!

I saw Ruan Hongzhuang angrily yelling angrily: "You idiot! You didn't stop the guy who really killed Fellow Daoist Shen, but you came to stop me instead. How could Fellow Daoist Shen have such a stupid junior like you!"

"What did you say? My uncle is dead!"

Shen Shiming's expression was shocked, and he looked at Zhou Mingde with shock on his face.

But Zhou Mingde didn't say much at this time, and directly hit him with a magic weapon.

At the same time, the green-faced zombie also pounced on Zhou Mingde, who was also the weakest recently.

This chaotic battle is also dazzling, and the changes are too fast.

But the results came out quickly.

Facing Zhou Mingde's attack, Shen Shiming was killed with one blow without any resistance.

Zhou Mingde relied on the protection of the third-level defensive talisman and protective weapon to withstand the attack of the green-faced zombie.

On the other side, Zhou Chun, who was protected by the Vulcan Jackal, quickly activated the formation flag to open a formation channel after Shen Shiming died.

Then Zhou Mingde threw Shen Shiming's body towards the green-faced zombie, but he quickly rushed towards the formation channel.

The green-faced zombie itself has low intelligence and acts entirely on instinct.

When Shen Shiming's bloody corpse was thrown in front of it, it, which was severely injured, immediately hugged the corpse and drank the blood.

This also allowed Zhou Mingde to successfully break out of the formation with Zhou Chun.

Once outside, Zhou Mingde immediately asked Zhou Chun to leave first, and then he and Vulcan Jackal went to chase Ruan Hongzhuang, who also escaped from the formation.

At this time, Zhou Chun was also filled with shock.

He didn't know what happened in the underground mausoleum and why Zhou Mingde killed Shen Borong.

However, out of trust and obedience to Zhou Mingde, he immediately activated the "Flowing Golden Rainbow" secret technique to escape.

After Zhou Chun's flaw was eliminated, Zhou Mingde pursued and beat Ruan Hongzhuang without any scruples.

At this time, there were no traces of mortals in Yang Kingdom, and neither of them had to worry about whether the green-faced zombies would kill other living beings when they came to the ground.

They don't have the heart to care about this either.

In Zhou Mingde's view, only by killing Ruan Hongzhuang and silencing him can he completely monopolize the harvest and avoid leaks of the news.

In order to survive, Ruan Hongzhuang was naturally unwilling to sit back and wait for death.

After such a chase, Zhou Mingde was ultimately unable to save Ruan Hongzhuang's life, and she successfully escaped the pursuit.

Although Zhou Mingde failed to suppress his silence, he could only accept the reality even though he was unwilling to do so.

Next, he did not stay in Yang Country for long. After taking a short rest, he quickly returned to Dayun Country.

Not long after Zhou Chun returned to Fangshi, Zhou Mingde also returned to Fangshi safely.

"Sir, what happened in the underground mausoleum? Why are you having internal strife with Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang?"

In Fang City, Zhou Chun waited for Zhou Mingde's return. While he was relieved, he couldn't help but immediately asked his doubts.

In fact, Zhou Chun was not unprepared for the internal strife among the three Zifu period monks.

After all, countless examples in the past have proven that in the face of truly precious treasures, it is difficult for monks to be willing to share the harvest with others.

But the situation at that time made Zhou Chun full of doubts.

Because he witnessed with his own eyes the scene of Zhou Mingde and Ruan Hongzhuang rushing out of the underground mausoleum. At that time, it seemed that the two were still cooperating.

Facing his series of questions, Zhou Mingde waved his hands with a tired look on his face and said: "I know you are in a hurry, but now is not the time to talk about this. I will talk to you in detail after I recover. Here’s the inside story!”

After saying that, he walked alone into the secret room in the yard to meditate and recover.

He meditated for a whole day.

After all his mana was restored and his mental and physical condition was soothed and restored, Zhou Mingde took out the storage bag and spirit animal bag obtained from the green-faced zombie to check the harvest.

With anticipation in his eyes, he first opened the spirit beast bag and put his consciousness into it.

Because the owner has long since died, whether it is a spirit beast bag or a storage bag, you can open it at will.

The spirit beast bag in Zhou Mingde's hand is undoubtedly the most high-end thing he has ever seen with his own eyes.

The internal space of this spirit beast bag is very large and divided. Visual inspection can hold five spirit pets or five different kinds of monster insects at the same time.

What's rare is that the material of the spirit beast bag itself is also very tough, even the attacks of foundation-building monks can easily damage it.

A spirit animal bag like this that can be divided into internal spaces is much more difficult to make than an ordinary spirit animal bag, and is difficult to buy on the market.

If this spirit beast bag were sold, it would probably be more expensive than an ordinary third-level high-grade magic weapon.

After carefully inspecting the spirit beast bag and finding no monsters or insects in it, Zhou Mingde put it aside and then opened another storage bag.

The storage bag of a Golden Core monk is naturally extraordinary.

This kind of storage bag not only has a huge internal space, but also has unique protective restrictions. While the owner is still alive, even if an outsider obtains the storage bag, it will be difficult to open it without damaging the contents inside.

But now that the owner of the storage bag has passed away for many years, Zhou Mingde naturally opened the bag without any difficulty.

And when he put his consciousness into the storage bag, a smile quickly appeared on his face.

He raised his hand and shook out all the contents of the storage bag.

Compared to the huge storage space of ten feet square inside the storage bag, there are not many things inside.

However, treasures are always more refined than abundant.

Among the few things, it can be said that everything is a treasure!

It has to be said that the methods left behind by the owner of the tomb caused Zhou Mingde and the others to suffer a lot.

But the treasures he left behind are also very rewarding.

In the storage bag, Zhou Mingde found a large number of well-preserved classics, including various classics such as exercises, secret techniques, illustrations, and travel notes.

Two Taoist tools were even discovered in it!

There was no surprise. In these classics, Zhou Mingde easily found the technique of controlling beasts and expelling insects mastered by the owner of the tomb. In fact, many of those classics were about the inheritance of this technique.

But now is not the time to study these classics.

After Zhou Mingde looked at it for a while, he turned his attention to other treasures.

Perhaps considering the damage caused to the treasures over a long period of time, the treasures left by the owner of the tomb were specially sealed in jade boxes.

Zhou Mingde first opened the two jade boxes made of the best materials. The contents inside did not disappoint him. They were the two magic weapons left by the owner of the tomb.

The two magic weapons are a green and black flag flag and an earthy yellow shield.

These two magic weapons are quite spiritual. Even though they have been sealed for who knows how many years, after Zhou Mingde opened the jade box in which they were sealed, they still bloomed with spiritual light and automatically flew out of the jade box.

However, Zhou Mingde was well prepared for this scene. When he reached out to grab them, he used his magic power to seize and suppress the two magic weapons.

Although he is a cultivator in the Zifu Stage and cannot refine magic weapons, it is not difficult to suppress these two ownerless magic weapons.

After holding the two magic weapons and studying them, Zhou Mingde put the magic weapons back into the jade box and sealed them.

Then he opened the other dozen jade boxes one by one, and all the contents sealed inside came into view.

What was somewhat beyond his expectation was that among these dozen jade boxes, there were not many jade boxes that actually contained magical weapons and spiritual objects, only four.

In the four jade boxes, there are two third-level high-grade magic weapons, three spiritual crystals, and a golden ore the size of a fist.

The rest of the jade boxes are filled with various insect eggs!

The owner of the tomb was obviously very concerned about those insect eggs. He not only sealed them in jade boxes, but also used unique sealing spiritual objects for them.

Some insect eggs are sealed in spiritual jade, some insect eggs are sealed in gold and stone, and some insect eggs are specially sealed with pills as containers.

Under the protection of these special sealed spiritual objects, even though I don't know how many years have passed, most of the eggs inside are still alive and can be hatched.

It is not difficult to see from this that the owner of the tomb actually hopes that the monks who get his relics can inherit his insect repelling skills and prevent this skill from being lost.

After counting this, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but sigh: "It is indeed a relic of a Golden Core monk. Although there are not many things, the value is immeasurable!"

Then he held back his joy and opened another storage bag.

That's Shen Borong's storage bag.

Now he wants to verify something.

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