Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 294 I can’t agree, the method of exterminating pests [Please subscribe]

There aren't many things in Shen Borong's storage bag.

This is also normal.

After all, their coming to Yang Country was an adventure in itself. Apart from some must-have items, it was impossible to bring too many spiritual coins and some unused precious things.

However, Zhou Mingde had already made huge gains from the relics of the Golden Core monks, so he didn't care much about it.

After rummaging around in the storage bag, he quickly found what he was looking for.

It was a jade box that Shen Borong had used to store talismans.

After opening the jade box at this time, Zhou Mingde was slightly startled by what was inside.

He saw that there was no talisman in the jade box as he expected, it was just an empty box.

It's not accurate to say it's an empty box, because there's still a little bit of ashes inside.

Of course Zhou Mingde knew exactly where the ashes came from.

After all, he has used the talisman before and knows exactly what the talisman will become after its power is exhausted.

At this time, recalling how Shen Borong hurriedly put the talisman into the jade box seems to confirm this from the side.

But this result is undoubtedly far from what Zhou Mingde had expected.

He originally thought there should be a talisman inside!

When he saw Shen Borong displaying the powerful power of the talisman, he refused to continue to use the talisman to kill the green-faced zombies, so he suspected that the other party intentionally kept the talisman to use it when he fell out with him later.

Therefore, when dealing with green-faced zombies, he felt that his strength was no longer as good as Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang, so he chose to strike first and attack Shen Borong first.

However, it now seems that what Shen Borong did at that time was a complete bluff.

The reason why he hurriedly put the exhausted talisman into the jade box was because he wanted to use the tiger skin of this talisman to gain more benefits for himself when he divided the treasure later!

After thinking about all this, Zhou Mingde also sighed with a complex expression: "So, I have become a villain for once!"

Shen Borong may not be considered a gentleman.

But judging from the facts, his sneak attack on Shen Borong this time is undoubtedly the act of a real villain.

It is impossible to say that he does not blame himself.

But now that everything has been done, even if I now know that I did something wrong, I can only do this.

After a brief period of self-blame, Zhou Mingde put everything away with a calm expression and walked out of the secret room.

He has been practicing for almost three hundred years, and he has seen strong winds and waves many times, and he has done what ordinary people would consider bad things more than once.

There is no longer the situation where you are filled with guilt and unable to forgive yourself after you have done something bad.

In his eyes, as long as the benefits are big enough, he can do anything including murder and arson.

This is also the thought of most monks in the world of immortality.

People like Zhou Chun who stick to their principles are extremely rare in the world of immortality.

After leaving the secret room at this time, Zhou Mingde quickly called Zhou Chun into the secret room, and then answered Zhou Chun's previous questions.

But when he answered Zhou Chun, he didn't tell the truth.

Although he also talked about his sneak attack on Shen Borong based on mere speculation, he remained silent about the fact that the talisman was not found later.

After all, he is Zhou Chun's elder. Even if he does something bad, he doesn't want Zhou Chun to know too clearly.

And he knew Zhou Chun's character. If he told the truth, I'm afraid this matter would be a little difficult for Zhou Chun to accept.

In fact, even what he said made Zhou Chun frown.

"Sir, the younger generation cannot agree with your approach!"

After hesitating for a long time, Zhou Chun looked at Zhou Mingde and said what he was thinking.

Zhou Chun would never be able to do such a thing by just relying on his own speculations and taking the initiative to sneak attack his teammates who were fighting side by side.

Even if he had the same speculation in his mind, he would at most withdraw from the team in advance, or take relevant precautions, and wait until the opponent actually takes action before striking.

In this kind of matter, active harm and passive self-defense are completely different concepts.

The former is a standard evil act, while the latter is an act of justice that no one can fault.

Facing Zhou Chun's objection, Zhou Mingde was not angry, but looked at him calmly and said: "Zhengchun, you have your own ideas. This is normal. I don't necessarily want you to agree with my approach. You must Learn from me."

He said this very easily and calmly, as if he had done nothing wrong.

Zhou Chun felt very uncomfortable after hearing this.

Maybe this is the cruelty of this world!

People who do bad things, people who do wrong things, most of the time, no one will punish them or judge them.

That’s why many people don’t have much psychological burden on doing bad things and just do it.

"Junior knows!"

With a sigh in his heart, Zhou Chun nodded slightly to express his understanding.

It is impossible for him to learn from Zhou Mingde, but he cannot impose his own ideas on Zhou Mingde.

Perhaps sensing Zhou Chun's bad mood, Zhou Mingde did not immediately talk to him about the harvest, but just asked him to go back and rest first.

Then he sorted out the classics he had obtained and read the techniques of controlling beasts and expelling insects left by the owner of the tomb.

In the process of sorting out the classics, Zhou Mingde soon made a surprising discovery.

It turned out that he found an autobiography of the tomb owner in the classics.

According to the tomb owner's autobiography, his original surname was Han, and his single name was Yuan.

The tomb owner named Han Yuan was not from the Yang Kingdom, but from the Di Kingdom, and was born in a sect called Qianling Sect in the Di Kingdom.

The Qianling Sect is famous in the country for its insect-repelling skills. It is said that there are thousands of kinds of spiritual insects in the sect.

It's just that although Qianling Sect is well-known in Di Kingdom, it has never produced any Nascent Soul Stage monks. It has always been just a medium-sized sect about the same size as Sanjue Sect.

Han Yuan was originally the deputy sect leader of Qianling Sect. If nothing unexpected happens, he will be in charge of Qianling Sect in the future.

However, because he was too obsessed with collecting strange insects and insects recorded in various Qianling Sect books, and was too obsessed with cultivating various strange insects, he violated the taboos of Qianling Sect.

Here I must mention the origin of the Qianlingmen sect.

The founder of this sect was also a man with great ambitions.

He was a victim of an insect plague. The entire family was engulfed by the insect plague, but he was the only one who survived.

Since then, he has determined to study various monster insects and find ways to deal with them so that his own tragedy will not happen to others again.

And the person himself has extraordinary qualifications, and there will be opportunities later, and he has inherited some insect repelling skills.

Later, after he became a Golden Core monk, he founded the Qianling Sect, hoping to cultivate people who could inherit his ambition and legacy.

After thousands of years of inheritance and development, the descendants of Qianling Sect continued to study the art of expelling insects in depth while inheriting the legacy of their ancestors. At the same time, they also vigorously collected various strange insects and alien insects in the world of immortality as research objects.

What outsiders don't know is that during the research process of Qianling Sect, there have been several small-scale insect disasters, resulting in the deaths of many members of the sect.

Therefore, the Qianling Sect later formulated rules that prohibited members of the sect from engaging in the research of certain taboo techniques.

But because Han Yuan was so obsessed with the study of deworming techniques and cultivating strange insects and worms, he ignored the rules of the sect and studied some taboo techniques.

With an accident, his secret research on forbidden arts was exposed.

And because that accident caused considerable losses to the Qianling Sect, even if Han Yuan was a Golden Core monk and the deputy head, he could not escape punishment.

Not only was he deprived of his status as deputy leader, he was also imprisoned for a hundred years, prohibiting him from continuing to engage in relevant research.

This punishment is naturally difficult for Han Yuan to accept!

So in order to continue his unfinished research, he directly chose to break out and left Qianling Sect and Di Kingdom with many strange insects and insects collected by Qianling Sect, and fled to Yang Kingdom to study in seclusion.

Because he was too obsessed with studying the art of breeding insects, Han Yuan's cultivation finally stopped at the middle stage of Jindan.

Originally, before he died at the end of his life, he planned to return to the Qianling Sect of Di Kingdom to pass away and return the treasures and research materials he had collected throughout his life to the sect.

But what he didn't expect was that the Qianling Sect had been destroyed for hundreds of years, and the one who destroyed the Qianling Sect was a powerful force that he couldn't fight against at all.

Now that the matter has come to this, Han Yuan has no other choice but to feel sad and sad.

So he returned to Yangguo, found a place suitable for building a mausoleum, built an underground mausoleum for himself, and stored what he had learned throughout his life in a storage bag.

At that time, he felt very complicated. He didn't want his whole life's hard work to be ruined, but he also didn't want to take advantage of outsiders too easily.

Hence the many designs in the underground tomb.

What shocked Zhou Mingde was that after reading Han Yuan's autobiography and reading his notes on studying various strange insects and worms, he suddenly discovered that the insect plague that ravaged Yang Country was probably It has a direct relationship with Han Yuan.

Because during Han Yuan's research, he used the forbidden technique of Qianling Sect to forcibly graft the bloodline of a demonic insect called "Thousand Transformation Spiders" onto a demonic insect called "Spirit-Swallowing Ants".

Although in Han Yuan's own notes, such experiments seemed to have failed.

However, after Zhou Mingde read the illustrations of the "Thousand-Change Mantis" and "Spirit-Swallowing Ant", he found that the appearance of these two demonic insects were somewhat similar to the demonic insects that were ravaging the Yang Kingdom today.

Think about it again, no one has seen this kind of monster insect before, no one knows it, and it has the powerful alienation ability of the "Thousand-Change Cricket", and the powerful reproduction ability of the "Spirit Swallowing Ant".

Zhou Mingde had to make a bold guess that this kind of monster insect was probably the mutated monster insect that Han Yuan had cultivated with the forbidden technique!

After making this guess, he was extremely shocked, and then he hurriedly studied the classics and his personal autobiography left by Han Yuan carefully.

After another careful study, Zhou Mingde finally found some clues.

According to Han Yuan's records, he once used a forbidden technique to cultivate a hundred zerg eggs, and then left for a while because of something unexpected.

When he came back, he found that his underground research room had been broken open, and many of the monster insects and eggs in his collection had been devoured by an earth-armored dragon.

And the hundred zerg eggs were completely missing at that time.

Afterwards, Han Yuan killed the earth-armored dragon and obtained an earth-armored dragon egg.

At that time, he didn't pay too much attention to the missing hundred zerg eggs, and just assumed that they were all eaten by the earth armored dragon.

Later, he tried several more times, but when he saw that there were no successful examples, he gave up the experiment.

If Zhou Mingde's judgment was correct, the hundred zerg eggs cultivated by Han Yuan were not all swallowed by the earth armored dragon, and some zerg eggs were successfully hatched!

According to Han Yuan's own records of this experiment, if the breeding is successful, the new zerg should have strong evolutionary capabilities and strong underground survival capabilities, but can the reproductive capabilities maintain the ability of "spirit-eating ants"? level, but not sure.

From this, it can be inferred that the zerg that were successfully hatched at the beginning should still have some reproductive defects and cannot reproduce on a large scale.

In recent years, these zerg that have been slowly multiplying may have made up for the defects in their bloodline and restored the powerful reproduction ability of "Spirit Swallowing Ants" in the process of reproduction and evolution from generation to generation.

So these unknown insects that had been living underground suddenly multiplied and grew wildly, eventually forming an insect plague!

"If this is the case, then there is really hope to eliminate this insect plague!"

Zhou Mingde looked at the pile of classics in front of him, with deep joy in his eyes.

Having already studied these classics, he certainly knew that Han Yuan had prepared relevant methods to deal with the mutated monster insects before the experiment.

This is also the practice of Qianling Sect.

After many lessons, the Qianling Sect has instilled relevant concepts into its disciples from an early age. Before researching and cultivating new types of demon insects, regardless of whether they can succeed or not, relevant pest control methods must be prepared based on the blood characteristics of the original demon insects. .

In this way, if a new variety of monster insects is really cultivated and cannot be controlled, the pre-prepared pest control methods can be put to use quickly.

Maybe the means of pre-preparation are not completely applicable, but relatively speaking they must be useful.

Although Han Yuan broke out of the door at that time, in fact, he still regarded himself as a member of the Qianling Sect in his heart, and he always followed this rule when he was engaged in relevant research and experiments.

Therefore, after rummaging around, Zhou Mingde quickly found the pest control method that Han Yuan had prepared at that time.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, or it’s the Qianling Sect’s practice.

Han Yuan's prepared pest control method is to use poison!

This poison formula is prepared based on the blood characteristics of the two demonic insects, the "Thousand-Changing Mantis" and the "Spirit-Swallowing Ant". When dealing with these two kinds of demonic insects, it is always tried and tested and can easily kill the demonic insect of corresponding strength according to the dosage. .

In other words, now Zhou Mingde only needs to prepare poison according to several poison formulas prepared by Han Yuan, and then test the poison with the captured monster insects to know whether the poison formula is effective against monster insects.

"This matter needs to be discussed with Zhengchun. If it is really feasible, my Zhou family will make it happen!"

With joy in his eyes, Zhou Mingde soon called Zhou Chun into the quiet room with great joy and informed Zhou Chun of his discovery.

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