Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 295 Suggestions and medicines【Please subscribe】

When Zhou Chun learned about Qianlingmen Han Yuan from Zhou Mingde, he was also full of surprise.

He never imagined that the owner of the underground tomb might be the creator of this insect disaster.

A golden elixir-level monk created a huge insect plague that affected several countries. If word of this incident spread, it would probably cause a huge commotion.

And when he read Han Yuan's research notes and the insecticide prescriptions he left behind, he quickly understood what Zhou Mingde meant when he came to him.

He looked directly at Zhou Mingde and asked: "Is the Supreme Elder worried that it will be difficult to explain the origin of these prescriptions after directly providing them?"

"Yes, if this prescription is really effective and we present it, it will definitely attract inquiries from those senior monks."

"And if I tell the truth, I'm worried that all the insect repelling techniques left by Han Yuan will be confiscated, and our Zhou family will be strictly prohibited from practicing!"

"In that case, the harvest of this underground tomb exploration will be greatly reduced!"

Zhou Mingde nodded slightly and expressed his worries in a low tone.

His concerns are justified.

Now that we know that this insect disaster was probably caused by Han Yuan, these insect repelling techniques left by Han Yuan, as well as the forbidden techniques of Qianling Sect that Zhou Mingde is quite envious of, will definitely be used by those Nascent Souls. The monks confiscated it and took it away, not allowing it to be spread any further.

It would not be surprising if Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun were silenced if they met the more ruthless Nascent Soul Stage monks.

In this case, telling the truth directly will definitely not work.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun listened to Zhou Mingde's words, he nodded in agreement and said: "What the Supreme Elder said makes sense, but telling the truth is definitely not possible. We can't take that risk!"

After thinking for a while, he made a suggestion: "Junior thinks that the most reliable way is for us to test the authenticity of the prescription first. If it is really effective, we will find a way to add a few ingredients to reduce the efficacy, and then use it Here’s a new prescription!”

"Those senior monks are all people with extraordinary knowledge. There must be experts who are proficient in medicine. Once the formula we have changed is in their hands, they can probably restore the original powerful formula as long as they test it a few more times."

Nowadays, the insect plague is raging, and countless monks are studying ways to completely eradicate the insect plague.

An effective prescription for eradicating insect plagues, even if its effect is not particularly strong, will definitely attract attention, allowing some high-level monks to conduct perfect research on it.

This way, with the correct research direction, with the abilities of those high-level monks, it will not be difficult to restore the formula before the Zhou family changed it.

In this way, no one would have thought that the Zhou family deliberately made the formula complicated.

But if this is really done, the Zhou family’s contribution will definitely not be as great as directly offering the original formula.

Therefore, after Zhou Mingde listened to Zhou Chun's suggestion, he did not make a decision immediately, but lowered his head and pondered.

He needs to weigh the trade-offs.

After pondering like this for a long time, he finally nodded and said: "Zhengchun, your suggestion is good. Our Zhou family has already gained enough this time, and it is really not suitable for us to act so conspicuous again!"

After discussing this, the two began to collect relevant materials and make the poison according to the formula.

Because they have a detailed formula, the two of them can refine the poison according to the formula even without borrowing the help of others.

Seven days later, the first poison targeting the blood characteristics of the "Thousand-Change Mantis" was successfully prepared, and was then tested on the captured monster insects.

The results of this test gave Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun mixed feelings.

Fortunately, the poison does have a good effect, much better than the poisons developed by Zhou Jiawei.

Worryingly, the effect was not as strong as the two expected.

Then they prepared poisons targeting the blood characteristics of the "Spirit Swallowing Ants".

Compared with the poison against the "Thousand-Change Mantis", this poison is somewhat special and requires the use of another medium.

Zhou Chun and the others need to first let a wild beast or monster swallow poison to kill it, and then let the monster insect devour the body of the dead beast or monster.

According to Han Yuan's records on the formula, as long as the "spirit-swallowing ants" devour the corpses of dead beasts or monsters, they will slowly die within a day, and other "spirit-swallowing ants" that have devoured their corpses will also die. Being poisoned.

But when the demon insects were used for experiments, the demon insects developed strong resistance to this poison.

Although the monster insect that had devoured the poisonous flesh and blood suffered from various discomforts for a time and seemed very sluggish, it would gradually recover after a day.

Obviously, these demonic insects that are now ravaging Yang Country have made up for certain bloodline defects in the process of evolution, so that the poisons studied based on their bloodline characteristics are no longer so effective.

As a result, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun were in some trouble.

The effect of the original formula is so unsatisfactory. If they still follow the plan and add superfluous materials to reduce the effectiveness of the medicine, they are afraid that the poison may not even be able to kill the monster insects.

In that case, how can one get credit for donating medicine?

"For the current plan, there are only two ways. One is to ask Uncle Fourteen to conduct in-depth research on the previous prescription to see if he can develop a new prescription that is more effective against monster insects. The other is to directly present the original prescription and say It is a prescription for the Thousand-Change Mantis that was originally collected by the family, and was found to be effective after actual testing!"

In the quiet room, Zhou Chun rubbed his forehead, frowned slightly and expressed his new opinion.

But in his heart he actually preferred the second method he mentioned.

The reason is also very simple. If the insect plague is eliminated as soon as possible, the losses suffered by the human race will be reduced.

And let’s not talk about whether the first method can be done. Even if it can be done, it probably won’t be successful in ten and a half days.

However, he knew that he was now serving as a consultant to Zhou Mingde, and the purpose of a consultant was to make relevant suggestions.

As for which method should be used, Zhou Mingde should make the final decision.

Therefore, even if he has a preference in his heart, Zhou Chun will not deliberately just say his preferred method.

This is what Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi prefer about him.

When it comes to family interests, he can always make rational analyzes and put forward useful suggestions. In many cases, he can also make suggestions that are novel.

After listening to Zhou Chun's two suggestions, Zhou Mingde just pondered for a moment, then shook his head slightly and said: "Researching new prescriptions by yourself is too time-consuming and full of uncertainties. It is really not the best idea."

"However, it is not appropriate to say that the prescription is passed down from the family, and it is difficult to withstand investigation, especially the investigation of Qinglian Temple!"

Having said this, he took another deep breath, and then let out a long sigh: "It seems that we can only expose the existence of the underground tomb!"

The poison formula was obtained from the underground tomb. This is actually not something that cannot be explained at all.

The only thing that needs to be concealed is the fact that the owner of the tomb, Han Yuan, experimented with forbidden techniques and cultivated demonic insects.

Those Han Yuan's research experience notes, as well as the Qianling Sect's forbidden art inheritance, must not be leaked!

Fortunately, all the relics left by Han Yuan fell into Zhou Mingde's hands.

Even Ruan Hongzhuang, who was lucky enough to escape with her life that day, did not know the name or origin of the tomb owner.

All I know is that the owner of the tomb is a golden elixir monk who is good at controlling beasts and expelling insects.

In this way, if you only throw something that can see light, it should be able to go round.

After listening to Zhou Mingde's words, Zhou Chun instantly understood what he meant and immediately said: "If we follow your method, Taishang Elder, then we have to carefully check those who are going to be exposed." The classics, but don’t let anyone find out from these classics that we have something to hide!”

"Yes, please check it carefully!"

Zhou Mingde nodded in agreement, then took out all the harvested classics and conducted a thorough investigation with Zhou Chun.

In this way, after three days and three nights of sleepless and thorough investigation by the two, they finally screened out all the classics that could be exposed.

Most of these books that can be exposed are illustrated books that record the appearance, abilities, and habits of monsters and insects, as well as some training methods for repelling insects. Of course, there are also some prescriptions for killing and repelling insects.

All the classics on the core secrets and forbidden techniques of Qianling Sect have been stored in a separate storage bag, and will be temporarily buried somewhere in the wild.

"Okay, we've checked it three times, there should be no problem."

In the quiet room, after Zhou Mingde reviewed the classics that could be exposed for the third time, he finally felt relieved and nodded, confirming that there was no problem.

The matter was too important for him to be careless.

If something really goes wrong in this matter, not only will their contribution to the medicine donation be completely wiped out, but they may also be killed!

"Since there is no problem, when do you plan to leave, Taishang Elder? How do you plan to operate?"

Zhou Chun looked at the pile of classics in front of him and asked about the follow-up matter.

Hearing his words, Zhou Mingde just pondered for a moment, and then quickly replied: "I will rest for a day to recuperate, and then go to Rongguo to visit the senior Shan Yangzi of Qinglian Temple and report the matter to him. "

Having said this, he seemed to have thought of something again, and suddenly said to Zhou Chun: "Just in case, I will make a copy of these classics and put them on you, Zhengchun. You will also take the two magic weapons with you first, and then you will Go and hide somewhere else by yourself.”

"If I successfully see the real Yuanying, I will naturally come back to you. If you don't see me come back, immediately return to the family, tell Yi everything, and then arrange for the tribe to escape into the wilderness!"

He made this arrangement because he was obviously worried that Shanyangzi would silence him in order to monopolize the credit.

Although this possibility is actually not high.

After hearing what he said, Zhou Chun didn't say anything more. He just nodded heavily and said, "Junior understands."

Then Zhou Mingde went to rest, while Zhou Chun made rubbings and copies of those classics alone.

In the evening of the next day, Zhou Mingde, who had rested for a day, took the original books to Rongguo.

After Zhou Chun explained to Zhou Jiapeng and others, he also left Fangshi and found another barren mountain to live in seclusion.

Not to mention how Zhou Chun lived in seclusion in the barren mountains, let us say that after Zhou Mingde left Fangshi in Dayun Kingdom, he galloped all the way towards Rongguo.

He was favored by others, and it took him less than a day to reach the territory of Rongguo.

At this time, the territory of Rongguo was full of raging demonic insects, and immortal cultivators who exterminated the demonic insects could be seen everywhere.

Zhou Mingde also inquired in many ways before he found out the location of the Qinglian Temple group.

According to the information he found, he arrived at the mountain gate of a cultivating family in Rongguo. It is said that Qinglian Temple and his party are now based here to launch an operation to eliminate monster insects.

It's just that after he entered the family's mountain gate, he couldn't see Shan Yangzi immediately, because the other party also went out to eliminate the monster insects.

Fortunately, Zhou Mingde has become famous in the area under the rule of Qinglian Guan. After the monks from Qinglian Guan Zifu who stayed in the station learned that he had something important to report, they specially arranged for him to contact Shan. Yoko.

After waiting in the station for most of the day, Zhou Mingde waited until Shan Yangzi returned.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou is anxious to come here to meet me. What's the important matter?"

In the quiet room, Shan Yangzi, wearing a yellow Taoist robe, sat cross-legged on a cave, looked at Zhou Mingde with a calm face and asked about his purpose.

As a monk sent by Qingyang Temple to preside over the "Hundred Tribes Conference", Shan Yangzi had some impressions of Zhou Mingde. After all, Zhou Mingde also stole the show at that event.

And before leaving, the temple owner Qingweizi also explained to him the purpose of letting the Zhou family come to Yangguo.

These were the reasons why he rushed back to see Zhou Mingde after hearing that he had made a special trip to see him.

So when he asked Zhou Mingde about his purpose of coming, he seemed to have a calm face, but he also had some expectations in his heart.

Regarding the horror of this insect plague, Shan Yangzi, who participated in the war to intercept the migration of insect swarms, knew much better than Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun.

He is also more aware of the urgent mentality of the upper class of the human race to eliminate the insect plague.

Even though there was a glimmer of hope, Shan Yangzi actually didn't quite dare to believe that the Zifu period monk in front of him really had a way to eliminate the insect plague.

After all, there are so many Nascent Soul Stage monks with high cultivation levels who are unable to do this, and there are so many knowledgeable and talented Jindan Stage monks who have yet to come up with a solution, so how can you have too high expectations for a Zifu Stage monk!

However, what Shan Yangzi didn't expect was that when faced with his inquiry, Zhou Mingde responded very directly and immediately: "Replying to the senior, this junior came all the way to Rongguo to meet the senior, precisely because he has already Found a way to restrain the monster insects!"

"What? What did you say?"

Shan Yangzi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhou Mingde with wide eyes, his face changed drastically, and said urgently: "Please tell me clearly, have you found a way to restrain the monster insects, or have you found a key way to eliminate the insect plague!"

Shan Yangzi hoped that Zhou Mingde was talking about the latter, but he couldn't believe it was the latter.

Because of the methods of restraining demonic insects, as immortal cultivators continue to exterminate demonic insects, many effective restraint methods have been discovered.

However, the key method to eliminate the insect plague has not been found yet!

Zhou Mingde naturally understood the meaning of Shan Yangzi's words, and quickly said with certainty: "It is the key method to eliminate insect plagues. This junior has found a poison formula that is extremely effective against monster insects, and has determined that this poison It can be produced on a large scale and kill insect swarms on a large scale!”

It can be produced on a large scale and kill insect swarms on a large scale!

Hearing Zhou Mingde's affirmative tone, Shan Yangzi could no longer restrain the excitement in his heart. He stood up from the collapse in an instant and rushed to Zhou Mingde.

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