Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 296 Win-win [Please subscribe]

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Have you really found the key to eliminating the insect plague?"

"Tell me how to do it!"

In the quiet room, Shan Yangzi came to Zhou Mingde and asked three questions at a time, looking at him with excitement and asking questions again and again.

Seeing his excited look, Zhou Mingde realized in his heart that the contribution of this medicine donation would be much greater than he imagined.

The premise is that Shan Yangzi is really willing to share the credit with him!

Immediately, his mind froze, and he nodded to Shan Yangzi with an affirmative look on his face and said, "Yes, everything this junior said is true, and there is absolutely no falsehood at all!"

After saying that, he took out the prescription.

"Oh, is this the poison formula to kill the Thousand-Change Mantis? Does that mean that the demonic insect is actually a mutant species of the Thousand-Change Mantis?"

When Shan Yangzi took the prescription and looked at it, his expression changed, and he immediately understood the meaning of Zhou Mingde's offering of this prescription.

After Zhou Mingde heard what he said, he immediately complimented him and said: "Senior Yingming, after personal testing by this junior, it has been proven that this prescription has a very strong ability to kill the demonic insects on a large scale. Even if it is not a Thousand-Change Mantis, There must be a very deep blood connection with the Thousand Transformations Mantis!"

As he spoke, he told the relevant experiments he had done and handed over some test data to the other party.

Seeing this, Shan Yangzi immediately took the test data he handed over and looked at it.

After reading the details recorded on it, Shan Yangzi put down the information, looked at him with piercing eyes and asked: "Then where did you get the poison formula? How did you know that this medicine would be harmful to the monster insect? kick in?"

When Zhou Mingde heard this, he was well prepared and immediately replied respectfully: "Senior, I know that this poison formula was obtained from an ancient cultivator's tomb. The senior ancient cultivator happened to be controlling beasts and expelling insects. This prescription happens to be recorded in the classics he collected!"

"The reason why this junior knows that this medicine is useful for that demonic insect is because after coming to Yang Country, this junior and the younger generations of the family have been trying to develop poisons to kill insects, and have already tried all the poison formulas recorded in the family. Once again."

After hearing his answer, Shanyangzi became curious and immediately asked him for details.

Zhou Mingde didn't hide anything, and immediately told how he discovered the battle between Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang in the process of searching for a way to restrain the monster insects.

Then he told the truth about the process of exploring the underground tomb.

It's just that he launched a sneak attack on Shen Borong because of speculation, but he lightly ignored it and changed it to Shen Borong being carelessly attacked by the green-faced zombie at close range. They were too late to rescue him and died at the hands of the green-faced zombie.

The subsequent falling out with Ruan Hongzhuang was also said to be a quarrel over differences in harvest division.

Based on Shanyangzi's life experience, of course he can tell that something is wrong.

It's just that he didn't mean to get to the bottom of it.

It is quite normal for the immortal cultivators to form a team to explore the ancient Xiu cave and the ancient Xiu mausoleum. They turned against each other because of the issue of profit distribution.

As long as the people who died among them had nothing to do with him, Shan Yangzi, or his Qinglian Temple, he wouldn't care who was right and who was wrong!

He only cares about the origin of the poison formula presented by Zhou Mingde, and the inheritance of ancient insect repellent techniques mentioned by Zhou Mingde.

Therefore, after Zhou Mingde finished speaking, he nodded slightly and said: "I know, please show me the deworming techniques you have obtained."

"Junior, I obey."

Zhou Mingde responded and immediately took out the prepared classics.

However, when he took out all the classics, Shan Yangzi was not in a hurry to read them.

His eyes moved, and he suddenly asked: "Did you only get these classics in the underground tomb? Didn't you gain anything else?"

This sudden question made Zhou Mingde's heart skip a beat and he became a little nervous.

He moved his fingers slightly, thoughts in his mind, and soon said: "I don't dare to deceive the senior. I did get a few magic weapons and a magic weapon, as well as some strange insect eggs left by the senior." ."

Having said this, he immediately continued: "But the younger generation asked the younger members of the family to send those things back to the family first, and they didn't take them with them!"

Did the descendants send all the things back to the family?

Shan Yangzi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Zhou Mingde indifferently without saying a word.

How could he not understand the meaning of Zhou Mingde's words?

Saying these words is nothing more than a reminder to him, or a warning.

But these were actually within his expectations.

Ask yourself, if he and Zhou Mingde were in different places, they would definitely leave such a back-up for themselves.

The kind of stupid person who leaves nothing behind will never last long in this world of immortality.

After learning the news he wanted, Shan Yangzi did not ask Zhou Mingde any more about the underground tomb, but just took the classics and read them one by one.

After reading this for a while, after reading all the classics, he gently nodded to Zhou Mingde who had been standing by and said: "Yes, judging from these classics, the owner of the tomb that Zhou Daoyou explored is , is indeed a master in the art of repelling insects.”

Having said this, he went on to talk about his own disposal: "I will personally test the prescription presented by Fellow Taoist Zhou as soon as possible. If the effect is as good as Fellow Taoist said, I will report it to the real people, and they will decide how to do it. Executed on a large scale!”

"During this period, fellow Daoist Zhou, please stay here and assist me in conducting experiments!"

This treatment was pretty much what Zhou Mingde had expected.

He immediately responded respectfully: "Yes, junior, I obey."

In the next few days, Shanyangzi personally mobilized his personal connections to collect materials, and soon collected all the relevant materials.

At this time, Zhou Mingde also assisted him in quickly making the poison and tested it with the captured monster insects.

The results of the experiment were naturally similar to Zhou Mingde's previous experiments. After the poison was diluted with water at a certain ratio, even if it was catalyzed by magic to form water mist and fall on the monster insects, it would still cause great harm to the monster insects.

The most important thing is that the materials used to make poison are not particularly precious, nor are they particularly difficult to find.

If the various countries of the human race work together to collect relevant materials, they will definitely be able to collect a large amount of materials and produce a large amount of finished poisons within half a year.

However, to be on the safe side, Shanyangzi did more experiments.

He personally caught the third-order monster insect and fed it with medicine, and found that the poison had a considerable killing effect even on the third-order monster insect, which could cause poisoning symptoms and greatly reduce its strength.

At the same time, through his own experiments on the battlefield, it was indeed proved that the water mist attack has a great lethal effect on the insect swarm.

After such many tests were confirmed to be effective, Shan Yangzi was overjoyed. He quickly went to see a real Yuanying master in person and reported the poison formula that his men had discovered to eliminate the insect plague.

Yes, according to Shan Yangzi, Zhou Mingde and the Zhou family have become vassals and subordinates of Qinglian Temple, and everything in Yangguo will be under its command.

Even Zhou Mingde's special order to go to Yangguo to find a way to restrain the demonic insects became his special order.

In this way, although Zhou Mingde was still the one who discovered the formula, the real credit was undoubtedly given to him by Shan Yangzi.

Regarding this point, he did not shy away from explaining it to Zhou Mingde before setting off, and got Zhou Mingde's agreement.

After all, discovering the key poison to eliminate the insect plague is a great achievement.

If such a big credit really falls entirely on Zhou Mingde and the Zhou family, it may not be a good thing.

If the Zhou family is really rewarded with something good by then, it may not be able to keep it based on the strength of the Zhou family.

Moreover, given the cultivation power of Zhou Mingde and the Zhou family, they would not be rewarded with too many good things.

But it would be different if it were Shanyangzi and Qinglianguan.

Shan Yangzi is a monk in the Jindan stage, and Qinglian Temple is one of the three major powers in the country.

Qinglianguan discovered the key poison to eliminate insect plagues and made great contributions in the process of eliminating insect plagues.

After the insect plague is wiped out, the surviving powerful forces in Yangguo and Rongguo will definitely accept this huge favor and give them great rewards.

That reward is definitely much greater than the reward that was originally supposed to be given to the Zhou family.

When the time comes, Qinglianguan, who has received great rewards, will definitely not forget the contribution of the Zhou family.

This can be considered a win-win situation.

And just like Shan Yangzi didn't delve into Zhou Mingde's experience in the underground mausoleum, the Master Yuanying he faced also didn't delve into whether he had an actual subordinate relationship with Zhou Mingde.

In the eyes of Master Yuanying, since it was Shan Yangzi who presented the poison formula on behalf of Qinglian Temple, then this credit will naturally fall on Qinglian Temple.

So just like Shan Yangzi treated Zhou Mingde at that time, the Master Yuanying immediately used the materials provided by Shan Yangzi to personally make the poison and conduct relevant experiments.

The result is naturally no problem, and the effect of the poison can completely stand the test.

This made the Nascent Soul monk very satisfied, nodding to Shan Yangzi and praising him: "Very good, Fellow Daoist Ding, you have made a note of your contribution to the medicine this time. If we can really eliminate the insect plague with this poison, Fellow Daoist and Daoist Qinglian Temple should be remembered as the first meritorious service!"

"Thank you, senior!"

Shan Yangzi looked overjoyed and hurriedly bowed and thanked him.

Soon, the poison formula spread among the real Yuanying circle, and then Rongguo, Dayunguo, Qiguo and other countries close to Yangguo began to collect relevant materials.

Even countries such as Yasukuni and Fengguo quickly received the news, and the three sects also collected relevant materials in the country.

But Shan Yangzi had returned to the garrison at this time and conveyed the good news to Zhou Mingde who was waiting here.

"In short, this is the situation. Neither I nor Senior Brother Guanzhu will forget the contribution of Fellow Daoist Zhou. After returning home, Senior Brother Guanzhu will definitely summon Fellow Daoist in person and reward Fellow Daoist and the Zhou family heavily!"

In the quiet room, Shan Yangzi looked at Zhou Mingde with a calm face, slowly explained the situation, and finally made a cake for Zhou Mingde.

Zhou Mingde seemed to have expected this situation.

At that moment, he responded respectfully without changing his expression: "Senior, you're welcome. These are what juniors should do."

"Next, all the real people should be collecting relevant materials to make poison. And in order to succeed in one fell swoop, I am afraid that the poison will not be exposed until a sufficient amount of poison is actually produced."

"So I am afraid that I and others will continue to clean up those raging insect swarms until the real people officially launch the insect eradication operation."

When Shan Yangzi said this, he stared at Zhou Mingde and said: "So in order to match my words and deeds in front of senior Feng Lan, fellow Daoist Zhou should also join me in the task of cleaning up the insect swarm!"

Zhou Mingde's expression changed slightly, he didn't expect Shan Yangzi to make this request.


He looked at Shan Yangzi and hesitated for a while, wanting to say that this was different from what he said at first.

But looking at Shan Yangzi's appearance, it seemed that he couldn't tolerate his refusal.

In the end, he could only sigh softly: "Since the senior has given this order, the junior naturally dare not refuse!"

After saying that, he continued in a low tone: "It's just that in order to keep it confidential before I came, I didn't explain the situation clearly. I also asked my senior to give me a few days of leave so that I can go back and inform the younger people who stayed in Dayun Country, so as to prevent them from being the younger ones." Worry and worry!”

Upon hearing this, Shan Yangzi's expression softened slightly, and he immediately nodded and said: "That's okay, then I will give you three days' holiday."

"Thank you for your understanding, senior."

Zhou Mingde thanked him and immediately set off back to Dayun Country.

After he returned to Dayun Guofang City for another day, he did not go to the agreed place to meet Zhou Chun. He only told the uninformed Zhou Jiapeng and others that he was going to Rongguo to clean up the monster insects, so that they could feel at ease. Fangshi is waiting for his return.

But in fact, his safe return is already a signal.

Zhou Chun himself was hiding in a wilderness somewhere on his way back to Fangshi. His figure flying by on the Vulcan Jackal had already been discovered by Zhou Chun.

After it was confirmed that Zhou Mingde had successfully completed the medicine donation, Zhou Chun no longer needed to stay in the wilderness, and immediately changed his appearance and returned to Fangshi.

Five days later, Zhou Chun, who had been secretly observing for a long time, took advantage of Zhou Jiapeng's opportunity to inquire about information and had a voice conversation with him. From his mouth, he learned that Zhou Mingde went to Rongguo to clean up the insect infestation.

With Zhou Chun's wisdom, he naturally quickly understood Shan Yangzi's intention of doing this.

Just for safety reasons, he did not go to join Zhou Jiapeng and others. Instead, he went to the wilderness outside and opened a temporary cave directly.

It turned out that he was going to study the insect repellent techniques that Zhou Mingde had given him in this wilderness, and try to see if he could hatch the demonic insects in the jade boxes.

Regarding these things, Zhou Mingde made it clear when he handed them over to him, and they were all available for him to study and use.

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