Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 301 Psychological Growth [Please subscribe]

Although it was just a double cultivation ceremony, due to the participation of the Su family, this celebration became the most grand celebration since the Zhou family settled in Jiufeng Ridge.

In front of this celebration, the original Zifu celebration to celebrate Zhou Daoquan's opening of the Zifu was overshadowed.

Because not only did the number of guests come to this celebration twice as many as that time, but the status and cultivation level of the guests who came were also not comparable to that of that time.

Even the gifts received were not comparable to that time.

The Jiangzhou Su family is a true Jindan family, and it also has deep connections within the Yuelun Sect. Almost no one will fail to attend invitations sent out in the name of the Su family.

So on the day when the celebration began, the monks of the Zhou family could truly see the influence of the Jindan Family.

"The Murong family in Jiangzhou sends a congratulatory gift, an eight-hundred-year-old red Ganoderma lucidum. I wish the two newlyweds will always be united and their love will be as strong as gold."

"The Dai family in Jiangzhou sends a congratulatory gift, a seven-foot-long blue veil, and wishes the two newlyweds a lifetime of love and harmony."

"Wu Taishan, a disciple of the Yuelun Sect, sends a congratulatory gift, a Moon Shadow Fairy Lantern, and wishes the two newlyweds a lasting true love and a happy full moon."

"Master Mingxia, a disciple of Qinglian Temple, sent a congratulatory gift, a thousand-year-old stone golden lotus. I wish the two newlyweds that their relationship will be as strong as gold and they will grow old together."

The person in the Zhou family who is responsible for receiving gifts and singing the song is Zhou Zhengyong, Zhou Chun’s closest tenth brother.

At this time, as the guests brought congratulatory gifts one after another, he sang. Every time he sang, he and many Zhou family monks were filled with wonder and eye-opening.

Except for a few Zhou family elders such as Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi, most of today's Zhou family monks are people who have not enjoyed the benefits of the Zhou family's golden elixir family.

Although they knew that the Zhou family was once a Jindan family and were proud of it, they had no impression of the Jindan family in their hearts.

But today they finally saw the cards of the Jindan Family.

The spiritual objects that would make ordinary monks in the foundation-building stage break their heads to fight for them were easily given away as gifts at this time.

The monks from the Zifu period who were rarely seen on weekdays gathered together today to congratulate the patriarch of their Zhou family.

These people definitely didn't come because of the Zhou family's name, they could only come because of the Su family's name.

Even because of the name of the Su family, the Li family and the You family, who originally consciously controlled the Zhou family, could only pretend that nothing happened and sent a Zifu period monk over to congratulate them.

After all, the Jindan family is also divided into high and low. The direct descendants of the Yuelun Sect like the Su family are definitely much stronger than the two families without higher backers.

At the end of the day, when counted, there were as many as thirty-five Zifu-stage monks attending the dual cultivation ceremony, and even the Jindan-stage monk, the ancestor of the Su family, was personally present.

"The auspicious time has arrived, and the newlyweds worship heaven and earth together."

On the pagoda peak, accompanied by the clear voice of the master of ceremonies, Zhou Chun and Su Yuzhen, dressed in bright red wedding clothes, completed the wedding ceremony together under the witness of family members, friends and many guests.

After the ceremony was completed, Zhou Chun also took Su Yuzhen up to the high platform, raised his glass and thanked everyone at the table: "Thank you, seniors and fellow Taoists, for coming to Zhou's house and attending the celebration of double cultivation with me and my fellow Taoists. Thank you too." Blessings and gifts from seniors and fellow Taoists, here are two glasses of wine to honor all seniors and fellow Taoists."

After drinking this glass of wine, Zhou Chun poured himself another glass of wine, then raised his glass and saluted where the ancestor of the Su family was: "This glass of wine is for me to thank my ancestor alone for his appreciation and love. The younger generation is lucky enough to become a Taoist couple with such an outstanding woman as Yuzhen. From now on, the younger generation must keep in mind the teachings of our ancestors and live up to our ancestors’ love!”

This guy is pretty good!

The ancestor of the Su family was slightly startled, and then waved his hand with a smile on his face and said: "My nephew, you're welcome. My nephew's character and ability have long been famous in Lanzhou. I will leave the jade truth to you. Grandpa, I feel relieved." of."

After saying that, he warned Su Yuzhen earnestly: "Girl Yuzhen, since you have identified Nephew Zhou Xian, you must get along well with him in the future, and do not rely on your own cultivation to act willfully and ruin the harmony between the two families. "

"Yes, my granddaughter must remember her ancestor's teachings."

Su Yuzhen lowered her head slightly and answered in a clear voice.

This scene made many people even more envious of Zhou Chun in the eyes of the guests.

It turns out that Zhou Chun, who was in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, had become a Taoist couple with a female cultivator from the Zifu Stage of the Jindan family, which was already very enviable.

After arriving at the scene today and seeing that Su Yuzhen is still an extremely beautiful woman, this envy has already increased.

But before that, most of them felt that if the man's cultivation level was far different from that of the woman's, Su Yuzhen would definitely have the final say in the family.

This way they can at least have a little more balance in their minds.

But now, the ancestor of the Su family warned Su Yuzhen in front of so many people, which already explained his attitude.

This made many guests present feel extremely envious. They wondered what kind of luck Zhou Chun had gotten to have the ancestor of the Su family value him so much.

The Su family ancestor's statement undoubtedly showed his support for the marriage between the two families.

When other forces conflict with the Zhou family in the future, they must not ignore the powerful in-laws of the Zhou family.

After such a lively day, the Double Cultivation Ceremony finally came to an end.

The guests who came to support the couple also left one after another while seeing the newlyweds off.

After seeing off all the guests, Zhou Chun took Su Yuzhen back to his courtyard.

But when they arrived outside the courtyard, Su Yuzhen did not follow him in.

"What are you looking at, madam? Why don't you go in?"

Zhou Chun turned around and looked at her doubtfully and asked.

Hearing this, Su Yuzhen looked up at him, and then whispered: "Should I still stay in the original room?"

"Madam, you are joking. Since you and I have become Taoist couples, we should live in the same room and sleep on the same bed from now on!"

Zhou Chun said, then reached out to hold her hand and walked to his bedroom together.

And Su Yuzhen was led into the bedroom by him in a daze, and she didn't come back to her senses until they reached the bed together.

She knew very well how resistant Zhou Chun was to becoming a Taoist companion with her.

She also knew exactly why Zhou Chun became a Taoist couple with her this time.

So she wasn't actually very happy about this, but she couldn't help but reject the Su family ancestor's kindness.

However, Zhou Chun's changes now surprised her.

She couldn't understand why Zhou Chun changed so quickly.

Could it be that he really figured it out as the ancestor of the Su family said?

"What are you thinking about, madam? But what doubts are there in your mind?"

In the bedroom, Zhou Chun looked at Su Yuzhen, who was sitting on the bed, and asked softly.

Now that he had asked the question, Su Yuzhen no longer had to hold it back.

Dang even said directly: "I'm wondering why you have changed so much? If you just want to please me like this to show to the ancestor, I don't think it's necessary. The ancestor has always made a promise, and since he promised, he will help the Zhou family get through this." If there is no crisis, we will never break our promise!”

Zhou Chun was slightly startled when he heard what she said, and then shook his head and said: "Madam, I misunderstood. I have never had any dislike or rejection towards Madam, but I have never had anything special towards Madam before. It’s just a sign of admiration!”

"Now that we have come to this point, and you and I have become true Taoist couples, how can I irresponsibly let you, madam, stay alone in my empty boudoir!"

Having said this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but take Su Yuzhen's beautiful hand and hold it. He looked at her seriously and said, "Let the past things pass. From now on, we will start over and strive to do what our ancestors said. You and I can be together." As time goes by, love will last forever!"

Listening to his sincere words, looking at his serious expression, and feeling the warmth from his palms, Su Yuzhen's originally calm face gradually became turbulent.

She didn't know how Zhou Chun figured it out so quickly, but this was undoubtedly a good thing.

Immediately, I couldn't help but lean my head on Zhou Chun's shoulder and said: "I understand, I will work hard to make my husband fall in love with me!"

It's obvious that Zhou Chun has grown up.

This growth is not his physical growth, nor his cultivation growth, but his psychological growth.

External pressure forced him to grow and transform psychologically.

He finally understood how to live well in this world.

Originally, many teenage monks from the Zhou family knew this method.

He knew it before.

It's just because of the influence of his ideas and personality in his previous life that he knew but couldn't do it.

In this world, immortal cultivators must know how to seize every opportunity that is beneficial to themselves to improve themselves, whether it is cultivation or social status.

At the same time, don’t resist the benefits imposed on you by the strong.

No matter if that benefit is something you like or not.

Don't worship the strong, but you must have a good relationship with the strong and get their protection.

Because in this cruel world of immortality, people without the protection of a strong person are often the easiest to become a stepping stone for others.

Zhou Chun's biggest mistake before was that he felt that even if he did not become a Taoist couple with Su Yuzhen, even without the help of the Su family, the Zhou family could develop steadily and rapidly.

He ignored a very important point. This world is not a legal society. The strong do not need even a lame reason to plunder the weak.

And after the weak are robbed, it is difficult for anyone to seek justice for them and recover their losses.

It is said that it is better to rely on oneself than relying on people.

But in fact, those who rely only on themselves will undoubtedly pay much more in terms of price and time if they want to successfully reach the summit than those who have a backer.

To put it bluntly, people who shout, "It is better to rely on others than on yourself, to rely on heaven and earth" are often people who have no one to rely on.

Those who really have someone to rely on will probably not shout this sentence confidently, and may even sneer at it.

Zhou Chun's mistake was that he didn't adjust his position mentally. He always regarded himself as an ordinary person with no support, and he didn't want to seek support for himself.

I even always feel that with my own abilities, I can lead the Zhou family to regain its glory and restore the image of the Jindan family without any reliance at all.

This is undoubtedly a very dangerous idea!

This world of cultivating immortals is so dangerous. A strong person can kill people for no reason at a moment's notice. If a weak person has no support, once he encounters such a strong person, he will not be able to control his life or death.

Zhou Chunruo wants to live well in this world, wants to lead the Zhou family to rebuild the family's glory, wants to go further on the road to immortality, and wants to see the scenery at the highest point in the world.

Then he must abandon the ideas and concepts in his previous life that are of little benefit to his survival in this world, and must transform himself.

Only in this way will he stop missing more opportunities and create more trouble for himself in the future.

Perhaps he should also thank the ancestor of the Su family for teaching him a lesson through cruel reality.

I would also like to thank Zhou Mingde for his repeated advice and persuasion, which forced him to transform himself.

Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi quickly noticed the changes that happened to Zhou Chun.

When they saw Zhou Chun walking with Su Yuzhen in the family without any pretense, and there was no awkward tone in his conversation, the two elders knew that he had figured it out.

"Zhengchun is indeed a smart kid. After this incident, he will definitely become more tactful and sophisticated in his work, which will make people more reassuring!"

Zhou Mingde couldn't help but smile with relief, feeling happy from the bottom of his heart.

Zhou Daoyi was not as happy as he was. Instead, he sighed softly: "Hey, it's really hard for him!"

When Zhou Mingde heard this, the smile on his face suddenly faded, and he couldn't help but frown and said: "I don't want to embarrass him, but who asked him to sit in that position, and only he can solve the matter!"

After speaking, he also looked at Zhou Daoyi and said slowly: "This time, the family relied on Zhengchun's sacrifice to tide over the crisis. But in the future, the stronger the family's power, the stronger the enemies they will face. Su Our ancestor can help the family once, but we can’t help the family every time!”

"Since even Zhengchun can make compromises for the sake of the family, Dao Yi, shouldn't you also make some changes to make yourself forget the unpleasant things in the past? For the sake of the family and for yourself, personally invite fellow Taoist Lin Hongyu to join Zhou family!"

Zhou Daoyi's expression suddenly froze and he was speechless for a long time.

Seeing that he remained silent for a long time, Zhou Mingde continued: "I can force Zhengchun, but I can no longer force you, Daoyi. However, I hope that you, Daoyi, can seriously consider this matter."

"Since the family has decided to let Taoist Lin Hongyu go to Yang Country to mine the [Tuyuan Jade] vein, it is better to finalize the matter before she goes to Yang Country than to wait until she forms a golden elixir in the future. This matter!"

"If the gap between you cannot be resolved before she forms the golden elixir, and if she actually succeeds in forming the elixir in the future, Dao Yi, your current thoughts will only bring greater humiliation to yourself!"

Perhaps these words really touched something in Zhou Daoyi's thoughts, making his face look much uglier.

After Zhou Mingde saw the change in his expression, he couldn't help but shook his head and said: "That's all I said. Dao Yi, please think about it carefully during this time. There is not much time left for you!"

After saying that, he left alone.

The second update is to make up for the interrupted updates of the past few days. The New Year is coming soon. I am busy with New Year greetings in the first month, so I guess I can only maintain one update. I will update more later depending on the situation!

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