Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 302 The reward of Qinglian Temple, the evil guest comes【

Eight-hundred-year-old red Ganoderma lucidum, thousand-year-old stone golden lotus, blue gauze...

In the room, the Taoist couple Zhou Chun and Su Yuzhen were sitting opposite each other, counting the gifts they received at the Double Cultivation Ceremony.

Maybe it was to make up for Zhou Chun, maybe it was to please the ancestor of the Su family.

Zhou Mingde specifically ordered that none of the gifts received at the Double Cultivation Ceremony should be handed over to the family, and that all of them would be handled by the couple themselves.

Now the two of them are counting these gifts to see which ones can be kept for themselves and which ones can only be sold and exchanged for spiritual coins.

"Mrs. Biluo Sha will keep it for herself and find someone to weave it into cassocks in the future."

"This Moon Shadow Fairy Lantern can be hung in the room."

"Thousand-year-old golden lotus can't be used by ordinary people, but my husband's golden-armored rock turtle... forget it, let's continue to keep this thing!"

"As for these elixirs, madam, if you have channels to take them to make elixirs, you can use them."

Zhou Chun counted the various gifts one by one, and took the opportunity to express his opinions on how to deal with them.

To be honest, many of these gifts are of low practical value, but the people who gave them have put so much thought into them that it is impossible to find fault with them.

Just like the blue silk, this kind of green silk is woven by extracting a kind of spiritual plant epidermal fiber using a special method. It has the characteristics of never fading and being invulnerable to water and fire.

Another example is the moon shadow palace lantern. If you hang it in a room, it only needs a little magic power to activate it, and it will bloom as bright and bright as the moonlight, and project a full moon in the room, creating a fantasy scene of stars and moon.

There is also the thousand-year-old nasturtium. The nasturtium itself is an ornamental spiritual plant. Its vitality is tenacious. It can take root and grow even on cliffs or piles of rocks. It cannot be damaged by the scorching sun, frost or snow. It takes thousands of years for this thing to bloom, and after the flowers bloom, they will not wither for thousands of years, which has a very beautiful meaning.

These things can be said to be of no use, and can only be used to decorate the facade.

Relatively speaking, Zhou Chun still prefers those who directly send elixirs and elixirs.

At this time, he opened a jade box, took out a jade bottle, poured out a white elixir as clear as jade, handed it to Su Yuzhen, and said: "This calming elixir will be given to you, madam."

Unexpectedly, after Su Yuzhen heard what he said, he shook his head slightly and said, "Husband, please take it yourself. I have already taken this elixir."

Have you taken it already?

Zhou Chun was stunned for a moment, then looked at Su Yuzhen's face, which looked like that of a girl in her early twenties, and couldn't help but nodded suddenly.

"In that case, I'll take it myself, husband."

After saying that, he stuffed the pill into his mouth without hesitation and swallowed it.

Then, without paying attention to the medicine slowly released in the body, he took inventory of other things.

After everything was counted, he looked at Su Yuzhen and said, "Everything has been counted. Are you satisfied with my husband's treatment?"

When Su Yuzhen heard this, she immediately smiled and said, "I don't have any objections. It's up to my husband to make the decision."

So the two divided the relevant gifts and put them into storage bags.

In the following months, Su Yuzhen stayed at Zhou's house and was not in a hurry to return to Su's house.

Almost a year after Zhou Chun and the others returned to the Zhou family, the reward for the Zhou family's donation of prescriptions was finally distributed by Qinglian Temple.

This reward is not small.

These include one piece of Qinglian Jade Token, one piece of talisman, three pieces of "Ascension Token", and 30,000 spiritual coins.

Among these rewards, the Green Lotus Jade Token is undoubtedly the most important thing.

This object is a token of Qinglian Temple. Anyone who brings this object to Qinglian Temple can ask Qinglian Temple to send a golden elixir monk to help him or her with something.

At the same time, this thing can also be used to eliminate sins.

If the Zhou family does something in the future that the Qinglian Temple must punish the Zhou family, as long as it is not a heinous crime, this object can be used to expiate the crime.

It's equivalent to a death-free gold medal!

Compared with this precious green lotus jade order, although the talisman is also very precious, it pales in comparison.

As for the "Order of Ascension to Immortality", even a piece of it obtained by the Zhou family has not been used yet!

However, this "Ascension Order" can be traded. Even if the Zhou family doesn't use it themselves, they can still release it and trade it with others.

Generally speaking, the value of a piece of "Ascension Token" is at least 10,000 spiritual coins.

Because it was not convenient for the Zhou family to disclose the prescriptions to outsiders, these rewards were personally distributed by Qingweizi, the headmaster of Qinglian Temple, after Zhou Mingde was called to Qinglian Temple.

"It seems that Qinglian Temple still wants to lose face, but this time the eating phase is not too ugly!"

Within the Zhou family, when Zhou Chun learned about the rewards given by Qinglian Temple from the returning Zhou Mingde, he couldn't help but feel happy.

After hearing what he said, Zhou Mingde said softly: "I'm afraid that this reward is a bit of a favor to the ancestor of the Su family, otherwise the Green Lotus Jade Order will not be so easy to give out."

Regarding the fact that the ancestor of the Su family is in charge of the Zhou family, he must report it to Qinglian Temple.

After all, the ancestor of the Su family is still a guest elder of the Yuelun Sect. There must be a legitimate reason for living in the territory of Qinglian Temple for such a long time.

The ancestor of the Su family was actually willing to sit at the gate of the Zhou family for a long time. This incident undoubtedly improved the status of the Zhou family in the eyes of Qinglian Temple.

Therefore, Zhou Mingde's statement is not unreasonable.

Zhou Chun was just silent after hearing this.

"I will keep the other things first, and these three Ascension Tokens will be left to you, Zhengchun, to dispose of."

Zhou Mingde looked at him and quickly made arrangements for the reward.

The prescription itself was obtained by Zhou Mingde on his own risk, so the reward should logically belong to him.

Therefore, he couldn't arrange it too much.

Zhou Chun had no objection at this time and immediately took the three "Ascension Orders" from him and left alone.

Returning to the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Chun couldn't help but look thoughtful as he looked at the "Ascension Order" in his hand.

The Zhou family has long had a consensus that as long as the members of the family have decent qualifications, they will try not to send them to the sect unless they have strong demands.

Therefore, the "Ascension Order" is actually very difficult for members of the Zhou family to use.

But Zhou Chun knew that for many casual cultivators and small families, this was something they wanted to get even if they wanted to.

Those small families that only have one Foundation-Building monk, or those that have never even had a Foundation-Building monk, have no ability to obtain Foundation-Building Pills or even auxiliary Foundation-Building Spiritual Items like the Spirit Ascension Fruit for their descendants. All hard to get.

Therefore, even if there are a few juniors with good qualifications in the family, in order not to delay the future of the juniors, they can only send them to a sect like Qinglian Temple. They hope that these juniors will develop well in the sect in the future and be able to give feedback. family.

However, unless they have high-grade spiritual root qualifications, it will not be easy for ordinary monks with middle-grade spiritual root qualifications to obtain the foundation-building pill and build the foundation in the future, even if they pass the apprenticeship assessment of Qinglian Temple.

The "Ascension Order" allows monks who worship at Qinglian Temple to directly obtain a foundation-building pill.

Therefore, in order to seize this opportunity that may change the fate of the family, those small families will definitely be willing to pay a huge price in exchange for this item.

As for those casual cultivators, it goes without saying that as long as they can get the "Order of Ascension to Immortality", they will be willing to lose everything.

"The family has no shortage of spirit coins now, so there is no need to rush to get rid of these things. Let's keep them for now and see if they can be used in the future!"

Zhou Chun pondered for a long time, but did not figure out how to use these "Ascension Orders". He could only put the things into the family treasure house and dispose of them later.

And just when Zhou Mingde was happy about the reward issued by Qinglian Temple, what he was worried about finally happened.

But in Lingzhou in the north of Jingguo, a blue rainbow suddenly shot from outside the country and quickly entered the sky over the land of Jingguo.

If there are monks from the Zifu period here, they will definitely be able to see that the cyan rainbow is actually the sword light released by a cyan flying sword.

At this moment, standing on top of the green flying sword was a middle-aged man in green clothes with a feminine face, and a beautiful woman in a red dress.

The beautiful woman in the red dress was none other than Ruan Hongzhuang, a monk from the Purple Mansion of Qi State who had escaped from Zhou Mingde.

At this time, after Feijian entered the airspace of Jingguo, the middle-aged man with a feminine face on Feijian said calmly: "This place is already Jingguo. Does the Zhou family that Ruan Dao Youyou mentioned know the location of his family's mountain gate?" ?”

Hearing his words, Ruan Hongzhuang quickly responded respectfully: "Senior Liu, don't worry. Although I don't know the specific location of his family's mountain gate, a monk from the Zifu period like Zhou Mingde who has tamed a third-level monster must be there. This Jingguo is also quite famous, and as long as I go into the city and look for people to inquire about it, I should be able to find out."

From the way he called the other person "senior", it was not difficult to know that this middle-aged man in green clothes was clearly a golden elixir stage monk.

"Then let's go to the nearest market first."

The middle-aged man glanced at Ruan Hongzhuang and agreed with her statement.

Then he used secret techniques to restrain his cultivation and disguised himself as a late-stage cultivator from the Zifu.

This kind of concealment is difficult to hide from the Golden Core Stage monks, but most Zifu Stage monks have difficulty seeing his true cultivation.

Although a strange late-stage Zifu cultivator was a bit eye-catching, it was not as shocking as the Golden Core-stage cultivator.

After that, the two of them searched for people to find out where Fangshi was, and also searched for people from Fangshi to find out about the Zhou family.

Just like Ruan Hongzhuang said, Zhou Mingde and the Zhou family are now somewhat famous in Jingguo.

They found some people in Fangshi and inquired, and got some general information about the Zhou family.

Including the recent Double Cultivation Ceremony held at the Zhou family, they also found out.

After finding out this, the middle-aged man immediately frowned and said, "Something's wrong. According to what you said, fellow Taoist Ruan, and what the monks here said, the head of the Zhou family is only in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, so why should he marry a member of the Jindan family?" A female cultivator from the Zifu period serves as a Taoist companion? And it happened to be what happened shortly after they returned from Yang Kingdom!"

"Senior Liu means that the reason why the head of the Zhou family was able to marry a female cultivator of the Zifu period from the Jindan family was because he dedicated the relics of the Jindan period monks obtained from the underground tomb in Yang State to the Su family. Golden elixir monk?"

Ruan Hongzhuang reacted immediately, her face changed slightly and she said what the middle-aged man had not finished.

"Except for this, I don't understand why a female cultivator from the Zifu period of the Jindan family would find a monk in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment to be her Taoist companion!"

The middle-aged man nodded and admitted this with a gloomy expression.

Seeing this, Ruan Hongzhuang's face turned ugly.

The reason why she was able to persuade this middle-aged man to come and avenge her was because she relied on the relics of the Golden Elixir monks in the underground mausoleum as a bargaining chip.

If Zhou Mingde dedicated the treasures obtained from the underground tomb to a Golden Core monk, then the middle-aged man in front of her would definitely not take action again.

After all, he himself has been forming elixirs for less than a hundred years. He can bully a Zifu family, but he is no match for a golden elixir-level monk who has been famous for many years.

Not to mention that this is still in Jingguo and is someone else's territory.

But she finally persuaded the middle-aged man to agree to come and avenge her, and of course she didn't want him to back down.

At the same time, she believed that the other party definitely didn’t want to go on a trip in vain.

So she gritted her teeth and quickly said: "Perhaps as Senior Liu said, Zhou Mingde established a relationship with the Su family by presenting treasures, but the treasures he presented are definitely not all!"

"Furthermore, Fellow Daoist Shen's relics are also on him. He will definitely not give away the Hunyuan Bowl Talisman!"

When she mentioned the words "Hunyuan Bo", she deliberately emphasized her tone.

It turned out that when she told the middle-aged man about her experience in the underground mausoleum, through her description, the middle-aged man actually recognized the origin of the talisman used by Shen Borong at that time, and explained it to her.

According to the middle-aged man, the "Hunyuan Bowl" talisman was refined from the famous talisman "Hunyuan Bowl" of a late Jindan monk from the Qi Kingdom more than 600 years ago.

At that time, the late Golden Elixir monk relied on this "Hunyuan Bowl" magic weapon, and was once called the number one Golden Elixir in Qi Kingdom by the good people.

After this person passed away, the "Hunyuan Bowl" talisman he refined became something that many monks competed for. Even many early Golden Core monks participated in the competition.

Shen Borong didn't know what kind of luck he had, but he was able to obtain such a powerful talisman.

When the middle-aged man learned that Shen Borong actually had a "Hunyuan Bowl" talisman, he was quickly tempted by Ruan Hongzhuang's request.

After all, with such a powerful talisman in his pocket, even if Zhou Mingde didn't get anything good in the underground tomb, it was still worth his while.

At this time, when he heard Ruan Hongzhuang mentioning the "Hunyuan Bowl" talisman again, even if he knew what she was thinking, the middle-aged man really didn't want to give up so easily.

After he pondered for a while, he nodded and said, "What Fellow Daoist Ruan said makes sense. Let's go to Nalanzhou first and inquire about the situation there before making a decision."

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