Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 303 The Battle of Golden Elixir [Happy New Year to Everyone]

"That's Jiufeng Ridge, it looks like the weather is pretty good."

Outside Jiufeng Ridge, Liu Xi, a middle-aged man who came all the way from Qi State with Ruan Hongzhuang, was looking at the Zhou Family Mountain Gate in front of him from a distance.

He and Ruan Hongzhuang entered Jingguo, and after finding out the location of the Zhou family's mountain gate, they rushed all the way to Lanzhou and stayed in Hongyafang City for two days to inquire about the Zhou family's situation.

Compared to the immortal cultivators outside Lanzhou, the local immortal cultivators in Lanzhou undoubtedly have a better understanding of the situation of the Zhou family.

Therefore, the two of them found out the relevant situation without much effort.

Then the two of them came to the outside of Jiufeng Ridge and observed the Zhou Family Mountain Gate on the spot.

At this time, seeing Liu Xi just looking at the Zhou family's mountain gate without saying anything, Ruan Hongzhuang could only take the initiative to ask: "Senior Liu, what are you going to do?"

Unexpectedly, after Liu Xi heard what she said, he immediately asked, "What do you think Ruan Taoist should do?"

This made Ruan Hongzhuang stunned, and then she quickly lowered her head and said, "Senior is here, so I don't dare to speak nonsense."

"Humph, since you know you can't command me, then stop talking. It's not your turn to teach me how to do things!"

Liu Xi snorted coldly, and her words immediately made Ruan Hongzhuang's face change wildly, and she repeatedly said, "I don't dare."

After being beaten like this, she didn't dare to say anything more, she just kept her mouth shut and made no sound.

After Liu Xi pondered for a long time, he whispered to himself: "To be on the safe side, it's better to test it out first."


How to test?

Ruan Hongzhuang looked at Liu Xi with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

But due to the other party's previous warning, she didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Fortunately, Liu Xi did not show off, and quickly told her: "Fellow Daoist Ruan, hide your cultivation and sneak into the Zhou family to test it out. If there is no Golden Core monk inside, I will break the formation and break through the Zhou family." !”

As soon as these words came out, Ruan Hongzhuang's complexion suddenly changed, and her pretty face suddenly turned pale.

How could she not understand the meaning of Liu Xi's words? He wanted her to be cannon fodder to explore the way!

"Senior Liu, the Zhou family has three Purple Palace monks and a third-level dragon. With the junior's cultivation strength, even if he sneaks into his mountain gate to scare the snakes, I'm afraid he can easily suppress the junior without the help of the Golden Core monks!"

She didn't dare to refuse Liu Xi's instructions directly, but she didn't want to go in and die like this, so she could only talk about the difficulties in a roundabout way.

Although she also wanted to kill Zhou Mingde and destroy the Zhou family.

But she cares more about her own life.

If she was asked to risk her own life in exchange for Zhou Mingde's life, she wouldn't do it.

"Ruan Daoyou, don't worry. Since Liu asked you to do this, he will naturally not let anything happen to you!"

As Liu Xi spoke, she reached out and patted the storage bag on her waist, took out a jade box and handed it to her.

"There is a defensive talisman inside. It will protect you, Fellow Daoist Ruan. Even if you are besieged by several monks of the same level, it can help you sustain for a while, enough to last you until I take action."

It's a talisman, and only a golden elixir stage monk can be so generous.

But in fact, for golden elixir stage monks, unless they are talismans such as "Hunyuan Bowl" that are refined from particularly powerful magic weapons, most talismans are of little use to them.

Seeing that Liu Xi had even taken out the talisman, Ruan Hongzhuang knew that she had no choice but to go now.

Since she asked Liu Xi to come over to deal with the Zhou family, of course she had fully inquired about his character beforehand.

Therefore, she knows very well that this person usually likes to be polite first and then act with force.

If she continues to postpone, I'm afraid Liu Xi will soon break up and force her to go.

At the moment, I could only helplessly salute and say thank you: "Thank you, senior, for giving me the treasure. I understand what to do!"

Then he was ready to set off according to Liu Xi's words.

But at this moment, Liu Xi called out to her again.

"Fellow Daoist Ruan, don't leave in a hurry. I want to leave something with you."

Still want to leave something?

Ruan Hongzhuang looked at Liu Xi with a surprised expression, not understanding what the other party meant.

"Don't worry, it's just a small means of warning. It won't have any impact on you, Fellow Daoist Ruan!"

Liu Xi said, and immediately explained the situation to Ruan Hongzhuang.

After a while of this, Ruan Hongzhuang, who was ready, quietly gathered her cultivation and headed to the Zhou Family Mountain Gate.

Just like Lin Hongyu had restrained her cultivation and infiltrated the Zhou family, Ruan Hongzhuang, as a monk in the Purple Mansion, was also not recognized when she disguised herself as a casual cultivator and infiltrated the Zhou family.

This is not to be blamed on the guards. After all, the people guarding the entrance of the mountain gate are only in the Qi Refining Stage. How could they see through a Zifu Stage monk who deliberately hides his cultivation.

It should be said that this is a weakness that most cultivating families cannot avoid.

They open the family mountain gate to casual cultivators to earn spiritual coins, so there will inevitably be weaknesses that can be exploited.

However, although this weakness exists, not everyone can take advantage of it.

Just like Ruan Hongzhuang, without Liu Xi's support from outside, even if she really sneaked into the Zhou family's mountain gate, she would not dare to do anything outrageous.

Otherwise, once their identity is exposed, the Zhou family will seal the mountain protection formation tightly, which will be a trap.

In short, after Ruan Hongzhuang sneaked into the Zhou family's mountain gate at this time, she first waited for the monks who were being monitored by the Zhou family to become distracted, and then she looked for an opportunity to leave the training area and went straight to Pagoda Peak.

Her plan was also very simple. Go to Pagoda Peak and catch Zhou Chun who was working there. In this way, if there was a Golden Core monk sitting inside the Zhou Family Mountain Gate, he would definitely be alerted.

However, her methods are undoubtedly much rougher than Lin Hongyu's.

In other words, after learning from Lin Hongyu's infiltration incident, the Zhou family also increased their defenses in some aspects.

Not long after she left the training area, a rapid wolf howl sounded in the surrounding mountains and forests.

It turns out that the Zhou family learned the lesson from Lin Hongyu last time and placed demon wolves with sensitive sense of smell in the mountains and forests around the training area.

As long as they smell the scent of a stranger and find that the target does not leave the training area by taking the normal path, these demon wolves will sound a warning.

Because the Zhou family itself is famous for its beast-controlling skills, Ruan Hongzhuang discovered the monster wolf in the forest in advance and didn't pay much attention to it, just treating it as a normal monster.

At this time, she didn't realize how big a mistake she had made until the wolf howled as a warning.

However, there was no point in regretting it at this time. She immediately stopped hiding her cultivation and jumped directly into the air, rushing towards the Pagoda Peak.

"No, it's a monk from Zifuqi!"

On Baozhi Peak, when Zhou Jiahe saw Ruan Hongzhuang's figure, his expression changed drastically, and he immediately understood that the incoming enemy was not something he could handle.

She also decisively gave up the idea of ​​intercepting the enemy, and just quickly set off warning fireworks and ordered the Zhou family monks who were preparing to intercept the enemy to get out of the way.

Although he didn't know that the ancestor of the Su family was in charge of the Zhou family, Zhou Jiahe still believed in the strength of the family's supreme elders.

Although the enemy was powerful, she didn't believe that the enemy alone could really cause trouble inside the Zhou family's mountain gate.

At the same time, Zhou Chun, who was working in Zhongping Hall on Pagoda Peak, also heard the warning signal from the mountain gate for the first time.

He quickly left the main hall and came to the outside, where he saw Ruan Hongzhuang coming quickly.

Ruan Hongzhuang also saw him at this time.

For Ruan Hongzhuang, it can be said that this is the meeting of enemies, and she is extremely jealous.

Her eyes were fixed on Zhou Chun, the magic weapon had already appeared in her hand, and she was going to take Zhou Chun's life as soon as she entered the attack range.

After Zhou Chun felt her fierce gaze, he instantly understood her thoughts.

So he hurriedly rushed to the ancestral temple not far away.

As the important place of the family, the Zhou family's ancestral temple is protected by another independent set of formations.

And as the head of the Zhou family, Zhou Chun also masters the secret to unlocking the ancestral temple formation.

At this time, he flew into the ancestral temple and immediately activated the formation of the ancestral temple.

At about this time, a ray of red fire suddenly rushed from the mountain behind Pagoda Peak and headed straight for Ruan Hongzhuang, but the Vulcan Jackal had already arrived in time.

Seeing this, Ruan Hongzhuang could only secretly hate Zhou Chun for being cunning, and hurriedly braced herself to deal with the Vulcan Jackal's offensive.

A man and a demon were fighting in mid-air, and the aftermath of the fight had a huge impact on the Zhou Family Mountain Gate below.

Fortunately, the entire Zhou family also reacted at this time, and soon Zhou Jiarui, the rotating elder who was guarding the formation today, activated the mountain protection formation and directly mobilized the power of the "Five Directions Miluo Formation" to build four spiritual light barriers around the battlefield. Prevent Ruan Hongzhuang from transferring the battlefield to other places and causing further damage to other places.

Immediately, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi also rushed to the battlefield and joined the battle together.

Faced with the siege of two monks from the Zhou family's Purple Palace period and the Vulcan Jackal, Ruan Hongzhuang was forced to sacrifice the defensive talisman Liu Xi gave her on the spot.

It was a golden token-shaped magic weapon, and the defensive golden light it released was unstoppable. No matter how Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi attacked, it was difficult to break it.

However, this object seemed to consume a lot of mana. Ruan Hongzhuang also showed a look of difficulty after activating it with her early cultivation of Zifu.

Not only was she struggling, but she was also extremely anxious.

Liu Xi's method of staying on her didn't seem to be triggered, which should be a good thing.

But Liu Xi hadn't taken action yet, which made her very uneasy.

If Liu Xi really didn't take action, she would definitely die today!

"Fellow Daoist Ruan, you shouldn't have come. Zhou already let you go that day, so why did you come here?"

In the sky, Zhou Mingde looked at Ruan Hongzhuang with bright eyes. While maintaining his offensive, he also spoke with emotion and started to test.

"Hmph, Zhou Mingde, don't be too proud. Since I dare to come here, I'm naturally not afraid of your tricks!"

Ruan Hongzhuang snorted coldly and responded meaningfully.

Since Liu Xi hasn't shown up yet, she can only save herself.

Sure enough, after hearing her words, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi's expressions changed, and their offensive immediately eased.

Zhou Mingde immediately looked at her with a look of surprise on his face and said: "Friend Ruan, don't try to fool me. You are already a turtle in the jar. Once the power of this talisman is exhausted, you will be our meat on the chopping board. What other methods are there?" Can it change the world?"

"Are you trying to scare you? You'll find out soon!"

Ruan Hongzhuang's confident demeanor made people dare not ignore her words.

As a result, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi's offensive weakened a bit.

Zhou Daoyi even quickly withdrew from the battlefield, seemingly taking over the formation.

Seeing such a scene made Ruan Hongzhuang feel reassured and relieved.

She couldn't care about anything else now, she just wanted to save her life.

But not long after she felt relieved, her expression soon changed again.

Because after Zhou Daoyi took over the formation, he directly mobilized the power of the formation to launch a fierce attack on her.

Under the attack of the formation, the power of her talisman was consumed extremely quickly, and her own mana plummeted like a waterfall!

"Even the formations have been mobilized. It seems that there are really no Jindan monks in charge!"

Outside Jiufeng Ridge, when Liu Xi saw the changes in the formation protecting the Zhou family's mountain gate, his eyes suddenly flashed, and he suddenly jumped into the air and rushed towards the Zhou family's mountain gate.

But he finally couldn't help but take action.

And just as he rose into the air and rushed towards the Zhou family's mountain gate, the ancestor of the Su family suddenly flew out of the cave at the top of Pagoda Peak.

Naturally, he had been alarmed by Ruan Hongzhuang's intrusion.

But when he saw that the intruder was just a monk from the Purple Mansion Stage, he quickly understood everything as if he was watching fire.

At this time, he noticed the powerful aura approaching quickly outside the Zhoujiashan gate, and he knew that he was right.

At this time, he left the cave and was released by Zhou Daoyi without any pause, flying directly out of the range of the Zhou family's mountain protection formation.

Outside the Zhou family's mountain gate, Liu Xi, who was about to attack the Zhou family's mountain gate, was stunned when he saw the Su family ancestor who suddenly appeared.

what happened?

How come there is a Golden Core Stage cultivator in the Zhou family!

After being stunned for a moment, Liu Xi quickly thought of something and couldn't help but stop and said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency, are you Daoist Fellow Su from the Su family in Jiangzhou?"

Hearing his words, the ancestor of the Su family couldn't help but said coldly: "Now that you know that Su is here, you still dare to come here and act arrogantly. Your Excellency really doesn't take our Jingguo Immortal Cultivation World in your eyes, and you don't take Su in your eyes!" "

Hearing such obviously hostile words, Liu Xi's expression changed, and he waved his hands hurriedly and said: "Fellow Daoist Su has misunderstood, there must be some misunderstanding here, Liu just happened to be passing by here!"

Since he knew that the ancestor of the Su family came here specifically to take charge of the Zhou family, he would certainly not be stupid enough to admit that he was here to deal with the Zhou family.

As for Ruan Hongzhuang inside, of course she has no choice but to give up now.

Liu Xicai would not choose to go to war with a local Jindan monk from Jingguo like the ancestor of the Su family over an unfamiliar Ruan Hongzhuang.

Unfortunately, the ancestor of the Su family didn't appreciate the excuse he gave.

Dang even sneered and said: "Whether it's a misunderstanding or not, you and Su know it in your heart!"

"Stop talking nonsense, since we are all here, let Su Mou learn your master's clever tricks!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and summoned his own magic weapon.

His magic weapon was a blue eight-edged mace. With a flick of his sleeve, the mace flew through the air towards Liu Xi.


A thunderous roar was heard, and wherever the mace passed, the airflow in the sky tore and exploded at extremely fast speeds.

When Liu Xi on the opposite side saw this, his expression suddenly changed and he hurriedly took out the green flying sword to face the eight-sided mace.

Bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, I wish all book friends good luck, good health and all the best in the Year of the Rabbit!

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