Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 304 The crisis is over and the knots are resolved [New Year’s greetings to everyone! 】

Jiufeng Ridge.

When the two Golden Core monks started fighting in the sky outside Jiufeng Ridge, Zhou Chun and others inside the Zhou family's mountain gate also became excited.

Those casual cultivators and ordinary Zhou family cultivators who did not know the inside story were even more frightened by this series of changes and did not know what to do.

Especially those casual cultivators, they can be considered to have suffered a disaster. At this time, all of them were nervously grabbing all the Zhou family cultivators they could find to ask questions and inquire about the situation.

But at this time, there was no way the insiders could come over and explain to them.

In the end, in order to avoid causing trouble, several Zhou family foundation-building elders could only use their own cultivation to frighten those people and temporarily subdue them.

At the same time, when the ancestor of the Su family took the initiative to fight Liu Xi, Ruan Hongzhuang's use value was lost.

Zhou Mingde, Zhou Daoyi, and Su Yuzhen who also came out at this time. With the combined efforts of the three Zifu period monks, they quickly completely exhausted the power of Ruan Hongzhuang's talisman and did not even give her a chance to beg for mercy. When he got the chance, he killed her on the spot.

After killing Ruan Hongzhuang in this way, several senior officials of the Zhou family personally took up positions at various bases of the family's mountain-protecting formation, running the mountain-protecting formation with all their strength in case Liu Xi suddenly came to kill him.

The "Five Directions Miluo Formation" itself is also a powerful forbidden formation. Although it is impossible to block the golden elixir stage monks due to environmental conditions, it should still be able to withstand several attacks from the golden elixir stage monks.

The ancestor of the Su family would definitely not sit back and watch Liu Xi attack the Zhou family's mountain gate.

Zhou Chun also walked out of the ancestral temple at this time and went over to explain the situation to the clansmen in person and comfort the frightened clansmen and casual cultivators.

Under his personal explanation, the emotions of the Zhou family members stabilized. After all, the battle inside the mountain gate was over, and they could not see the battle outside.

At this time, the casual cultivators learned that there was a battle between Golden Core monks outside. Although they were panicked, they were not stupid enough to make a fuss and leave immediately.

After Zhou Chun promised that they would not be implicated and exempted them from the spiritual coins spent on today's practice, they all temporarily stopped making noise.

Only then did Zhou Chun have time to watch the battle between the two Golden Core monks.

It was different from the battles he had seen in the past between Golden Core monks. This time Liu Xi did not have any juniors or subordinates to be taboo about, so he did not choose to fight in the sky with the ancestor of the Su family.

Instead, he fought with the ancestor of the Su family in the sky less than fifty miles away from the Zhou family's mountain gate.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that he had the intention of taking the whole Zhou family as hostages and making the ancestor of the Su family throw a trap.

However, there seems to be some gap between his strength and the ancestor of the Su family.

After watching it for a while, Zhou Chun discovered that Liu Xi had only relied on the green flying sword to fight the enemy from the beginning to the end. The magic weapon he was protecting was actually a third-level high-grade defensive magic weapon, and A protective secret technique that I have practiced.

On the other hand, the ancestor of the Su family not only possesses the eight-sided mace, a natal magic weapon, but also a cyan jade sword magic weapon.

In this way, with the advantage of having one more magic weapon, the ancestor of the Su family can be said to have the absolute upper hand from the beginning.

"If your Excellency only has this ability, then leave your life in Jingguo today!"

After fighting for a while, the ancestor of the Su family, after figuring out Liu Xi's methods, turned cold and took action.

But when he heard a low drink from his mouth, and when the magic formula was activated, the eight-sided treasure suddenly bloomed with aqua blue light, and instantly condensed a thick blue lightning and bombarded Liu Xi.

This move was obviously beyond Liu Xi's expectation, and it was already too late for him to defend himself with his sword.

But after all, he is also a monk at the Golden Core stage, and he still has one or two trump cards.

At that time, although he was not frightened, there was a flash of pain in his eyes, and he waved his sleeves and held up a shining azure wooden shield in front of him.

The green wooden shield is not a magic weapon, but its power far exceeds that of ordinary third-level magic weapons.

The ancestor of the Su family activated the magic weapon to release blue lightning that struck the cyan wooden shield. Although the wooden shield was shattered with one blow, most of its power was offset and it was unable to really hurt Liu Xi.

"Oh, is it a magic weapon made from magic weapons and spiritual materials? It's really a gift from heaven!"

The ancestor of the Su family narrowed his eyes and instantly saw through the reality of the azure wooden shield.

Magic weapons cannot be refined from ordinary materials, but any spiritual material that can be used as the main material for refining magic weapons is a rare treasure that is difficult to find in the world.

Of course, this kind of spiritual material can be used not only to refine magic weapons, but also to refine magic weapons.

And because refining magic weapons requires cultivation at the Golden Core stage, and only Golden Core monks can use magic weapons.

Therefore, after obtaining this kind of spiritual material, some weapon refiners who have not reached the golden elixir stage will sometimes use natural materials to refine a powerful magic weapon as their own masterpiece. This kind of magic weapon and spiritual material can be used to refine third-level magic weapons.

The third-level magic weapon refined in this way is not as powerful as ordinary third-level magic weapons because of its powerful material, but it is far inferior to the magic weapon.

However, because the material itself is powerful and can accommodate a large amount of mana infusion from the Golden Core Stage monks, this third-level magic weapon can still touch the magic weapon at some point.

Of course, it's just a touch.

Just like what Liu Xi did just now, at the cost of destroying the magic weapon, he forcibly activated the magic weapon to exert far more powerful power than usual, blocking the killing move of the ancestor of the Su family.

At this time, facing the ridicule of the ancestor of the Su family, Liu Xi could no longer restrain the anger in his heart. He could not help but look at the ancestor of the Su family with a warm and angry face and shouted in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Su really wants to fight against this mere Zhou family. Are you going to break up with Liu? You know you can't kill me!"

Liu Xi was very confident that the ancestor of the Su family could not kill him.

It is very difficult for a Golden Core monk to kill another Golden Core monk with the same cultivation level.

Through the fight just now, Liu Xi knew that although he was no match for the ancestor of the Su family, there was no way he could kill him with the power of the two magic weapons in the hands of the ancestor of the Su family.

After all, if you can't beat him, why won't you run away?

The golden elixir stage monk lets go of his speed and escapes, quickly flying out of a country's territory. Is it possible that the ancestor of the Su family can pursue him and go to other countries?

However, facing his threat, the ancestor of the Su family said with a sneer: "So what if we break up? What else can you do to win over Su?"

He continued with a threatening tone: "You are also a Jindan monk after all, and you must have a family in Qi country. Could it be that you still dare to attack the younger members of Su's family?"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Xi's expression turned ugly.

Indeed, unless they are a very small number of casual cultivators, the vast majority of Golden Core cultivators in this world of immortality come from sects and families.

Of course, Liu Xi also came from a certain force in the Qi Kingdom.

Now that he has gone to Jingguo to stir up trouble, he naturally has no scruples.

But if he dares to bully another junior monk from the Jindan family just because he has no worries in Jingguo, he will definitely suffer the consequences.

At this time, seeing that he could not defeat the ancestor of the Su family, and that he could not defeat the other party, Liu Xi suddenly felt resigned and did not want to stay here any longer.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to be cruel to you today, Liu will admit defeat!"

He shouted with an ugly expression, turned around and ran away.

"Where to go!"

The ancestor of the Su family shouted loudly and quickly pursued him.

The two chased and escaped, and soon disappeared from the sight of Zhou Chun and others.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun, Zhou Mingde and others knew that the matter was settled.

They all knew in their hearts that the Su family ancestor's pursuit could not really have any results, it was just an attitude.

Presumably, within a few days, the news that the ancestors of the Su family fought against foreign golden elixir monks outside the gate of Zhoujiashan and chased the enemy for thousands of miles would spread throughout Jingguo.

By then, the Zhou family's status in the hearts of other forces will definitely be greatly improved.

And after what happened, the escaped Golden Core monk will definitely not come to Jingguo to cause trouble for the Zhou family again.

After all, the attitude of the ancestor of the Su family has been revealed. If he comes to trouble the Zhou family again, he will force the ancestor of the Su family to go to Qi country to cause trouble for his own force.

"Okay, this matter is finally settled, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief from now on!"

On the pagoda peak, Zhou Mingde looked at the direction where the ancestor of the Su family left for a long time, and then he let out a long sigh of relief.

This attack by the Golden Core Stage monk was ultimately caused by his original behavior, so he has always been the one under the greatest pressure.

When the matter was resolved, he was naturally the happiest.

"Yes, this matter is finally over!"

Zhou Chun couldn't help but sigh when he thought of the "sacrifice" he had made for this matter.

And everything turned out to be as they expected. The ancestor of the Su family returned in less than half a day after leaving in pursuit.

According to what he said, he chased and killed the Jindan monk from Qi Kingdom for more than three thousand miles, and suffered some minor injuries during the pursuit, which was regarded as a lesson to the other party.

"Ancestor, I have warned that person repeatedly. If he dares to come over and attack the Zhou family again in the future, he will definitely go to Qi Country in person. It is expected that he will not dare to risk coming over to attack the Zhou family again for something that is not sure whether it exists. Take action!"

"Of course, just in case, I will continue to stay in the Zhou family for half a year."

On Pagoda Peak, the ancestor of the Su family met with Zhou Chun and other senior Zhou family officials after returning, and explained the relevant situation in a calm tone.

What he did could be said to be the most benevolent thing for the Zhou family.

After all, the terms of the deal between the two parties at that time was that after he helped the Zhou family send away the incoming Golden Core monks, he could no longer abide by the ten-year agreement.

Now that he is willing to stay in charge for another half a year, it can be said that he takes great care of the Zhou family.

Therefore, after Zhou Mingde heard what he said, he immediately thanked him, "Thank you, Senior Su, for your kindness. This junior and the Zhou family will definitely or dare not forget this kindness!"

Then he wisely led Zhou Chun and others to retreat first, allowing the ancestor of the Su family to recover his magic power in his cave.

Once outside, Zhou Mingde, Zhou Chun and others checked Ruan Hongzhuang's storage bag and counted the loot.

Back in Yang Kingdom, Ruan Hongzhuang had not found nothing. She had taken away the body of the earth-armored dragon and the demon elixir.

But now in her storage bag, Zhou Chun and the others could not find the existence of these two items. They had obviously disposed of them or left them at Qiguo's residence.

In her storage bag, apart from some essential elixirs and charms for going out, there were less than two thousand spirit coins.

From this, it is not difficult to see that she was also prepared for an accident this time.

Fortunately, as a cultivator in the Zifu period, the magical tools she carries with her are all extraordinary. Even if they are sold at a discount, they are still worth tens of thousands of spiritual coins, so it is not really a gain.

But the Zhou family's biggest gain this time is actually their reputation.

The ancestor of the Su family did not hesitate to fight another Jindan monk for the sake of the Zhou family, a newly married in-law. As the news spread, the Zhou family and the Su family, the in-laws, once again became the subject of discussion among many monks in Jingguo. .

Although in the recent wars, it was not uncommon for Golden Core Stage monks to fight.

But like this time, it is still very rare for a golden elixir monk from a certain golden elixir family to fight with a foreign golden elixir monk because of his family affairs.

Today, the ancestor of the Su family fought a foreign Golden Core monk so that the Zhou family could fight. Will he fight for the Zhou family against the enemies of the Zhou family again in the future?

This is something that many Yasukuni forces have to consider.

It can even be said with some exaggeration that the battle between the ancestors of the Su family directly brought decades of peace to the Zhou family.

In the future, any force that does not have a Golden Core cultivator will have to consider whether it can withstand the wrath of the ancestor of the Su family before thinking of becoming an enemy of the Zhou family.

And because it was a foreign golden elixir monk who came to attack the Zhou family, Qinglianguan, as the legal leader of the Zhou family, also sent a golden elixir monk Qing Lingzi to the Zhou family to inquire and investigate.

After learning from Zhou Mingde and the ancestors of the Su family that the visitors were attacking the Zhou family because of the underground tomb incident in Yang State, Qing Lingzi, who knew that the Zhou family was the one who presented the prescription, also made the decision in front of the ancestors of the Su family. If you have a guarantee, you will definitely send someone to Qi Country to give the other party a warning.

This is the benefit of having the protection of a Golden Core monk.

Without the ancestor of the Su family, even if Liu Xi destroyed the Zhou family, Qinglian Temple would not know who did it.

Even if they knew that the other party might be coming to destroy the Zhou family because the Zhou family had obtained the relics of the Golden Elixir cultivator, they would not make any effort to send people to Qi country to investigate the situation, let alone warn anyone.

What Zhou Mingde didn't expect the most was that after this incident, Zhou Daoyi seemed to be touched by something and actually "figured it out."

On this day, because the Zhou family's crisis was over, he was discussing with Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoyi who should go to Chengguo to meet Lin Hongyu and explain the matter of the [Tu Yuan Jade] mineral vein.

Zhou Daoyi actually took the initiative to take over this matter and was willing to go to Lin Hongyu personally on behalf of the Zhou family.

This made Zhou Mingde extremely happy.

"Great, Dao Yi, you finally figured it out!"

He clapped his hands and cheered with joy on his face, his joy was beyond words, and Zhou Chun on the side was also stunned for a moment, and he didn't understand why this matter deserved him to be so happy.

In the spirit of asking if you don't understand, Zhou Chun also quickly looked at Zhou Mingde and asked: "What have you figured out? Why are you so happy suddenly, Elder Taishang?"

Hearing this, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but smile and glanced at Zhou Daoyi.

But Zhou Daoyi's face was calm and he didn't show any expression.

But no expression is the best expression, which shows that Zhou Daoyi no longer mind revealing the matter to Zhou Chun.

So he coughed twice and said, "Ahem, now that things have come to this, it's time to tell you about this matter!"

The update is a bit late, because I was very busy during the day. I received three waves of relatives today to pay New Year's greetings. I didn't sleep well last night because of the fireworks all night. I didn't have time to catch up on sleep until five o'clock in the afternoon. I didn't get up until after seven o'clock for dinner. Fortunately, it was still ten o'clock. Got out of work before two o'clock!

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