Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 305 Optimizing the Bloodline of [Jade Spirit Bee] [Please subscribe]

Zhou Daoyi actually had a double cultivation with Lin Hongyu a long time ago!

When Zhou Chun learned about this from Zhou Mingde, he was also extremely shocked.

His strong curiosity made him immediately want to inquire into the details of the matter.

But for the sake of Zhou Daoyi's face, Zhou Mingde couldn't tell the real details. He only said that it was an unexpected and special situation.

However, although he did not want to say it explicitly, Zhou Chun recalled the previous contact between his family and Lin Hongyu and roughly guessed the time when the incident happened.

Then his mood became a little complicated.

But it also reminded me of the acquaintance process between myself and Su Yuzhen.

In a sense, the emotional experiences of the two generations of Zhou family heads are quite similar.

No wonder Zhou Daoyi had no objection to his actions after he came back from the Su family.

And with his wisdom, he certainly understood what Zhou Mingde meant when he said "I figured it out".

I'm afraid that just like he did to himself before, Zhou Mingde has done a lot of ideological work for Zhou Daoyi over the years, trying to get Zhou Daoyi to accept Lin Hongyu and marry her into the Zhou family.

Now it seems that Zhou Daoyi, like him, finally couldn't hold on any longer and chose to compromise.

Zhou Chun didn't know whether to be happy or sad about this.

If Lin Hongyu joins the Zhou family, it will undoubtedly be a great thing for the Zhou family.

In this way, in addition to the Jindan family, the Zhou family will be regarded as a first-class existence among the major immortal cultivators in the future.

But for Zhou Daoyi personally, when he made this choice, he probably felt extremely uncomfortable!

But the matter has come to this, now that Zhou Daoyi has made a decision, what can Zhou Chun say?

He could only watch Zhou Daoyi take Lin Wan'er and leave the Zhou family, heading to Chengguo to meet Lin Hongyu.

Less than half a month later, Lin Hongyu returned to Lanzhou with Zhou Daoyi.

Just because the ancestor of the Su family was still sitting inside the Zhou family's mountain gate, in order to prevent the news from leaking out, Zhou Mingde had no choice but to go outside the family to meet her.

The meeting between the two went smoothly.

Lin Hongyu has agreed to become a Taoist couple with Zhou Daoyi and become an honorary elder of the Zhou family.

At the same time, he also agreed to go to Yangguo to mine the [Earth Yuan Jade] vein.

But she also made her own demands.

That is to take Lin Wan'er away to help her, and let the Zhou family fund the formations and some magic weapons and elixirs needed to establish the stronghold.

Naturally, the Zhou family would not refuse such a request.

Zhou Mingde personally went to order the relevant array equipment from the You family, and also allocated some magic weapons and elixirs from the family treasury and gave them to her.

After getting all these things, Lin Hongyu didn't delay at all and quickly took Lin Wan'er and set off.

At this time, the insect plague has been eliminated, and the reconstruction work of Yangguo has begun. The sooner she gets there, the easier it will be to open up the situation.

After all, the original immortal cultivating forces in Yang Kingdom suffered heavy losses, and many of them directly cut off their inheritance.

Now that land is almost empty, whoever gets there first will be able to seize the opportunity.

If Lin Hongyu went to occupy the place with the [Earth Crystal Jade] mineral vein at this time, it would appear very normal and would definitely not arouse suspicion.

After Lin Hongyu and the [Tuyuan Jade] mineral veins have been arranged and processed in this way, the Zhou family no longer has any important matters that Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun, the senior officials, need to worry about.

The entire Zhou family has returned to its previous state of dull but rapid development.

Soon half a year passed, and the ancestor of the Su family completed his agreement with the Zhou family and returned to the Su family with success.

At his request, Su Yuzhen temporarily bid farewell to Zhou Chun and returned to the Su family for retreat.

Zhou Chun didn't feel too sad about Su Yuzhen's departure.

Although the relationship between him and Su Yuzhen has made great progress in the past two years, the two often discuss the way of dual cultivation together.

But maybe due to his personality, it is really difficult for him to have such inseparable feelings for a female cultivator.

Perhaps in the dead of night, he would also miss reminiscing about the joy of having a boudoir with Su Yuzhen, but most of the time, he still focused on practicing.

Now Zhou Chun is very interested in practicing the art of breeding insects, because recently he suddenly had an idea to use the art of breeding insects to cultivate the [Jasper Spirit Bee] originally domesticated by the Zhou family and increase the population of this kind of spirit bee. quantity.

Demonic bees are also a type of demonic insect commonly used by insect cultivators, but the demonic bees used in combat are usually flesh-eating and poisonous bees.

Honey-producing demon bees like the [Jade Spirit Bee] are not very powerful in combat, and are usually cultivated by insect cultivators as economical demon bees to earn spiritual coins for themselves to support the insect swarm.

Insect cultivator Han Yuan himself did not do much research on demon bees, and his research direction was not on bees and insects.

But fortunately, the Qianlingmen classics he left behind contained a lot of knowledge about the cultivation of honey-producing spiritual bees, which provided Zhou Chun with feasible material for reference.

In addition, the Zhou family has domesticated the "Jasper Spirit Bee" for so many years and has recorded and researched various situations of this kind of spirit bee, which can save Zhou Chun a lot of observation and recording time.

In fact, normally speaking, based on the reproduction rate of bee monsters, the Zhou family's [Jade Spirit Bee] insect colony should be expanding at an average rate of doubling every year.

But in fact, the expansion of the [Jade Spirit Bee] insect swarm is restricted by two factors.

The first is the growth ability of the demon bees. It is not that the eggs laid by the [Jasper Spirit Bee] will become demon bees when they grow up. In fact, most of the eggs laid will just be large bees when they grow up.

The second is the food supply for the bee colony. [Jasper Spirit Bee] mainly eats pollen, nectar and the spiritual honey produced. The pollen is preferably from various elixirs and flowers of spiritual trees.

However, the number of elixirs and spiritual trees is limited, and many varieties do not bloom every year.

This leads to the fact that in order not to starve to death, bee colonies can only consciously and actively control the number of bees and do not dare to reproduce too many offspring.

The second factor is easier to say. Now that the Zhou family is gaining momentum, if the conditions given to the Wang family in Hongyao Valley are followed and requests for cooperation are made to some immortal cultivating families in Lanzhou and even neighboring states, there will not be many who will refuse.

In this way, borrowing other families' medicinal fields and fruit trees for beekeeping can expand the size of the bee colony several times, or even ten times!

The first factor is the direction Zhou Chun needs to focus on.

He has to use the insect breeding technique inherited from Qianling Sect to eliminate the weak and retain the strong, and actively promote the optimization of the bloodline of the [Jade Spirit Bee] population, so that the occurrence rate of demon bees in their offspring will be greatly increased.

In this regard, the help of some secret medicines and occult techniques must be used.

It has to be said that Qianlingmen, as an expert in playing with insects, has indeed achieved a very advanced level in the research and development of various insect repelling and insect breeding secret techniques.

In the art of breeding insects, they have special secret techniques that can stimulate the appetite and estrus time of monster insects, and even extend the dormant time of monster insects.

These secret techniques can greatly assist the growth of demon insects.

For example, one of the most common combinations is to use secret techniques to stimulate the appetite of demon insects so that they can eat a large amount of food at once, and then use secret techniques to extend the dormant time of the demon insects so that they can digest the nutrients contained in the food while dormant and grow and mature faster. .

These secret techniques may have some adverse effects on the lifespan of monster insects, but they can indeed save a lot of time when doing certain research.

When Zhou Chun was doing research at this time, he took thirty larvae from the hive and cultivated them individually.

Under his sole cultivation, the larvae that originally took about three months to mature matured in just one month.

Whether the descendants of the [Jasper Spirit Bee] can become demon bees will be revealed at the moment they mature.

With very few exceptions, most demon wasps complete their evolution from larvae to mature bodies.

Under normal circumstances, the [Jasper Spirit Bee] that evolves into a demon bee after maturity will be accepted by the bee colony and become one of its members.

Those bees that do not become demon bees will be driven away or killed.

I don’t know if it’s Zhou Chun’s good luck or because he invested a lot of money in cultivating these larvae.

The original success rate of evolution was one-tenth, but this time it was almost doubled. Thirty larvae cultivated a total of five [Jade Spirit Bees].

These five [Jade Spirit Bees] are no different from normal spirit bees, but they are all worker bees.

Although worker bees can also lay eggs, it is difficult for the eggs laid by such worker bees to grow and evolve into monster bees after hatching.

The next thing Zhou Chun has to do is to make a queen bee appear among these five [Jade Spirit Bees].

According to the research records of Qianlingmen, the most effective way to optimize the bloodline of the bee colony is to optimize the bloodline of the queen bee itself.

Because the other spiritual bees in the bee colony are all born of the queen bee, as long as the queen bee's own bloodline is optimized, the bloodline of the offspring she will produce will naturally be more powerful.

But there is only one queen bee in the Zhou family's hive. It is impossible for Zhou Chun to use that queen bee for experiments. If the experiment fails and the queen bee dies, the loss will be huge.

Therefore, he could only re-breed a small bee colony, breed a new queen bee, and then conduct experiments on the new queen bee.

Before obtaining the inheritance of Qianling Sect, it was very difficult for the Zhou family to cultivate a new queen bee.

But for Zhou Chun, who has now obtained the inheritance of Qianling Sect, cultivating a new queen bee is not too difficult.

In a natural bee colony, after the queen bee dies due to an accident, other worker bees will take over and become the new queen bee.

At the same time, when the bee swarm is dividing into swarms, the new queen bee comes in the same way.

[Jasper Spirit Bee] As a kind of demon bee, the birth of a queen bee is much more difficult than that of ordinary bees, but in general the process is still the same.

At this time, Zhou Chun fed a strong worker bee a secret medicine made from royal jelly, and supplemented it with secret techniques to stimulate its growth.

It only took just two months to cultivate a new queen bee.

However, this new queen bee cannot be used for experiments yet, because after all, it was spawned by means, and its quality is considered poor.

Its real role for Zhou Chun is to contribute to new bee colonies and expand the number of bee colonies.

After it expands the bee colony to a certain extent, Zhou Chun will kill it and then let the bee colony automatically produce a new queen bee.

Until then, the new queen can be used for experiments.

While conducting these insect breeding experiments, Zhou Chun also started negotiating cooperation with other families.

Nowadays, the Zhou family is booming and owns a variety of specialties and spiritual items. As expected, most families have no objection to the cooperation plan proposed by the Zhou family.

In just one year, the Zhou family signed cooperation contracts with twenty-five immortal cultivating families. In the future, the Zhou family’s [Jasper Spirit Bee] swarms can collect flowers and make honey in the mountain gates of these cooperative families, and then use spiritual honey to Or spiritual coins can be used as a reward.

At the same time, as part of the cooperation, the Zhou family will give priority to supplying monster beast cubs such as eight-pointed water deer, dragon-scaled horses, etc. to these cooperative families.

Of course, these supplied monster cubs will only be male and will also be castrated.

It is impossible for everyone in the Zhou family to sell real beasts.

The price of purchasing a breeding beast cannot be the price of an ordinary transportation mount.

Now, apart from the Zhou family, only the Su family, who had just done a lot of help to the Zhou family, owned the eight-pointed water deer and dragon-scaled horse breeding animals given by the Zhou family as Zhou Chun's betrothal gift at that time.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye it was another three years.

In these short three years, the Zhou family has undergone some changes.

Several elderly monks from the "family" generation passed away, and a monk from the Zhou family failed to take the Foundation Building Pill to build the foundation.

The monk who failed in foundation building was none other than Zhou Zhengtao, who was of the same generation as Zhou Chun.

Zhou Zhengtao was also a member of the Zhou family who was quite outstanding among the "zheng" generation. Thanks to the rapid development of the Zhou family over the years, he also accumulated a lot of good deeds for the family.

This time, after he collected 5,000 points through borrowed good deeds, he exchanged them for a foundation-building pill.

It's a pity that his luck was obviously not as good as Zhou Zhengyong's, and he ultimately failed in building the foundation.

As the second person who failed to take the Foundation Building Pill after the Zhou family settled in Jiufeng Ridge, Zhou Zhengtao's failure had a much smaller impact than Zhou Jiacheng's original one.

This is of course because the current Zhou family is different from what it used to be. No matter whether it is a monk in the Zifu period or a monk in the foundation period, there are always successors.

Apart from Zhou Zhengtao himself who was depressed and uncomfortable, only the monks who had lent him good deeds were affected.

After all, anyone who can lend him good deeds has a good relationship with him no matter what.

As the clan leader, Zhou Chun takes this matter very lightly, because he was also a person who failed once.

Therefore, he did not have any objections to Zhou Zhengtao. Instead, he comforted Zhou Zhengtao very tolerantly and generously just like Zhou Daoyi comforted Zhou Jiacheng.

This approach made Zhou Zhengtao, who had been quite jealous and dissatisfied with him before, feel ashamed and ashamed, and since then he has truly become convinced of him.

However, in the past three years, the biggest change in the Zhou family came from Zhou Chun.

First, his spiritual pet, the golden-armored rock turtle, successfully broke through to the second-level mid-level, which allowed his own strength to increase again.

Then came the optimization test of the [Jasper Spirit Bee] he was leading, which also reached a critical moment.

At this time, his newly cultivated bee colony has reached thirty, and he has also cultivated the second generation queen bee to the extent that it is no worse than the queen bee in the current large bee colony.

Next, he can officially start the bloodline optimization test on this second-generation queen bee.

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