Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 306 New Monster: Wind Shadow Dragon Snake [Please subscribe]

The required bloodline optimization is actually to advance the monster insect's strength.

Just like once a low-level monster evolves into an intermediate monster, its bloodline will naturally be optimized.

However, there are some differences between the advancement of monster insects and the advancement of monster beasts.

Especially monster insects such as bees and ants, because of the presence of queen bees and queens, the bloodlines of ordinary monster insects in their populations appear incomplete.

In a bee colony and an ant colony, there can never be any other monster insect that is stronger than the queen bee or queen ant, and there can never be any other monster insect that has a higher level of evolution than the queen bee or queen ant.

Therefore, in order to optimize the bloodline of this kind of monster insect, we only need to improve the strength of the queen bee and queen ant and let them advance.

In this regard, the queen bee and queen ant have advantages that ordinary monsters do not have.

Generally speaking, the evolutionary potential of the queen bee and queen ant is much greater than that of monsters of the same level, and they can generally evolve again above the original level.

Even in some cases, after the insect swarm expands, it will feed back existences such as queen bees and queen ants, causing them to advance again.

At this time, Zhou Chun used the second-generation queen bee he had cultivated for experiments, using secret medicine to forcibly promote its growth and evolution, just like he had used spiritual objects to help the golden-armored rock turtle evolve.

It's just that the queen bee is not as powerful as the monsters of the same level, and her weak body is even more difficult to withstand the power of the secret medicine.

The risk of this kind of advancement is far greater than that of monsters of the same level.

Because of this, Zhou Chun would first use the queen bee he cultivated to conduct experiments.

It's a pity that the result of his first experiment ended in failure.

After the queen bee took the secret medicine and herbs he prepared, her wings suddenly fell off and her body cracked and died within seven days.

With the death of the queen bee, Zhou Chun's first experiment failed.

Next, he will continue to breed new queen bees, and then conduct experiments on the new queen bees.

This will take a while, but Zhou Chun can definitely afford to wait.

Anyway, apart from consuming some materials and time, this kind of experiment will not cause any harm to his own practice and the Zhou family.

While doing this kind of experiment, Zhou Chun even had the energy to cultivate the three kinds of monster insects he had contracted with.

Several years have passed, and all three types of monster insects have been cultivated to the point where they can reproduce.

What needs to be explained here is that there are four stages in the life of a demon insect, namely the larval stage, the growth stage, the adult stage, and the mature stage.

Only adult demon insects will have the ability to reproduce, and the mature stage means that the demon insect itself has reached the peak of the race and its abilities have been developed to the extreme.

It is worth mentioning that not every demon insect can reach this stage of maturity.

Because it is not a stage that can be reached as the demon insect grows older, but a stage that can only be reached as the demon insect grows in strength.

A mature demon insect is often several times, or even ten times stronger than an adult demon insect.

Even though the three kinds of monster insects contracted by Zhou Chun have been carefully cultivated by him, due to time constraints, they have only reached adulthood now.

It should be noted that after many demon insects reach adulthood, once they mate and lay eggs, they basically cannot enter the maturity stage again.

Because mating and laying eggs will cause great damage to the monster insects, many types of monster insects will even die after mating and laying eggs.

Among the three kinds of demon insects domesticated by Zhou Chun, the "Blue Moon Butterfly" is like this.

After mating, the male "Blue Moon Butterfly" will first die within three days, and the female "Blue Moon Butterfly" will also die within three days after laying eggs.

In order to expand the population of these monster insects, Zhou Chun let them mate and lay eggs when they reached adulthood.

Nowadays, the number of eggs laid by the three kinds of monster insects is several times more than their population.

It's just that although the number of eggs laid by the demon insects at one time is large, only 60 to 70% of them are real viable eggs.

Among these live eggs, there will also be some inferior eggs that are born with poor development, and these inferior eggs also need to be eliminated.

Therefore, the number of monster insects that can actually be hatched in the end is actually not that exaggerated.

On this day, Zhou Chung had just finished his daily meditation practice and returned to the Zhongping Hall to handle matters, when he was suddenly summoned by Zhou Daoyi.

It wasn't until he met Zhou Daoyi that he realized that it was the first dragon-born monster that the Zhou family had cultivated by itself!

Ever since Zhou Daoyi's spiritual pet Qingqing evolved into a dragon, the Zhou family has always had high expectations for it.

Because for a cultivating family, the third-order dragon is not only a powerful combat power, but also has strong productivity.

The aura of dragon power of the third-level dragon is enough to imbibe and mutate ordinary spiritual objects and low-level monsters, allowing them to gradually transform into dragon-blooded spirits and dragon-born monsters.

However, this process will be somewhat lengthy and cannot be accomplished overnight.

However, a quick calculation revealed that it has been almost twenty years since Qingjiao Qingqing established the dragon's lair.

This time is not very long, but it is not too short either.

It is not surprising that the first dragon-born monster beast that has been imbued with alienation has appeared.

Of course, this is not surprising, it is just that this result is normal.

But in fact, for the Zhou family, this is undoubtedly a great and happy event.

Because if there is one, there are two. Now that the first kind of alienated dragon-born monster has appeared, the second and third kinds may appear later!

According to the information collected from the Hualong Sect, as long as the third-level dragon is given enough time, it will be no problem at all to transform it into two or three dragon-born monsters.

Therefore, Zhou Chun was overjoyed after hearing the news, and even asked Zhou Daoyi to take him to the dragon's lair to visit the alienated dragon-born monster.

Qingjiao Qingqing's dragon lair was not built in the underground river in the end, but was built in a deep mountain pool not far from Jiufeng Ridge.

That deep mountain pool is the birthplace of a river in Lanzhou. It doesn't look very big from the outside, with only seven or eight acres of water.

However, the spring at the bottom of this pool has a huge amount of water, and it is also connected to an underground vein, and the spiritual energy is quite rich.

After Zhou Daoyi discovered this place, he decided to build a dragon's nest here.

At this time, Zhou Chun followed Zhou Daoyi to the dragon's lair, and easily entered the dragon's lair below under the leadership of the green dragon who came out to greet him.

I saw two people riding on the back of the dragon. After diving more than twenty feet, they passed through the spring at the bottom of the pool and entered an underground lake.

Compared to the small-looking pool outside, the area of ​​this underground lake is actually several times larger.

However, according to Zhou Daoyi, the area of ​​this underground lake was only half the size of the above-ground water area at first. The current area was only expanded by Qingjiao Qingqing's own excavations.

This place can now be regarded as the outskirts of the dragon's lair.

But the real dragon's lair is located deep in the underground lake.

When talking about the dragon's lair, many people may think it is a cave.

But that's not the case.

The dragon's lair is just a name, which means the place where the dragon lives.

And not all dragons like to live in caves.

At least Qingjiao Qingqing is not like this.

Therefore, its dragon lair is very special. The real main body of the lair is actually a thick stone pillar made of Shen Yuan stone.

This thick black stone pillar is thirty feet high, so thick that it requires four people to hug it. The green dragon Qingqing usually wraps himself around it to rest.

Around this black stone pillar, there are a large number of water-attribute spiritual jade, spiritual shells and ores scattered, as well as many clams, clams and other low-level monsters captured from Long Yuanze, even in some corners. There are also some aquatic plants that exude spiritual energy.

These things were placed here intentionally by the Zhou family. The purpose was naturally to make them turn into dragon blood spiritual objects under the influence of the green dragon's breath.

But what is the most eye-catching thing here is not the stone pillar where the green dragon lives, but a place behind the stone pillar that emits white light.

There is a waterless area, and it is also the base for the Zhou family to cultivate dragon-born monsters.

This waterless area is not large, only less than two acres in size.

Its existence is entirely created by the formation.

When Zhou Chongshan was still alive at that time, he used the water-repelling beads that the Zhou family had obtained from Long Yuanze as materials to construct such a water-repelling formation.

Since this water-repelling formation was set up, the Zhou family has sent several kinds of monsters such as the eight-pointed water-repelling deer and the emerald-crested flying snake to be raised here, hoping that over time, they can be transformed into dragon-born monsters.

Now, after many years, I finally have something to gain.

At this time, when he came outside the water-repelling formation, Zhou Chun looked intently and easily saw the successfully transformed dragon-born monster.

Inside the water-repelling formation, a green-colored one-horned flying snake was hesitating, its eyes looked in awe and it bowed its head to the green dragon behind them, neighing incessantly.

That's right, this green-colored one-horned flying snake is a dragon-born monster that was transformed from the emerald-crowned flying snake.

Originally, the green-crested flying snake was a monster with a green body and a rooster-like sarcoma on its head.

Now, due to the alienation of the green dragon's bloodline, its color has changed to green, and the original sarcoma has also alienated into horns.

After Zhou Chun stared at the one-horned flying snake for a while, he asked Zhou Daoyi: "Compared with the emerald-crowned flying snake, I wonder what changes have occurred in the abilities of this alienated monster beast?"

Zhou Daoyi had obviously been here once before. At this time, after listening to Zhou Chun's inquiry, he immediately replied: "Compared with the original green-crowned flying snake, the alienated monster has more wind attributes, and its flying speed It is faster, can spit out a unique poisonous wind arrow spell, and also masters the wind blade spell."

"These are only the currently known abilities. As it grows and evolves in the future, it remains to be seen whether it can awaken and master more abilities."

The original emerald-crowned flying snake basically had only two attack methods, bite at close range and spitting venomous water arrows.

If the venom water arrows it spits were not a magic, it would not even be worthy of the title of monster.

Therefore, although there are many people in the Zhou family who have contracted to tame this monster beast, no one will regard it as their main battle pet, only as a surprise weapon.

But if, as Zhou Daoyi said, the transformed one-horned flying snake can awaken and master other wind-based spells, then it has the qualifications to become the main battle pet of the monks in the Qi Refining Stage.

"Then have you tried the power of the venom of this modified one-horned flying snake? Is the venom more toxic than the ordinary emerald-crested flying snake?"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed, as if he thought of something, and suddenly asked Zhou Daoyi another question.

Hearing his question, Zhou Daoyi was also stunned, then nodded thoughtfully and said: "I haven't tried this yet, maybe I can try it now!"

Just try it!

Zhou Daoyi immediately caught an ordinary emerald-crowned flying snake and the one-horned flying snake, and let them bite each of his fingers.

Only he, a monk in the Zifu period, dared to do this kind of thing of testing poison with his own body.

After all, a mere first-order demon snake, no matter how poisonous it is, cannot pose a fatal threat to him, a cultivator of the Purple Mansion Stage.

After personally testing it, Zhou Daoyi quickly nodded and said: "Yes, the toxicity of the venom has also been improved. The venom of this one-horned flying snake is obviously much stronger."

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately said happily: "That's good. Originally, the toxicity of the Emerald Crown Flying Snake was enough to pose a fatal threat to monks in the Qi Refining Stage. If the toxicity is increased this time, many first-level monsters should be unable to withstand it. ”

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Daoyi and asked, "Have you decided on a name for this new alienated monster?"

As the master of Qingjiao Qingqing, Zhou Daoyi was naturally the first choice to name this new dragon-born monster.

So after listening to Zhou Chun's words, he looked at the one-horned flying snake and thought seriously.

After a moment passed like this, he said softly: "How about Feng Ying Long Snake?"

After saying that, he muttered to himself: "The attribute is wind, as fast as a shadow, dragon and snake coexist, yes, let's call it wind shadow, dragon and snake!"

After saying that, he directly confirmed the name of the one-horned flying snake.

"What a wind shadow dragon snake, indeed a good and appropriate name!"

Zhou Chun couldn't help but applaud and was very satisfied with the name chosen by Zhou Daoyi.

Then he looked at the Wind Shadow Dragon Snake and said: "Then take this Wind Shadow Dragon Snake back to be a breeding snake. In the future, the snake eggs it lays will be sent to the dragon's nest to be hatched. It will not take ten years." In eight years, the population of Fengying Dragon Snake will surely expand to dozens."

The bloodline of naturally transformed dragon-born monsters is relatively stable and can be passed down.

Therefore, even if the Wind Shadow Dragon Snake crosses with the Emerald Crowned Flying Snake and lays eggs, there is a chance that the baby snake hatched from the eggs will be the Wind Shadow Dragon Snake.

And if the snake eggs are infiltrated by the breath of the dragon from the same source after being laid, then the chance of becoming a Wind Shadow Dragon Snake after hatching will increase many times.

Compared with this efficient method of population expansion, the population expansion efficiency of another artificially cultivated mixed-blood monster beast, the Red Flame Diamond Monkey, is much lower.

This is the benefit of owning a dragon.

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