Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 307: Fixing the family tradition [Please subscribe]

The appearance of the Wind Shadow Dragon Snake represents the Zhou family's success in cultivating dragon-born monsters.

This is an extremely inspiring example.

It also gave Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoyi greater confidence in cultivating more varieties of dragon-born monsters in the future.

Just because the Wind Shadow Dragon Snake has not yet formed a population, and because they do not want outsiders to know the news in advance, the news has not yet been announced among ordinary tribesmen. Only elder-level monks and some core tribesmen know about it.

Although the current Zhou family is getting stronger and stronger year by year, its momentum is getting bigger and bigger.

But the attention it received also increased a lot.

Many forces want to know how the Zhou family managed to take off so quickly.

Over the years, the number of people who have been caught spying on intelligence by the Zhou family can be counted on both hands.

The so-called big tree attracts the wind is nothing more than this.

Therefore, Zhou Chun, Zhou Mingde and other senior leaders of the Zhou family gradually began to consciously change the family's behavior, and no longer wanted to be as high-profile as before.

In the past, the Zhou family had to do things in a high profile because they wanted to build a reputation and increase their popularity.

Now that the Zhou family is well-known, there is no need to continue to be high-profile.

Something happened very quickly, which made Zhou Chun and other senior officials of the Zhou family determined to rectify the family.

It turned out that on this day, a small family foundation-building monk suddenly came to the Zhou family, saying that he wanted to apologize for the reckless behavior of his younger generation.

"It's because the younger members of the clan are ignorant and have offended fellow nobles. Yue has already given him a severe lesson and punished him to face the wall for ten years. He also asked Clan Chief Zhou to forgive that boy and the Yue family!"

In the guest room where the Zhou family entertained guests, an old man in gray clothes with white hair on his head was facing Zhou Chun with his hands bowed in a very humble manner.

Zhou Chun was also surprised when he heard what the old man in gray said. He didn't understand why the other party said that.

Although according to the previous introduction of the old man in gray, the Yue family he founded was just a small family with no more than thirty monks, which was far incomparable to the Zhou family.

But the other party was also a mid-stage foundation-building monk after all, so how could he come to the door to apologize in such a humble way for no reason.

So he quickly asked the other party for the specific reason.

It didn't matter if he didn't ask. After asking, Zhou Chun couldn't help but feel angry.

It turned out that just a few days ago, one of the descendants of the old man in gray went out on an adventure with his friends, and happened to bump into two descendants of the Zhou family. The two sides clashed over a few elixirs, and ended up fighting.

Naturally, the descendants of the old man in gray suffered a loss and even almost lost their lives.

After the injured junior returned to Yue's house, he informed the old man in gray about the cause of the injury and wanted the old man in gray to seek justice for himself.

But when the old man in gray clothes learned that the monk who had a conflict with his descendants was a member of the Zhou family, he was the first to be frightened. He was even more annoyed that his descendants were ignorant of life and death and were causing trouble for themselves and their family.

Therefore, the old man in gray came to the Zhou family to apologize today.

However, this is what annoyed Zhou Chun.

Regarding this conflict, he had never heard the two Zhou family monks mention it, and he had no information at all.

This is obviously the two people who deliberately concealed the matter!

And this kind of concealment has violated family rules.

Because according to the clan rules, any family monk who goes on an adventure and starts a feud with someone must truthfully tell the relevant situation when he returns.

this point is very important!

In the past, many immortal cultivating families were destroyed and exterminated because their clan members provoked powerful enemies outside that they could not provoke, causing the entire clan of cultivators to suffer together.

Although the Yue family is just a small family and cannot threaten the Zhou family at all.

However, this kind of behavior of knowing without reporting is very bad in itself.

Another point is that the two Zhou family monks deliberately concealed the matter. There is a high probability that they were on the unreasonable side of this conflict, and they chose to hide it in order to avoid punishment from the family.

This kind of idea is also intolerable to Zhou Chun, the clan leader.

However, although anger was welling up in his heart, Zhou Chun didn't show any trace of it on his face.

No matter how he deals with the two clan members in accordance with clan rules later, he must not show this in front of outsiders.

He immediately waved his hand and said: "Fellow Daoist Yue is serious. Zhou Mou has heard two tribesmen mention this matter, but he did not expect that there are such details. It is said that Zhou Mou is a little neglectful. ”

After finishing speaking, he said with a serious face: "Please rest assured, Fellow Daoist Yue, as long as there is no bullying of the younger ones or a murder case, Zhou and others, as elders, will not interfere too much with the conflicts between the juniors. , otherwise these juniors won’t be able to raise their tails to the sky just because they have family protection!”

"Young Daoist Zhou is kind-hearted and magnanimous. Yue admires him!"

The gray-clothed old man's face was full of admiration and he bowed his hand towards Zhou Chun, speaking words of praise.

For a veteran like him, such changes in demeanor and tone would naturally have been able to send and receive messages as he wished, and there wouldn't be any difference at all.

After complimenting Zhou Chun in this way, seeing that Zhou Chun really had no intention of angering the Yue family, the old man in gray also took the initiative to say goodbye and leave.

As soon as the old man in gray left, Zhou Chun quickly summoned the two clan members who had violated clan rules to the Zhongping Hall.

"Zhou Zhengxin, Zhou Xinli, do you two know your guilt?"

In the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Chun looked at the two Zhou family members with a stern face, and his tone was also extremely stern.

This made the two young members of the Zhou family, who had always seen his approachable side, panic in their hearts and instantly look shocked.

But the two of them were not scared, and they would not admit guilt so easily.

Zhou Zhengxin, who was slightly older, relied on the fact that he and Zhou Chunnai were of the same generation, and his father was also a monk in the family. He immediately had the courage to pretend to be stupid and said: "Why did Brother Thirteen say this? I don't know what I did wrong, let Thirteen Are you so angry?"

"Hmph, you still dare to pretend to be stupid with me!"

Zhou Chun's face darkened, and he immediately stared at him and shouted: "Then tell me, before the two of you went out on adventures together, did you ever fight anyone? Did you hurt anyone else?"

Hearing this, Zhou Zhengxin and Zhou Xinli suddenly turned pale, and instantly understood the reason why Zhou Chun called them over.

The two of them immediately fell to their knees, kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Patriarch, forgive me. My younger brother (nephew) knows that I was wrong, so please forgive me!"

"Forgive you, that's easy to say!"

"The Zhou family's clan rules have been taught to you since you started reading and literacy. If you don't memorize them by heart, you won't be able to graduate from the family school."

"Tell me, why do the elders and I set such a rule in the family school?"

Zhou Chun looked at the two people on the ground with a gloomy expression, his words full of anger.

Since he took over as the head of the Zhou family, he has put a lot of effort into educating the younger monks in the family.

He could not completely change the world's atmosphere, but as long as he had the ability, he wanted the younger monks of the Zhou family to be more upright and abide by the rules, and not to commit crimes or commit crimes.

Therefore, whether it is clan rules or ideological and moral education, he has implemented his own ideas in it.

But now, the behavior of Zhou Zhengxin and Zhou Xinli was undoubtedly contrary to his expectations, which made him not angry.

He looked at the two of them with anger in his eyes and shouted loudly: "Today I would like to ask you, are those clan rules that you have memorized by heart, are they just a piece of waste paper in your eyes? Do you still have clan rules in your eyes? Existence? Is there still the existence of me, the patriarch?"

The angry Zhou Chun released all the majestic aura he had developed as a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage and his long-term position in a high position.

Faced with this coercion, Zhou Zhengxin and Zhou Xinli, even though they were already kneeling on the ground, were still unable to bear it. They were so horrified that they trembled and fell down.

"Spare your life, clan leader, spare your life, we will never dare to do it again!"

The two of them begged for mercy repeatedly, and they were completely frightened.

Seeing the two men's bearish looks, Zhou Chun couldn't help but shake his head, and his anger subsided.

He immediately calmed down and said in a deep voice: "Get up first and tell me everything you are hiding in detail. If I find out that you dare to hide even a word, You know the consequences!”

"Yes, yes, thank you clan leader for your kindness!"

The two of them thanked each other, helped each other stand up, and gingerly told Zhou Chun what happened.

The matter was similar to what Zhou Chun had known and guessed before. Zhou Zhengxin and Zhou Xinli were on an adventure and discovered a group of monks from the Yue family who were collecting medicine, and then a conflict broke out.

However, according to Zhou Zhengxin, they were not determined to get those elixirs and never thought about snatching them.

However, the Yue family monks and a group of people preconceivedly believed that they wanted to snatch the elixir, and they said a lot of unpleasant words, which finally angered the two of them completely, and released their spiritual pets to have a fierce fight with them.

Of course, Zhou Zhengxin won this battle.

However, the two of them also knew that such a thing was done in a disgraceful way, and they believed that the Yue family was a small family, and the monks of the Yue family had "made mistakes in the first place", so they would not dare to speak out afterwards.

So he decided that it would be better to do less than to do more, and deliberately concealed the matter.

To be honest, this kind of thinking of Zhou Zhengxin and others is considered human nature and is not a big mistake.

And this incident did not cause any serious consequences.

But the clan rules are ruthless and will not change based on people's thoughts.

Violating the clan rules is a violation of the clan rules. No matter how many reasons there are, it cannot be an excuse to avoid the punishment of the clan rules.

What's more, Zhou Zhengxin's two reasons are simply untenable.

The original intention of their concealment was to escape the punishment of the clan rules, and they were committing the crime knowingly!

According to the Zhou family's rules, those who knowingly commit a crime shall be severely punished.

After Zhou Chun understood the details of the matter at this time, he looked at the two of them with a heavy face and said: "According to the mistakes you have committed, if you confessed voluntarily, the family would at most fine you a year's welfare and let you give some. Healing elixir, just go and apologize!"

"But you should never, never, ever take any chances, deliberately conceal this matter, and deliberately violate the clan rules!"

At this point, anger flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but raise his voice and said: "I remember that in the clan rules manual in the family school, there are relevant notes and explanations behind each clan rule. The purpose is to make the clan members I understand why there is this rule.”

"You know that hiding something like this and making a grudge may bring disaster to the family, but you still knowingly commit the crime. This behavior is really unforgivable!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand and stopped Zhou Zhengxin's attempt to defend himself.

He looked at him coldly and said, "You don't need to say anything more. The rules of the clan are the rules of the clan, and they will not change based on the strength of the person you are enemies with!"

After saying this, the sentence began: "According to family rules, those who deliberately conceal their enmity with others will be suspended from family benefits for more than five years and banned from work for more than three years, provided that it does not have a serious impact on the family!"

"In view of the improper attitude of the two of you, on the basis of suspending family benefits for five years, I hereby sentence you to extend your grounding period to five years!"

After the sentence was pronounced, Zhou Chuncai waved his hand and said: "In the next five years, you will stay in the family mountain gate for me, and you will not step out of the family mountain gate again without my orders!"

"Yes, junior, I obey!"

Zhou Zhengxin and Zhou Xinli looked at each other, both of them bowed their heads and accepted the punishment with regret in their eyes.

Although the two of them are still young, this punishment is definitely enough for them to remember for the rest of their lives.

Even their future paths may become more bumpy because of this punishment.

This is the price for violating clan rules!

No rules, no standards.

If a family's rules cannot be strictly enforced, it will not be enough to deter the clan members.

After Zhou Chun punished Zhou Zhengxin and Zhou Xinli, he quickly ordered someone to post the punishment on the notice board outside Zhongping Hall.

In this way, every member of the Zhou family who comes to the Zhongping Hall will see this punishment, which will invisibly increase their respect for the clan rules.

But just like this, Zhou Chun was not satisfied.

Because he knows a truth: when you find a cockroach in the house, there must be many more cockroaches in the dark corners that you don't know about.

Zhou Zhengxin and Zhou Xinli, the two descendants of the Zhou family, would take chances and deliberately conceal the fact that they went out to make enemies. Could other Zhou family members have done the same?

Nowadays, the Zhou family has an encouraging attitude towards family members going out for adventure. Anyone who applies to go out for this reason will basically be approved by Zhou Chun as long as their cultivation ability is not too bad.

Moreover, he has repeatedly increased the time that Zhou family members can go out in a year.

His original intention in doing this was to broaden the horizons of the family monks, improve their personal abilities, and prevent them from working behind closed doors and becoming disconnected from the world of immortality.

But he definitely didn't want his good intentions to be abused by the family monks, thus bringing disaster to the family.

So after punishing Zhou Zhengxin and Zhou Xinli, Zhou Chun pondered for a long time and decided to pay more attention to the matter and convene a high-level family meeting with the family elders to find ways to rectify the family tradition and minimize the occurrence of similar incidents.

At the same time, I would also like to take this opportunity to sort out the current situation of the family and collect the opinions of the elders on the future development of the family.

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