Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 308 The powerful Zhou family【Please subscribe】

Since Zhou Chun succeeded as the head of the Zhou family and took charge of the family, the number of elders' meetings has increased significantly.

This is certainly related to the fact that more things happened after he succeeded the clan leader, but the real biggest reason is that he prefers this kind of meeting.

Zhou Daoyi can be regarded as a very enlightened clan leader, but when he was the clan leader, this kind of elders meeting could be held without convening.

Because in the hearts of monks in this world, the authority of patriarchs and heads cannot be questioned. Convening a meeting of elders and allowing elders to intervene in family management will weaken and question their authority.

Therefore, except for some major matters involving the life and death of a family sect, most of the time, the heads and patriarchs of those sects and families will not convene an elders meeting and let the elders of the sect family disperse their power.

But Zhou Chun is different. He is not afraid that the power of his clan leader will be taken away by anyone, because he is confident that no one in the Zhou family is more suitable for the position of clan leader than him.

If someone with super ability really appears in the Zhou family one day, he will be very happy to abdicate in favor of someone worthy of his position, just like Zhou Daoyi before him.

And everything has pros and cons. While the elders' meeting distributes the power of the clan leader, it will also distribute the responsibilities.

Matters decided by the elders' meeting represent the endorsement of all senior members of the family. Even if there are any major negative consequences later, everyone will bear the responsibility together.

And if everyone takes responsibility together, it means that no one takes responsibility!

This is also very important!

At this time, since it was decided to hold a meeting of family elders, Zhou Chun first sent notices to all the elders and the Supreme Elder, and then ordered his subordinates and clerks to compile the materials to be used at the meeting.

Report-style meetings were a change Zhou Chun brought to the Zhou family.

From the initial surprise to the current adaptation and expectation, the elders of the Zhou family have all experienced it firsthand.

In the past elders' meetings, every elder who participated in the meeting would feel very heavy, because it must be that the family had encountered some major issue that was difficult to resolve.

But now, before attending the meeting, they all have expectations in their hearts.

Even though they are elders, they have the right to check various information at any time and learn about various personnel changes and financial changes in the family at any time.

However, out of trust in the clan leader Zhou Chun and not wanting to waste too much time looking up information, they would not really check this.

Therefore, attending the elders' meeting every time is the most convenient way for them to understand the changes in the family.

This time is no exception.

Half a month later, when the elders' meeting chaired by Zhou Chun was held behind closed doors in the Zhongping Hall, except for a few people who had important matters and were unable to come here, including two supreme elders and four family elders, all attended. Second meeting of elders.

At this time, after everyone had arrived, Zhou Chun looked at everyone and said, "Dear elders, elders, I have summoned you here to discuss matters this time because of an incident that happened recently, which made me deeply feel. I am worried and uneasy, and I would like to hear your opinions and suggestions.”

After that, he told what Zhou Zhengxin and Zhou Xinli had done, and also explained his punishment for them and his worries afterwards.

This matter has also spread in the Zhou family recently, but not many high-level monks at the elder level know about it.

After all, these elders usually pay attention to practice. If someone doesn't tell them deliberately, they generally won't be so concerned about these internal punishments within the family.

After hearing Zhou Chun's words, many people looked surprised.

"What you said, Masazumi, really needs to be taken seriously."

"Today is no different than in the past. Although our Zhou family is more powerful now, it is also more powerful and attracts more attention. Secretly, I don't know how many people are jealous of our Zhou family."

"If we are not careful and find opportunities for others to make trouble, we will definitely bring unnecessary trouble and losses to the family!"

Zhou Mingde said in a solemn voice, first expressing his opinion.

In fact, he felt this most deeply.

Because the previous golden elixir battle that took place outside the family's mountain gate was because of him, which brought powerful enemies to the family.

In order to resolve this matter, the Zhou family undoubtedly paid a high price.

In view of this, he certainly didn't want something like this to happen again in his family.

"What the Supreme Elder said is absolutely true. Our Zhou family may not be afraid of trouble, but we cannot take the initiative to cause trouble."

"The family has developed too fast in these years. The younger generations in the family have only enjoyed the dividends and benefits of the family's rapid development, but have no understanding of the family's previous difficult and difficult life. I wonder how difficult it is for them to live this life now!"

"Before, this incident happened because I spent all my energy on other aspects and neglected this aspect of education."

"Now is the time to pay attention to this matter. We must reverse this unhealthy trend, polish off the arrogance of those tribesmen, and prevent such things from happening again!"

It was Fourth Elder Zhou Jiarui who said these words.

As the elder of the Zhou family and the designated acting patriarch when Zhou Chun is away from home, he has the deepest understanding and involvement in family affairs among all the elders.

He usually has more contact with the young people in his family, so he has a better understanding of the thoughts and styles of these young monks.

After listening to his speech at this time, Zhou Daoyi suddenly looked at Zhou Chun and asked: "What do you think, Zhengchun?"

"The Supreme Elder clearly knows that this junior does have some ideas."

Zhou Chun nodded, and even spoke of his own thoughts.

"The younger generation believes that in order to reverse this unhealthy trend, one is to make these tribesmen realize how much harm this kind of violation of the clan rules will bring to themselves and their family; the other is to let them know that the Zhou family is now Although their power is not weak, it is far from enough to give them the capital to be unscrupulous outside, and their little ability does not allow them to be unbridled in the world of immortality!"

"The former may revise and change the clan rules to increase the severity of punishment for such incidents, and establish new clan rules to clearly tell them that the family will not provide any protection for their actions of actively seeking wealth and killing, so that they will not I hope that after committing evil deeds outside, I can hide within the family and everything will be fine!"

"For the latter, it would be best to join forces with other forces to organize some martial arts competitions to let them see the strength of other forces' elites, so as to eliminate their arrogance!"

Having said this, he also bowed his hands towards the two Supreme Elders and said: "Of course, these are just some personal thoughts of the juniors, just a preliminary intention. How to do it? We still need to ask the two Supreme Elders and other elders to Please refer to the details together."

"Well, Zhengchun, your idea is quite good, but when it comes to specific implementation, you have to control it carefully."

Zhou Mingde couldn't help but nodded and agreed with Zhou Chun's idea.

Then, just as Zhou Chun said, the nearly ten senior officials of the Zhou family began to discuss ways to rectify the family tradition based on the ideas provided by Zhou Chun.

After such discussion, everyone reached a consensus.

With the consent of the two Supreme Elders, it was allowed to modify the punishments in the clan rules and formulate new clan rules.

However, the new clan rules are not as impersonal as Zhou Chun said. For those clan members who make mistakes outside, the family will not only punish them internally, but will still provide them with protection to a certain extent, provided that they The family can avoid mistakes made.

Sometimes, helping relatives or not helping others is also a necessary means to maintain people's hearts.

Zhou Chun also understood this very well and did not have much objection.

As for the matter of uniting other forces to hold competitions, although it has also received the consent of all the senior officials.

But whether this can be done, whether it can be done well, whether it can achieve the effect Zhou Chun said, no one can say for sure now.

After all, the Zhou family is indeed the only one among the immortal cultivation families in Lanzhou. Compared with the monks of the same age from other families, the young monks of the Zhou family are indeed stronger, otherwise they would not be arrogant.

Therefore, if you really want to kill their arrogance, you can only find those Jindan families or the big immortal cultivating families whose strength is only slightly inferior to the Zhou family to participate.

However, those families may not be willing to participate in such activities organized by the Zhou family, and they may not be willing to be a grindstone for the Zhou family.

After discussing the family affairs, Zhou Chun opened the palace door and asked the clerks waiting outside to come in with information reports and began to report on the current personnel and material situation of the Zhou family.

"The Supreme Elder, the Patriarch, all the elders above, following the instructions of the Patriarch, I will now report to you the statistical and verified situation of the Zhou family members."

"Currently, there are 285 immortal cultivators in our Zhou family, including 216 monks from the Zhou family, 71 monks from relatives, 180 male monks, and 106 female monks. people."

"In addition to the Supreme Elder, the clan leader, all the elders, including the relatives and monks, the Zhou family currently has a total of thirty-three core clan members, eighty elite clan members, and one hundred and sixty-one ordinary clan members."

"Among these tribesmen, there are forty-six cultivators in the late stage of Qi refining, ninety-seven in the middle stage of Qi refining, and ninety-nine in the early stage of Qi refining. There are also thirty-three clansmen who have not yet entered Taoism because of their young age. Practice.”

At the head of the palace, a young descendant of the Zhou family was standing there with a book in his hand, and in a slightly nervous tone, he slowly reported on the situation of the Zhou family's personnel.

After listening to his report at this time, Zhou Zhengyuan, who had always been immersed in alchemy, couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is there already so many monks in the family?"

His impression of the number of people in the Zhou family was still at a time when there were less than two hundred people.

Unexpectedly, just over ten years have passed, and the family has undergone such a big change.

"Thanks to the special maternity allowance policy implemented by the family, the younger generations in the family have been more active in having children in recent years. In addition, the family's mortal population has also grown significantly every year, providing the family with more children with spiritual roots. Therefore, The family size is indeed growing rapidly.”

"In addition, the family is now prosperous, and more female monks from small and large families are willing to become Taoist companions with the family monks, causing the number of monks who are relatives of the family to grow faster."

Zhou Chun answered with a smile on his face. This was his political achievement. He was naturally very gratified and happy when he said it.

"No wonder the family's demand for elixirs for those monks who have advanced to the Qi Refining Stage has increased a lot in recent years. It turns out that the family's monks have grown to this level!"

Zhou Zhengyuan murmured with a sudden look, seeming to have solved some doubts.

Then his expression changed slightly, and he couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun and asked: "But with so many family monks, eating horse's chews must consume a lot of money. Can the family's finances support this increasing consumption?"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but smile softly and said: "Brother Six, don't worry about this. Although the family's consumption is not low now, its income is not small. Maintaining the current consumption is not a big problem."

Hearing his words, Zhou Zhengyuan immediately laughed and said, "Then I'm relieved. In any case, the increase in the number of family members is a good thing. Only those who have people will have a future!"

"Zhengyuan is right about this. Only those who have a future will have a future. Our Zhou family doesn't have to worry about the number of monks increasing too much now. We're just afraid that there aren't enough people!"

Zhou Mingde nodded repeatedly, his words full of joy at the massive increase in the number of monks in the Zhou family.

Zhou Daoyi couldn't help but said with emotion: "This is exactly the reason. In this world of immortality, it depends on luck to give birth to children with spiritual roots. But if you want to control the growth of the number of monks and reduce the number of monks, there are too many ways. !”

The monk population can only grow by making a living.

But there are many ways to reduce the monk population.

Whether it is those who died due to war or accidents, or the female cultivators who were married, or those who were sent to the sect's influence, these can reduce the population burden of a cultivating family.

Therefore, for the Zhou family, when it comes time to control the growth rate of the family's monk population, it can be easily controlled. There is no need to consider this now.

"So what is the family's current financial situation? Judging from Zhengchun's tone just now, the family's income should be pretty good now!"

Zhou Zhengyuan looked at Zhou Chun with bright eyes and asked in a rather expectant tone.

Even though he usually ignores foreign affairs, he also knows that whether he can live a prosperous life depends on the family's financial situation.

After all, since he succeeded in building the foundation, he has never really had a fight with a monk of the same level, nor has he ever gone out on adventures.

This means that he has almost no income from outside the family, and is the highest among all elders in terms of dependence on the family.

Therefore, he did not want his family's financial problems to affect his spiritual practice.

"Yes, the family's income is very good now, and it is expected to be even better in the future!"

Zhou Chun nodded with a smile and a rather proud tone.

This is also his achievement. It was his hard work after becoming the clan leader that allowed the Zhou family to go from a financial deficit to the current one with ample food and clothing.

At the moment, he didn't show off, and immediately asked the Zhou family's junior to report on the Zhou family's financial situation.

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