Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 309 The powerful Zhou family (Part 2) [Please subscribe]

"The Zhou family's spiritual coin income in the past year is about 67,500, of which more than 25,000 come from the Spirit Beast Studio in Fang City, and more than 11,000 come from the family's training area Of the rent, more than 18,000 pieces come from the sharing of Xuan Jing stone veins, and more than 13,500 pieces come from trade with other forces."

"The Zhou family's spiritual coin expenditure in the past year was approximately more than 45,000 spiritual coins. Except for the part spent on casual cultivators who helped the family guard Jingling Pavilion, most of them were used to purchase various supplies. Expenditures Used.”

"In addition, according to statistics, the Zhou family has distributed more than 33,000 points of good deeds in the past year, including more than 16,000 points of good deeds distributed as normal welfare offerings, and more than 9,000 points of good deeds distributed as task rewards. The amount of good deeds distributed by purchasing the spiritual objects in the hands of the clan members is more than 8,000 points."

"The Zhou family has written off more than 15,000 points of good deeds in the past year, which were mainly consumed by members of the clan exchanging treasures stored in the clan."

"At the same time, the total number of family good deeds accumulated by members of the Zhou family currently totals more than 89,000 points!"

"Finally, the number of spiritual coins currently accumulated in the family's account totals more than 87,000!"

In the Zhongping Hall, as the monk responsible for reporting the financial situation reported the current financial situation of the Zhou family, the expressions of the Zhou family elders all changed.

"Is there already this much amount of spiritual coins accumulated in the family account?"

Zhou Daoyi murmured to himself, looking a little dazed, as if it didn't feel real.

Ever since the Zhou family settled down in Jiufeng Ridge, how could they have been so rich!

Zhou Daoyi still remembers that when Zhou Chun first brought these data to the family elders meeting, the available spiritual coins in the Zhou family's books were only a mere thirteen thousand spiritual coins, which was pitiful!

But now that number has more than tripled!

What's more, he knew in his heart that there were still a large number of magic weapons accumulated in the Zhou family's treasury that were not sold.

If all those things were sold, this number would probably double again!

In other words, if the Zhou family wants to, they can use their family savings to train monks in the Zifu period at any time.

There is no need to empty the pockets of high-level family members to buy spiritual items to help open up the Purple Mansion, as they did in the past.

"That's not right. According to this data, the family's income and expenses are barely balanced. Why did you, Masazumi, say that the situation was very good before? What's so good about this?"

It's Zhou Zhengyuan again, and it's him again who raises questions at this time.

He looked at Zhou Chun with confusion on his face, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Brother Six, your question is very good. Now we need to talk about the family's current income structure!"

"The main sources of income for the family now include the following. One is the various medicines and spiritual objects produced by the family, the other is the income from the mines, the third is the eggs and cubs of various monsters, and the fourth is the food from Long Yuan Ze. The rare treasures in the water area, the fifth is the cultivation rent paid by casual cultivators, and the sixth is the income generated by family monks buying exchanged treasures from the family."

"Among these six points, the proportions of the third and sixth points are increasing year by year, and the growth rate is very fast. They are actually closely related to the growth in the number of family members."

"Then there is the issue of expenditure. The family had a lot of expenditures before, which were used to purchase various materials. These expenditures will decrease in the future."

"At the same time, part of the family's expenditure goes to those family warriors. As the team of family warriors takes shape, this part of the expenditure will also be reduced."

"Finally, several new sources of wealth will be opened up for the family in the future, which is expected to bring an income of tens of thousands of spiritual coins to the family every year!"

Zhou Chun talked eloquently and answered Zhou Zhengyuan's doubts bit by bit.

The meaning of his words is simple, that is, the Zhou family's income will continue to increase, while expenses will decrease.

With this increase and decrease, the Zhou family's financial situation will naturally be better.

After hearing his answer, Zhou Zhengyuan and the elders also looked thoughtful.

Then he saw a flash of hesitation in Zhou Jiarui's eyes, then he gritted his teeth and bravely said: "There is something that I and other family elders and clan members have been holding back in our hearts for a long time. Since you, Zhengchun, mentioned it today, I think Please help me clear up my doubts!"

"Oh, Uncle Eleven, what do you want to ask?"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed and he replied softly.

When Zhou Jiarui heard this, he immediately said seriously: "That's what Zhengchun you just mentioned about the dead members of the family. I want to know why the family spends manpower and material resources to train these outsiders!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun couldn't help but look at the two Supreme Elders Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi.

Regarding the existence of Longxing Valley, very few people in the Zhou family know about it. Now apart from him, the clan leader, only three family elders know about it.

Therefore, whether we can answer Zhou Jiarui's question still has to be decided by the two Supreme Elders.

Facing Zhou Chun's gaze, Zhou Mingde quickly shook his head slightly and said: "This matter is a family secret. The less people know about it, the better for the family, so don't worry about it."

Hearing this, Zhou Jiarui quickly lowered his head and responded respectfully: "Yes, I understand. Please forgive me for being reckless!"

Having said that, this family elders meeting is almost over.

After quickly talking about other things, Zhou Chun took the initiative to end the meeting of family elders.

In the next half month, Zhou Chun mainly organized the promulgation of new clan rules and admonished some young clan members, asking them to take warning from Zhou Zhengxin and Zhou Xinli and not to violate them. The bottom line of ethnic rules.

After finishing this matter, he went to inspect the Zhou family's dead soldiers camp.

Because of Lin Wan'er's departure, and because the number of people has reached a certain number, the Zhou Family Dead Soldiers Camp has now stopped recruiting new people.

Currently, there are forty-eight monks in the Qi Refining Stage in this dead warrior camp. The one with the highest cultivation level is Xu Fu, a high-grade spiritual root monk who is already at the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage.

When Lin Waner left, she recommended Xu Fu to Zhou Chun as the leader of the dead soldiers camp. Now he has indeed replaced Lin Waner's identity and is responsible for training the dead soldiers of the Zhou family.

Under Xu Fu, there was one monk in the late stage of Qi refining, fourteen monks in the middle stage of Qi refining, and thirty-two monks in the early stage of Qi refining in the dead warrior camp.

All of these people have practiced secret techniques such as "The Secret of Dragon Transformation" and "Lin Yin Cicada's Breathing Technique". Xu Fu even practiced the "Five Elements Spirit Armor Technique" that Zhou Chun once practiced.

In addition, for some of the outstanding ones among them, the Zhou family also allocated some monster cubs to them for contract use.

Therefore, in terms of actual combat effectiveness, they may be stronger than the Zhou family monks with the same cultivation level.

Zhou Chun has never forgotten the scene when Xu Fu killed the first-order high-grade monster Black Wind Leopard in front of him.

As long as these dead warriors of the Zhou family who have been trained by Lin Wan'er can have 70% of the strength of Xu Fu in the same realm, they will have met Zhou Chun's psychological requirements.

At this time, after inspecting the camp of dead warriors and watching the fighting skills competition of those dead warriors from the family, Zhou Chun said in a deep voice to Xu Fu who was following him: "Perhaps in a while, you guys should send It will be put to use, I hope you can use your performance to show your value to me!"

Having said this, he looked directly at Xu Fu, who was already a handsome young man in front of him, and said with encouragement: "My original promise to you will always be valid, as long as you can create for my Zhou family several times the investment in With the wealth you have, your future will not be dark!”

"Yes, my subordinates and others will definitely not disappoint the patriarch!"

Xu Fu lowered his head slightly and responded in a firm voice.

He still doesn't know what the Zhou family wants to do by training them, but he knows that it must be a very dangerous thing.

However, he has long been accustomed to danger and has no fear of it.

Lin Wan'er was right to let him go out for training.

After practicing alone in the world of immortality for several years, he deeply understood the difficulty of being a casual cultivator.

Even for a casual cultivator like him who has high-grade spiritual root qualifications, if there is no great opportunity, the possibility of successful foundation building is not very high.

And because of the "Secret of Dragon Transformation" he practiced, it was impossible for him to be included in the sects of immortal cultivation in Jingguo and surrounding countries.

What's more, even if he can really join other forces, if he can't get rid of the green dragon blood in his body, it is impossible for him to escape the current pursuit of the Zhou family.

To sum up, his best choice now is to work hard for the Zhou family, and then accumulate merit to obtain treasures such as the Foundation Establishment Pill from the Zhou family.

"Very good, I'm looking forward to your performance then!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, reached out and patted Xu Fu on the shoulder, then turned and left.

He is indeed ready to develop Longxing Valley, but that is not now.

Some preparation work still needs to be done in advance. Only when everything is truly prepared will he send Xu Fu and others to Longxing Valley to establish the Zhou family's own pioneering base.

After returning from the death camp, Zhou Chun was busy organizing joint martial arts competitions.

The reason why he had this idea was, of course, not only because he wanted to use this martial arts competition to eliminate the arrogance in the hearts of the young tribesmen, but more importantly, he wanted to take this opportunity to establish further relationships with other family forces.

The truth is that many people will be helped, but those who are unfaithful will have little help. This is an eternal truth.

It is very difficult and unrealistic for the current Zhou family to have a golden elixir stage monk appear.

If there are no Golden Core monks, and if you want to continue to expand the family's influence, you can only develop horizontally.

When the Zhou family has deep friendships with several large immortal-cultivating clans, and even forms an offensive and defensive alliance, the family's influence will naturally expand further.

However, this is obviously not something that can be done easily.

First of all, each large clan of cultivators has their own relationship circle, and many of them are leaders in their own relationship circle.

If you want them to join the Zhou family's relationship circle, and not as leaders, how can they agree easily.

There are also taboos from the Qinglian view.

Although Qinglian Temple has never forbidden the Immortal Cultivation families under its command from forming various alliances, it does turn a blind eye to the alliances between many families.

But it doesn't mean that they are really willing to watch the various immortal cultivating clans under their command form an alliance and advance and retreat together.

If subordinates are united, it will often be difficult for a leader to exert authority.

The measure of this can only be grasped by Zhou Chun and the Zhou family themselves.

In order to increase the appeal, Zhou Chun's first stop was to the Su family in Jiangzhou.

He visited the Taoist monk Su Yuzhen at the Su family, and met with the ancestor of the Su family to explain some of his ideas.

After hearing what he said, the ancestor of the Su family immediately narrowed his eyes, looked at him clearly and said calmly: "I understand your kid's inner calculations, ancestor. The Su family can support you in this matter and send some clan members to participate. , it can be regarded as a training for them.”

"But what I want to warn you, ancestor, is that you must handle this matter carefully. You cannot involve other Jindan families, let alone establish any alliance organizations. You must also report to Qinglian Temple to explain the event. The intention of this kind of activity.”

"The most important thing for your Zhou family right now is to focus on improving the cultivation level of the top family members. That is the real strength of your family itself!"

It is said that people become better with age. How could a Golden Core monk like the ancestor of the Su family, who had lived for five or six hundred years, fail to see Zhou Chun's true intention in engaging in this joint martial arts competition.

As a golden elixir stage monk, he naturally knew some things that Zhou Chun didn't know.

At this time, Zhou Chun was given a serious warning and reminder.

This was exactly the reason why Zhou Chun came to see him.

After listening to his words, Zhou Chun quickly bowed respectfully and thanked him: "Thank you for your teachings, ancestor. The younger generation will definitely follow the teachings of our ancestors."

"Okay, ancestor, I will explain this matter to the people below. If you have nothing important to do in the future, please stop disturbing my practice!"

The ancestor of the Su family waved his hand and drove them away.

If it weren't for Su Yuzhen's face, he wouldn't have met Zhou Chun, a monk in the foundation-building stage, let alone given these instructions.

And even if he had Su Yuzhen's face, he wouldn't be able to treat Zhou Chun as often as he treated his apprentice.

Only less than a handful of people in the entire Su family can have that kind of treatment.

After he pointed this out, Zhou Chun inevitably felt a sense of disappointment in his heart.

There is no doubt that the former Zhou Chun wished he would never see the ancestor of the Su family again in his life.

But since the ancestor of the Su family sat in the Zhou family and helped the Zhou family defeat and drive away the incoming Golden Core monks, he discovered how safe it was to have a Golden Core monk as a backer.

The guidance given by the ancestor of the Su family this time also fully illustrates this point.

Now that he was suddenly told by the ancestor of the Su family not to come to see him again unless there were important matters, Zhou Chun inevitably felt a sense of loss in his heart.

The emergence of this sense of loss made him feel incredible and felt that he was quite cheap!

At that moment, he didn't even dare to look at the face of the ancestor of the Su family anymore. He hurriedly bowed and left.

He didn't want the ancestor of the Su family to see his true thoughts at this time, that would be really embarrassing!

The New Year greetings are almost over, I’ll try to do two more updates tomorrow!

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