Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 310 Zhou Chun spends a lot of money【Please subscribe】

After returning from studying the scriptures from the ancestor of the Su family, Zhou Chun followed his instructions and visited the numerous immortal cultivating families in Lanzhou, Yunzhou and Lianzhou from house to house.

With the current reputation of the Zhou family, these powerful immortal cultivators may not readily agree to his invitation, but they certainly will not turn him away.

Originally, Zhou Chun also wanted to invite the Li family of elixirs and the You family of formations.

But after the Su family ancestor's guidance, he immediately gave up this idea.

The reason why the three families were separated in the first place was because Qinglian Temple did not allow a force with three Jindan monks to appear under its command.

If the Li family and the You family are invited here again, there is no guarantee that they will not arouse suspicion from Qinglian Temple, which is not good.

And things were just as Zhou Chun thought. Faced with his invitation to visit, few of the wealthy cultivators agreed on the spot.

Those with a better attitude also said that they would discuss with the senior leaders of the clan before making a decision.

Those with worse attitudes were directly rejected with various reasons.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun was not discouraged. He just returned to his family to sort out the results of the trip, and listed the families he thought he might invite, and then studied the matter of persuasion.

In the next year, Zhou Chun, apart from the various things he was busy with, focused on planning the joint martial arts competition.

After a year of hard work, this matter has finally made good progress.

"Xiangling musk, dragon scale horse cub, blue lotus fruit, water repellent beads... Zhengchun, you are really willing to spend money!"

In the cave, Zhou Mingde was slightly surprised when he looked at the list of prizes for the joint fighting competition handed over by Zhou Chun.

The prizes on this list can be said to be some of the rarest spiritual objects of the Zhou family, and are rarely sold in normal times.

Especially the fragrant musk, which the Zhou family has been hoarding, intending to exchange it for some precious spiritual objects in the future.

This time Zhou Chun actually wanted to take out three taels as the first place prize in the event. He really spent a lot of money.

"There is no other way. I can't bear to let my children trap the wolf. If we don't come up with these extremely attractive things as prizes, how can other families be willing to send their outstanding children to participate in martial arts competitions."

Zhou Chun spread his hands and told the whole story helplessly.

Most of the immortal cultivators have the character of not wanting to do anything early, and no one wants to waste time on things that are not beneficial.

It seems that the joint martial arts competition organized by the Zhou family, in the eyes of the leaders of other families, is nothing more than that the Zhou family wants to take this opportunity to show influence and make their own family a green leaf that sets off the Zhou family.

Their relationship with the Zhou family itself is not that great, so naturally they don't want to be this green leaf willingly.

Therefore, Zhou Chun's lobbying of these families did not go well at the beginning.

But then a conversation with a certain family patriarch made him suddenly realize where he should put his efforts to succeed.

So there is now the list of prizes in Zhou Mingde's hands.

After explaining the whole story to Zhou Mingde, Zhou Chun also said casually: "And with these things as rewards, the younger generations of the family will pay more attention to this martial arts competition. I think they definitely don't want to see their own treasures. Let others step on you and take it away!"

"I hope it will be as you said, Zhengchun. If it can really inspire those younger generations, these things will not be in vain!"

Zhou Mingde sighed lightly and agreed to Zhou Chun's list of prizes.

"Most definitely!"

Zhou Chun replied with confidence, then retreated and started working.

Sure enough, when he went to lobby again with this sincere list of prizes, things went much smoother than before.

Many families who were tempted were already willing to discuss the rules of martial arts competitions with him.

In this way, after half a year of busy work, Zhou Chun finally finalized the matter of the joint martial arts competition.

After his repeated lobbying, excluding the Zhou family and the Su family, the number of cultivating families willing to participate in this joint martial arts competition reached 16. Among them, there were six major cultivating families with Zifu period monks, and the rest There are ten families in total.

Among these sixteen families, four families, such as the Wang family of Hongyao Valley and the Sun family of Jinfengling, were all families that had a good relationship with the Zhou family in the past.

The other families are those that have established diplomatic relations with the Zhou family over the years.

Different from the rules of the five major families' joint martial arts competition, the rules of this martial arts competition are much simpler.

According to the rules, the Zhou family, as the host, will send thirty clan members to defend the competition, while the other families will serve as the attackers.

There is no limit on the number of attackers, but the battle will be one-on-one.

The more Zhou family monks the attacking side defeats in this kind of battle, the higher the points will be. However, if the same Zhou family monk is defeated by multiple monks from the same family, he will not score points repeatedly.

In other words, even if a certain family defeated all the Zhou family's monks, they would only be able to get a maximum of thirty points.

Finally, according to the number of points scored by each family, the ranking of the joint martial arts competition will be determined, and relevant prizes will be distributed.

It is worth mentioning that only those with more than 25 points can get the first place reward that the Zhou family really prepared, and even the last place will get a consolation prize that makes their trip worthwhile.

After the rules of the joint martial arts competition were finalized, the specific time was quickly determined, just one month later.

In this month, the Zhou family will also hold a martial arts competition to select thirty monks to defend the competition.

As Zhou Chun expected, when the joint martial arts competition was officially announced, it immediately aroused a strong response within the Zhou family.

Among them, the younger generation of monks from the family who are under thirty years old are the most active and eager.

When these people really started to enter the world of immortality, it was already after the war with the Hualong Sect, so they had never participated in such activities, nor had they competed for honor for their family on the battlefield.

This makes many of them feel regretful and wish they had been born twenty or thirty years earlier when hearing family elders talk about the past.

Now, the news that more than a dozen immortal cultivating families are taking the lead in the Zhou family will jointly organize a martial arts competition will undoubtedly give them hope of becoming famous.

If I could represent the Zhou family, I could stand alone against more than a dozen monks of the same level from cultivating immortal families, preventing them from taking away the treasures belonging to the Zhou family.

Then they will definitely become famous figures in the Zhou family, and it will not be difficult to successfully build the foundation in the future.

After all, the notice said that as long as they defeat an attacking opponent, they can obtain good merit rewards ranging from high to low according to the opponent's specific cultivation level. On the contrary, if they fail to defend the challenge, only half of the good deeds will be deducted.

According to the calculation of the fifty points of good deeds rewarded by a ninth-level monk in the Qi refining stage, as long as he defeats a hundred opponents with this level of cultivation and is undefeated, he can collect five thousand points of family good deeds.

Such a reward, not to mention these young monks who are not yet very mature, even those Zhou family monks in their fifties and sixties are very tempted.

You must know that this time the Zhou family is the defending side, the age of monks can be relaxed to seventy years old, while the attacking side is limited to sixty years old.

"As long as I, Zhou Xinlan, am here, no one can get any benefits from my Zhou family in this martial arts competition!"

On a certain mountain peak, a tall, muscular young man with a dark face looked up at the sky and spoke boldly. Next to him stood a giant golden-haired and red-tailed monkey that was one head taller than him.

On top of the Xuan Peak of the Zhou Family Formation, a woman in blue with a fluttering blue skirt blinked her beautiful eyes and whispered to herself: "It has been more than twenty years. Whether there is still a chance to build a foundation in this life depends on This time, Zhou Xindie, Zhou Xindie, you must seize this opportunity and let the clan leader see what you are capable of!"

Soon, the martial arts competition held within the Zhou family began.

This martial arts competition is hosted by Zhou Chun himself. All Zhou family monks of the right age who have reached the middle stage of Qi refining and above can sign up to participate.

The reason why the registration requirements are set so low is because among the thirty monks guarding the ring, ten mid-stage Qi refining monks need to be arranged.

The main reason for doing this is to take care of the weaker families so that the contestants sent by their families will not be able to win even one game.

Because the registration threshold was lowered, a total of 124 Zhou family monks finally participated in the registration.

To be honest, Zhou Chun didn't know the specific strength of those family monks before this martial arts competition actually started.

After all, the Zhou family has not held such an event for many years, and the strength of the monks in the Qi Refining Stage will change every few years.

Therefore, after actually presiding over this intra-family martial arts competition, he was quite impressed by some of the clan members who performed well.

From Zhou Chun's point of view, perhaps no one among these tribesmen could be as powerful as he was during his Qi refining period, but they were definitely much stronger than those of the Zhou family who participated in the joint martial arts competition of the five major cultivating families at that time.

This shows that the Zhou family is still very qualified in terms of talent training over the years.

This result also makes Zhou Chun personally very satisfied and gratified.

Now he looks at these rising stars of the family like an old farmer looking at the crops that are growing well in the field, full of expectations for the future harvest.

It took three days and after many fierce battles, the thirty monks who represented the Zhou family were finally selected.

Most of them are young and middle-aged people under the age of fifty, and only four are over sixty.

After these people were selected, they were immediately gathered together to listen to the instructions of the patriarch Zhou Chun.

"In these three days, I have seen your performance. There is no doubt that the fact that you are standing here proves that you are the best among all the monks of the same realm in my Zhou family, and are the true disciples of my Zhou family. Elite tribesmen!”

"As the head of the Zhou family, I am indeed very pleased to see that the Zhou family has a group of outstanding people like you."

In the square in front of the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Chun looked at the thirty clansmen gathered here and first praised them without hesitation.

When those tribesmen were enjoying his praise with happy faces, he changed the subject and continued: "But the previous competition was just an internal competition behind closed doors in my Zhou family. Your excellence, It’s only compared to other monks in my Zhou family.”

"Whether you are really outstanding, whether you can really make my Zhou family look good, whether you can make me take a high look, you have to be verified by outsiders!"

"This joint martial arts competition among eighteen cultivating families is the most massive event that our Zhou family has hosted alone since we came to Jingguo. Its importance is no less than the addition of another Zifu period cultivator to the family! "

"You are all the most outstanding members of our Zhou family at present. Whether this joint martial arts competition can be held successfully will allow other families to truly see the strength of our Zhou family, recognize the strength of our Zhou family, and accept our The fact that the Zhou family is respected all depends on your performance!"

Having said this, Zhou Chun paused, then looked deeply at the clan members and shouted: "Now answer me, can you live up to my and my family's high expectations?"

"Junior can definitely do it!"

"This junior must live up to the patriarch's high expectations!"

One by one, the Zhou family monks replied loudly, and many people's blood suddenly surged and their faces turned red.

"Okay, I will remember what you said today, and it will depend on your performance later!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, looked at everyone with encouraging eyes and finished his speech.

He has said everything that needs to be said, and all that remains to be seen is the performance of these tribesmen.

If these tribesmen perform very well, it will naturally increase the Zhou family's reputation and greatly enhance the family's reputation and morale.

If these tribesmen are defeated and taught a lesson, it can also polish away the arrogance in their hearts and have a polishing effect.

No matter what, the prizes given by the Zhou family will not be wasted.

One month passed quickly.

As the agreed date approached, those families who had agreed to participate in this joint martial arts competition also arrived at Jiufeng Ridge one after another.

Most of the eighteen cultivating families this time are local families in Lanzhou. There are only four families from other places, not counting the Su family in Jiangzhou.

However, although there are only four out-of-town families, they are all major cultivating families with Zifu period monks at their command.

They are the Yu family of Lianzhou, the Xie family of Lianzhou, the Wen family of Yunzhou, and the Li family of Yunzhou.

Together with the Wang family of Hongyao Valley and the Qin family, another big clan of immortal cultivators in Lanzhou, there are exactly six big clans of cultivators of immortality.

And because it was just a martial arts competition involving the juniors in the Qi Refining Stage, several Zifu Stage monks from the major immortal cultivating clans did not lead the team. Only the clan leaders and Foundation Establishment Elders were asked to bring people to participate.

On the last day of the assembly, all members of the various cultivating families had arrived, and the total number of people actually exceeded 200!

Seeing this situation, the monks of the Zhou family who participated in the defense on behalf of the Zhou family suddenly wavered in their originally full confidence.

Facing an opponent eight or nine times their own, can they really hold on?

Ahhhh! Another person came to pay New Year greetings in the afternoon, which wasted two hours of my time, otherwise I would definitely have two updates today! Now I'm starting to write the second update. I'll post it if I can finish it. If I can't finish it, I'll post it tomorrow. Anyway, I will definitely make up for the chapter I asked for leave the day before!

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