Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 311 The strength of the Su family [Please subscribe]

"My Taoist friend is here. I apologize for the delay in welcoming you from afar."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for coming here in person. Zhou and his family are really in great glory. Fellow Taoist, please take a seat here."

"Fellow Daoist Wen came just in time. The things that Zhou promised to fellow daoist Zhou last time were prepared a few days ago. Fellow daoist, please come here."

In Jiufeng Ridge, Zhou Chun welcomed each clan leader into the hospitality hall with a smile on his face.

Before the actual fighting begins, the clan leaders must get together to discuss some issues regarding the order of appearance in the fighting.

Because it was the Zhou family that was hosting this joint martial arts competition, it was natural that Zhou Chun, the head of the Zhou family, was sitting at the top.

In the main hall, after Zhou Chun and other people who came from the seventeen families were seated, he first picked up the honey flower tea brewed by the family nun on the table and said to everyone: "First of all, welcome all fellow Taoists to the Zhou family. , Zhou is here to drink tea instead of wine, and I would like to toast all fellow Taoists."

As soon as he finished speaking, he drank all the tea in the cup.

When other people saw this, naturally no one would refuse to give face. They all responded with a smile and drank the tea.

With so many family members gathered here today, and having already reported to Qinglian Temple, they didn't have to worry about the Zhou family poisoning the tea.

"How about it, my fellow Taoists, do you still have the habit of drinking this honey flower tea from my Zhou family?"

After everyone drank the tea, Zhou Chun smiled softly and asked how everyone felt.

Although he has not yet completed optimizing the bloodline of the [Jasper Spirit Bee], thanks to the cooperation agreements signed with many families, the Zhou family's spiritual honey production has increased significantly in the past few years.

And after decades of growth, the Qingning tea tree seedlings that Zhou Mingde requested from the Spirit Beast Villa can now produce small amounts of tea.

So the Zhou family has now restarted production of honey flower tea.

At this time, when Zhou Chun asked about this honey flower tea, an old man with half-white hair immediately commented with a look of joy: "It smells fragrant, drinks it sweet and delicious, and leaves a fragrance on the lips and teeth. It is indeed an uncommon good thing." Tea!"

Immediately, a middle-aged man in a black gown nodded slightly and said, "Not bad, not bad. Although this honey flower tea is not as effective as my Su family's Yun Shen Shen tea, it is still an excellent spiritual tea. If the Zhou family has extra, Su and the Su family are willing to buy some at a high price to entertain guests!"

It turns out that this person is the late-stage foundation-building monk led by the Su family this time. His name is Su Yudong, and he is also Su Yuzhen's clan brother.

This time, the Su family sent him to bring seventeen Qi-refining period clan members to the Zhou family to participate in a joint martial arts competition.

After listening to his words, Zhou Chun couldn't help but smile and said: "If Brother Su likes it, I can just give some to Brother Su later. However, the current production of honey flower tea is not high, and it is not possible to sell it in large quantities."

After talking and laughing for a while, Zhou Chun got down to business and brought up the issue of the order of appearance of each family.

Although according to the rules, every Zhou family monk will have a certain amount of time to rest and recover his mana and spirit after a battle.

But once the war continues for a long time, the family that comes last will undoubtedly take advantage.

Therefore, if you want to achieve better results, it is undoubtedly better to let the monks from your own family play.

In the face of this kind of thing, except for Su Yudong who was indifferent, the other families had no intention of being humble.

In the end, the order can only be determined by drawing lots.

After the results of the lottery came out, Zhou Chun and others left the hall together and headed to the arena.

The arena for this joint martial arts competition is located in the martial arts field at the back of Pagoda Peak, which has been renovated by the Zhou family.

When Zhou Chun and others arrived, monks from eighteen families were already standing in separate areas around the ring.

At this time, more than a dozen of their foundation-building stage monks flew to the scene together, and the eyes of hundreds of monks present gathered over them.

"Boys from the Su family, today is your day to show off. Now it's up to you to test the abilities of the fellow Taoists from the Zhou family on behalf of the fellow Taoists from each family!"

Facing the gazes of many monks, Su Yudong looked at the seventeen Su family descendants he had brought with him, and gave the order loudly.

Hearing what he said, a young man with a few freckles on his face from the Su family team jumped out and said, "Then let me do the first game. Uncles and brothers, please don't compete with me!"

Zhou Chun looked intently and saw that this young man was probably in his early twenties, and his cultivation level was only at the seventh level of the Qi Refining Stage.

With such an age and cultivation level, the Su family obviously sent him here just to train him.

Looking at the ten middle-stage Qi-refining monks from the Zhou family, the one with the lowest cultivation level is still at the seventh level of Qi-refining stage, but his age is much older than that of the freckled young man, already thirty-seven years old.

After listening to the words of the freckled young man, an older middle-aged man in the Su family team suddenly smiled bitterly and touched his head and said: "Mingchi, since you want to be the first one, then let me go." Okay, but you have to be careful and don’t let fellow Taoists see our Su family’s jokes.”

"Uncle Chen, don't worry, I won't embarrass our Su family!"

The freckled young man replied confidently and immediately stepped onto the ring.

There was a young man in gray sitting cross-legged on the ring. Next to the young man was a silver-backed black bear monster. Judging by its aura, it turned out to be a first-order high-grade monster.

After the freckled young man stepped onto the stage, he bowed his hands to the young man in gray who had stood up and said, "Su Mingchi of the Su family, please give me some advice from fellow Taoist Zhou family."

"Zhou Xinyi of the Zhou family has learned from fellow Taoist Su's brilliant moves."

The young man in gray returned the salute and immediately prepared for battle.

"The competition begins."

Soon, following the order from Zhou Jiarui, the referee, the elder Zhou Jiarui, a transparent formation shield glowing with white light enveloped the arena.

But on the ring, the battle between Su Mingchi and Zhou Xinyi broke out quickly.

But when he saw Su Mingchi quickly making seals with his hands, he raised his hand and struck, and a blazing white lightning burst out from his hand, leaping towards Zhou Xinyi on the opposite side.

"Oh, he turned out to be a rare monk with lightning attribute spiritual roots."

In the stands, Zhou Chun was slightly surprised and couldn't help but take another look at the freckled young man.

The power of thunder and lightning spells can be said to be the most powerful of all spells. As a monk who has a silver lightning python as a spiritual pet, Zhou Chun agrees with this statement.

When he saw that the freckled young man could use the "Lightning Technique" to attack so quickly, he knew in his heart that Zhou Xinyi would lose this battle.

After all, the previous internal martial arts competition within the Zhou family had made him well aware of the methods and strength of these thirty Zhou family members.

If Zhou Xinyi had not hidden other trump cards before, even with the support of a first-level high-grade monster silver-backed black bear, it would be difficult to defeat a lightning spiritual root monk with the same level of cultivation.

Facts quickly verified Zhou Chun's view.

Although Zhou Xinyi easily blocked Su Mingchi's first "Lightning Technique", Zhou Xinyi was obviously at a disadvantage after Su Mingchi used a first-level high-grade magic weapon that could enhance the power of his spells.

A disciple of the Su family like Su Mingchi is certainly not short of superior defensive weapons. Even if Zhou Xinyi joins forces with the silver-backed black bear, it will be difficult to break through its protection in a short period of time.

But Su Mingchi's attack was more powerful than the ordinary monks in the late stage of Qi refining, and the extremely fast lightning spell was not something that the silver-backed black bear could intercept.

The two of them only exchanged three moves before Su Mingchi used a powerful "Serial Lightning Technique" to break Zhou Xinyi's protection.

If Zhou Jiarui hadn't taken action in time to protect him, Zhou Xinyi would have shed his skin right now.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, I accept the concession."

On the ring, when Su Mingchi saw Zhou Jiarui intervene to save others, he did not continue to attack. He immediately put away the magic weapon and raised his hand to Zhou Xinyi with a smug look on his face.

Looking at Su Mingchi's proud expression, Zhou Xinyi bit her lips tightly and remained silent.

As the first monk of the Zhou family to guard the ring, he was not unprepared for failure. It should even be said that he would definitely fail many times.

But in the first scene he faced an opponent with the same level of cultivation and was defeated by the opponent. This was undoubtedly a huge blow to him.

"Okay, Xinyi, please step back first."

It wasn't until Zhou Jiarui's voice sounded that Zhou Xinyi, who was still gritting his teeth on the ring, reluctantly withdrew from the ring.

After that, Su Mingchi took a Huiyuan Pill, rested for a quarter of an hour, and then continued to challenge the second Zhou family monk.

According to the challenge rules, the attacking monks can only get three hours of rest time if they defeat three Zhou family monks in a row. If they win one game, they will only have a quarter of an hour to recuperate.

Similarly, every time three Zhou family monks are defeated, the family's challenge record can be archived here, and latecomers can continue to challenge the remaining Zhou family monks directly from the archive.

Of course, if any monk feels that he is very strong and wants to complete the one-on-thirty level, he can continue to challenge from the first Zhou family monk.

In this way, after Su Mingchi defeated two Zhou family monks in a row, he finally fell to the third Zhou family monk.

Not winning three games in a row means that it cannot be saved, and the next Su family monk will start a new challenge from Zhou Xinyi.

Under such a mechanism, if the attacking family wants to achieve good results, it must have a large number of people.

This is why there are as many as two to three hundred monks from various families gathered here in the Zhou family today.

Time passed little by little, and soon most of the day passed.

After half a day of fighting, 13 of the 17 Su family monks have taken part in the competition and gained a total of 17 points.

"The Su family is worthy of being a golden elixir family. Only thirteen people have appeared, and they have already defeated seventeen Zhou family monks. It seems that their final score should be more than twenty points!"

Somewhere below the ring, a middle-aged man watching the match couldn't help but sigh, admiring the performance of the Su family monks on the field.

He originally thought that his strength was extraordinary. If he came to participate in the joint martial arts competition this time, he would definitely be able to achieve good results on behalf of his family.

But after seeing the strength displayed by the seventeen Zhou family monks, he was deeply shocked.

In his own opinion, if he were to play, even if he did not take into account the mana and physical strength consumed in the previous battles, it would be difficult to defeat the fifteen or so Zhou family monks.

And his strength is already among the top three among the monks sent by his family this time.

"These juniors brought by Brother Su should not be the best among the younger generation of the Su family!"

In the stands, Zhou Chun looked away from the two juniors who were fighting, looked at Su Yudong aside and asked in a low voice.

Although he is the son-in-law of the Su family, he is not very clear about the situation of the Su family.

But judging from his experience in the Su family, the younger generations of the Su family should be more than this level.

Facing his inquiry at this time, Su Yudong chuckled and said: "Hahaha, so be it. Although these juniors are not the best in the Su family, they are still quite outstanding."

Hearing this, not only Zhou Chun and several Zhou family elders present, but also the patriarchs and elders of other families were silent.

The difference between the Golden Elixir family and the Immortal Cultivation Clan is not just about whether there are Golden Elixir stage monks in charge.

The role of a Golden Core Stage monk to the family is by no means as simple as providing fourth-level combat power.

To give the simplest example, when explaining the cultivation and release of spells to the monks in the Qi Refining stage, the explanation given by the monks in the Golden Core stage is like using a microscope to observe the monks in the Qi Refining stage. Everything can be seen clearly. Chu saw it.

The explanation given by the monks in the foundation building stage is basically just a magnifying glass for the monks in the Qi refining stage. Although they can see clearly, it is not as magical as a microscope.

Therefore, as long as a family has a Golden Core monk, as long as it does not encounter any disasters, the overall strength of the family will be greatly improved within a hundred years.

After several more hours passed, the last monk from the Su family finally stepped onto the stage.

"Su Mingfu of the Su family, please give me some advice from fellow Taoist Zhou!"

A middle-aged man from the Su family jumped onto the ring and announced his name in a deep voice.

The monk he faced at this time was the twenty-second Zhou family gatekeeper monk, a man in green with an eleventh level of Qi refining stage.

"Zhou Zhengqing of the Zhou family has learned from fellow Taoist Su's brilliant moves!"

As the man in green, Zhou Zhengqing, finished speaking, the referee Zhou Jiarui quickly gave the order for the competition to begin.

At that time, as soon as Zhou Jiarui finished speaking, Su Mingfu took the lead and launched a pair of gold and silver swords to attack Zhou Zhengqing.

He seemed to have practiced some kind of secret sword technique. Under his command, two flying swords, one gold and one silver, surrounded and strangled Zhou Zhengqing like two dragons, leaving Zhou Zhengqing without a chance to even launch a counterattack.

When Zhou Zhengqing finally found an opportunity to release his contracted monster, the Black Scale Python, Su Mingfu had already made a seal and launched his killing move.

But he saw the gold and silver swords dancing crosswise in mid-air, and the two sharp sword energies, one gold and one silver, formed an "X" shape and slashed towards Zhou Zhengqing.

That kind of power is not inferior to the "Xinjin Sword Qi" that Zhou Chun originally practiced.

When Zhou Zhengqing saw this scene, his expression also changed drastically. He immediately let the black scale python wrap around himself and activated the defensive weapon with all his strength in order to head-on the opponent's attack.

But after two loud roars, he didn't feel any impact.

It turned out that Zhou Jiarui saw something was wrong and directly activated the power of the formation to block the two sword energy attacks.

The occurrence of this situation shows that in Zhou Jiarui's opinion, it is impossible for Zhou Zhengqing to block the two sword energy just now.

"Okay, it's just a competition. There's no need to work so hard. Zhengqing, please step back and rest first!"

Zhou Jiarui waved his hand, not paying attention to Zhou Zhengqing's disappointed look, and directly asked him to retreat first.

First update, there will be another update tonight

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