Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 312 The broad-minded Zhou Chun【Please subscribe】

With only a pair of male and female flying swords, Su Mingfu defeated five Zhou family monks in a row, raising the Su family's points to twenty-six points.

Until he met the twenty-seventh monk guarding the ring.

This monk who guards the ring is Zhou Xinlan. He can be said to be the strongest person in the Zhou family's "heart" generation.

Not only has his own cultivation reached the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage, but his spiritual pet, the Red Flame Diamond Monkey, has also been trained to this level.

When he came on stage with the Scarlet Flame Monkey, Su Mingfu immediately felt the pressure.

"Zhou Xinlan of the Zhou family has learned from fellow Taoist Su about his clever tactics."

On the ring, as soon as Zhou Xinlan came on the stage, she took the initiative to salute and say hello to Su Mingfu, who had just rested for a quarter of an hour.

After the two of them saluted each other, Zhou Jiarui immediately announced the start of the competition without saying a word.

As soon as Zhou Jiarui's order was given, Su Mingfu repeated his old tricks and directly used the gold and silver swords to attack Zhou Xinlan.

But Zhou Xinlan had watched him fight for five times, and had a clear understanding of his methods, and had already thought of a countermeasure.

At that moment, seeing the two golden and silver sword lights flying towards him, Zhou Xinlan directly used a blue-black turtle shield to protect herself, and quickly blessed herself with the secret technique of "Five Elements Spirit Armor" inside.

At the same time, the Crimson Flame Diamond Monkey next to him burst out with golden light, roaring and charging towards Su Mingfu.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

But I saw sparks flying in the air, and two sword lights of gold and silver struck the blue-black turtle shield magic weapon, rubbing out pieces of sparks and leaving sword marks on the turtle shield.

But the raw material of this turtle shield weapon is the shell of a second-level turtle demon, and the material itself is very hard.

Although the gold and silver swords were sharp, it was difficult to cut through them.

And just when Su Mingfu wanted to continue to use the sword technique to increase the lethality of the two flying swords, the Red Flame Diamond Monkey was already close to him.

I saw the Scarlet Flame Diamond Monkey striding close to Su Mingfu, and directly raised its big palm and slapped it. Five sharp claws with golden claws slapped Su Mingfu's head.

Faced with this close attack, Su Mingfu calmly activated his magic power, and the jade pendant around his neck instantly bloomed with rich yellow clouds to protect him.

The yellow glow that seemed as soft as clouds was actually as hard as iron at this time.

After the Crimson Flame Diamond Monkey's claw fell on it, the golden claw light emitted from the claw suddenly exploded and dispersed, almost even its claws broke apart.

But this time also seemed to anger the giant monkey.

It retreated a few feet, then opened its mouth wide, and the rich firelight gathered and shone in its mouth, and soon formed a huge crimson flame fireball that hit Su Mingfu.

This move was exactly the killing move used by the new monkey king to defeat the old monkey king in the Zhou Family Monkey Park.

Zhou Xinlan's red flame diamond monkey is the first descendant of the new monkey king. After it grew into a first-order high-grade monster, it also awakened and mastered this killing move.

At this time, as soon as the blazing fireball came out, its powerful power immediately made Su Mingfu feel something was wrong.

He hurriedly activated the protective jade weapon to release a richer yellow cloud. At the same time, he patted the storage bag on his waist and quickly took out a first-level high-quality magic talisman and hit the flaming fireball.

According to the rules, both attacking and defending monks can use two first-level spells in each battle.

But before that, Su Mingfu had not been forced to use magic talismans by virtue of his own strength.

At this time, the magic talisman flew out of his hand, and in an instant it turned into a blue-white light pillar and collided with the incoming blazing fireball.


A violent explosion and flames rose, and half of the arena was affected by the explosion.

With the powerful protective effect provided by the protective weapon, Su Mingfu did not suffer any direct damage during the explosion even though he was only less than ten feet away from the center of the explosion. However, the protective Huang Xia looked much weaker.

But before he could relax, Zhou Xinlan's attack had already struck.

It turned out that when he was distracted from dealing with the Crimson Flame Vajra Monkey, Zhou Xinlan took advantage of the weakening attack power of the gold and silver swords and used the opportunity to use her own offensive weapon to counterattack him.

But with a flash of fire in the sky, a flaming flying knife appeared in front of Su Mingfu.

The flaming flying knife hit the protective Huang Xia in front of Su Mingfu with great force. In an instant, most of the Huang Xia in front of him was torn apart, and it almost sank directly into his chest.

This time, he was also frightened. He hurriedly raised his hand and took out a "Golden Armor Talisman" and patted it on his body, putting on a defensive golden armor for himself.

However, this approach further accelerated his defeat.

When he focused more on protection, his attacks were naturally not as sharp as before.

And since Zhou Xinlan had the upper hand, he would naturally not give him another chance to use his sword skills to counterattack.

The Scarlet Flame Diamond Monkey roared and rushed forward again to slap Su Mingfu repeatedly, using its violent offensive to continuously create pressure on Su Mingfu.

At the same time, Zhou Xinlan used another crimson treasure vase weapon and fired flame missiles at Su Mingfu.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of the master and servant, Su Mingfu was even more stretched defensively, and could no longer control the flying sword with distraction.

After persisting like this for almost half a quarter of an hour, Su Mingfu was penetrated by Zhou Xinlan's master and servant and had to admit defeat.

"This boy looks quite like me back then!"

In the stands, Zhou Chun watched the battle process in which Zhou Xinlan and his master and servant were bombarding Su Mingfu. He couldn't help but smile slightly, feeling that someone would succeed him.

Wasn't this his previous fighting mode?

But compared to the Silver Lightning Python Baibai, the Red Flame Diamond Monkey is still far behind, and its firepower is still not fierce enough.

At this time, seeing that his juniors had given up and left the field, Su Yudong also looked away from the field, and then said to Zhou Chun: "This is the first time I have seen this kind of ape monster. Could it be some kind of mutated monster?"

"It's not a mutated monster, it's just a new breed of monster that is a mixture of two monsters. Our Zhou family named it the Scarlet Flame Diamond Monkey."

Zhou Chun smiled slightly and explained with a smile on his face.

He knew that the Su family and the Zhou family had become de facto in-laws because he and Su Yuzhen were Taoist couples.

But in fact, most of the monks from the two families don't know much about the other family.

Su Yudong didn't know that the Zhou family had monsters like the Scarlet Flame Diamond Monkey, which was normal.

After listening to Zhou Chun's explanation, Su Yudongfang nodded with a look of surprise on his face and said: "A hybrid monster? No wonder it is so powerful!"

After saying that, he sighed softly and said: "It is said that the Zhou family's ability to control beasts is unparalleled in several states in the south. Today I have seen it. The Zhou family's reputation for spiritual beasts is indeed well-deserved!"

Hearing his praise, Zhou Chun and the Zhou family elders present couldn't help but smile.

It is obvious that the performance of the younger generations of the Zhou family today has successfully made Su Yudong, a monk from the Jindan family, recognize the reputation and strength of the Zhou family.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhou Chun wants to take the lead in organizing this joint martial arts competition.

It is said that what the ears hear is false and what the eyes see is true.

The reputation of the Zhou family has spread so widely over the past few decades that it is easy for people to feel that the name is not worthy of the name.

Some families who are also major cultivators of immortality may not say anything, but they must be doubting in their hearts whether the Zhou family is not worthy of its reputation.

This time Zhou Chun gave them a chance to see the strength of the Zhou family with their own eyes.

It's not to see the strength of the Zhou family's Zifu stage monks and foundation-building stage monks, but to see the strength of the younger generations of the Zhou family.

After all, the strength of people like Zhou Mingde, Zhou Chun and others had already been demonstrated at the "Hundred Clans Conference", and this was unquestionable.

But whether these people are just an occasional flash in the pan of the Zhou family is unknown to outsiders.

Now they will give outsiders another chance, a chance to get to know the Zhou family again!

Even the Su family of the Jindan family failed to pass the level, which put a lot of pressure on the families waiting for the challenge.

They have all watched the previous battles, and the strength of the Zhou family monks can be seen by all. It is true that they can block the Su family without any water.

The family that appeared after the Su family was the He family in Lanzhou, a small family with only two foundation-building monks.

The He family is also an in-law family of the Zhou family. Both families have female nuns marrying into each other's family, and the relationship is not bad.

This time the He family also sent fifteen members of their clan over.

It is a pity that as a small family with a family history of less than three hundred years, the He family's heritage is still far behind.

After all fifteen people took the field, they only gained twelve points.

After the He family, the Sun family of Jinfengling, the Mu family of Biyunshan, and three other small families also came on stage to launch an attack.

It's a pity that the records of these five small families are not very good. The family that has gone furthest has only gained fifteen points.

The eighth family to appear is the Wang family of Hongyao Valley.

The Wang family of Hongyao Valley suffered heavy losses in the Battle of the Southern Expedition, and their strength has not yet fully recovered.

However, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. After the Wang family's monks appeared one after another, the battle immediately became more interesting.

In the end, the Wang family gained 17 points despite only playing 13 players.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun in the stands couldn't help but said to Wang Zhixiong, the head of the Wang family who was leading the team this time: "I heard that fellow Taoist Wang has been encouraging the Wang family's children to go out and take risks in recent years. It seems that the Wang family has finally recovered from the initial blow. Got it!"

He looked at Wang Zhixiong in front of him.

Decades have passed, and the man who used to have a round belly has lost all his fat and his hair has turned gray.

It can be seen that the pressure on the other party must have been extremely great over the years, so that after so many years, his cultivation is still in the middle stage of foundation building.

According to what he knew, Wang Zhixiong would probably die in another ten years or so.

After listening to Zhou Chun's words, Wang Zhixiong couldn't help but smile wryly and cupped his hands at him: "It makes Zhou Daoyou laugh. Wang has indeed learned many of Zhou Daoyou's strategies for managing the family over the years, and has benefited a lot."

It turned out that he had seen the Zhou family become stronger year by year over the years, and he had the idea of ​​imitating it. He specifically inquired and studied the Zhou family's operating model, and learned in many aspects.

Like what Zhou Chun just said about encouraging his tribe to go out on adventures, and the Zhou family's maternity subsidy policy, he followed suit and implemented it in the Wang family.

These practices have indeed played a significant role in restoring the Wang family's vitality.

At this time, when Zhou Chun pointed out these things to his face, he felt a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun did not mention this matter to make fun of him. After hearing the embarrassment in his tone, he quickly said: "Fellow Taoist Wang is serious. Zhou definitely did not mean to laugh at fellow Taoist. In fact, Zhou I am also very happy that my ideas can be recognized and promoted by fellow Taoists."

His heartfelt words immediately made the embarrassment in Wang Zhixiong's heart disappear. He couldn't help but sigh: "Fellow Daoist Zhou has a broad mind, and Wang admires it!"

When the patriarchs of other families heard their conversation like this, some of them couldn't help but look thoughtful.

Then they saw a middle-aged man with a square head and big ears, cupping his hands towards Zhou Chunyi and saying, "I have heard for a long time that Zhou Daoyou is good at running the family. After Zhou Daoyou took over as the patriarch, the Zhou family has become better and better every year. Liu also I want to learn from fellow Taoist Zhou how to manage a family, and I wonder if fellow Taoist Zhou would be willing to teach me?"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately smiled and waved his hands and said: "You are so polite, Fellow Daoist Liu, what is there to teach or not? If Fellow Daoist is really interested in this, Zhou will personally lead Fellow Daoist around Zhou's house afterwards." , explain to fellow Taoist the various clan rules and policies of our Zhou family."

He is not afraid of these people learning his own family management skills.

After all, this thing cannot be hidden from anyone. As long as you are interested, it is not difficult to find out.

Techniques are dead, but people are alive. Others do not have the conditions of the Zhou family. Even if they learn these, the results will not be as immediate as those of the Zhou family.

At the very least, among the many patriarchs present here, except for a few small families with only one or two foundation-building monks, the other patriarchs in their own families definitely do not have as much say as Zhou Chun.

Without this right to speak, many things would not be implemented at all.

However, others don't know these things yet. When they saw Zhou Chun being so generous, they were happy and at the same time, they couldn't help but feel admiration.

Regardless of whether Zhou Chun did this to win over them, this behavior itself was admirable.

At least many of them asked themselves, if they and Zhou Chun were in different places, they might not be so generous.

The square-headed and big-eared monk who asked the question saluted Zhou Chun with admiration on his face and said, "Then Liu will thank fellow Taoist Zhou here in advance."

Then a strange scene appeared.

In the arena, the Zhou family's defensive monks and the attacking monks from various families fought fiercely. Every battle was fought with all their strength and no one was holding back.

But in the stands, the patriarchs of various families were talking and laughing without looking nervous at all.

At most, I would occasionally feel a little regretful because the junior I was optimistic about failed to attack.

Second update, it’s not even twelve o’clock yet!

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