Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 313 The juniors who refuse to admit defeat【Please subscribe】

"Xie Zhiqiang, please ask fellow Taoist Zhou for advice."

"Xie Jia Xie Zhitao, please also ask fellow Taoist Zhou for advice."

"Xie Jia, thank you Cunshan, and please ask fellow Taoist Zhou for advice."

On the ring, the monks from the Xie family in Lianzhou jumped onto the ring one after another and started a fierce battle with the monks from the Zhou family who were guarding the ring.

As a large immortal cultivating family rooted in Lianzhou, the Xie family has a very deep relationship with Qinglian Temple, and the family's strength is much stronger than that of the Wang family of Hongyao Valley, which has experienced major blows.

The twenty-three monks they came over this time had already gained twenty-four points even though only twenty were on the field.

But just when they were looking forward to breaking the Su family's record, they found that it was difficult to take another step forward.

The twenty-fifth monk of the Zhou family who guards the ring is Zhou Xindie, a beautiful female monk.

Her soft and frail appearance is very deceptive, unlike Zhou Xinlan who makes people feel difficult to deal with.

But in fact, in terms of strength, she is only slightly worse than Zhou Xinlan.

At this time, the Xie family suffered a big loss under her hands.

Three Xie family monks all fell in front of her at this level.

Until the last Xie family monk appeared.

It was a handsome young man wearing a green robe. He raised his hand and made a wave, and a gust of wind pushed him flying and landed on the ring.

Then he bowed his hands to Zhou Xindie who was resting on the ring and said, "Xie Cunrui from the Xie family, learn from fellow Taoist Zhou's clever tricks."

"Zhou Xindie of the Zhou family, please thank fellow Taoist for your advice."

Zhou Xindie returned the salute with lowered eyebrows and a clear and sweet voice.

The two men were handsome and the woman was pretty. Before they even had a fight, they had already aroused the discussion of many monks in the audience.

Even the head of the Xie family in the stands said half-jokingly to Zhou Chun: "I wonder if this little girl from your family, Zhou Daoyou, has already married? If not, how about our two families getting married?" ?”

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun suddenly laughed and said: "Haha, thank you Taoist friend for being so accurate in judging people. Die'er is the most outstanding girl among the younger generation of my Zhou family, regardless of her qualifications and appearance."

After speaking, he shook his head slightly and said: "However, the marriages of the children of my Zhou family have always been decided by their own choices. If Fellow Daoist Xie is interested, he must let the boys of your family pursue it on their own!"

This is not because he is perfunctory, but this is indeed the situation of the Zhou family.

Although his own marriage did not go entirely according to his wishes, Zhou Chun, as the head of the Zhou family, had never interfered in the marriage affairs of the family's younger generations.

Normally, he would not interfere too much when a monk from the Zhou family married or married. At most, he would just let him think about it a few more times to see if he had already decided on it.

"Hahaha, since fellow Daoist Zhou has no objection, then Xie will turn around and ask those boys to work harder."

The head of the Xie family laughed and took the matter seriously.

Looking at the arena again, Xie Cunrui and Zhou Xindie were fighting each other, but they soon saw their real moves.

But when he saw the cyan feather fan in Xie Cunrui's hand waving repeatedly, a series of light cyan wind blades flew towards Zhou Xindie like rain.

Facing the opponent's massive offensive, Zhou Xindie held out a water-blue orb and hung it on her chest, blooming a water-blue shield to protect herself within it.

After the wind blade landed on the shield, it only caused circles of ripples on the shield.

When all the dozens of wind blades dispersed, before Xie Cunrui could use other methods, Zhou Xindie's counterattack had already arrived.

I saw the female cultivator wave her jade hand, and a long blue and white silk ribbon flew out from her sleeve, winding and flying in the air like a snake, and wrapped directly towards Xie Cunrui.

Seeing this scene, a strange color flashed in Xie Cunrui's eyes. He immediately slapped the feather fan in his hand forward. Under the urging of his magic power, a green light flew out, and instantly turned into a blue whirlwind in the air and swept Chang Ling into it. in.

Feeling that her connection with the magic weapon was suppressed, Zhou Xindie frowned slightly, then with a squeak in her mouth, she fired a stream of magic power from the air and penetrated into Chang Ling, forcing Chang Ling to break free from the cyan whirlwind.

But before she could reorganize her attack, Xie Cunrui on the opposite side slapped the storage bag on his waist and once again used a blue-white bone spear weapon.

The blue-white bone spear weapon is less than five feet long and should be a short spear.

Driven by Xie Cunrui's magic power, the short spear was like an arrow from the string, instantly piercing the air and shooting towards Zhou Xindie, like a blue-white lightning.

Before Zhou Xindie could make any response, the short spear had already hit the shield in front of her.

Suddenly, ripples surged violently on the shield, and cracks soon appeared.

At this time, Zhou Xindie finally came to her senses, hurriedly raised her hand to pinch the magic formula, and quickly urged Chang Ling to return to defense.

In the end, before the shield was completely broken, she finally succeeded in urging Chang Ling to sweep away the short spear weapon.

But due to the broken shield, her blue-white orb magic weapon could no longer be used in a short period of time, which meant that she was missing a powerful defensive magic weapon.

How could Xie Cunrui let go of such a good opportunity to expand his victory? He quickly waved his feather fan and sent out a blue-white wind dragon that swooped towards Zhou Xindie.

Under such a continuous offensive, Zhou Xindie could only use the magic talisman first.

As soon as she raised her jade hand, a magic talisman quickly burned and turned into a wave of blue water to meet the rushing wind dragon.

The wind blew and the waves surged, and after the two magic powers stalemate in mid-air for a while, the white wind dragon finally came out stronger, forcibly breaking up the huge waves and rushing out.

However, with the huge waves delaying for a while, Zhou Xindie calmly urged her to wrap the long blue and white silk around the wind dragon, twisting it away with a slight twist.

After relying on the magic talisman to help her regain her composure, Zhou Xindie urged her long silk to dance around her body to resist Xie Cunrui's attack, while she quickly patted the spirit beast bag and released her spirit pet.

Her spiritual pet is an eight-pointed water deer, which she also trained to the first level.

It's just that this kind of monster itself is not very powerful in combat, and it suffered some injuries in the previous battle, so she didn't release it at the beginning.

At this time, seeing that Xie Cunrui was very capable, she could only let this spiritual pet continue to fight with injuries.


After coming out, the eight-pointed water deer raised its head and neighed, opened its mouth and spat out a blue water column towards Xie Cunrui.

But for Xie Cunrui, such attacks were simply painless.

He just chanted a mantra in his mouth and waved the feather fan in his hand, and a blue-white wind wall appeared out of thin air in front of him. After the blue water column impacted on it, it just made the wind wall shake for a while and then became silent.

However, the attack of the Bajiao Water Deer took away some of his energy and gave Zhou Xindie some more breathing space.

After feeling relieved for a while, Zhou Xindie quickly formed a seal and blessed herself with a first-level high-grade protective spell called "Flowing Wave Shield".

However, just when she was re-protecting herself and preparing to continue the fight with Xie Cunrui with all her strength, she saw Xie Cunrui looking at her seriously and saying, "If you, Daoist Zhou, have only these means, then this battle can be over!"

"What do you mean?"

Zhou Xindie's beautiful eyes narrowed and she was a little angry, feeling that she had been underestimated.

So after questioning the other party, he shouted angrily: "If you have any tricks, just use them!"

"Then it will be as you wish, fellow Taoist!"

Xie Cunrui shouted in a low voice, and immediately formed a seal. Green light emerged from his palms, and soon a blue light ball condensed and floated in front of him.

Then he waved his hand, and the cyan light ball pierced the sky and quickly appeared in front of Zhou Xindie.


Along with a loud noise, the cyan light ball exploded in front of Zhou Xindie, and instantly turned into countless fine wind blades, submerging Zhou Xindie in it.

As the referee, Zhou Jiarui immediately tensed up when he saw this.

Soon his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly mobilized the power of the formation to suppress the still raging wind blade storm.

Even so, when Zhou Xindie reappeared, her dress was torn in many places by the wind blade, and blood gushed out uncontrollably, staining her clothes red.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiarui discovered this situation immediately and mobilized the power of the formation to cover her up, thus avoiding being exposed.

When she reappeared in front of people, she had already put on a new white dress.

She glanced at Xie Cunrui with a pretty face and said softly: "Thank you for your friendly approach. I am convinced that I have lost!"

After saying that, he frowned and endured the pain and slowly walked off the ring.

Although her injury is not particularly serious, she cannot recover in a short time, and she will not be able to play for at least the next day or two.

In response to this unexpected situation, the Zhou family has already made preparations. A new substitute clan member will come up to take her place so that the martial arts competition can continue.

"This boy really doesn't know how to show mercy to a woman!"

In the stands, the head of the Xie family looked at this scene, but he couldn't be happy. Instead, he cursed bitterly.

He wanted to be a matchmaker just now, but now it's better to beat the girl like this in front of so many people. Doesn't the girl lose face?

Zhou Chun was not angry at Zhou Xindie's defeat and injury.

As long as it is not a serious injury that is difficult to heal, a minor injury can teach these Zhou family juniors a lesson, so that they will not dare to sit back and watch the sky.

At this time, after hearing the curse from the head of the Xie family, he took advantage of the situation and asked: "That move just now must be some kind of secret technique, right? This power is probably as powerful as a second-level low-grade spell!"

"It is indeed a secret technique that is very difficult to master. That boy is also stubborn and spent five or six years on this secret technique!"

The head of the Xie family replied vaguely, but he didn't want to talk more about the matter.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun was naturally interested and stopped asking any more questions, and just continued reading.

In this way, after defeating Zhou Xindie, Xie Cunrui then defeated the 26th monk of the Zhou family. In the end, like Su Mingfu of the Su family, he was defeated by Zhou Xinlan, who was guarding the 27th level.

As a result, the Lianzhou Xie family's points are the same as the Su family's, temporarily tied for first place.

After the Xie family, two more small families came on the field one after another, but they only scored more than a dozen points.

Even the Qin family, a large local cultivating clan in Lanzhou, only gained twenty points despite sending twenty-one monks to participate in the battle.

After that, the Yu family of Lianzhou and the Li family of Yunzhou, two powerful immortal cultivating families, also took turns to play, and both only achieved 22 points and 24 points.

When the Wen family of Yunzhou appeared last, the battle became suspense again.

The Wen family is a large family in Yunzhou and has been inherited for thousands of years. Now there are two Zifu period monks in the family.

This time, the Zhou family was able to persuade the Wen family to participate in the joint martial arts competition because the Wen family was in urgent need of spiritual objects such as fragrant musk.

Zhou Chun had previously made an agreement with the Wen family's Zifu period monks. As long as the Wen family could win first place, not only would the reward of three taels of fragrant spirit musk be distributed to them, but they would also be allowed to exchange other spiritual objects for two taels of fragrant spirit. Musk.

Therefore, the Wen family is bound to win the first place this time.

They sent a total of twenty-six tribesmen to participate in the event, and the lowest were all late-stage Qi Refining monks.

As soon as these monks from the Wen family came on stage, they quickly made the fastest progress since the event began.

With only twenty-three people on the field, they had already reached the twenty-seventh level guarded by Zhou Xinlan.

However, the level guarded by Zhou Xinlan was like an impenetrable copper wall, blocking out everyone who wanted to pass the level.

From the twenty-third to the twenty-fifth, four consecutive members of the Wen family fell to his level.

Until the twenty-sixth Wen family monk appeared.

"Wen Liangyu of the Wen family has learned from fellow Taoist Zhou's clever tactics."

On the ring, the last monk of the Wen family, a middle-aged man with gray hair already vaguely visible on his head, walked up with a solemn face.

He carries the Wen family's last hope. This battle can only be won, not defeated!

After the two men saluted each other, referee Zhou Jiarui's voice sounded, and the fight soon broke out.

What is a bit surprising is that Wen Liangyu also tamed a first-order high-grade monster.

It was a sturdy steel-armored rock pig, with a body length of three feet and a height of seven feet. In terms of body shape, it was much larger than the Red Flame Vajra Monkey.

Under the restraint of this steel-armored rock pig, the Red Flame Diamond Monkey could no longer provide any help to Zhou Xinlan.

Without the help of his spiritual pet, Zhou Xinlan faced Wen Liangyu's attack alone and soon fell into a disadvantage.

But he also has a strong character and is not willing to lose.

So after struggling to survive his opponent's attack, he immediately gritted his teeth and launched a counterattack.

He reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, then took out two identical talismans and activated them on the spot.

In an instant, two fire snakes appeared in front of him.

But he didn't just let the two fire snakes pounce on his opponent. Instead, he quickly formed seals with both hands and unleashed his magic power on the two fire snakes. He was actually preparing to rely on his own fire control skills to forcibly fuse two first-level fire snakes. The power of high-quality talismans.

"This kid is crazy!"

In the stands, Zhou Chun's expression changed slightly. He didn't expect Zhou Xinlan to take such a risk.

Although the art of fire control can indeed integrate the power of multiple fire spells into one, exerting stronger power.

But if the fused fire spell is too powerful, there is also the risk of playing with fire and burning yourself.

Therefore, the "Fireball Talisman" or "Firebird Talisman" is usually used together with the "Fireball Talisman" to fuse.

Zhou Xinlan is only at the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage, but now she wants to fuse the power of two first-level high-grade magic talismans "Fire Snake Talisman" into one. Isn't this crazy?

Immediately, Zhou Chun wanted to forcibly intervene in the fight to stop Zhou Xinlan's risky behavior.

But at this moment, Zhou Zhengyong, who was also in the stands, suddenly said: "Clan leader, please don't be anxious. Since Xinlan dares to do this, it means that he must be sure!"

"Brother Yong, you..."

Zhou Chun looked at Zhou Zhengyong in surprise, not expecting him to say this.

This month is over. Next month, I will stand up and increase the number of updates. Not to mention returning to two updates a day, I will update three times in two days first!

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