Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 314 The event ends【

In the ring, following Zhou Xinlan's risky move, the atmosphere on and off the stage suddenly became tense.

Even though I have never eaten pork, I have also seen pigs walking.

Nowadays, the monks who come to the Zhou family to participate in the joint martial arts competition are all elite members of each family. Even if they have never seen the art of fire control, most of them have heard of it, and naturally understand the dangers of this art.

At this time, Zhou Xinlan actually took the risk of using two first-level high-grade magic talismans "Fire Snake Talisman" as a source of fire to perform the fire control technique. All the monks who knew the inside story were all worried about this.

And his opponent Wen Liangyu's expression changed drastically at this time, and his mind became extremely tense.

Without thinking much, he immediately reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a magic talisman and fired it at Zhou Xinlan.

But seeing the golden light flashing, a golden spear appeared in front of Zhou Xinlan.

At this time, most of Zhou Xinlan's energy was spent on fusing the two fire snakes, and he was unable to deal with the attack of the golden spear.

His protective turtle shield magical weapon had just flown behind him to resist Wen Liangyu's golden hammer magical weapon, when the empty door opened in front of him.

But just when the golden spear was about to touch his body, a bright yellow glow suddenly poured out from his chest, protecting him within it.

"I see. Is [Mingxia Pei] on him?"

In the stands, Zhou Chun looked at the familiar bright yellow glow and couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

[Mingxia Pei] This magic weapon was once his protective magic weapon, and later he gave it to Zhou Zhengyong.

Now it seems that Zhou Zhengyong passed this magical weapon to his son again.

The bright yellow glow seemed thin, but it was full of toughness. When the golden spear pierced it, it suddenly felt like it was stuck in a quagmire, and its progress was slow.

And just when the two were in a stalemate, Zhou Xinlan finally merged the power of the two "Fire Snake Talisman" together.

He shouted loudly, and pointed his hands towards Wen Liangyu on the opposite side. The huge fireball formed by the fusion of two fire snakes suddenly flew towards Wen Liangyu.

Sensing the powerful power contained in that fire ball, Wen Liangyu's expression became extremely solemn at this time.

He raised his hand and fired a blast of magic power at his protective weapon, and the light golden square shield burst into brilliant golden light in front of him, blocking him from behind.

Then he patted the storage bag on his waist, and a golden talisman was quickly activated by him, turning into a golden spiritual armor and attached to his body.

When the fireball finally reached a few feet away from him, a thought flashed across his mind, and he controlled the golden hammer to hit Zhou Xinlan hard.


A violent explosion and flames rose up in the arena, submerging half of the arena in a sea of ​​flames.

The arena itself was already riddled with holes after battle after battle, filled with various large and small potholes.

When hit by such an explosion again at this time, the large and small potholes on the arena floor suddenly connected together, cutting away several feet of the ground out of thin air.

The combination of dust and flames flying in the sky completely obscured the view above the arena, making it difficult for the monks watching the battle outside to see what was going on inside.

However, monks like Zhou Chun and others in the foundation-building stage were still able to see the situation clearly with their powerful spiritual consciousness.

At that time, under the explosion of the huge fireball, Wen Liangyu and his magic weapon were thrown away, and they did not stop until they hit the formation shield at the edge of the ring.

Zhou Xinlan, who spent a lot of energy to integrate the power of the two "Fire Snake Talismans", was also attacked by his imperial envoy's golden hammer, and his protective glow was broken. It was Zhou Jiarui's timely intervention that prevented him from being injured.

Finally, when the aftermath of the explosion subsided, Wen Liangyu was knocked to the ground by the force of the explosion, vomiting blood and turning pale.

But the fact that he was still able to stumble up and stand up undoubtedly showed that he had the last laugh.

"Wen Liangyu of the Wen family wins."

At this moment, as the referee Zhou Jiarui's voice sounded, the smoke and dust floating on the ring was instantly blown outside by a strong wind, which also allowed the monks in the Qi Refining Stage who were watching the battle to see clearly what was going on on the stage.

After seeing Wen Liangyu, who was looking embarrassed on the stage, and Zhou Xinlan, who was completely unharmed.

Combined with the results of the competition announced by Zhou Jiarui just now, these monks watching the battle also instantly imagined the scene they had not seen just now.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Wen. The first place in this joint martial arts competition is the Wen family."

In the stands, Zhou Chun waited for Zhou Jiarui to announce the results, then smiled and congratulated the head of the Wen family.

In fact, most of them, the foundation-building monks, could see that Wen Liangyu was only able to sustain that little injury because the cassock and inner armor he wore offset most of the damage.

And Wen Liangyu certainly couldn't afford such quality robes and inner armor.

It can only be said that the Wen family really spent a lot of money in order to win the first place in this joint martial arts competition.

But these are considered within the rules. Even if Zhou Chun sees it, he won't say anything more.

Anyway, since those prizes are listed, they will definitely be taken away by someone. Whether it is taken away by the Wen family or another family, the result will be the same.

Facing Zhou Chun's congratulations, the head of the Wen family showed no joy on his face. He just waved his hands with a wry smile and said, "Ashamed, ashamed!"

He naturally understood how the Wen family achieved first place, and of course he couldn't show how happy he was at this time.

Otherwise, those monks present who could see the secret would probably be unable to help but ridicule him.

Sure enough, seeing him still knew how to be ashamed and keep a low profile. Several clan leaders who had strange eyes in the past also calmed down and joined the others in congratulating him.

No matter what, these families were invited here by the Zhou family, and there is no conflict of interest in themselves.

Zhou Chun didn't care at this time, and they certainly wouldn't make a grudge against the Wen family for nothing over such a trivial matter.

In this way, with the Yunzhou Wen family winning the first place, this joint martial arts competition between the eighteen families came to an end.

The final result was that the Yunzhou Wen family won the first place with 27 points, and the Jiangzhou Su family and Lianzhou Xie family tied for second and third place with 26 points.

The Li family of Yunzhou ranked fourth with 24 points, the Yu family of Lianzhou ranked fifth with 22 points, the Qin family of Lanzhou ranked sixth with 20 points, and the Wang family of Hongyao Valley ranked fifth with 10 points. Ranked seventh with seven points, followed by a number of small families.

And until the event ended, the monks from all the families present still felt a little unfinished.

This joint martial arts competition that lasted for more than ten days was the largest such event held in several states in southern Jingguo since the "Hundred Nationalities Conference".

More than a dozen elite Qi-refining period members of the Immortal Cultivation Family were engaged in a series of battles with more than 30 Zhou family monks here. Various magic weapons and secret techniques appeared one after another, which really shocked the young monks who had never seen the big world. vision.

At the same time, they also benefited a lot.

Whether they are fighting against others in person or watching other people's battles, their fighting experience can be improved.

There are many spells and secret techniques that have not been seen before. After seeing them this time and seeing how others deal with them, they will have an impression in their hearts.

In the future, if you encounter an enemy outside who uses the same spells and secret techniques to deal with you, you won't be in a hurry and don't know what to do.

Compared with these tangible gains, fame and the prizes prepared by the Zhou family are actually not the most important.

At this time, Zhou Chun stood up and announced the ranking of each family, and then awarded various prizes prepared by the Zhou family to their clan leaders according to their ranking.

After all the prizes were distributed, Zhou Chun invited the monks from each family to the front mountain, where a banquet had been set up, waiting for everyone to sit down.

The next two days will be spent allowing monks from various families to communicate freely. If you are not interested in this kind of communication, you can also practice in the accommodation provided by the Zhou family.

As the host of the Zhou family, not only the monks guarding the ring can participate in this exchange, but other clan members can also participate regardless of their cultivation level.

This can be considered one of the benefits of being a host.

Zhou Chun and other foundation-building monks would naturally not pay attention to or interfere with the exchanges between these juniors.

Anyway, as long as there is no conflict, it will be fine.

In these two days, Zhou Chun fulfilled his previous promise and took the interested clan leaders to visit the Zhou family, explaining to them the various clan rules and policies of the Zhou family, and at the same time, he also exchanged with them their experiences in running a family.

During this kind of visit and exchange, the patriarchs of other families felt that they had gained a lot and the trip was worthwhile.

Zhou Chun also gained a lot of unexpected gains while communicating with other clan leaders.

In particular, some case experiences of punishing erring tribesmen are worthy of his reference and consideration.

Every family that has been cultivating immortals for hundreds of years will have many different forms of violations of clan rules. Some incidents are not even within the scope of clan rules, but they are indeed behaviors that need to be punished.

How to punish this situation, Zhou Chun has never encountered it before in the Zhou family.

But he learned a lot through the experiences shared by other clan leaders.

Two days passed quickly like this.

On the day of separation, after Zhou Chun and many family elders sent the monks from each family outside the mountain gate, they greeted everyone with a smile on their faces and said: "Thank you again to all the fellow Taoists and families for their trust and support of the Zhou family. , if there is another opportunity in the future, Zhou and the Zhou family will invite all fellow Taoists again."

"Thank you Daoist Fellow Zhou for your warm hospitality. If you have time in the future, Fellow Daoist, you are welcome to visit our Xie family again."

"Yu also means the same thing. If Fellow Taoist Zhou passes by Yunzhou in the future, he might as well come to our Yu's house to have a rest. Yu will certainly entertain Fellow Taoist warmly."

"I won't say much more to express my gratitude to Mr. Wen. Whenever Taoist friend Zhou comes to the Wen family as a guest in the future, Mr. Wen will definitely bring out his treasured spiritual wine and tea to entertain you. He will never let you come here in vain!"

All the clan leaders who were invited also paid tribute to Zhou Chun one after another.

Then they each used their own methods and left Jiufeng Ridge with their respective tribesmen.

After watching the monks from each family leave, Zhou Chun led the elders back to the mountain gate.

At this time, the Zhou family monks who had participated in the defense, as well as many Zhou family monks who had not been on duty, had gathered in the square on the pagoda peak.

When Zhou Chun returned here with several elders, he glanced at the Zhou family members majestically, and said slowly: "In this joint martial arts competition, you either participated in person or witnessed it with your own eyes. Come to think of it, At this time, you all have some understanding in your hearts.”

"The reason why the family spends so much effort to organize this joint martial arts competition is to train and hone you, so that you can have the opportunity to compete with the elites of other families and increase your knowledge and experience."

Having said this, he paused slightly and gave everyone a moment to think.

Then he said again: "I am not here to ask you what insights and gains you have. I just want to warn you as an elder. In the future, you must not be arrogant, arrogant, extravagant and lewd. Don't do it just because you have a little bit. If you are capable, just sit in a well and look at the sky, and look down on the heroes of the world!"

"It should be noted that my Zhou family is just a large clan of immortal cultivators now. It is not enough to rule the roost in Lanzhou, let alone the entire Jingguo!"

"If you are proud and complacent because of your background now, sit in a well and look at the sky, and underestimate other monks, you may lose your life in the wilderness and even harm your family!"

After saying these words, the Zhou family monks all looked surprised and stunned.

They did not expect that Zhou Chun, the patriarch, would say such words of warning and admonishment at this time.

These unexpected words indeed made them a little confused for a moment.

Fortunately, the elder Zhou Jiarui knew the inside story. When he saw that all the clan members were a little confused about Zhou Chun's words, he immediately stood up and explained: "The clan leader's words are all for your own good and the good of the family. "

"When you go out from now on, while taking care of yourself, you must also remember that you must not bully others by taking advantage of your power. Thinking that you have the support of the family behind you, you will always use force to bully the casual cultivators and other family cultivators."

"In short, when you act outside in the future, while ensuring your own safety, you should also think more about the clan rules and regulations before acting. Don't think that you can do whatever you want when you are outside!"

After his explanation, the Zhou family monks immediately understood what Zhou Chun meant.

At that moment, everyone responded respectfully and kept it in mind.

However, it will take time to verify whether they can listen to this warning and restrain themselves.

As far as Zhou Chun is concerned, he has said everything that needs to be said. If someone dares not to take the issues he emphasized seriously in the future, then don't blame him for being unkind after he finds out about the crime.

Of course, after warning these tribesmen, Zhou Chun did not forget to give them a sweet date.

In addition to the previously promised rewards for victory and defeat, the family monks who participated in the defense also received a guaranteed reward of 100 points for good deeds.

At the same time, Zhou Chun is also beginning to consider their foundation building matters for young juniors such as Zhou Xinlan and Zhou Xindie who have performed well.

The first update, there should be a second update!

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