Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 315 Zhou Mingde breaks through and develops Longxing Valley [Please subscribe]

The Zhou family has long had relevant rules regarding the use of Foundation Establishment Pills.

Either he has a high-grade spiritual root qualification, or he has made a great contribution to the family, or his family's good deeds have reached 5,000 points.

Therefore, if one of these three points cannot be achieved, even the biological children of the family's Zifu period monks cannot obtain the Foundation Building Pill from the family for foundation building.

Today, the Zhou family still has three Foundation Establishment Pills that have not been used by anyone, which is very sufficient in terms of quantity.

Even if one foundation-building pill is reserved for Zhou Xinyan, who has high-grade spiritual root qualifications, there are still two pills available for other clan members to use.

But even if Zhou Chun is the patriarch of the Zhou family, he cannot openly violate the family rules and assign two foundation-building pills to a certain clan member.

Therefore, although he felt that Zhou Xinlan and Zhou Xindie both had the value of cultivating and building foundations at this time, he could only create more opportunities for the two of them to gain good family merit within the scope of the rules.

Fortunately, these two are still relatively young now, around forty years old, and still have a lot of time to accumulate good deeds.

In the next four years, Zhou Chun and the Zhou family devoted themselves to development and diligently cultivated their internal strength.

After four years of silent cultivation, Zhou Chun finally made a breakthrough in cultivating and optimizing the bloodline of the [Jade Spirit Bee].

After several experiments, he has completely mastered the method of evolving from the first-order queen bee to the second-order queen bee.

And under his personal supervision, he successfully raised the queen bee in the Zhou family's bee colony to the second level.

When the queen bee evolves to the second level, everything is just like what Zhou Chun had seen in the Qianlingmen classics. After the eggs it lays hatch, almost all of them will become monster insects.

From then on, the last obstacle that prevented the expansion of the Zhou family's bee colony no longer existed.

With the existence of this second-level queen bee and sufficient flower sources, the Zhou family's bee colony will soon grow to thousands, greatly increasing the production of spiritual honey.

If the evolution of Queen Bee is the first happy event, then Zhou Mingde's breakthrough to the middle stage of Zifu is the second happy event for the Zhou family in the past four years.

It has been sixty or seventy years since Zhou Mingde opened the Zifu. Now that his cultivation has reached the middle stage of the Zifu, it is a matter of course.

In this way, he who is in the middle stage of Zifu, plus the Vulcan Jackal who is also a third-level mid-level monster, is enough to fight even if he faces the monks in the later stage of Zifu.

Of course, there are still many happy events for the Zhou family, which changes every year.

For example, the Wind Shadow Dragon Snake that was bred a few years ago has successfully produced two nests of snake eggs and hatched more than a dozen Wind Shadow Dragon Snakes.

Since then, Fengying Dragon Snake, a dragon-born monster species, has completely taken root in the Zhou family.

Lin Hongyu, who had gone to Yang Country, also sent Lin Wan'er back. According to Lin Wan'er, Lin Hongyu has now successfully occupied the location of the [Tu Yuan Jade] mineral vein, and began to organize people to secretly dig the mineral vein.

When Lin Wan'er came back, she just wanted the Zhou family to help find sales channels to avoid being followed by others and finding Lin Hongyu's head.

This matter did make Zhou Chun feel a little difficult to deal with.

Because once [Tu Yuan Jade] is sold on a large scale, people will definitely know that the Zhou family owns such a mine.

Although with the Zhou family's current power, they may not be directly approached and robbed because of this, it still adds a lot of risks.

Therefore, after discussing with Zhou Mingde, Zhou Daoyi and other Supreme Elders, they decided to let Lin Hongyu hoard the excavated spiritual mines first, and then dump them on a large scale in several batches to avoid causing trouble.

In fact, the Zhou family is no longer short of the [Earth Yuan Jade] mineral vein.

Another benefit of the Zhou family's previous joint martial arts competitions was that the monster eggs and monster cubs produced by the Zhou family were easier to sell.

Nowadays, many monks who have had dealings with Zhou family monks feel that it is much more cost-effective to raise a monster spirit pet than to buy one or two good magic weapons.

Therefore, they are willing to spend the spiritual coins originally used to purchase magic weapons on purchasing monster eggs and monster babies.

Once you have a spiritual pet, you will naturally have to buy some of the spiritual beast rations and beast spirit pills that are packaged and sold at discounted prices by the Zhou family.

This in turn boosts the sales of other ancillary products.

One thing related to monsters that bothers Zhou Chun now is that the number of various monsters in the Zhou family has increased so much that the family's animal garden has been overwhelmed.

On a larger scale, the area of ​​the Zhou family's Jiufeng Ridge Mountain Gate cannot accommodate as many monks and monsters as the Zhou family.

Jiufeng Ridge was originally a stronghold established by a few loose cultivators in the foundation-building period. It was not a very good spiritual mountain blessing in itself.

The Zhou family originally chose this place to build the mountain gate because they were new to the area and did not want to offend the local forces.

Past facts also prove that the Zhou family's choice to build the mountain gate here was a correct choice.

However, time has changed, and as the number of Zhou family members increases, more and more monsters are raised, and the convenience of Jiufeng Ridge is somewhat insufficient.

Generally, the solution to this problem is to expand the scale of the mountain protection formation and occupy more land.

This is not difficult. Although no one in the Zhou family can modify the "Five Directions Miluo Formation" yet, the You family can definitely provide help in this regard.

But the reality is that the spiritual energy concentration outside the current mountain gate of the Zhou family simply cannot meet the standards inside the mountain gate.

In this case, blindly expanding the land area of ​​​​the mountain gate may actually reduce the concentration of spiritual energy in the mountain gate and affect the cultivation of the clan members.

So this method cannot be implemented at all.

Another solution is to find another place with strong spiritual energy to build a family compound, and divert some clan members there to reduce the burden on the mountain gate.

But this method is not so easy to implement.

Almost all the places with strong aura in Lanzhou have been occupied by people, and there is no place for the Zhou family to build a family courtyard.

If we continue to use the same old tricks to occupy territory, we will destroy our own reputation and destroy the reputation we have worked so hard for for decades.

This is obviously not worth it.

The solution that seems feasible at the moment is for the Zhou family to also arrange for some clan members to go to that pioneer stronghold to practice in order to achieve a diversion effect.

However, people can temporarily move out, but it is difficult for those monsters to move out to the pioneer stronghold to be raised.

"Perhaps it's time to screen the monsters raised by the family and eliminate the weak and keep the strong!"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, and immediately sent an order to the family's Beast Hall, asking him to count the number of monster species currently raised by the family and report it to him for review.

Less than a day passed before Zhou Zhengxun, the master of the Hundred Beasts Hall, rushed over in person to report the relevant situation to him.

"Clan Chief Mingjian, there are now a total of twenty-seven kinds of monsters in the family animal garden, including eighty-four octagonal water deer, forty-two dragon-scale horses, sixteen red-eyed dragon vultures, and ten dragon-clawed monitor lizards. Four heads, thirteen wind-shadow dragons and snakes, six red-flame diamond monkeys, twenty red-flame wolves, ten rock-armored ground pythons, six black-scaled pythons, sixty-eight emerald-crowned flying snakes, and twelve silver-backed black bears. There are four heads of iron-feathered eagles... and four heads of fragrant musk deer!"

In front of Zhou Chun, Zhou Zhengxun reported all the types and numbers of monsters raised in the Zhou Family Animal Garden in one breath, without omitting anything.

When reporting this, Zhou Zhengxun's tone was obviously filled with pride.

After all, the explosive growth in types and numbers of these monster beasts was all accomplished on his watch.

He has also received many praises and awards from Zhou Chun for this.

It's a pity that he is really old, now over eighty. Otherwise, he really wants to use all his good deeds to exchange for a Foundation Establishment Pill to give it a try.

But he didn't notice that Zhou Chun didn't look happy after listening to his report.

Admittedly, Zhou Chun would be happy with these dazzling statistics in the past, because it meant that the Zhou family's heritage was growing.

It's just that the existence of these monsters now may be a drag on the Zhou family.

Yes, as a cultivating family with a legacy of beast-controlling skills, the more diverse types of monsters the family raises, the better, which means the clan members will have more choices.

However, this is not the case.

Except for a small number of monks with special preferences, the vast majority of Zhou family monks will still choose monsters with high growth potential and stronger strength when choosing spiritual pets.

Demonic beasts such as the red-flame diamond monkey, the red-eyed dragon vulture, the dragon-scaled horse, and the iron-feathered eagle are the types that Zhou family monks most want to choose, so they don't seem to be in large numbers.

In the past, the octagonal water-proof deer was considered a popular option, but now fewer people choose it.

After all, it can also be used as a walking spirit beast. The dragon scale horse is stronger than it in every aspect, let alone the red-eyed dragon vulture.

In fact, for those monsters that not many people choose, the Zhou family has been selling them at low prices in recent years to reduce the family's breeding pressure.

Even so, the existence of those monsters has now created a de facto burden on the family.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun weighed it in his mind at this time, he looked at the gray-haired Zhou Zhengxun in front of him and said: "Fifth brother, you have submitted several reports recently to explain the necessity of expanding the animal garden. I think you have felt the need to raise so many monsters." difficulties."

"But you also know the situation inside the family mountain gate. The place is only so big, but the current size of the animal garden already occupies 40% of it."

"If the animal garden is expanded again, not to mention that the normal range of activities of the tribesmen inside the mountain gate will be greatly squeezed, even the spiritual veins and spiritual energy may be in short supply."

"So before we find a better way, I can only ask Fifth Brother to control the population of those monster beasts with low potential and low economic value. It is best not to let their number exceed five pairs!"


Zhou Zhengxun looked at Zhou Chun with surprise. He didn't expect that he asked him to come here today just to say such things.

And Zhou Chun's solemn face clearly showed that there was no room for negotiation on this matter.

So after a brief silence, he nodded slightly and said: "I understand, I will do what you asked me to do when I get back."

"Then I have to thank Fifth Brother for his hard work."

Zhou Chun patted Zhou Zhengxun on the shoulder and asked him to leave first.

After that, Zhou Chun went to the cave on the top of the mountain alone.

"Are you planning to activate Longxing Valley soon?"

In the cave, Zhou Mingde was quite surprised when he learned the purpose of his visit from Zhou Chun.

It turned out that Zhou Chun came to visit him this time because he wanted to activate the undeveloped Longxing Valley stronghold beside Longyuan Ze.

"Yes, now because the area of ​​​​the family's mountain gate is not large enough, it has affected the family's development in many ways."

"The development of Longxing Valley will not only move out the family's dead warriors raised in the family's mountain gate, freeing up more space for the family's monks, but also bring new sources of income to the family."

"We can even send some elders from the family to help. These elders have rich experience and have basically cut off their paths. Even if they return to the family, they will definitely be able to keep their mouths shut and not leak this matter."

Speaking of this, Zhou Chun further said: "The main reason is that the conditions for developing Longxing Valley are now mature. In terms of the Zifu Stage monks and the Foundation Establishment Stage monks, the family can allocate manpower to sit there, so as not to Leave that place unsupervised!”

"In this case, let Dao Quan come back and listen to his and Dao Yi's opinions."

Zhou Mingde nodded slightly and immediately expressed his opinion.

When Zhou Chun heard this, he didn't say anything more and just stepped back and sent someone to notify Zhou Daoquan who was far away at the pioneer stronghold.

A few days later, Zhou Chun and the three supreme elders of the Zhou family gathered in the cave on the top of the mountain to discuss the development of Longxing Valley.

After some discussion, the three Supreme Elders agreed to Zhou Chun's proposal.

Now that the proposal was approved, Zhou Chun quickly drafted relevant plans and ordered people to purchase relevant materials.

At this time, Zhou Daoyi took the Zhou family's formation master Zhou Xindie to Longxing Valley first. They wanted to inspect and maintain the formation foundation left by Zhou Chongshan, and to destroy the formation equipment that Zhou Chongshan had refined before his death. Entering it, first arrange the protective formation there.

After Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Xindie spent more than half a month activating the guardian array of Longxing Valley, Zhou Chun also prepared the corresponding personnel and materials.

In addition to Xu Fu and other forty-eight family dead men, Zhou Chun also reached an agreement with ten Zhou family elders over seventy years old. They are all willing to go to Longxing Valley to serve the family for a period of time.

In addition, Zhou Daoquan and Zhou Zhengyong, the elder of the Zhou family, will stay in Longxing Valley in the future.

After waiting for Zhou Daoyi to return, Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoyi took the more than 60 people to Longxing Valley through the underground river.

In order to prevent the underground river from being exposed, when Qingjiao Qingqing and Silver Lightning Python were asked to carry these people to Longyuan Ze in vain, Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Daoquan, and Zhou Chun all used a secret sealing technique to seal their mana cultivation. and five senses, so they could only be put on the backs of two spiritual pets and led forward like blind and deaf people.

It was not until they reached the land beside Longyuanze that the seals on these people were lifted.

Second update

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