Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 316 An unexpected letter【Please subscribe】

"This is Longxing Valley. From now on, this will be the only place where you can rest and resupply in the wilderness."

In a valley full of weeds and shrubs, dozens of Zhou family dead soldiers and a dozen Zhou family monks who came here for the first time looked at the situation inside the valley with wide eyes and curiosity.

To be honest, without knowing the inside story, the first impression this valley gives these people is not a very good one.

With an area of ​​less than a hundred acres, it is really too small.

Not to mention the fifty or sixty monks here, even five or six monks living here are not enough.

After all, immortal cultivators are a group of people who pay great attention to personal privacy. Except for couples of cultivators, few people will live under the same roof with others.

This area is less than a hundred acres. If we build that kind of independent courtyard, we may not be able to guarantee an independent courtyard for each person.

Therefore, although no one said anything out loud, most people frowned, obviously not satisfied with this place.

Among them, the elderly people of the Zhou family showed the most obvious performance.

Although these Zhou family elders can be regarded as a group of people in the Zhou family who can endure hardships, they have never suffered in this way since they entered the path of cultivating immortals.

When they thought that they might spend most of the rest of their lives in such a place, these old people immediately began to regret agreeing to come here.

Zhou Chun observed people's words and emotions, and when he saw this situation, he immediately spoke to calm people's hearts.

"The place here is indeed a little smaller, but the location is very good, which can greatly reduce the possibility of being discovered."

"Besides, there will be no outsiders here except you. You don't need to worry about being disturbed during your daily practice."

"Of course, this is just a starting place. When we have a thorough understanding of the surrounding area, the family will definitely choose another place to open up a larger stronghold!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Daoquan immediately said: "What Zhengchun said is right. Don't just see the small place here, you should also see the benefits here. This valley is the spiritual eye of this place's spiritual veins. Practicing here is much better than where you were originally."

"Besides, we are here to make achievements, not to live and retire. A place to live and rest is enough, so why ask for more!"

As the supreme elder of the family and one of the most senior monks present, they will also stay here together from now on. With Zhou Daoquan's words, the elders of the Zhou family finally felt a little more balanced and stopped showing off their faces like that.

As for Xu Fu and others who were dead members of the Zhou family, they had already become accustomed to the collective living environment in the Zhou family's mountain gate. In addition, they knew that they had no right to be picky, so their mentality was very peaceful.

After calming and stabilizing people's hearts in this way, a group of people immediately began to invest in the construction.

At present, the Pure Spirit Array used to purify the turbid and evil energy in Longxing Valley has not yet been arranged, so the top priority is to establish this array and create a place where you can practice first.

Because all the equipment for setting up the array were ready-made, under the arrangement of Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Xindie, the Jingling Array was completed in less than three days.

Compared with the huge Pure Spirit Array in Zhoujiajiu Fengling, this Spirit Pure Array is much smaller.

It only has the most basic three "Shensha Wells", which are distributed in a triangle on the mountain peaks outside the valley and connect to the ground veins below.

This means that only nine people are needed to maintain the operation of this spiritual purification circle.

This is obviously a special arrangement made taking into account the small number of people in Longxing Valley.

After Zhou Chun waited until the Pure Spirit Array was successfully activated, he and Zhou Daoyi left with Zhou Xindie.

Next, everything in Longxing Valley will be taken care of by Zhou Daoquan and Zhou Zhengyong. Zhou Zhengyong is mainly responsible for managing Xu Fu and others.

The relevant mission plans have been listed in the book and handed over to them.

Next, Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoyi only need to come here every two months, regularly collect what they harvest, and provide them with corresponding supplies.

And just after Zhou Chun and the others left, Zhou Zhengyong commanded dozens of people to officially start building the Longxing Valley stronghold.

He selected Xu Fu and several other late-stage Qi-refining family warriors, and asked each of them to take four or five mid-stage Qi-refining monks to go out to investigate the situation and draw detailed maps.

Together with the elders of the Zhou family, he led the remaining monks who were in the early stages of Qi refining to carry out large-scale construction projects and built residences, warehouses and other buildings in the valley.

In just one month, more than a dozen wood-and-stone buildings and several independent courtyards were built in the small valley.

Those independent courtyards are naturally for Zhou Daoquan and Zhou Zhengyong to live in. After all, they have different cultivation status and cannot live together with other people.

The ten elderly Zhou family members lived in those buildings separately from Xu Fu and others.

At the same time, after more than a month of exploration, Xu Fu and others had explored the entire area of ​​100 miles around Longxing Valley and drawn a very detailed map.

At this time, Zhou Zhengyong got the map and listened to the explanations of Xu Fu and others. A look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

"No wonder the thirteenth brother said that as long as Longxing Valley is developed well, the annual income alone can create a foundation-building monk for the family. It seems that this statement is absolutely true!"

He was thinking about what Zhou Chun had said to him, and now he believed it even if he didn't believe it.

Because according to Xu Fu and others, just by exploring this area of ​​more than a hundred miles, dozens of wild elixir resources were discovered.

In Lanzhou, even some wild ginseng, polygonatum and other medicinal materials that are seventy or eighty years old will be dug up by casual cultivators in exchange for spiritual coins.

But in this wilderness, elixirs such as Centennial Polygonatum and Centennial Lingzhi are easily seen.

On the map in Zhou Zhengyong's hand, there is a mountain peak that has been specially marked. In the annotation at the end, a large number of wild Polygonatum japonica grows on this mountain peak, and more than a dozen of them have been discovered over the past century.

And the monster that occupies such a mountain is just a first-order high-grade monster called Fengyahu.

This is absolutely unimaginable in Lanzhou.

In addition, there are many wild spiritual trees in this wilderness, and their age can easily be thousands of years.

After these spiritual trees are cut down, they can be used for various purposes, whether they are used as building materials, or used in refining weapons or forming formations.

Now such a natural treasure house is placed here for the Zhou family to access at will.

When Zhou Zhengyong thought about this, he couldn't wait to lead his team to hunt monsters and collect herbs.

And just when Zhou Zhengyong began to show off his talents and lead people to collect various spiritual objects in the wilderness, Zhou Chun encountered another incident.

On this day, a casual cultivator suddenly came to Jiufeng Ridge, claiming to be entrusted by a senior in the Foundation Establishment Stage to deliver a letter to the head of the Zhou family.

When Zhou Chun received the jade slip and checked the information inside, his expression suddenly changed.

Then he hurried to the cave on the top of the mountain to meet Zhou Mingde.

"You said that traitor Zhou Yu sent someone to send you a letter to sell the black jade toad they stole back then to the family?"

Inside the cave, after Zhou Mingde heard Zhou Chun's intention, his face was startled and showed a look of disbelief.

"That's what she said in her letter. She said that as long as the family gives her a Foundation Establishment Pill, she will give the Black Jade Toad to the family."

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and spoke in a deep voice the contents of the jade slip.

It turns out that the owner of the jade slip is Zhou Yu, a monk from the Zhou family who defected from Spirit Beast Villa more than ten years ago.

He didn't know what happened to him now, and he suddenly wanted to use the stolen black jade toad as a bargaining chip to exchange for a Foundation Establishment Pill from the Zhou family.

Because the matter involved a troublesome person like Zhou Yu, as well as treasures like the Black Jade Toad and the Foundation Establishment Pill, Zhou Chun naturally did not dare to agree on his own initiative and could only come to Zhou Mingde for discussion.

"The value of the Black Jade Toad is certainly not comparable to that of a Foundation Building Pill, but the problem is that Zhou Yu betrayed my Zhou family first, and then betrayed the Spirit Beast Villa. How much can the words of such a betrayal of his master be worth? Credibility?”

Zhou Mingde frowned, and his words were full of doubts about Zhou Yu's letter.

It's no wonder that others may not know the function of the Black Jade Toad, but he and Zhou Chun both know it.

These black jade toads are a pair of strange beasts found from a foreign country by a monk from the Zhou family's ancestor, the Purple Mansion Period. The strange beasts themselves are of low strength, and even many first-order high-grade monsters can easily kill them.

However, they have a very long lifespan and have been passed down in the Zhou family for more than 400 years.

If that's all, that's it. There are so many long-lived creatures in the world, so it's not surprising.

But the toad nectar produced by the black jade toad is very useful.

This toad poison has a powerful toxin that can poison a monk in the Qi refining stage.

However, after combining it with some elixirs to make spiritual incense, it is a rare spiritual object that can strengthen the soul of monks in the Zifu period.

In the past, if any of the Zhou family's foundation-building monks successfully opened up the Purple Mansion, they would receive a small box of this spiritual incense as a family reward.

Due to the limited production of toad venom on the black jade toad and the need for confidentiality, this spiritual fragrance has almost never been leaked out. Even within the Zhou family, there are not many monks who know about it.

That is to say, after the Zhou family was forced to split up, Yu Jinghua used this spiritual fragrance as a bargaining chip to give it to Xiao Lingyan and other Zifu monks to enjoy.

The black jade toad with such a great use is not as valuable as the spiritual objects used by Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Daoquan when they opened the Zifu.

Now Zhou Yu only used it in exchange for a Foundation Establishment Pill. How dare people believe this.

Not to mention that Zhou Mingde didn't believe it, Zhou Chun didn't believe it either.

But he still said: "No matter how credible this matter is, I think we should treat it with an attitude that we would rather believe it. After all, the black jade toad is also a legacy left by our ancestors to us descendants! "

Hearing his words, Zhou Mingde's eyes immediately condensed, and then he nodded and said: "Well, Zhengchun, what you said makes sense. Regardless of whether this matter is true or not, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we should try our best to fight for it. .”

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun and asked, "Then did she say how to trade? Where is the transaction place?"

Zhou Chun heard this and immediately replied: "She said in the letter that if we agree to this deal, we will take the things to Jinchangfang City in Fengguo to participate in an underground Yibao meeting."

"Oh, did she escape back to Feng Country all these years?"

Zhou Mingde's expression changed, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Zhou Yu and others had previously defected from Spirit Beast Villa and disappeared without a trace. Both Spirit Beast Villa and the Zhou family had put a bounty on them with great fanfare, but there had been no news.

Now it seems that they may have chosen to flee back to Feng Country to avoid this kind of wanted arrest.

At this time, he couldn't help but sneered: "They are not stupid. They know that people from our Zhou family and Spirit Beast Villa would not dare to show up in Feng Country!"

After saying that, he nodded to Zhou Chun and said, "If that's the case, then I'll go to Jinchangfang City myself!"

Unexpectedly, after Zhou Chun heard what he said, he smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't work. She said in the letter that she would only accept the fifth elder to trade with her. If a monk from the Zhou family's Zifu period appears, If so, she will cancel the transaction!”

The fifth elder of the Zhou family is Zhou Jiahe. She was the one who had to take Zhou Chun to see Zhou Yu because she owed Zhou Yu a favor.

Now that Zhou Yu has appointed her to trade with him, he obviously thinks that since he is more familiar with Zhou Jiahe, the transaction will be safer.

"Huh, she has quite a few conditions!"

Zhou Mingde snorted with some dissatisfaction, and then said: "Then I will personally take Jiahe to Jinchangfang City to see what tricks she is playing!"

Unexpectedly, Zhou Chun shook his head again and said, "It's certainly safer for you, Supreme Elder, to go in person, but you're afraid of disturbing the situation and making her afraid to show her face."

"In my opinion, I might as well let the junior accompany the fifth elder. That way, even if she finds out about the junior, she won't be as afraid as she is of you."

"And this junior can also take the opportunity to use the Blue Moon Butterfly to track her, and maybe he can follow the clues to find her hiding place!"

At that time, Zhou Chun chose the "Blue Moon Butterfly" as a monster insect for contract training. In addition to the ability of this monster insect to create illusions, he also liked the tracking effect of its butterfly powder.

Once the adult male "Blue Moon Butterfly"'s butterfly powder is separated from its wings, it will turn into a colorless and odorless particle. This particle sticks to something. The female "Blue Moon Butterfly" is separated by more than ten miles. Can smell it.

So when Zhou Chun read Zhou Yu's letter, he had already thought of this strategy in his mind.

He didn't want to bet on whether Zhou Yu would really exchange the Black Jade Toad for the Foundation Establishment Pill. He just wanted to find a chance to catch Zhou Yu.

In this way, whether it is the Black Jade Toad or the Foundation Establishment Pill, they will all fall into his hands.

After listening to his words, Zhou Mingde just pondered for a moment, then nodded gently and said: "Since Zhengchun you have this plan, let's go there together. I won't enter the market then, just I'll wait for you outside Fangshi, so you won't be afraid of being discovered, and I can also secretly protect you from being plotted against."

After all, he was still worried about Zhou Chun's safety and had to follow him personally.

Of course, Zhou Chun would not refuse the secret protection of a monk from the Purple Mansion Stage. He immediately responded respectfully: "Yes, I will obey my orders."

There is only one update today, two more updates tomorrow

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