Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 317 Underground Yibao Society, Carrion Moth [Please subscribe]

After the plan was drawn up, Zhou Chun quickly explained his plan to the fourth elder Zhou Jiahe.

Zhou Jiahe, as the family elder, would certainly not refuse the family's decision.

The favor she owed Zhou Yu had been repaid last time.

Although she didn't want to plot against this former elder, since the family had made this decision, she had no choice but to implement it.

So she left Jiufeng Ridge directly the next day and rushed towards Fengguo.

On Zhou Chun's side, it was only three days after Zhou Jiahe left the family that he quietly left the family gate with Zhou Mingde and rushed to Feng Country together.

According to the plan, after arriving in Jinchangfang City, Fengguo, Zhou Chunhui had a brief meeting with Zhou Jiahe and handed her the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Later, Zhou Chunhui would find another way to enter the underground Yibao Society.

After several days of this, Zhou Chun, who had disguised himself, successfully gave the Foundation Establishment Pill to Zhou Jiahe.

After Zhou Jiahe got the Foundation Establishment Pill, he went straight to a shop mentioned in Zhou Yu's letter and got a token of entry into the underground Yibao Society from the shopkeeper.

At the same time, Zhou Chun also successfully bought a token for entering the underground Yibao Club from a store in Jinchangfang City after some spending.

However, it was still more than half a month before the official start of the underground Yibao Society, so Zhou Chun could only temporarily live in Jinchangfang City.

For more than half a month since then, Zhou Chun has been meditating and reading in the rented inn in order to avoid alerting others.

It was not until the evening of the day when the underground Yibao Society began that he disguised himself and took the token to a remote place in Fang City.

He came to the location marked on the token, outside the door of a shop, and looked up at the sign hanging above the shop. He saw that the five characters "Black Flame Refining Shop" had been stained with a lot of dust, as if they had not been wiped for a long time. pass.

And just when he was looking at the closed shop and thinking about how to enter, the door suddenly opened a crack, and a deep voice came from it and said: "Senior, are you also here to participate in the underground trade fair?"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Chun's eyes flashed, and he immediately responded: "That's exactly the case. There is a token to prove it."

The voice has been subtly changed, and the voice is more neutral, making it difficult to distinguish between male and female.

This kind of voice combined with the loose robe he is wearing now and the face-covering bamboo hat on his head, makes it difficult for people who are familiar with him to recognize him based on his voice and appearance.

At the same time, while speaking, Zhou Chun also stretched out the palms hidden in his sleeves and showed a round iron plate made of black iron. The iron plate was imprinted with a silver spiritual pattern that was not easy to imitate.

In order to do the best, his palms and wrists have been soaked in whitening lotion in advance, making them look very white and tender.

"Since we have a token, please invite seniors to come in."

There seemed to be eyes in the dark observing the token in Zhou Chun's hand through the crack in the door. After dozens of seconds passed, the voice of the person behind the door sounded again.

Then the door was pushed open a little from the inside, leaving an opening just big enough for one person to enter.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

Zhou Chun responded and walked into the door.

After entering the door, he saw that the monk who was talking to him also wore a silver-white mask. His cultivation level was not high, he was just a monk in the Qi refining stage.

After welcoming him in at this time, the man guided him with his hand and said, "Senior, please follow me."

After saying that, he took Zhou Chun out through the inner door of the front hall, entered the rear courtyard, and finally came to a well in the courtyard.

Then he pointed to the well and said to him: "Go down from here and you can go directly to where the senior is going. I have to receive other seniors, so I won't go down with the seniors."

Zhou Chun lowered his head and looked at the well. He saw waves rippling and water vapor filling the well. It was just a normal well.

But he didn't ask any more questions. He just cupped his fists and saluted the man and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for showing me the way."

After saying that, he released his magic power to form a shield to protect himself, and jumped down into the well.

Only after he actually jumped down the well did Zhou Chun realize that the well water he had just seen was actually just something deliberately used to deceive others.

In fact, the water in the well was only two or three feet deep, but the bottom was blocked by water-proof treasures.

After passing through the aquifer, he reached the real bottom of the well and saw a bright underground passage in front of him.

After walking along the underground passage for more than ten feet, Zhou Chun entered an underground cave hall.

At this moment, there are forty or fifty monks gathered in this spacious underground cave hall, and none of them are below the foundation building stage.

Most of the monks, like Zhou Chun, had disguised themselves, obviously not wanting to reveal their true identities.

However, there are also a small number of monks who do not cover up anything and directly show their true colors.

And these people are either Zifu-stage monks or late-stage Foundation Establishment monks. In short, they are very confident in their own strength.

Since the underground Yibao meeting had not really started yet, these people all found an open space to sit cross-legged and relax without making any sound.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun followed suit and found a place to sit down and waited patiently.

In fact, it was his first time to participate in this underground Yibao Club.

This kind of activity is somewhat similar to the underground auctions he once participated in, but there are also many differences.

The similarity is that this kind of event also adopts a token invitation system. Only those holding tokens can enter, and participants are encouraged to hide their identities.

At the same time, no one is allowed to ask about the origin of anything that appears on the underground Yibao Society.

The difference lies in the venue and income structure of the underground Yibao Club.

Generally, the underground Yibao Club is held in a safe city. In this way, even if someone exchanges something good in the underground Yibao Club, they don’t have to worry about being plotted and can have enough time to deal with it in the city. thing.

At the same time, the organizer of the underground Yibaohui will charge a certain venue fee from the seller who successfully trades. The general amount is about 2% of the total value of the items sold by the seller.

In addition, the tokens of the underground Yibao Society also need to be purchased by participating monks with spiritual coins.

Take Zhou Chun as an example. In order to get the token quickly, he first spent thousands of spiritual coins in a store to buy elixirs and talismans in order to qualify for the token purchase.

Later, he spent another 300 spirit coins to purchase the token.

Most of the spiritual coins obtained from the sale of these tokens will also fall into the pockets of the organizers.

Therefore, generally the organizers of this underground Yi Baohui have a deep relationship with the city managers, or the city managers are also among the participants.

Moreover, compared to underground auctions, underground Yibao fairs will be held more frequently, and in some places they are even held regularly at fixed times.

Therefore, this underground Yibao Society has become the favorite place for many Foundation Establishment monks and Zifu monks to sell stolen goods.

For example, when Zhou Chun came to this underground Yibao Club this time, he also specially brought some things he got in Jingguo to see if he could have a chance to make a move.

Time passed slowly, and while Zhou Chun was waiting, more people continued to enter this place.

After waiting like this for almost an hour, when the number of people in the underground cave hall reached more than seventy, voices finally appeared in the originally unusually quiet underground cave hall.

"Okay, it's almost time. Those who haven't come yet don't have to wait."

Zhou Chun looked around and saw that the person speaking was a monk from the Purple Mansion Stage wearing a red mask. He seemed to be the person in charge of the organizer of this underground Yibao Society.

As soon as he spoke and attracted the attention of all the monks to himself, he raised his hand and said: "My codename is Red Fox, and I am the person in charge of this underground Yibao Society. Fellow Taoists, just call me Red Fox." .”

After saying that, he went on to talk about the rules and some precautions of the underground Yibao Society as if they were scripted.

It is nothing more than a series of general rules such as no forced buying or selling, venue fees must be paid for transactions, etc.

After explaining all the rules and precautions, Red Fox patted the storage bag on his waist, took out several treasures and put them in front of him. He introduced the uses of those treasures one by one and what he wanted to use them for. What you get in trade.

Of course, he doesn't need to introduce the treasure at all. He just needs to take out the things and explain what he wants to change. These are all based on personal wishes and there are no mandatory requirements.

This kind of Yibaohui, which exchanges treasures for treasures, is a test of the experience of the immortal cultivators themselves.

If you have little knowledge and make mistakes, you can only spend money to buy a lesson.

Zhou Chun watched silently, only to see a few treasures taken out by Red Fox. Within a quarter of an hour, many people came to discuss with him and took away most of the treasures.

The remaining two treasures seemed to have not been negotiated, and he quickly took the initiative to take them back into the storage bag.

Then he turned his gaze to another old man with a horse-faced face and said, "Is this fellow Taoist interested in displaying the treasure now?"

When the horse-faced old man heard the words, he pondered for a moment and then nodded and said: "Then I'd rather be respectful than obey your orders."

After speaking, he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist and took out five treasures.

"A second-level mid-grade defensive magic weapon, Bixia Pa, can inspire defensive glow to protect the whole body, and can prevent several cuts from flying swords of the same level."

"The third-level monster Blazing Sun Bird has three tail feathers."

"The thousand-year-old locust tree has a five-foot-high heart."

"Seven medium-grade snake saliva fruits."

"Two top-quality snake saliva fruits."

The horse-faced old man introduced the five treasures he had taken out one by one. After the introduction, he looked around and said in a deep voice: "These things are only exchanged for thousand-year-old elixirs, or spiritual elixirs that are helpful to my practice." thing."

After saying this, the monks who were originally interested in the few things he took out suddenly shook their heads and gave up the idea.

Whether it is a thousand-year elixir or a spiritual object that is helpful to the cultivation of monks in the Purple Mansion Stage like the old horse-faced man, they will only be more precious than the things he took out, and they are not something that the monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage here can possess.

And those who really own them will obviously not exchange them for these things.

So for half a quarter of an hour, no one communicated with the horse-faced old man.

Seeing this situation, the horse-faced old man suddenly turned ugly.

In fact, he didn't know that his exchange request was a bit excessive, but he would never give up until he gave it a try.

At this time, seeing that no one could exchange what he asked for, he could only settle for the next best thing and said: "Then I will take a step back, as long as it is ginseng, ganoderma and other elixirs that are more than 800 years old, You can use it as a bargaining chip."

As soon as this request was lowered, someone quickly started communicating with him via message.

After almost a quarter of an hour passed, three of the five things he took out were replaced by others. It was not a wasted trip.

After waiting for the remaining two items to be exchanged, Red Fox charged the horse-faced old man the venue fee for the three items.

Then he asked another Zifuqi monk whose face was covered to show the exchanged treasures first.

The rules of this underground Yibao meeting are like this. Those with high cultivation level can give priority to display and exchange treasures in exchange for what they want, while those with low cultivation level can only appear last.

In the world of immortality, the strong are respected, and this is the case everywhere.

However, Zhou Chun did not make a single move until the exchanges between the five Zifu monks present were completed.

He is now very discerning. Any magic weapon, elixir, or talisman that is less than the third level is difficult for him to see and is of no use at all.

So unless he encounters something he is interested in, he is too lazy to take action.

In this way, he waited until the foundation-building monk had completed five or six more walks before he finally encountered something he was interested in.

A late-stage foundation-building monk who had concealed his identity patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a black jade box and opened it, revealing gray-black insect eggs inside.

Then I heard this person say: "One hundred rotten corpse moth eggs, plus one or two seeds of the seven-leaf corpse orchid, in exchange for a second-level high-grade fire attribute attack weapon."

"Carrion moth" eggs?

Zhou Chun's eyes, which were covered by a bamboo hat, flashed, and information about this monster insect suddenly appeared in his mind.

Speaking of which, this "carrion moth" is also a strange insect.

This demonic insect is of little use when dealing with normal immortal cultivators.

But it is the nemesis of all kinds of zombies and zombies.

"Carrion moths" are extremely sensitive to corpse qi, and they also like to devour animal carcasses, plant stems and leaves that contain corpse qi and yin qi.

They usually fly very clumsily and don't even like to fly.

But when encountering that kind of delicious food, it can fly very fast.

Moreover, the powerful bodies of zombies and refined corpses do not pose any threat to them. As long as they stick to them, they can absorb the corpse energy contained in their bodies.

Even various magical powers driven by corpse energy have extremely weak killing effects on "carrion moths".

If Zhou Mingde had thousands of mature "carrion moths" in the underground tomb of Yang State, then the zombies transformed by Jindan monk Han Yuan would not be able to make waves at all. It is easy for those "carrion moths" to suck out the corpse energy in the body, and the corpse turns into fly ash.

But as far as Zhou Chun knew, the Corpse Demon Sect in Fengguo had been working hard to eradicate "carrion moths", monsters and beasts that inhibited corpse refining.

After all, most of the strength of the corpse demon monks lies in the corpses they refine and enslave.

Under such circumstances, how could the late-stage foundation-building monk in front of him dare to exchange the eggs of the "Carrion Moth"?

Isn't he afraid that if the news is known by the Corpse Demon Cult, he will be killed?

Sure enough, just when Zhou Chun thought of this, Red Fox, the organizer of the underground Yibao Society, frowned and stared at the man and said: "You are so courageous, you dare to take out the eggs of the corpse moth Trade with people!”

After hearing this, the man pretended to be stupid and said in amazement: "Senior's words are somewhat unclear to this junior. The eggs of the carrion moth are just the harvest of this junior's adventure. Why can't they be traded with others?" ?”

As soon as these words were spoken, the atmosphere in the underground cave hall suddenly became weird.

First update, there will be another update tonight

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