Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 318 Yunshuihu and Black Jade Toad【Please subscribe】


Deadly quiet.

As the monk who offered the "Carrion Moth" eggs in exchange finished his words, many monks, including Zhou Chun, turned their attention to Chi Hu, the representative figure of the organizer of the underground Yi Bao Society.

I have to say that the man's words were very clever.

Although the Corpse Demon Sect is very resolute in eradicating things like "Carrion Moths" that restrain corpse refining, the problem is that "Carrion Moths" are not the kind of disasters such as "Soul-Eating Demonic Locusts" and "Thousand-Eating Ants". Insects are not on the list of prohibited items.

Moreover, Jinchangfang City is not the territory of the Corpse Demon Sect, but the territory of the Jingyang Sect, another major sect in Feng Kingdom.

This Jingyang sect is also a large sect with two Nascent Soul Stage real people sitting in charge. Before the war between the Corpse Demon Sect and the Fengguo sects, the Jingyang sect had always watched from the sidelines and never joined the fight.

Later, it was the Jingyang Sect that intervened, which allowed the Corpse Demon Sect to finally give up and not kill all the sects that were enemies of itself.

In this context, if Red Fox now says that "carrion moths" are contraband, trading on the underground Yibao Club is prohibited.

That will undoubtedly give people the feeling that the Jingyang Sect is afraid of the Corpse Demon Cult.

After all, it is impossible for the underground Yibao Society to be established in Jinchangfang City without the protection of powerful figures from the Jingyang Sect.

Once this impression is formed, I am afraid that Jinchangfang City will not be as prosperous as it is now. At least not many people will come to the underground Yibao Club held here in the future.

After all, although the Corpse Demon Sect is now the only one in Fengguo, due to well-known reasons, they are not liked by most casual cultivators and orthodox immortal cultivators in Fengguo.

Jinchangfang City has become more and more prosperous in recent years. It is also because many casual cultivators and orthodox immortal cultivators do not want to trade in the market managed by the Corpse Demon Sect, so they come here all the way.

So at this time, many immortal cultivators, including Zhou Chun, were looking at Red Fox to see how he should answer the words of the owner of the "Carrion Moth" egg.

"Did this guy come here intentionally to cause trouble?"

Zhou Chun murmured secretly, feeling that that person might have come here intentionally to cause trouble.

But at this time, something unexpected happened to him and the other monks.

Before Red Fox could answer, a masked late-stage foundation-building monk suddenly said: "Why do you need to embarrass Senior Red Fox? Since you want to exchange these carrion moth eggs for a second-level high-grade fire I’ll exchange it with you for the attribute magic weapon.”

As he spoke, he raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, taking out a fiery red feather fan.

At the same time, he introduced: "This phoenix feather fan is made from the tail feathers of the second-level high-grade monster Phoenix-tailed Fire Pheasant and the thousand-year-old flaming sun wood. It cost the next five years just to collect the materials and refine it." The power of more than a thousand spirit coins will definitely not disappoint you!"

After he said these words, he erased the mark of his divine consciousness left in the magic weapon on the spot and handed it to the man.

Seeing this situation, Red Fox, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke up and said: "Since someone is willing to exchange, I don't have much to say, but if the underground Yibao meeting is held again next time, I will apply to rewrite the rules to avoid Someone stirs up trouble again!”

His answer cannot be said to be perfect, but at least it temporarily resolved the credibility crisis.

The monk who took out the "Carrion Moth" eggs stopped messing around and completed the exchange happily.

Later, other monks took over this man's place and took out the treasures for exchange.

After almost an hour passed like this, Zhou Chun's target for coming to Jinchangfang City finally appeared.

I saw a black-robed and masked monk, after receiving the signal from Red Fox, he took out a blue jade box from his sleeve and placed it in front of him.

She opened the blue jade box, and inside, two black, palm-sized toads came into view of the monks present.

It seemed that something had been done to the two toads. At this time, their eyelids were tightly closed and there was no movement, but the vitality of the living creatures could be felt.

Just when many monks in the underground cave hall were observing the two toads attentively, they heard Zhou Yu's offer.

"A pair of black jade toads, in exchange for a Foundation Establishment Pill."


As soon as Zhou Yu's quotation came out, many of the foundation-building monks present were surprised.

They looked at the two toads in surprise, wondering how these two monsters, which didn't seem to have strong auras, were worth a Foundation Establishment Pill.

Then soon, a monk looked at Zhou Yu uncontrollably and said, "Fellow Taoist, can you tell me what the purpose of this black jade toad is? Why does it make you think it is worthy of a foundation-building pill?"

Zhou Yu, who heard this, said calmly: "No need, people who know the goods will naturally exchange, and those who don't know the goods will talk in vain."

Many monks frowned upon hearing these mysterious words, feeling very unhappy inside.

But the underground Yibao Society originally had the intention of setting up street stalls in the market. Even if they were unhappy with Zhou Yu's pretentiousness, they couldn't say anything more.

At this moment, Zhou Jiahe from the crowd suddenly came out and said, "Okay, I'll exchange it with you for the Foundation Establishment Pill."

With that said, he walked up to Zhou Yu, raised his hand and handed the white jade bottle containing the Foundation Establishment Pill to Zhou Yu.

The aunt and nephew looked at each other through the veil, Zhou Jiahe's eyes were full of disappointment.

Even when Zhou Yu chose to stay at Spirit Beast Villa, she had never been so disappointed with him.

As if he felt the disappointed look in Zhou Jiahe's eyes, Zhou Yu quickly raised his hand to take the jade bottle in her hand, opened the cork and checked the Foundation Establishment Pill inside, and stopped looking at Zhou Jiahe.

After a while, she whispered: "Okay, this black jade toad is yours."

With that said, he closed the jade box containing the black jade toad and handed the jade box to Zhou Jiahe.

The conversation and exchange between the two quickly made others notice something was wrong, and they wondered whether the two knew each other.

At the same time, they became more curious about the purpose of the black jade toad. They didn't know why these two seemingly inconspicuous monsters were worthy of Zhou Jiahe's exchange for a Foundation Establishment Pill.

Including several Zifu period monks are the same.

Zhou Chun could not see the others, but he could clearly see the strange color in the eyes of the horse-faced old man who showed his face.

Obviously, these Zifu-level monks, without knowing what the Black Jade Toad was used for, were also very curious about something worth Zhou Jiahe's exchange for the Foundation Establishment Pill.

But these people are destined to be disappointed.

Because even someone like Zhou Yu who knows the purpose of the Black Jade Toad, because she is not at the Zifu level and does not have the formula to make that kind of spiritual incense, the Black Jade Toad will not be of much use in her hands. .

Even if she tells the purpose, it is not possible for others to get the Black Jade Toad and study the formula of that spiritual fragrance.

The Zhou family was able to possess that spiritual fragrance formula back then because the ancestor who obtained the Black Jade Toad obtained the formula from a foreign country, rather than the Zhou family developing it themselves.

This may be one of the reasons why Zhou Yu is now willing to exchange the Black Jade Toad for the Foundation Establishment Pill.

After all, she had the treasure in hand but could not figure out how to use it. She must have been depressed and uncomfortable for more than ten years.

Next, the underground Yibao meeting continued. During Zhou Chun's period, he finally got a chance to make a move. He exchanged a second-level high-grade magic weapon for an egg of the intermediate monster Yun Shuihu.

Since the swan is the swan that Zhou Chun often talked about in his previous life, the monster beast Yunshuihu is not very effective in combat, but it is very good at long-distance flying and has excellent water properties. It is a very good choice of transportation mount.

As for the monks here in the underground cave hall, it is obvious that few of them can, like Zhou Chun, take the second-order high-grade magic weapon seriously and exchange it for such an intermediate monster egg that can only be used as a transportation mount after hatching.

After all, although an intermediate-level monster can definitely be cultivated until it becomes a second-level monster, if huge resources are not invested, the growth cycle will be at least thirty or forty years.

Normally speaking, a monk who can exchange a second-level high-grade magic weapon must be at least in the late stage of Foundation Establishment and be almost two hundred years old.

A monk at this age does not have the time or energy to cultivate such a walking spirit beast that he may not be able to use.

When it was Zhou Chun's turn to exchange, he casually took out a second-level low-grade magic weapon to deal with the problem.

After almost a day of exchanges, everyone finally took a turn. ,

When the last monk in the early stage of foundation building also took out the exchange treasures he had prepared and displayed them, Chihu, the representative of the organizer of the underground Yibao Society, immediately raised his hands to everyone present and said: "Thank you fellow Taoists for your patronage. This underground Yi Bao meeting ends here, and all fellow Taoists are asked to hand over their tokens to me, and then leave on your own."

Hearing his words, the monks present immediately took out the tokens and threw them into the basket he had taken out to put them in. Then one after another people left along the way they came.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun followed Zhou Jiahe unhurriedly and left the underground cave hall with him.

At this time, it was night outside again. When they arrived at the backyard of the "Black Fire Refining Shop" on the ground, Zhou Chun and Zhou Jiahe walked out of the door and left in different directions as if they didn't know each other.

When he arrived at a remote place where no one was outside, Zhou Chun casually found a place in the woods, put away the black robe he was wearing, then walked out of the other end of the woods and returned to his residence.

Not long after, Zhou Jiahe brought Black Jade Toad to the inn where Zhou Chun lived.

"Has Thirteenth Aunt seen a black jade toad before? Maybe you can tell that this black jade toad is different from before?"

In the inn, after Zhou Chun checked the black jade toad that Zhou Jiahe handed to him, he looked at Zhou Jiahe solemnly and asked about the situation.

Anyway, this is the first time he has really seen the Black Jade Toad. Now, except that he can confirm that this is the Black Jade Toad based on family records and Zhou Mingde's dictation, he can't tell anything more.

Facing his inquiry, Zhou Jiahe immediately shook his head and said: "I have never seen such spiritual beasts before. These kind of spiritual beasts were personally raised by the family's foundation-building monks and even the Zifu monks. They were not something that I, who was still in the Qi refining stage at that time, could come into contact with. thing."

"In that case, let's summon the Supreme Elder to come over and ask him to identify it with his own eyes."

Zhou Chun nodded and made a decision immediately.

Now that the Black Jade Toad has been obtained, even if Zhou Mingde is exposed, he is not afraid of alerting the enemy.

Zhou Mingde himself was hiding not far outside Jinchangfang City. After receiving Zhou Chun's transmission note, he quickly rushed to meet him inside Fangfang City.

When Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun met up and saw the black jade toad that Zhou Chun handed him, their expressions suddenly changed, and they shouted angrily: "Sure enough, I know that bitch Zhou Yu can't My conscience discovered that this damn bitch actually tortured the Black Jade Toad to this point!"

When Zhou Chun heard his angry words, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly asked, "What did you find, Elder Taishang? What's wrong with this black jade toad?"

"Vitality, the Black Jade Toad's vitality has dropped a lot!"

Zhou Mingde spoke out the secret in a heavy tone.

"The vitality has dropped a lot?"

Zhou Chun was stunned for a moment, then took a closer look at the pair of toads in the jade box, but still didn't see anything.

"Don't look at it. You have never seen the Black Jade Toad in its normal state before. Without comparison, it is difficult to see the secret behind it."

"I think that bitch Zhou Yu also knows that the people in the family who have seen this black jade toad will not allow me to come over and trade with her as long as I wait for three Zifu monks!"

When Zhou Mingde said this, his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

The Zhou family now has three Zifu period monks. This black jade toad is definitely a very useful treasure for the current Zhou family.

But now that the Black Jade Toad has become like this, I don't know whether it can produce toad venom normally in the future or whether it can survive.

This made Zhou Mingde have a strong murderous intention towards Zhou Yu.

After Zhou Chun discovered this, he immediately said: "I will use Blue Moon Butterfly to determine her location. I must catch her and ask her about the situation!"

Then he patted the insect bag on his waist and released a palm-sized sky-blue butterfly insect.

Zhou Chun's bug bag is still the one Han Yuan left behind.

After Zhou Mingde got the storage bag and the spirit beast bag, he used the storage bag for himself, but gave the other spirit beast bag to Zhou Chun, who practiced the art of controlling insects.

Zhou Chun's bug bag now contains three kinds of monster bugs that he contracted with.

At this time, Zhou Chun ordered the sky blue butterfly insect to stay on his shoulder and conveyed instructions to it. Soon the butterfly insect flew out of his shoulder and flew in a certain direction.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun immediately asked Zhou Jiahe to stay and tell Zhou Mingde the story of the underground Yibao Society, while he took Lan Yuedie out to find Zhou Yu's whereabouts.

After walking for a certain distance in Fangshi under the guidance of Lan Yuedie, Zhou Chun arrived outside Fangshi's training area under its guidance.

The training area is an important place in Fangshi, and there are a lot of monks in it. It is not suitable for Zhou Chun to go in with Lan Yuedie.

So he could only wait outside and wait patiently for Zhou Yu to appear.

He didn't believe it anymore, Zhou Yu would always be hiding in this training area and wouldn't come out!

The second update is here!

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