Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 323 Harvest【Please subscribe】

"Thank you to the seniors for their kind help, so that the juniors can survive. This kind of kindness, the juniors may not dare to forget!"

In the sky, when the thin middle-aged man was cut into two pieces by the red flying sword, Zhou Chun glanced at the corpse that was falling rapidly because of the death of its owner, and quickly thanked the long-bearded middle-aged man.

Different from the contracted spirit beasts of immortal cultivators, the corpses refined by monks of the Corpse Demon Cult will also lose their consciousness after their death and become dead objects in the true sense.

However, it is said that the Corpse Demon Cult also has a secret technique that can allow the corpse to regain a weak consciousness after the master's death and continue to fight for the Corpse Demon Cult.

It is said that this is how the corpse-refining army of the Corpse Demon Cult came from.

But at least now the zombie can no longer pose any threat to Zhou Chun.

At the same time, the Vulcan Jackal also returned to Zhou Chun after seeing the refined corpse falling to the ground without any movement.

The scarlet redness in its eyes disappeared at some point, and its eyes became clear again.

After hearing Zhou Chun's words of thanks, the middle-aged man with a long beard immediately dropped the smile on his face. He couldn't help turning his head and waved his hand towards Zhou Chunyi and said: "You're welcome, fellow Taoist. With your ability, fellow Taoist , even without Zhao, we will definitely be able to escape safely."

Having said this, he continued in a low voice: "Besides, if you really want to talk about it, you have to thank fellow Taoist Zhao. If fellow Taoist had not helped you today, Zhao would not have had the chance to kill the traitor of the Corpse Demon Sect. Avenge those dead relatives!”

After hearing what he said, Zhou Chun felt relieved.

Since he has never taken credit for it, it is unlikely that he will ever cross the river and burn bridges to attack him again.

Just to be cautious, Zhou Chun said immediately: "It is certainly gratifying that the senior's great revenge has been avenged, but if a disciple of the Corpse Demon Sect dies here, it will probably cause quite a stir soon. It's better for us to leave as soon as possible."

"What fellow Taoist said makes sense. The Corpse Demon Sect is very powerful and we really cannot fight head-on with it."

The long-bearded middle-aged man nodded slightly, then raised his hand, and the red flying sword rolled up a ball of sword light and flew back with the corpse of the dead skinny middle-aged man.

He looked at the two mutilated corpses in front of him, and after pondering for a moment, he said to Zhou Chun: "This animal was killed by Zhao and his Taoist friends together, and the relics on it should be divided between the two of us. Do you know what you think?"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun immediately shook his head and waved his hands and said: "Senior's words are serious. If it weren't for the help of senior, this junior may be in danger of life at this time. Besides, the senior also killed the person, how dare the junior share the harvest with the senior!"

This is not because Zhou Chun is deliberately arrogant, but because he really doesn't want to get into trouble.

Although the long-bearded middle-aged man in front of him seems to be easy to talk to, Zhou Chun doesn't even know his name, so how can he judge his character based on this relationship.

In case the other party's words are just a test, if he stupidly agrees, I'm afraid it may arouse the other party's murderous intention.

Another important reason is that Zhou Chun does not want to attract the attention of the Corpse Demon Sect because of his temporary greed.

However, the middle-aged man with a long beard seemed to understand his thoughts, and asked directly: "Fellow Taoist, are you worried that if you take something, the Corpse Demon Cult will know that it is the person who was killed by fellow Taoist?"

After asking Zhou Chun didn't wait for a response, he smiled faintly and said: "If this is the case, Taoist friends don't have to do this. Zhao can distribute the spiritual coins and other spiritual materials in this dog storage bag to fellow Taoists, guaranteeing that Friends will not be found out because of these things. Today’s incident is related to fellow Taoist!"

This time Zhou Chun was having a hard time answering the phone.

He looked at the long-bearded middle-aged man with blank eyes, unable to believe that he was really so good.

But my little thoughts have already been seen through by the other party. If I still deny and refuse at this time, it will seem too hypocritical, and I don’t know how to answer for a while.

"Fellow Taoist, don't have any doubts. Zhao and the Corpse Demon Sect have a sworn feud. Any monk who is an enemy of the Corpse Demon Sect is Zhao's friend. Zhao will never let his friends suffer!"

The long-bearded middle-aged man once again understood Zhou Chun's thoughts and expressed his attitude directly.

Then he paused again and continued in a low voice: "Of course, if fellow Taoist really doesn't want anything, then Zhao won't force it. I just hope that fellow Taoist will not underestimate Zhao's magnanimity because of this!"

He had spoken to this extent, and Zhou Chun knew that he would really offend someone if he didn't speak out.

So he nodded slightly and said: "Since Senior Zhao is so generous, then Junior is shameless and ashamed to accept it."

"Hahaha, fellow Taoist, please come with Zhao. I'll go to the market in Jingguo for a while first, and then open this storage bag to see what's inside!"

The long-bearded middle-aged man laughed and immediately revealed his plan.

After hearing his words, Zhou Chun was completely relieved.

Since we are going to Jingguo, there is nothing to worry about.

His Zhou family is now relatively well-known in the whole Jingguo. If he comes to Jingguo, he will have the Vulcan Jackal by his side, so he will not be afraid of any tricks played by this middle-aged man with a beard.

Immediately he agreed.

So the long-bearded middle-aged man immediately fired a ball of flames and burned the body of the skinny middle-aged man to ashes. He also placed a seal on the body of the corpse on the ground, put it into a sarcophagus, and put it in his storage. Stuff bag.

Judging from his skillful appearance, it seems that this is not the first time he has dealt with a disciple of the Corpse Demon Cult like this.

After cleaning the battlefield in this way, the middle-aged man with a long beard took the lead and left the scene with Zhou Chun.

On the way to Jingguo, Zhou Chun also learned the origin of the name of the middle-aged man with long beard.

According to what he said, he was a disciple of the Feiyun Sword Sect of the Fengguo Immortal Cultivation Sect that was destroyed by the Corpse Demon Sect decades ago, named Zhao Xin.

Decades ago, Feiyun Sword Sect, like the Three Jue Sect, stood on the enemy side of the Corpse Demon Sect, and did not have the luck of the Three Jue Sect. Therefore, the Corpse Demon Sect was directly ordered to cut down the mountains and exterminate the sect. Most of the higher-ups were refined into zombies by the Corpse Demon Cult.

Zhao Xin and some disciples of the Feiyun Sword Sect managed to escape from the mountain gate through a secret passage before destroying the sect.

Originally, they were supposed to choose a place to resume the Feiyun Sword Sect's tradition, but most of them were frightened by the power of the Corpse Demon Sect. After escaping, they just wanted to divide their groups and find their own way out.

Only Zhao Xin and a few of them hated the Corpse Demon Cult for killing their teachers, relatives and friends, and they only wanted to revive the sect and take revenge on the Corpse Demon Cult.

Today, Zhao Xin happened to be on his way to Jinchangfang City and discovered the battle between Zhou Chun and the thin middle-aged man, and then he had the idea of ​​​​revenge with the help of Zhou Chun's power.

Of course, these are only Zhao Xin's words, and Zhou Chun has no way to verify them now.

Therefore, he did not reveal his true identity, but still used the pseudonym of Cangzhou Han Yuan to deal with the other party.

The two of them traveled for two days before arriving at Xianyunfang City in Yunzhou, Jingguo.

Because the presence of the Vulcan Jackal was too eye-catching, Zhou Chun put it away before entering Fangshi.

Although his reputation has been spread in Yunzhou, since he has not been here in public for many years, there are not many people in Yunzhou who really know him, but he is not afraid of being recognized easily.

After entering Fangshi at this time, the two of them went to the inn and opened two guest rooms to stay.

Then Zhao Xin began to remove the spiritual imprint of the thin middle-aged man in the storage bag.

Zhou Chun also took the opportunity to count the gains from the battle with Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu died in his hands, and all his belongings belonged to him.

Among them were the silver-white embroidered handkerchief and the black wine pot that surprised him.

There was no time to check it carefully before, so Zhou Chun took the square embroidered handkerchief into his hand and observed it carefully, and found that it was actually quite soft and silky to the touch, like fine silk.

And he originally thought that the material of this thing should be some kind of spiritual gold drawn thread.

"With the hardness and toughness of those silver threads, if they are really threads spun by some kind of creature, I'm afraid that thing is at least a third-order monster beast, or even a fourth-order monster beast!"

Zhou Chun secretly marveled in his heart, not knowing whether Zhou Yu got this magical weapon from the Zhou family or whether he got it by chance.

All in all, this is definitely a very rare fine magic weapon, and its value may be higher than the golden gourd magic weapon he used to kill Zhou Yu.

The golden gourd magical weapon is called [Gold Hidden Gourd]. It can absorb a large amount of gold energy in advance, and then turn it into a golden rainbow and shoot it out.

Although the golden rainbow shot was extremely powerful, it only had the power of one strike.

And if you want to make this magic weapon work again afterwards, you have to inject a large amount of high-quality gold energy into it.

Zhou Chun himself had to absorb a certain amount of gold energy during his cultivation. In the past, the gold energy he used for cultivation was purchased from Cangzhou.

The gold energy consumed by using this magical weapon once is enough for him to practice and use it for two or three years. Therefore, although such a magical weapon is powerful, it is not very practical.

In comparison, Zhou Chun actually preferred the embroidered handkerchief in his hand, and he immediately decided to use this magical weapon as his common magic weapon in the future.

As for the black jug, Zhou Chun studied it and put it into his storage bag.

This object is also a good magic weapon, but it is not suitable for him to use because it is a defensive magic weapon.

Then Zhou Chun opened Zhou Yu's storage bag again.

As he expected, there were indeed some toad pods contained in jade bottles inside.

Zhou Yu stole the black jade toad for more than ten years and obtained a lot of toad pods from him.

It's just that she doesn't know how to make spiritual incense from toad pods. Most of the toad pods can only be stored temporarily and cannot be used, so these things are always stored on her body.

Apart from the usefulness of these toads, Zhou Chun didn't find anything more valuable in Zhou Yu's storage bag. The most valuable thing was more than three thousand spiritual coins.

On the contrary, it was from her grandson's storage bag that Zhou Chun got several good first-class high-grade magic weapons and thousands of spiritual coins.

After counting everything in this way, Zhou Chun concentrated on meditating to recover his magic power.

After Zhou Chun had meditated for almost two hours, the warning formation outside his room was suddenly triggered, so he could only stop and get up in advance to open the door.

"I'd like to apologize for interrupting fellow Taoist Han's practice. Zhao has cracked the storage bag of the Corpse Demon Cult thief. Please check it with fellow Taoist Han."

Outside the door, when Zhao Xin saw the door open, he first apologized to Zhou Chun and then explained his purpose.

"Senior Zhao, you're very polite. Senior, please take a seat inside."

Zhou Chun politely welcomed the other party to sit down, then took the storage bag from Zhao Xin's hand and checked the contents inside.

As a cultivator of the Purple Mansion of the Corpse Demon Cult, the skinny middle-aged man naturally has a lot of things in his storage bag.

However, many of them are related to raising corpses and refining corpses, and are not something that normal cultivators can use.

But after careful inspection, Zhou Chun discovered something that surprised him.

After he opened a jade box, he found hundreds of gray-black insect eggs inside. If he saw it correctly, this object was the same as the "carrion moth" he had seen at the underground Yibao Club in Jinchangfang City. The eggs are exactly the same.

"Oh, it turns out to be the eggs of the corpse moth. It seems that the reason why this animal left the gate of the Corpse Demon Sect is for this matter!"

Zhao Xin looked at the insect eggs in the jade box in Zhou Chun's hand and said with surprise.

From his tone, it seemed as if he had never checked the contents of this storage bag before.

However, Zhou Chun did not worry about this, but looked at him and asked, "Does Senior Zhao also know the eggs of the corpse moth?"

"Of course I know. Now that the eggs of the corpse moth are being taken out and spread everywhere, people like Zhao who have a blood feud with the Corpse Demon Cult will naturally pay attention to and understand this matter."

When Zhao Xin said this, he also gloated and said: "Although I don't know which force did this, I have to say that it was done beautifully. This blow was considered to have hit the Achilles' heel of the Corpse Demon Cult. Make them jump for it!"

"It is said that the Corpse Demon Cult is not only hunting down and destroying the corpse moths, but also hunting down those monks who are proficient in the art of controlling insects to prevent the corpse moths from spreading in Feng Country!"

Is the Corpse Demon Cult still hunting and killing insect cultivators?

Zhou Chun's expression changed. After hearing Zhao Xin's words, he seemed to understand why the thin middle-aged man had to kill him.

This also made him secretly vigilant, and he planned to warn those tribesmen after returning home not to show off their insect repelling skills easily.

Before the situation in Feng Country becomes clear, if the Zhou family's proficiency in the art of expelling insects is revealed and the news reaches the ears of the Corpse Demon Cult, it will probably be very bad.

After all, the Zhou family was forced to come to Jingguo because of the Corpse Demon Cult. It shouldn't be too easy to pin this shit on the Zhou family.

So he quickly pushed the jade box in his hand and said, "Then I won't compete with Senior Zhao for this item. This item will be more useful in Senior Zhao's hands."

Zhao Xin waved his hands and said, "There's no need to do this. From Zhao's perspective, there are hundreds of these eggs. Fellow Taoist and Zhao can each share half of them."


Zhou Chun deliberately didn't want to take on this hot thing, but he was afraid of causing Zhao Xin to misunderstand.

After some hesitation, he nodded slightly and said, "Thank you so much, Senior Zhao."

But he thought that he had killed a Zifu Stage cultivator from the Corpse Demon Sect anyway. If Zhao Xin really wanted to harm him, there was no need to go to such trouble.

Afterwards, facing the more than 15,000 spiritual coins in the storage bag, Zhou Chun was only willing to take 5,000 of them no matter what Zhao Xin said, and he refused to accept the other spiritual coins at all. He said that it was enough for him to take these.

Seeing how cautious he was, Zhao Xin didn't say anything more and just put away those things and the storage bag.

After putting away these things that Zhou Chun was taboo on, he shook his head at Zhou Chun and said: "Actually, the Corpse Demon Cult is not as scary as you think, fellow Taoist Han, and their method of refining corpses is not without its methods. Corpse moth is just one of the methods, you should be able to see the rest of Daoist fellow Han in not too long!"

Listening to what he said, it seemed like he knew some secrets.

But Zhou Chun didn't ask any more questions. He just said a few perfunctory words before saying goodbye and leaving.

There will be no second update today, I will leave the day after tomorrow, and I will save two chapters two days in advance!

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