Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 324 Establishing an Information Hall [Please subscribe]

It seems that Zhao Xin is not as simple as he said. He is just a lone cultivator after the sect collapsed. Maybe there is some force behind him.

But Zhou Chun had no intention of understanding this.

He didn't need to think about it to know that Zhao Xin and some of the forces behind him wanted to seek revenge on the Corpse Demon Cult and knock the Corpse Demon Cult off the altar.

Regardless of whether they can do it or not, even if they can do it, they will definitely pay a very high price.

And the Zhou family is living a good life now. Zhou Chun doesn't want to cause trouble for himself and the Zhou family and become a pawn in the hands of others.

So when he faced Zhao Xin's faint hint of betrayal, he didn't take the bait and asked more questions. Instead, he quickly got away and left.

On the way back to his family, Zhou Chun sat on the back of the golden-winged tiger and secretly reviewed his previous battle with the skinny middle-aged man, and even his battle with Zhou Yu.

In the battle with Zhou Yu, the power of the two demonic insects was initially tested.

Although the "Black Armor Golden Feather" does not seem to be of much use, in fact, as monster insects that attract firepower from the front, they can only lose less than a hundred under Zhou Yu's several attacks, which has already shown its value.

The poisonous needles of the "Flying Fire Scorpion" can even poison second-order high-grade monsters like the golden civet cat, and its value goes without saying.

In general, choosing to practice the art of repelling insects should not have been a wrong choice.

As for the battle with the thin middle-aged man, Zhou Chun could only sigh that the monks in the Zifu period were worthy of being the monks in the Zifu period, and their strength was not comparable to that of the monks in the Foundation Establishment period.

Even if he had a third-level magic talisman with him, he could at most only be able to hold on for a while in front of the Zifu period monks. Without the help of the Vulcan Jackal, he would not be able to escape.

"However, the appearance of the third-level refined corpse looks somewhat similar to that of the Dragon Transformation Sect monk who used the "Dragon Transformation Secret Technique". Could it be that it was refined using the corpse of the Dragon Transformation Sect monk he obtained earlier? become?"

Zhou Chun felt that this should be true. After all, according to his understanding, most of the zombies that had been revealed to people in the Corpse Demon Sect were not as weird as what he had seen.

Moreover, the aura emitted by the refining corpse was only a third-level low-grade one, but it was able to hold the Vulcan Jackal back to pieces for so long, which also showed that its physical body was powerful.

From a glance, the Corpse Demon Sect had obtained so many corpses of Dragon Transformation Cult monks, and now they have secretly refined a batch of powerful dragon-blooded demon corpses!

This made Zhou Chun even less optimistic about the plans of Zhao Xin and others.

One day later, Zhou Chun returned to Jiufengling Mountain Gate safely, and then went directly to see Zhou Mingde. While returning the Vulcan Jackal, he explained the relevant situation.

When he heard that Zhou Chun had killed Zhou Yu's ancestors and grandsons, Zhou Mingde just sighed slightly and didn't say much.

But when he heard that Zhou Chun was robbed and killed by a monk from the Zifu Stage of the Corpse Demon Sect, his expression changed drastically and he was extremely shocked.

Later, he heard that Zhou Chun and Zhao Xin, who suddenly appeared, worked together to kill the Zifu monks of the Corpse Demon Sect, and he stood up in shock.

He didn't sit back until he heard about Zhou Chun and Zhao Xin's return to Jingguo and Zhou Chun's speculations about Zhao Xin's origins.

"In short, this is the situation. This junior did not expect such a sudden change, but the matter has reached this point and cannot be changed!"

After Zhou Chun finished speaking, he stepped aside and stood still.

Zhou Mingde did not speak immediately, but just lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

After the quiet atmosphere lasted for a while, Zhou Mingde raised his head and sighed: "Hey, just like what you said, Zhengchun, now that things have happened, what else is there to say?"

"It's just that I made a wrong decision at the time. I should have let you and Jiahe come back first!"

If Zhou Chun had been allowed to come back first, he would have been able to capture Zhou Yu in a matter of seconds with his strength, and he would not have attracted an attack from the monks of the Corpse Demon Cult.

But there is no regret in the world. Now that things have happened, it is useless to think about it at this time.

So after Zhou Mingde sighed, he looked at Zhou Chun with a straight face and said: "Since Zhengchun didn't leave any belongings of the Corpse Demon Cult monk on you, and you were not killed by me, I think this matter won't be a big deal." Trace it to our Zhou family."

"It's just that the Corpse Demon Cult is now hunting down monks who practice the art of expelling insects. You should be more careful next. You must not reveal your identity as an insect cultivator in front of others. The younger members of the family should also give them a warning." OK."

Hearing this, Zhou Chun quickly gave his assurance: "Don't worry, Elder Taishang, I will pay attention to this junior."

After saying that, he asked with a look of concern on his face: "How are the black jade toads doing now? Elder Taishang, have you found a way to restore their vitality?"

Hearing his words, Zhou Mingde frowned deeply again.

He couldn't help but shook his head slightly and said: "No, I tried feeding them a lot of elixirs, but there was still no improvement. It seems that their lifespan is really running out!"

It turned out that after Zhou Mingde discovered that the vitality of the Black Jade Toad had plummeted, after some inspection, he initially believed that it was caused by the sharp decrease in longevity.

Just because Black Jade Toad was famous for his longevity before, he didn't dare to draw conclusions easily.

At this time, he brought it back to his family and fed him a lot of elixirs without any effect, so he was sure of his judgment.

"That's such a shame!"

Zhou Chun sighed softly, feeling very sorry for this.

Calculating it this way, the Zhou family almost lost money on this deal.

A foundation-building pill was wasted by Zhou Yu's useless great-grandson, but the black jade toad in exchange could not provide any more toad nectar at all.

If Zhou Chun hadn't killed Zhou Yu's ancestors and obtained their magical relics, he would have suffered a huge loss.

But if you count the few third-level talismans used by Zhou Chun, he actually didn't earn much.

However, things in the world are like this, and it is impossible to make profits without losing money every time.

It is normal for people to have profits and losses.

Zhou Chun then returned to his residence, rested for a few days, and then went to the Su family in Jiangzhou.

Now Zhou Chun is the son-in-law of the Su family. After arriving at the Su family's mountain gate, there is no need to report anything and he is directly allowed to enter.

It was not until he arrived in front of Taoist companion Su Yuzhen's cave that Su Yuzhen knew of his arrival.

This also surprised her.

So when they met, I couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun and said, "Why do you have time to see me today?"

"Why did Madam say this? Are you complaining that your husband doesn't come to visit Madam often?"

Zhou Chun said with feigned displeasure on his face.

Then, before Su Yuzhen, whose expression changed slightly, could explain, he smiled and waved his hand and said, "Madam, don't worry, I'm just joking with you."

When Su Yuzhen heard this, her face suddenly became much better, but she still explained: "Yes, I was just surprised by my husband's sudden arrival, and I didn't really blame him."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and said: "Husband, please follow me into the house first!"

When the two of them arrived indoors, after Su Yuzhen brewed the spiritual tea, Zhou Chun no longer held back and immediately explained his purpose.

"I came to see Madam this time. Firstly, we haven't seen each other for a while and I wanted to come and see Madam. Secondly, because my husband recently got a spiritual object and wanted to give it to Madam."

As he spoke, he patted the storage bag on his waist and took out the Yun Shui Hu eggs that he had exchanged at the underground Yibao Club.

"This is the egg of the intermediate monster Yun Shuihu. I see that Madam has not yet tamed the walking spirit beast. I would like to give this to Madam. Please accept it."

It turns out that he originally exchanged the Yunshuihu in order to give Su Yuzhen a contemporary walking spirit beast.

And Su Yuzhen never expected that Zhou Chun suddenly came to see her today to give herself such a gift.

She couldn't help but froze there for a moment, looking at Zhou Chun blankly, almost suspecting that she heard wrongly.

It wasn't until Zhou Chun handed her the cloud-water swan egg as big as a watermelon and she looked down at the huge bird egg that she realized that all of this was true.

Then a warm current instantly surged out of her heart and spread throughout her body. An indescribable feeling came to her heart, making her want to laugh and cry at the same time.

"Husband, you... are attentive!"

She held the bird egg handed over by Zhou Chun with both hands and murmured softly.

I don't know how to express the turbulent emotions in my heart.

"As long as Madam likes this gift."

Zhou Chun smiled slightly, and seemed to be able to feel Su Yuzhen's inner affection, and immediately stepped forward to hug him.

In the next month, Zhou Chun stayed with the Taoist monk at Su's house and did not go anywhere.

This gift-giving made the relationship between him and Su Yuzhen warm up a lot. This time, Su Yuzhen really felt a hint of affection for her from him.

Although this affection may not be particularly strong, it is very precious to her.

So much so that after the two of them practiced together several times, her cultivation level increased at a rate comparable to that of taking pills, and her understanding of the "Plain Girl Mysterious Technique" suddenly increased as if she was enlightened.

In the end, Zhou Chun had to end her trip to the Su family early so that she could practice in seclusion with peace of mind and not waste this opportunity.

After Zhou Chun returned to the Zhou family, he took over the power of the family from Zhou Jiarui and assumed the responsibilities of the patriarch.

At this time, including the time when he went to Feng Country, it had been almost five months since he had dealt with clan affairs.

After he returned to Zhongping Hall, the first thing he did was to check all the things he had arranged before.

The result did not disappoint him. Zhou Zhengxun had already disposed of the useless monsters in the Zhou Family Animal Park in accordance with his requirements, freeing up a lot of space for other monsters to live in.

And the news coming back from Longxing Valley is also good news.

More than five months have passed, but none of the Zhou family's dead men has died. Instead, they have collected a lot of elixir resources for the family.

At the same time, according to Zhou Zhengyong’s letter, after he had mapped out a detailed map within a three hundred mile radius of Longxing Valley, he had already begun arranging people to explore further, and was also preparing to explore the surrounding mountains and lands. Find spiritual mineral resources.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately wrote a letter as a reply, asking Zhou Zhengyong not to be too eager for success, but to focus on exploring and drawing maps first, and not to blindly go into the wilderness to avoid unnecessary losses.

This letter was sent by Zhou Daoyi because Bai Bai was still in a weak stage and it was temporarily inconvenient for him to travel.

In order to pay attention to the changes in the situation in Fengguo and even the news from other states in Yasukuni, Zhou Chun came up with a new idea.

He summoned some monks from the Zhou family who knew how to tame falcons, and asked them to select those who were good at taming falcons from the mortals of the Zhou family for training, and to form the Zhou family's intelligence hall.

According to Zhou Chun's plan, the Zhou family will arrange for monks to be stationed in cities and towns across the Jingguo states in the future and establish intelligence stations.

The mission of the monks stationed in Fang City is to collect some valuable information circulating in the local market and transmit it back to the family through the Swift Eagle relay in time for the family's senior leaders to read.

This is a very ambitious plan, and a lot of manpower and material resources will be required to complete it.

Just the personal training expenses of the Zhou family monks stationed in various cities will be a big expense, not to mention the special subsidies to facilitate their inquiring about information, and the special rewards for conveying certain important information. .

But what can be expected is that once this intelligence system is completed as Zhou Chun envisioned, it will definitely bring unexpected benefits to the Zhou family.

No one knows the importance of intelligence information better than Zhou Chun.

"Well, if we want to ensure that the intelligence is not intercepted and used by others, we need to train the intelligence personnel to use a brand new text."

As for which brand new words to use, Zhou Chun had an idea on the spot.

That was naturally the English language that had caused him a lot of headaches in his previous life.

The common writing in this world today is quite similar to the common writing in his previous life. If he uses that kind of writing, there is a risk of being deciphered.

But with English letters, this is completely impossible.

Just do what comes to mind.

Immediately, Zhou Chun used his free time to compile a translation dictionary, and then just let the intelligence monks in the tribe use the dictionary to study.

Time passed slowly, and soon another year passed.

During this year, Zhou Chun successfully compiled a translation dictionary and taught several intelligence monks in the clan.

The intelligence station in Yunzhou was also established first, and some collected information would be transmitted to the family gate through Eagle News every once in a while.

The establishment of this intelligence line has also benefited the pioneer stronghold. Zhou Jiapeng stationed there can more easily communicate with his family.

At the same time, Zhou Chun also hatched the "carrion moth" eggs he obtained a year ago and secretly cultivated this monster insect.

"Carrion moths" like to eat things that contain Yin energy and corpse energy. Zhou Chun occasionally visits the cemeteries where mortals gather, letting them burrow into the graveyards to absorb the corpse energy contained in the corpses inside.

But Zhou Chun actually didn't have high hopes for this kind of monster insect. He just wanted to cultivate this kind of monster insect to reproduce eggs and make reserves in advance.

In this way, assuming that one day there is a conflict with the Corpse Demon Cult, you can have one more trump card.

On this day, when it was Zhou Chun's turn to take supplies to Longxing Valley for handover, as soon as he arrived at Longxing Valley, he heard news that surprised him.

No more today

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