Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 325 Wild People, Big Event [Please subscribe]

"These are the mortals you found in the wilderness?"

In Longxing Valley, Zhou Chun looked at the three mortals in front of him, two men and one woman, trembling and kneeling in front of him, with surprise in his eyes.

There were naturally no mortals in Longxing Valley before.

At that time, when the Zhou family was cultivating family members, they did not recruit women.

Therefore, it is impossible for the monks here in Longxing Valley to give birth to mortals, not to mention that it is impossible to give birth to such a few adults in more than a year.

The three mortals Zhou Chun saw now were discovered by Zhou Zhengyong from a plain more than 600 miles away when he was exploring the wilderness.

According to Zhou Zhengyong, there were several mortal tribes on that plain, with the larger ones numbering a thousand and the smaller ones numbering two to three hundred.

These mortal tribes seem to be extremely backward. The weapons used for hunting are mostly made of animal bones and stones, with very few iron tools.

Their clothes are also made of animal skins, bird feathers, and tree bark, and there is no written heritage at all.

However, according to Zhou Zhengyong's understanding, these mortal tribes are probably the descendants of those mortals raised by the Hualong Sect in the wilderness before.

At this time, twenty or thirty years have passed since the Battle of the Southern Expedition.

Most of the mortals who lived in the wilderness were buried in the wilderness after losing the protection of the Hualong Cult.

But with the huge base, there are always some lucky people who survive, and many low-level monks from Hualong Sect also escaped at that time. They may protect some mortals.

And even if these lucky ones survive, after losing the protection of the immortal cultivators, it will be difficult for them to survive in the wilderness with their meager strength.

So they can only keep migrating away from dangerous places.

During this migration process, the strongest among them died from monsters, beasts, or from diseases and accidents.

And their new generation has not received education opportunities, nor has they seen a civilized society, and all their energy is focused on how to obtain food and survive.

As a result, civilization degenerated and barbarism emerged. The survivors organized themselves into tribes and struggled to survive in the wilderness by relying on their barbaric and strong bodies.

After Zhou Chun understood this clearly, he couldn't help but sigh: "They are also a bunch of pitiful people!"

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Zhengyong and asked, "What are you going to do with these mortals, Brother Yong?"

After hearing his words, Zhou Zhengyong hesitated for a moment and then said in a deep voice: "If the family allows it, I would like to leave these mortals here to help with some chores, and even move all the mortal tribes here. Create a gathering place nearby.”

"Brother Yong, I can understand your good intentions."

Zhou Chun nodded, indicating that he understood Zhou Zhengyong's intention, and then frowned and said: "But if too many mortals live nearby and let them develop and grow, they will inevitably attract more attention. If the existence of Longxing Valley is exposed, the consequences will be disastrous!"

The Zhou family established a pioneer stronghold in Longxing Valley to secretly collect various resources in the wilderness, not to colonize it.

Once the wild people are gathered here and a gathering place is established, it is a real colonization, and it is difficult not to attract attention.

The small Zhou family cannot bear the blows of the wilderness overlords.

"Yes, I have thought about what Thirteenth Brother said, but the benefits of accepting mortals are also obvious. With the service of mortals, the monks here can save us from doing a lot of unnecessary chores. Moreover, if there are monks who are willing to work with mortal women, If they combine to produce offspring, they might also be able to give birth to children with spiritual roots and increase the number of monks in Longxing Valley!"

Zhou Zhengyong first nodded and acknowledged Zhou Chun's statement, and then expressed his own opinion in an attempt to convince Zhou Chun.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

In fact, he didn't understand what Zhou Zhengyong said, but compared with the benefits Zhou Zhengyong said, the disadvantages were more obvious and serious.

But after all, he personally ordered Zhou Zhengyong to come here, and he also said that all matters in Longxing Valley would be decided by him.

At this time, since Zhou Zhengyong had his own ideas and expressed his own thoughts, even if he didn't agree very much, he couldn't refuse them directly.

In this way, after Zhou Chun thought for a long time, he looked at Zhou Zhengyong and nodded gently: "Brother Yong, if you really want to save these mortals, I can't stop your good deeds, but there is one thing you must do. That is, we cannot move these mortals near Longxing Valley, we can only find another place to place them, and we must not let them know the existence of Longxing Valley."

"Okay, Thirteenth Brother, I will remember what you said, and I will definitely handle this matter properly!"

Zhou Zhengyong nodded happily and agreed.

"Then let's leave it like this for now. Now let's talk about another thing."

As Zhou Chun spoke, he suddenly reached out and patted a spirit animal bag on his waist, and a giant golden-haired monkey nearly two feet tall appeared in front of him.

This golden-haired giant monkey was the Vajra Spirit Monkey that originally guarded the Zhongping Hall inside the Zhou Family Mountain Gate.

At this time, after coming out of the spirit beast bag, when the golden-haired giant monkey saw Zhou Zhengyong, whom he had not seen for a while, he waved and greeted him with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun also smiled and said: "Hou Dali is also an old acquaintance with Brother Yong. It is a gatekeeper in the family and is overqualified. Therefore, after I talked to it, it agreed to come to Long Here in Xinggu, we will fight together with you, Brother Yong, to serve the family."

It didn't take Zhou Chun any effort to persuade the Vajra Spirit Monkey to come to Longxing Valley. After all, ever since he taught the other party to become a second-level monster, the monster monkey had obeyed him in everything.

What's more, for the warlike Vajra Spirit Monkey, fighting with various monsters in the wilderness is also something it likes.

After listening to Zhou Chun's words, Zhou Zhengyong also clapped his hands happily and shouted: "This is really great. With Dali's participation, Xu Fu and the others will not have to do everything when they encounter some difficult monsters in the future. They all asked me to help.”

"Well, that's what I thought too."

Zhou Chun nodded and agreed with him.

After that, Zhou Chun went to visit Zhou Daoquan, who was practicing hermitage in Longxing Valley, and told him some of the recent changes in the family, so that he could understand.

After he finished speaking, Zhou Daoquan nodded slightly and said, "Zhengchun, you might as well bring that Vajra Spirit Monkey with you, so that with it and Zhengyong in the valley, I can occasionally step out for some fresh air and explore." This is a wild place!”

Hearing this, Zhou Chun immediately said: "Sir, if you go out to explore the wilderness, you have to leave your contact information. Otherwise, if there is something urgent and I want to inform you but you can't find anyone, it will be bad."

"Of course I know that if I go out, I will leave Zhu Yunhe behind. If there is an emergency, you can let him go to me."

Zhou Daoquan nodded slightly and told his plan.

Zhou Chun naturally couldn't say anything and quickly returned to the family.

Unexpectedly, not even half a month after Zhou Chun returned to his family, a piece of news that shocked the entire Jingguo immortal world suddenly spread throughout Jingguo and even surrounding countries.

The content of the news is also very simple, that is, the original No. 1 loose cultivator in Jingguo, "Tianjing Sanren", has successfully formed a baby with Broken Pill!

A new Yuan Ying stage real person has appeared!

Prior to this, only three major forces in Jingguo, Yuelun Sect, Yanyang Sect, and Qinglian Temple, had Yuanying stage real people, and there were only seven Yuanying stage real people in the huge Jingguo.

Now that the "Tianjing Sanren" Broken Pill has successfully formed a baby, he has become a real person of Tianjing. The number of real people in the Nascent Soul stage in Jingguo has reached eight.

But this may not be a good thing for the Jingguo immortal world.

You must know that the current power structure of Jingguo's immortal world has been formed for a long time, and the three major forces have already included every inch of Jingguo's land under their control.

Now that Tianjing Zhenren appears, it is very likely that this pattern will change.

With the Nascent Soul Master in charge, the "Tianjing Villa" originally led by Master Tianjing will no longer be willing to cower in a corner like before.

Once "Tianjing Villa" expands its sphere of influence, it will inevitably touch the interests of the three major forces.

Because of this, when Zhou Chun learned the news, he was shocked and filled with worry.

You must know that Lingzhou, where "Tianjing Villa" is located, is adjacent to Lanzhou. Once "Tianjing Villa" really expands its sphere of influence, Qinglian Temple will definitely bear the brunt, and the Zhou family will probably be forced to get involved and face it again. The risk of taking sides.

"The weather in Jingguo is probably going to change again!"

On Pagoda Peak, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but sigh after learning the news from Zhou Chun.

However, they all know that no matter how things change in Jingguo, the Zhou family is powerless in the face of such great changes and can only go with the flow.

So even though I was extremely worried, there was nothing I could do.

What's more, the people who are most worried now are definitely not them.

In fact, after learning that the "Tianjing Sanren" Broken Pill successfully formed a baby, the one who was most shocked and worried was none other than Qingweizi, the headmaster of Qinglian Temple.

"What an old man! We have all been deceived by him!"

"Now it seems that the injury he suffered during the Battle of the Southern Expedition was entirely intentional. He just wanted to take advantage of the injury to recuperate and have a baby in secret!"

Qingweizi fell down on the jade couch with an ugly face, her eyes full of shock and anger.

At this time, he was filled with regret.

If he had known earlier that the "Tianjing Sanren"'s so-called seclusion to recuperate was actually an attack on the Nascent Soul, he and Qinglian Temple would definitely have stopped it.

"How did he succeed? With a success rate of less than 10%, how did he do it?"

Qingweizi murmured to herself with her mouth wide open, having completely lost her demeanor as a head teacher.

He is also a cultivator in the Golden Core stage. Although he is not yet in the Golden Core stage, he already knows everything that needs to be known about the birth situation.

Qingxiao Zhenren, a master of the Nascent Soul stage of Qinglian Temple, also said that if "Tianjing Sanren" wanted to form a baby through broken pills, the success rate would not be even 10%.

As a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Qingweizi would naturally not doubt Master Qingxiao's judgment.

So after hearing the news that "Tianjing Sanren" was recuperating in seclusion, he didn't pay too much attention.

After all, the injury of "Tianjing Sanren" at that time was also witnessed by the Qinglian Guan Jindan monk, so there is no mistake.

But reality slapped him mercilessly and laughed at him!

Qingweizi had always been the only one who planned to play tricks on others, but now he himself was being treated as a fool.

Qingweizi's mood at this time is really difficult to describe in words!

"Yes, Ancestor, we still have Ancestor! I'm going to see Ancestor right now!"

I don't know how much time passed, but Qingweizi suddenly jumped up, like a drowning person grabbing a straw, and flew away from the head hall with excitement on her face.

Not long after, Qingweizi arrived at the deepest valley outside the Qinglian Temple Gate.

He stood outside the valley, looking at the valley in front of him that was covered by the white mist of the formation. After sorting out his appearance, he bowed deeply to the valley and said, "My ancestor, my disciple Qingweizi, you are here." If you want something, please see the ancestor!"

After he finished speaking, he kept bowing, waiting for a response.

After about a quarter of an hour passed like this, an old and majestic voice sounded in his ears.

"come in."

Before the voice fell, the fog surged ahead, revealing a passage for people to pass through.

"Thank you, ancestor."

Qingweizi thanked him respectfully again, and then followed the passage into the valley.

As soon as she entered the valley, the rich spiritual energy that hit her face refreshed Deqing Weizi's energy, and she became much more energetic.

Although this was not the first time this happened, he still sighed secretly in his heart as always.

If he could practice in a place like this, there might not be any possibility of the Broken Pill forming a baby in the future.

Compared with the extremely rich spiritual energy here, the place where he, the headmaster, usually practices, is undoubtedly the difference between a thatched shed and a palace!

Looking around again, I saw that the valley was filled with all kinds of thousand-year-old elixirs and rare spiritual herbs that were rare in the outside world. The number was more than what many Golden Core monks who were not from the great sect would see in their lifetime.

In the depths of the valley, there is a pond that is one to two acres in size. The surface of the pond is filled with white air, and a few green lotus leaves are faintly visible inside.

If any other Jindan monks who have never been here before see this scene, they will definitely be shocked and dumbfounded.

Because that pond is actually a super-large spring of spiritual eyes!

The white air surging above the pond is actually the extremely rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

After Qingweizi walked here, she only glanced at the pond briefly, and then looked at a reed room next to the pond.

In Dan Jian Cao Lu's courtyard, a white-haired Taoist priest in green clothes was sitting at the stone table, making tea.

"Tell me, why did you suddenly come to see me today?"

As if feeling Qing Weizi's gaze, the white-haired Taoist asked faintly, but his eyes still stayed on the teapot on the table, without taking a clear look at Weizi.

And Qingweizi did not dare to think that this was a slight to her, so she bowed and saluted and said: "Disciple Qingweizi pays homage to the ancestor."

Then he stood up straight and spoke respectfully of his purpose.

"What? Tianjing Sanren Broken Pill successfully formed a baby!"

The white-haired Taoist shuddered slightly and suddenly turned his head to look at Qingweizi. The sharp gaze in his eyes instantly made Qingweizi lower her head in a hurry.

"Tell me carefully what's going on!"

I will continue my update today, hoping to find a house in the next two days...

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