Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 326 Zhou Xinlan’s opportunity, Tianjing Dharma Assembly [Please subscribe]

The success of the "Tianjing Sanren" Broken Pill to form a baby has become a hotly discussed topic in various parts of the country.

Many forces that are sensitive to this matter are waiting for further developments.

For example, the Zhou family has already sent monks to squat around the "Tianjing Villa" in Lingzhou to get first-hand information.

And news about the subsequent development quickly spread all over the world.

Some people say that the Yuanying period masters of the three major forces came together to visit Tianjing master, and have "persuaded" Tianjing master to become the guest elder of the three major forces, and monopolize a state.

Some people also say that Tianjing Daoist has fought against Yuan Ying Dao Dao from the three major forces, and has been taught a lesson by those old Nascent Soul Dao Dao people, and will continue to maintain the status quo in the future.

Others say that Master Tianjing is currently in retreat to stabilize his cultivation and has no intention of meeting other Masters in the Nascent Soul stage.

In short, all kinds of true and false news are everywhere, making it difficult to distinguish true from false.

Zhou Chun also went to the Su family in Jiangzhou to inquire about the information, but even the ancestor of the Su family did not know much about the inside story. He only knew that there were indeed Nascent Soul Stage masters from the three major forces who went to Tianjing Villa.

So he could only ask people to continue to collect more information while waiting for the situation to develop.

After another half a year passed, no further useful news came out from Master Tianjing, but there was good news from the Zhou family.

"Are these the toad eggs laid by the black jade toad?"

In the cave on the top of the mountain, Zhou Chun looked at the pool of black toad eggs in the jade box in front of him with surprise in his eyes.

The toad eggs in front of him looked like ordinary frog eggs, at most they were bigger.

Generally speaking, the eggs laid by monsters contain some spiritual power.

"They are indeed eggs laid by the Black Jade Toad, but as you can see, it's not that simple to hatch a real Black Jade Toad from these toad eggs!"

Zhou Mingde said with a solemn expression.

It turns out that he called Zhou Chun over today because the female of the two black jade toads suddenly laid toad eggs last night.

And after laying eggs, the female toad died soon.

The male toad is now neither eating nor drinking, its vitality is rapidly declining, and it is estimated that it will not survive for a few days.

But no matter what, laying toad eggs is better for the Zhou family than holding two dying black jade toads.

So this is really good news.

Zhou Chun also said at this time: "It is a good thing to be able to lay toad eggs. As for whether these toad eggs can hatch into real black jade toads, we can slowly verify and cultivate them in the future."

These toad eggs were also handed over to Zhou Mingde for incubation and cultivation, without anyone else.

After another six months, all the toad eggs hatched into tadpoles and began to metamorphose and evolve.

But at this moment, Zhou Mingde, who raised these tadpoles, discovered that the tadpoles grew and evolved very slowly.

He fed the best spiritual animal food that the Zhou family had, and the tadpoles enjoyed the food, but they grew very slowly.

This result made Zhou Mingde's heart sink and he had a bad premonition.

He thought of the long lifespan of the Black Jade Toad!

Nowadays, tadpoles grow so slowly. Is it because the lifespan of the black jade toad is so long that its larval period is much longer than that of other frogs?

If that was the case, it would not be good news for him or the Zhou family.

One day, Zhou Chun was working in the Zhongping Hall when he suddenly came to report that Zhou Xinlan, a core member of the family, asked to see him.

After he agreed, he saw Zhou Xinlan rushing into the hall with a happy face.

Seeing this, his heart moved and he knew something happy was going to happen.

But he was very calm and waited until Zhou Xinlan finished saluting before he slowly said, "Tell me, what makes you so happy?"

"In the words of the clan leader, this junior went to the pioneer stronghold to practice and explore the wilderness. By luck, he discovered an intermediate-level demon beast Blue Feathered Fire Kite that was laying eggs. Then the sixth elder personally took action to lure the two blue feathered fire kites away, and the junior will take them away. I stole two bird eggs and asked the clan leader to see them!"

As Zhou Xinlan spoke, she raised her hand and patted the storage bag on her waist, took out a jade box and handed it to Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun took the jade box and opened it, only to see two blue and white bird eggs wrapped in soft animal skin, each as big as two adult fists.

Although I don’t know if this is a real blue-feathered fire kite egg, judging from the spiritual power contained in the egg, there is no doubt that it is an intermediate-level monster egg.

He immediately couldn't help but smile and nod: "Very good, it seems that I did the right thing by letting you go to the pioneer stronghold to gain experience. Otherwise, how could you have encountered such an opportunity!"

After speaking, he pondered for a moment, then asked in a deep voice: "Are you going to dedicate these two eggs to the family?"

"Yes, the Sixth Elder said that these treasures should be dedicated to the family and distributed by the clan leader and the Supreme Elders!"

Zhou Xinlan nodded without thinking, with no trace of reluctance on her face.

This made Zhou Chun even more satisfied.

So he smiled softly and said: "In that case, each bird egg will be counted as 4,000 points of good deeds for the family. You and the Sixth Elder will each get 4,000 points of good deeds!"

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Xinlan with meaningful eyes and asked: "Now you have more than 7,000 points of good deeds. Is there anything you want to say?"

Hearing his almost explicit words, Zhou Xinlan immediately responded with understanding and respect: "To the patriarch, I want to redeem a foundation-building pill!"

"Okay, then this Foundation Establishment Pill belongs to you!"

Zhou Chun shouted "Hello", then raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a jade bottle containing the Foundation Establishment Pill and threw it to Zhou Xinlan.

After Zhou Xinlan caught the jade bottle and opened the cork with a happy face to check the elixir inside, Zhou Chun said again: "Now that you have obtained the foundation-building elixir, prepare to start building the foundation now, and don't leave the family gate again. ”

"Yes, junior, I obey."

Zhou Xinlan responded loudly and happily, and left the Zhongping Hall happily.

Zhou Chun looked at the two blue-feathered fire kite eggs in his hands and fell into deep thought.

As a mid-level monster, Lanyu Fire Kite is not only an excellent substitute spirit beast, but also a combat spirit pet whose potential and strength are not inferior to Zhu Yunhe's.

Who should allocate these two blue-feathered fire kite eggs to hatch? It is indeed worthy of Zhou Chun's careful consideration.

Elders of the Zhou family, currently only the sixth elder Zhou Jiapeng’s spiritual pet, the golden-winged iron-feathered eagle, is a second-level monster. Although the other elders all have first-class high-grade monster spiritual pets, none of them have cultivated their own spiritual pets. to the second level.

Therefore, this blue-feathered fire kite egg, which will become a second-level monster when it grows up, must be something that these elders want.

But Zhou Chun felt that if these two monster eggs were given to several elders, their full use would not be fully utilized.

"Seeing that this little guy Xinyan is almost an adult, with the speed of his cultivation, he will be able to reach the 12th level of Qi refining stage at the age of thirty at most. If we give him a blue-feathered fire kite egg now, wait for him When the foundation is successfully established, this monster will almost reach adulthood!"

"I'm sure none of the elders will have any objections to giving an intermediate-level monster egg to the most qualified junior in the family!"

He murmured to himself, and gradually began to have concerns in his heart.

Soon the news that Zhou Xinlan had presented two blue-feathered fire kite eggs and redeemed them for foundation-building pills spread throughout the Zhou family's mountain gate. All Zhou family monks who heard the news were envious of his opportunity.

Then many monks in the Qi Refining Stage began to worry about the number of foundation-building pills in their families.

Because the two Foundation Establishment Pills given by Lin Hongyu were not disclosed publicly, the Zhou family only had two Foundation Establishment Pills bought from Rongguo and two Foundation Establishment Pills exchanged from Qinglian Temple.

Of these four Foundation Building Pills, Zhou Zhengyong and Zhou Zhengtao had used one each, and now Zhou Xinlan had exchanged another one.

In the eyes of those Zhou family monks who didn't know the truth, this was the only foundation-building pill left in the family.

But don't forget that the Zhou family now has a clan member with high-grade spiritual root qualifications like Zhou Xinyan.

According to family rules, clan members with high-grade spiritual root qualifications are directly the "foundation-building seeds" of the family, and must be given priority to ensure that they are supplied with a foundation-building pill.

If Zhou Chun sticks to this rule now, it means that other Zhou family monks will not be able to exchange for the Foundation Establishment Pill even if they collect 5,000 points of family merit.

Thinking of this, several monks in the Qi Refining Stage of the Zhou family who were still short of reaching 5,000 points of good deeds suddenly found themselves in front of Zhou Chun and asked this question openly and secretly.

"Don't worry, the family currently has two Foundation Establishment Pills left. As long as you can gather enough good deeds in time, there is still hope of redeeming them!"

It was a matter of family credibility, so Zhou Chun still responded at this time to reassure people.

After receiving this guarantee from him, the tribesmen felt at ease.

Three months have passed since then, and Zhou Xinlan has successfully built a foundation to get out of seclusion, becoming the seventh foundation-building monk of the Zhou family.

His success also made Zhou Zhengyong and his father and son a good story for a while.

One school has two foundations, and both father and son are elders.

This kind of situation is not very common even in those Jindan families.

This successful example also inspired other Zhou family monks to have more confidence in fighting.

Since Zhou Xinlan can discover the spawning of intermediate monster beasts outside, she can gain huge rewards for her good deeds through the help of family elders.

Why can't they?

As long as the monks of the Zhou family offer spiritual objects to the family, they can receive varying amounts of rewards for their good deeds. Even if they don't have the same harvest as Zhou Xinlan, they can still accumulate small amounts until they achieve their goals.

Zhou Chun was still happy to see this situation.

As the leader of the clan, he hopes to see the clan members working hard and actively. Only in this way can the clan be full of vitality.

Time passed slowly like this, and three years after the news of Tianjing Zhenren's Broken Pill getting pregnant, "Tianjing Villa" finally issued an official message.

On this day, Zhou Chunzheng was practicing in his room with Su Yuzhen, a Taoist monk who came to visit him at Zhou's house. Suddenly, the warning array outside his courtyard door was touched one after another.

Generally speaking, if you just come to see him for something, you can at most trigger the warning circle once and wait for him to open the door.

Only when something extremely important to the family happens, the incoming person will continuously trigger the warning circle to show that the situation is urgent.

So after Zhou Chun discovered this, he immediately stopped his practice and stood up, and said to the Taoist monk who was also about to stop his practice: "Madam, just continue to practice, maybe something happened to the family, just go and have a look." "

After saying that, he quickly walked out of the room, came to the courtyard and opened the door.

Outside the courtyard gate, the descendant of the family who was responsible for recording documents for him in Zhongping Hall was looking at the courtyard gate eagerly.

As soon as he opened the door and showed up, he hurriedly bowed respectfully and said: "Tianjing Villa sent someone to deliver the invitation. The fourth elder is already accompanying him. I have specially ordered the junior to come here to greet the clan leader."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Chun's eyes suddenly froze, and then he nodded slightly and said, "I understand."

After saying that, he jumped into the air and flew to the place where the family was entertaining guests.

When he entered the guest hall, he saw Zhou Jiarui and a middle-aged man in blue sitting opposite each other, enjoying the Zhou family's secret honey tea together.

Seeing him coming, Zhou Jiarui hurriedly stood up and introduced to the middle-aged man in blue: "Fellow Taoist Yan, this is Zhou Zhengchun, the head of my Zhou family."

After hearing this, the middle-aged man in blue stood up immediately, bowed his hands towards Zhou Chun and said, "Yan Chu has met the Zhou clan leader."

"I've met fellow Taoist Yan."

Zhou Chun raised his hand and returned the salute, then asked directly: "But I don't know why Fellow Taoist Yan came to Zhou's house today."

"Of course it's a good thing!"

Yan Chu smiled and immediately patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a beautifully crafted invitation and handed it to Zhou Chun.

"After my ancestor Sui Dan became pregnant, he felt that it was not easy for monks of our generation to practice cultivation, so he was especially gracious to hold a sermon to teach the younger generation of monks who are still confused, and to teach and resolve their doubts."

"This invitation is the admission ticket to the Dharma Assembly. You can bring ten people to attend the lecture. Please keep it, Patriarch Zhou."

Master Tianjing is going to hold a preaching conference?

Zhou Chun was also stunned by what Yan Chu said and couldn't help but take the invitation in his hand.

On the invitation, the four words "Tianjing Dharma Assembly" were dazzling. Just one glance made Zhou Chun's eyes sting. He hurriedly closed his eyes and turned away, not daring to look at it again.

And inside he was horrified.

Is this the supernatural power of a real person in the Nascent Soul stage?

Just a few words made it difficult for him, a monk in the middle stage of foundation building, to look at and resist. It was truly terrifying!

He quickly covered the invitation with his sleeves, then looked at Yan Chu with narrowed eyes and asked: "Dare to ask fellow Taoist Yan, does every cultivating family have this invitation? Do the three sects have it?"

Hearing his words, Yan Chu couldn't help but replied with a smile on his face: "The ancestor prepared a total of 300 invitations and only invited 3,000 monks to participate in this ceremony, so not every cultivating family can have one. Qualified to attend the lecture.”

After finishing speaking, he paused slightly, looked at Zhou Chun with deep meaning in his eyes and said: "As for the three sects, naturally there are several uncles who went over to send invitations!"

"I see, Zhou understands. I would like to thank fellow Taoist Yan for traveling thousands of miles to send this invitation, and also thank Senior Tianjing for his regard for the Zhou family. Thank you very much, Zhou!"

After Zhou Chun finished speaking, he immediately bowed to Yan Chushen to express his gratitude.

However, he did not say whether he would go to attend the Dharma conference.

This made Yan Chu frown, then nodded slightly and said: "Since Patriarch Zhou has accepted the invitation, I won't disturb you anymore. Yan has other things to do, so take your leave!"

"Fellow Taoist Yan, walk slowly. Zhou will see off fellow Taoist Yan."

Zhou Chun said, and sent Yan Chu all the way out of the mountain gate.

It wasn't until he saw Yan Chu's figure gradually turning into a small black dot and disappearing in the distance that Zhou Chun lowered his head and looked at the back of the invitation in his hand, his eyes full of solemnity.

"The sermon and Dharma conference of the Yuanying Stage Master is really a rare opportunity in a thousand years!"

He murmured to himself and immediately rushed to the cave on the top of the mountain with the invitation.

Today’s update is finally out in time!

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