Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 327 Tianjing Villa, the Dharma Conference Begins [Please subscribe]

Jiufeng Ridge.

When Zhou Chun came to see Zhou Mingde with an invitation from Master Tianjing's sermon, Zhou Mingde was also shocked by this incident.

Although he lived two hundred years longer than Zhou Chun, Zhou Mingde had never participated in the sermons of the Nascent Soul Master.

The last time in Jingguo that a monk from the Golden Core Stage successfully formed a baby through Broken Pill was more than five hundred years ago.

The last time in Fengguo that a monk in the Golden Core Stage successfully formed a baby through Broken Pill was more than 400 years ago.

Moreover, these new Nascent Soul Stage practitioners are all from powerful sects in both countries. Even if they hold sermons and dharma conferences, they are only for the disciples of their own sect. At most, they will invite some vassal families under the sect to listen to the lectures.

Loose cultivators like Master Tianjing of Nascent Soul are very rare even in the entire world of immortal cultivation.

In the history of Jingguo, this has never happened for at least thousands of years!

Therefore, this time Master Tianjing held a sermon at Tianjing Villa and invited three thousand monks to attend the lecture. This was undoubtedly a great opportunity for the invited monks.

Even a monk like Zhou Mingde from the Purple Mansion is also fascinated by this.

However, both Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun knew that Master Tianjing's high-profile approach was probably too ambitious.

It is very likely that what they were most worried about before will actually become a reality!

In this case, it is questionable whether the Zhou family should participate in this preaching ceremony.

"Let's look at the performance of Qinglian Temple and other families. According to what Yan Chu said, Tianjing Villa will definitely not only send invitations to our Zhou family, but also to other large immortal cultivating families in the surrounding states."

"If the Xie family and other large immortal cultivating families in Lianzhou have also received the invitation and will send people there, then let's not miss this once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity and just go!"

After Zhou Mingde thought deeply, he gave his own opinion.

Following the crowd may not necessarily lead to merit, but generally it will not take responsibility, so it is the safest choice.

In particular, the Zhou family is not a direct descendant of Qinglian Temple, and it is difficult to receive the treatment of a direct descendant in any case. There is no need to deliberately show anything at this time.

If you go too far and are used as a target to scare the monkeys, then the problem will be serious.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun heard Zhou Mingde's words, he also agreed very much.

Zhou Daoyi also had no objection.

So half a month later, Zhou Chun and his Taoist companion Su Yuzhen visited the Xie family in Lianzhou to inquire about Qinglian Temple's attitude towards the "Tianjing Dharma Assembly" from the Xie family.

Half a month has passed by now, and those invitations have been sent out long ago, and everything that should be received has been received.

The "Tianjing Dharma Conference" mentioned on the invitation had been held for less than three months.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun visited Xie's house this time, he did not spend much effort to get accurate information.

Qinglian Temple has not stopped its cultivating families from sending people to participate in the "Tianjing Dharma Assembly", and will even send thirty monks to participate in the Dharma Assembly.

However, according to the Xie family, they will only send the clan leader, some elders, and core clan members to participate in the ceremony, and none of the family’s top elders will go.

This made Zhou Chun aware of it.

After he returned to his family, he immediately informed the two supreme elders of the results of his trip.

"Since Qinglian Temple won't stop it, what else is there to say?"

"In this way, in addition to me, Daoquan's left-behind family and Longxinggu, Daoyi, you will personally lead the team and bring Zhengchun and the others to participate in this ceremony."

Zhou Mingde immediately made the decision and arrangements.

Then he pondered for a moment and continued: "Well, don't take the green dragon with you. I will bring the Vulcan Jackal with you, just in case!"

Regarding his concerns, Zhou Daoyi felt clear in his mind and nodded in agreement.

Then Zhou Chun was asked to arrange the candidates who would accompany the team.

Going to listen to the sermon of Master Yuanyingqi is a rare opportunity in a thousand years. Naturally, many Zhou family monks want to go.

But there are only ten places, so very few will be able to go.

After some research and discussion, Zhou Chun finally decided that only two elders would go, and the remaining five places would be given to the younger members of the family.

The reason for this is also for safety reasons.

Although nothing should happen to this Dharma gathering, a family power should always be prepared in case something happens.

Therefore, the family elders must not all go out to participate in one thing, otherwise the family inheritance will be cut off if something goes wrong.

There are exactly six elders in the Zhou family now, excluding Zhou Jiapeng and Zhou Zhengyong who are in charge of the pioneer stronghold and Longxing Valley. Among the four elders in the family, Zhou Jiarui is the best candidate to act as the clan leader in Zhou Chun's absence. It is inconvenient for him to communicate with Zhou Chun. When they went out together, Zhou Xinlan had just succeeded in building the foundation and had not yet completed the transformation of the method. There was no point in attending the ceremony at this time.

So the quotas for the two elders were easily determined, namely Zhou Jiahe and Zhou Zhengyuan.

The remaining five juniors are Zhou Zhengqing, Zhou Xindie, Zhou Xintie, Zhou Xinyi, and Zhou Zhengbai.

Naturally, these five juniors who can follow to participate in the "Tianjing Dharma Assembly" are all outstanding members of the Zhou family, and can even be said to be the most promising people among their peers to build a foundation.

In this way, the two foundation-building elders plus the five juniors in the Qi refining stage, plus Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Chun, and Su Yuzhen, make exactly ten people.

It is worth mentioning that the Jiangzhou Su family was not within the invitation range of Master Tianjing.

Not only the Su family in Jiangzhou was not included in the invitation, but also other Jindan families who were direct descendants of Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect were not included in the invitation.

On the other hand, the Jindan family such as the Danyao Li family and the Jindan You family have received invitations, and as many as twenty people have been invited to attend the ceremony!

This special treatment also seems to convey a certain signal.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the time for the "Sky Mirror Dharma Conference" was coming.

On this day, Zhou Daoyi personally led the team, and everyone in the Zhou family showed their skills and flew to Tianjing Villa together.

In the sky, Zhou Daoyi was flying alone in front of him. Su Yuzhen and Zhou Chun were sitting on the back of a golden-winged tiger. Zhou Jiahe and Zhou Zhengyuan each controlled a red-eyed dragon vulture, which also carried a Qi-refining stager. The remaining three juniors in the Qi Refining Stage rode together on a red-eyed dragon vulture.

This team flew through the air and attracted the attention of some monks along the way.

After seeing the golden-winged tiger and the red-eyed dragon vultures behind them, all the monks who had heard of the Zhou family's name instantly recognized the origin of this group of people.

"It turns out that the head of the Zhou family, Zhou Zhengchun, and his wife are traveling, no wonder it's such a grand event!"

"The red-eyed dragon vulture has the blood of a dragon. It can carry three to five people on one head and can travel three thousand miles a day. What a good thing!"

"The Zhou family in Lanzhou is the heirloom of beast control. It has a family of three purples, a dragon and a wolf. It is the first family in the aristocratic family. It really deserves its reputation!"

From Lanzhou to Lingzhou, all the monks who saw the Zhou family and their group on the road were talking about them and sighing.

Although it has been less than a hundred years since they came to Jingguo, the name of the Zhou family has already been widely spread in Jingguo.

Especially in the states under the jurisdiction of Qinglian Temple, when it comes to the name of the Zhou family in Jiufengling in Lanzhou, there are not many monks who don't know it.

When the group of people arrived outside the Tianjing Villa in Lingzhou, many monks who had interacted with the Zhou family took the initiative to come forward to greet Zhou Chun.

At this time, Tianjing Villa has become the most dazzling place in Jingguo.

Hundreds of monks from the immortal cultivating families from Lingzhou, Lanzhou, Yunzhou, Lianzhou, Cangzhou and other states of Jingguo gathered here.

Its liveliness was second only to the "Hundred Clans Conference" organized by the three major forces.

The influx of a large number of monks made the originally spacious Tianjing Villa suddenly seem quite compact and narrow.

"Have you heard about it? It is said that among the personnel sent by the three major forces this time, there is not a single golden elixir stage monk. It is just a few core disciples of the Zifu stage who led the team and brought a group of foundation building monks to participate. Puja!”

In a small courtyard inside Tianjing Villa, when Zhou Chun was gathering with some of the clan leaders of some cultivating immortal families, someone suddenly mysteriously said something that made him and many of the clan clan leaders concentrate slightly.

He turned around and saw that the person speaking was a little old man with late-stage foundation-building cultivation. He was not tall and had a somewhat wretched appearance.

It is really surprising that such a person can be selected as the patriarch of a family.

However, Zhou Chun found that he did not know this person. He should not be a monk from Lanzhou, Lianzhou, or Yunzhou.

And just when Zhou Chun was thinking about who to find to find out about this person's origins, he suddenly saw another monk saying in a deep voice: "How each sect of the Shang Sect acts has their own considerations, so we should be cautious in what we say. good!"

The monk Zhou Chun who spoke this time did know him. He was the patriarch of a direct family under Qingyun Temple.

Because of his status, after saying this, no one else discussed the matter anymore.

But everyone was inevitably thinking about what the little old man said.

If that is true, the intentions of the three sects are intriguing.

Two days soon passed, and on the day when the "Tianjing Dharma Conference" was held, Zhou Chun and other monks were led by the people of Tianjing Villa to a bluestone square deep in the villa.

This bluestone square is circular in shape, with a diameter of five hundred feet. In the center is a circular stone platform with a diameter of three feet and a height of thirty feet.

On the square surrounding the circular stone platform, there are thousands of small stone platforms dotted here and there.

There are three kinds of small stone platforms, one is one foot in diameter and ten feet high, a total of twenty-four; one is seven feet in diameter and seven feet high, a total of three hundred; one is three feet in diameter , three feet high, as many as thousands.

According to the monks at Tianjing Villa, the three types of stone platforms correspond to monks in the three realms of Jindan, Zifu, and Foundation Establishment.

Because there are not that many foundation-building monks, the Qi-refining stage monks can also climb onto the smallest stone platform.

This may also be the more embarrassing part of Tianjing Villa.

After all, they are not a force like the three major sects. Even though they had the protection of Master Tianjing before and gathered hundreds of foundation-building casual cultivators, they are far inferior to the three major sects.

This is reflected in the fact that each of the many stone platforms originally prepared is far from being able to fill up the monks with corresponding cultivation levels.

On the twenty-four first-level stone platforms, there were only eight Jindan monks sitting on them. Most of the people who came were the leaders of the Jindan family, such as the Danyao Li family, who did not have deep connections with the three sects.

On the three hundred second-level stone platforms, there were only more than sixty monks of the Zifu period, and more than ten of them were monks of Tianjing Villa themselves.

On the remaining third-level stone platform, there were only less than 400 real foundation-building monks.

This embarrassing situation is visible to the naked eye, but thanks to the monks of Tianjing Villa, they can sit on the corresponding stone platform according to their cultivation level without changing their expressions.

Zhou Chun also sat down cross-legged on the third-level stone platform with other Zhou family monks.

In front of him was the area where the second-level stone platform was located, where Zhou Daoyi and Su Yuzhen were sitting.

When all the invited monks were seated in the square, a golden beam of light suddenly fell from the sky and shone on the high platform in the center of the square.

Then, in the midst of everyone's attention, an old man in white robes with white hair and a childlike face descended from the sky and landed on the high platform in an instant.

"Meet the ancestor of Tianjing!"

I don't know which monk from Tianjing Villa shouted something. Those monks from Tianjing Villa and many casual cultivators who were seated put their hands in front of them, one hand pressed the other, their forehead touched the back of their hands, and they bowed.

On the other hand, Zhou Chun and other invited monks just bowed their heads and said respectfully: "Greetings to Master Tianjing!"

"Fellow Taoists, there's no need to be polite, just get on your feet!"

The majestic and majestic voice sounded from the high platform, as if it had a strange power, reaching straight into the heart and making people unable to refuse.

"Thank you, ancestor!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Everyone thanked him and stood up in a respectful manner.

Then I saw Master Tianjing sitting cross-legged on the high platform, and said slowly: "Today I am here to open a forum to lecture on the Dharma. I follow the ancient rituals and old systems. There is no distinction between teachings. Regardless of the person's background, background, or cultivation, as long as he comes here, Then you can listen to the lecture!”

"The great avenues are endless and there are thousands of Dharmas. The Dharma I speak only represents the words of my family. Fellow Taoists, just listen to it. If you have different opinions, don't worry and doubt yourself. You should follow your heart and do what you want!"

These statements also surprised Zhou Chun.

He did not expect that Tianjing Zhenren, a dignified Yuanying stage monk, would be so humble.

"No, this is not humility, but awe of the avenue!"

"Even if you are a real person in the Nascent Soul stage, you are still just a seeker on the road of seeking. Before you have truly attained the road to immortality, no one dares to say that the road you are on is the road to heaven!"

Zhou Chun suddenly had an enlightenment and immediately understood the true meaning of Master Tianjing's words.

But Master Tianjing had already started speaking at this time.

"There is spiritual energy in heaven and earth, and there are spiritual roots in life. Only those with spiritual roots can breathe in spiritual energy, condense magic power, and lay the foundation of the Tao..."

Starting from the beginning of a cultivator's cultivation process, Master Tianjing slowly revealed his understanding of the cultivation period of Qi Refining.

Although Zhou Chun and other monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage and the Zifu Stage have already passed this stage, listening to a real person in the Nascent Soul Stage explain these things is still a great gain, and they discover many things that they had never noticed or understood before. Points to detail.

If they had discovered this back then, their cultivation speed during the Qi refining period would have been much faster.

This made them look forward to Master Tianjing's explanation about the subsequent foundation building stage and purple mansion stage.

At the same time, Zhou Chun was also carefully remembering what Master Tianjing was saying now, preparing to use it in the future to enlighten those monks in the Qi Refining Period who were not present in the Zhou family.

However, he also knew very well that even if he wrote down what Tianjing Master said word for word now, when he narrated it to the younger generations of the family, the effect would definitely not be as good as on the spot.

Because when a real person in the Nascent Soul stage is teaching the Dharma, everyone listening to the lecture will be guided by his mind and sink into a special state.

In this state, the monk has a very clear understanding of his own situation and can easily verify whether what the other party says is valid for him.

But Zhou Chun, a foundation-building monk, doesn't have such ability!

I can only update once today, but I will try to update twice tomorrow!

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