Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 328 Tianjingmen, the secret of the Zhou family [Please subscribe]

"As expected of Daoist Nascent Soul Stage, these few hundred words helped me correct three mistakes, which at least saved me three years of hard work!"

On the stone platform, Zhou Chun pulled his mind out of his body and looked up at the figure on the high platform with a face full of joy and wonder, with sincere admiration flashing in his eyes.

Just now when Tianjing Zhenren explained the way to practice in the foundation building period, Zhou Chun found out three mistakes of his own from the details he explained. They were all minor mistakes that were not found in normal practice.

Although these minor mistakes will not have any serious consequences on his practice, if corrected, they can help boost the growth rate of his practice.

It is also that his current cultivation level has reached a level close to the late stage of foundation building. Otherwise, if he had discovered these decades earlier, it would have saved him at least more than ten years of cultivation time!

This is the power of the Nascent Soul Realm!

A Yuanying stage monk not only possesses great supernatural powers that can move mountains and seas, but is also the best mentor for other monks on their path of practice.

If a Nascent Soul stage monk is willing to spend time instructing the cultivation of the younger generation, even if he does not invest many cultivation resources, a monk with middle-grade spiritual root qualifications can catch up with those with high-grade spiritual root qualifications in terms of cultivation speed.

It's a pity that monks in the Nascent Soul stage also have to practice and have a lot of things to be busy with.

Even for those large sects with several Nascent Soul monks, there are only a handful of monks who can really receive guidance from Nascent Soul monks on a regular basis.

Most cultivators still never get this opportunity in their lifetime!

It's a pity that Zhou Chun could only listen to this.

When Master Tianjing preaches, only monks with corresponding cultivation levels can hear what he says.

In other words, when he was explaining the way to practice during the Qi Refining Period, all the monks present could hear him.

But when explaining the way to practice in the foundation-building period, those monks in the Qi-refining period couldn't hear them.

Similarly, when he explained the way of cultivation in the Zifu stage, Zhou Chun and other monks in the foundation building stage and Qi refining stage could not hear him.

This is not because Tianjing Zhenren is stingy, but to protect Zhou Chun and other monks with insufficient cultivation.

Otherwise, after they hear the way of cultivation at a higher level, if they can't control it, they may become possessed on the spot, and their meridians will be severed and die!

In this way, during the previous day, Master Tianjing only explained his personal understanding of the four realms of cultivation before the Nascent Soul stage.

On the second day, he began to explain how to practice and use magic.

According to the rules, the third day will be about solving doubts and clarifying the doubts in the hearts of those who are destined.

What Zhou Chun didn't expect was that when the lecture on the second day was about to end, Master Tianjing suddenly said: "Today all the fellow Taoists gathered here to listen to my sermon are destined to be with me. I am here to teach all my fellow Taoists a secret technique so as to create good relationships!"

After that, he described in detail the practice of a secret technique.

The secret technique taught by Master Tianjing is called "Sword Shooting Rainbow", and it is a rather special attack secret technique.

After mastering this secret technique, you can use your fingers to activate the sharp rainbow sword energy to attack the enemy. It can be used to deal with enemies who are weaker than yourself, or to test the target's strength. It is very practical.

Of course, this is only for those monks with shallow knowledge.

Monks like Zhou Chun who practice top-notch skills have no regard for this kind of secret technique.

His "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Light" can be used in countless ways, and it is many times easier to use than this "Sword of Shooting the Rainbow".

After listening to the sermons of Master Yuanyingqi and receiving the Dharma from Master Yuanyingqi, many monks present lamented that the trip was worthwhile, and they expressed their heartfelt gratitude and admiration for Master Tianjing, an old-timer.

Even Zhou Chun, who had always suspected that Master Tianjing had ulterior motives in organizing this "Tianjing Dharma Assembly", fell silent at this time.

It is said that eating people is short-tongued and taking advantage of others is soft-handed.

He and other Zhou family monks had gained a lot from this Dharma gathering. Even if they didn't say good things about their master, there was absolutely no reason to say bad things about them.

On the third day, Master Tianjing began to randomly select monks who had unanswered questions to solve their doubts.

This random chance is most likely the result of Suitianjing's own eyesight.

To put it bluntly, he will choose to answer questions for whomever he likes.

At that time, many monks in the square raised their hands to indicate that they had doubts to be answered, including several golden elixir stage monks.

However, Master Tianjing glanced at him and only selected a foundation-building monk.

It should be a monk from a small family. He was also extremely surprised that he was chosen.

Dang even bowed to Master Tianjing and said, "Thank you for your mercy, Master. I would like to ask Master for advice. If a man mistakenly harbors a Xuanyin body, causing an imbalance of yin and yang in the body, is there a way to solve it once and for all?"

"Oh, that's a rare thing!"

Master Tianjing's eyes flashed with surprise, and he was also a little surprised at the uncommonness of this question.

Then after he pondered for a moment, he nodded slightly and said, "There are three solutions to the matter you mentioned."

"The first is to let him practice to the Zifu stage, then give up his original body and take another body, so that he will no longer be affected by his original constitution!"

"The second is to find another female cultivator who has a supreme yang constitution. The two use the technique of dual cultivation to harmonize the yin and yang energy in each other's body. In this way, the two of them are no longer limited by the influence of their constitution, but it will greatly benefit the improvement of their cultivation. "

"The third is to practice certain special skills, such as the "Corpse Sutra" secretly passed down by the Fengguo Corpse Demon Cult, which can transform the body into a half-human, half-corpse, without any physical limitations; or practice can transform it into a man. As a woman, he can completely transform himself into a female body by reading the "Inversion of Yin and Yang Sutra"!"

Although he is just a new Yuanying Stage monk, Master Tianjing is indeed a Yuanying Stage Master. After just pondering for a while, he gave three solutions to such uncommon problems.

This profound knowledge made more monks on the field want to become that "destined person".

The next chosen ones also asked various questions.

Some people ask questions related to practice and want to ask Master Tianjing to guide them to solve the current bottleneck.

Some people also ask about wound healing and want to ask Master Tianjing how to heal the hidden wounds and poisonous wounds left in themselves or their relatives and friends.

Others asked about a special spiritual object and wanted to ask Master Tianjing where to look for this special spiritual object.

Most of these questions, Tianjing Zhenren can give satisfactory answers.

Even if it is a question that he cannot answer, it will make people ask a question that they can answer.

Although Zhou Chun and everyone in the Zhou family had no chance of being selected, the process of asking questions and clearing up doubts opened their eyes and gained a lot of useful knowledge.

When the third day passed and Master Tianjing announced the end, many monks present felt that they still had unfinished business.

"Okay, it's almost time. This Dharma conference will end here. Dear fellow Taoists, please take care!"

On the central high platform, Master Tianjing announced the end of the ceremony in a calm tone, and then his figure flashed as if he had appeared at that time. He suddenly turned into a golden light and shot up into the sky, disappearing from the sight of many monks.

"Junior, I would like to send you my ancestor (real person)!"

In the square, Zhou Chun and many other monks stood up to salute and send Master Tianjing off.

Then a Zifuqi monk from Tianjing Villa stood up and directly announced that the ceremony was over and everyone could leave.

"Is this the end? Is this preaching ceremony really just that simple?"

After walking out of Tianjing Villa, Zhou Chun looked back at the place behind him, filled with doubts.

He did not believe that Master Tianjing convened this preaching conference simply to benefit the younger generations and benefit the world of immortality.

All in all, the other party has only had a baby for a few years. Even if he has stabilized his cultivation by this time, there should still be a lot of things to do.

If it is really just to benefit the younger generation, then you can wait until you have finished those important things before doing this.

There is no need to rush to hold a sermon meeting at this time.

"There is no need to be so suspicious. No matter what their plans are, we just need to wait and see how things change. Thinking too much is just asking for trouble!"

Zhou Daoyi saw that Zhou Chun was still obsessed with guessing Master Tianjing's plans, so he couldn't help but send a message to comfort this junior.

In fact, he also knew that Zhou Chun's identity forced Zhou Chun to think more about this.

He used to admire Zhou Chun's character in the past.

But now, he hopes that this junior can improve his own cultivation.

After the Zhou family had three Zifu period monks, Zhou Daoyi understood clearly.

From now on, what the Zhou family needs is not only a patriarch with outstanding family management skills, but also a golden elixir monk, a strong man who can make the Zhou family a golden elixir family again.

But now among the three monks of the Zhou family's Zifu period, Zhou Daoyi couldn't tell which one had the potential to form a golden elixir.

Their potential may very well end here.

So he and Zhou Mingde now place their hopes on Zhou Chun.

Not only because Zhou Chun has practiced the top skill "Jin Ding Xuan Gong", but also because Zhou Chun is young, very young.

Youth is your capital!

The three of them were all over two hundred years old, or nearly two hundred years old before they successfully opened the Zi Mansion.

But Zhou Chun had the opportunity to open up Zifu a hundred years earlier than them.

If Zhou Chunzhen could achieve this, he would have a hundred more years to reach the golden elixir stage than they did, which was very important.

At this time, after Zhou Daoyi's consolation, Zhou Chun no longer thought about it, and the group quickly returned to the family.

After returning to their families, Zhou Chun and others went back to their respective residences to review what they had gained from the previous Dharma meetings, and wrote down their experiences on paper.

In this way, those Zhou family monks who did not attend the Dharma conference can also find things that are beneficial to themselves.

After being busy like this for half a month, a piece of news suddenly detonated the entire Jingguo immortal world.

Lingzhou is independent!

On the twelfth day after the "Tianjing Dharma Assembly" ended, dozens of immortal cultivating families in Lingzhou all announced their separation from Qinglian Temple and switched their allegiance to Tianjing Villa.

All the cultivating forces who were unwilling to be loyal to Tianjing Villa were expelled from Lingzhou.

This even includes the Xuanzhu Palace of the Xiuxian Sect that was originally located in Lingzhou.

This ancestor also had a sect that was a monk in the Yuanying stage. This time, he could no longer guard the mountain gate and was forced to move the sect to the territory of the Yuelun Sect.

The original mountain gate of Xuanzhu Palace became the dojo of Master Tianjing, and Tianjing Villa also moved there.

At the same time, Tianjing Villa officially changed its name to "Tianjing Gate" and began to recruit disciples.

Regarding this series of changes, the three major forces in the Jingguo Kingdom were rarely silent.

Even Qinglianguan, which originally held the power to rule Lingzhou, did not express any opinions on this matter, as if it acquiesced to the matter.

"What do the three major forces mean? Have they already negotiated with Master Tianjing to allow Tianjing Sect to become the fourth sect in Jingguo?"

"But if that's the case, it stands to reason that they should send a sufficient number of monks to personally come to congratulate you. Why don't you say a word now?"

In the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Chun looked at the information from Eagle News. He was extremely shocked and had deep questions at the same time.

With doubts, he immediately went to the cave on the top of the mountain and reported the matter to the two Supreme Elders.

"Silence doesn't just mean acquiescence, it may also mean that you haven't figured out how to deal with it yet!"

"Let's just wait and see. Before the three sects express their stance, we will just keep silent. If anyone comes to talk about this matter, try not to express our stance!"

After Zhou Mingde thought deeply, he expressed his opinion first.

After he finished speaking, Zhou Daoyi immediately added: "Zhengchun, please don't go to Longxing Valley during this period, so as not to inform you if something needs your intervention."

"Yes, this junior understands what to do."

Zhou Chun responded and immediately retreated.

But what none of the Zhou family expected was that within a few days, another incident involving them would happen.

It turns out that just a few days after the "Tianjing Sect" was established, Yu Jinghua of Spirit Beast Villa took a group of disciples to defect to the Tianjing Sect.

And as a Golden Core monk, Yu Jinghua was directly appointed as the deputy head of Tianjing Sect!

"You bastard! This bastard Yu Jinghua deserves to die!"

On the Pagoda Peak, after Zhou Mingde learned about this incident, he became furious and cursed angrily.

Seeing that he was so excited, Zhou Chun thought he was worried that this matter would affect the Zhou family, so he hurriedly comforted him: "Sir, please calm down, our Zhou family has already cut off with Yu Jinghua, even if he defected to Tianjing Door, Qinglian Temple will probably not implicate our Zhou family because of this."

"Hey, you don't understand. I'm not angry because I'm worried that the Zhou family will be implicated by Yu Jinghua. I'm angry that Yu Jinghua gave away my Zhou family's inheritance and brought shame to our ancestors!"

Zhou Mingde let out a long sigh and told the reason for his anger with an angry look on his face.

But this confused Zhou Chun even more.

Wasn't the inheritance of the Zhou family already leaked to outsiders when Yu Jinghua established Spirit Beast Villa?

So Dangjia asked: "Where did you start talking about this?"

"This starts from the time when we separated!"

Zhou Mingde opened his mouth, his eyes flashed slightly, as if he had made some decision, and he immediately talked about a secret that Zhou Chun didn't know.

Why! Due to some things, I couldn't finish two updates today! Now I am writing the second update, and I will try to update a chapter tomorrow morning!

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